7 September-2014 - Bunclody Parish

Visit us at www.bunclodyparish.org
Email: bunclodyparishoffice@ eircom.net
Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
7th September 2014
Year A
The Parish of Bunclody/Kilmyshall shall be a community:
Bunclody / Kilmyshall Parish
Of renewed faith and commitment to Christ expressed in prayer and genuine Eucharistic
worship where all participate fully.
With deep respect for and interest in each and every person.
Flourishing in love, care, support, co-operation, education and communication, building to
the unity of the Body of Christ.
Reaching out the hand of welcome to all who do not belong to our faith and worshipping
Sept. 2014—14 Sept. 2014
Most Holy Trinity
Saturday 6th September 7:00pm
Martin Flynn. (Anniversary).
Pat & Eileen Fitzpatrick, Ballinastraw.
Monday 8th September 9:00am
Special Intention.
Saturday 13th September 11:00am
Marie Farrell.
Sr. Columba F.C.J.
Saturday 13th September 7:00pm
Martin Jordan, 2nd Anniversary.
Jack Cahill, Irish St.
Sunday 14th September 12 Noon
Kevin, Michael, William & Ellen & deceased
members the Murphy family, Ryland Upper.
We offer our deepest sympathy and
prayers to the family and friends of:
Frank Thornton, Glasslacken
May He rest in peace.
1st Holy Communion Meeting will take
place in the Pastoral Centre on Thursday 18th
September at 8:00pm. for all parents of
children in Our Lady of Lourdes N.S. making
their Communion in 2015.
We wish the U-21 Wexford Hurling team and
especially our local Half-Way House lads Aidan
Nolan, Sean Kenny and Billy Kelly the best of luck
as they take on Clare in the U-21 All-Ireland Final
on Saturday 13th September at 7:00pm in Semple
Stadium Thurles.
at St Peter's College, Wexford. The course will run from 30th
Sept. until April of next year. There is no requirement for
previous study and the course is open to all. There are no
exams and work will be graded by continuous assessment. Subjects covered by the course include Scripture,
liturgy and sacraments, theology of God, theology of
Church, pastoral theology and moral theology. If you are
interested and for more information, contact Ms. Caroline
Murphy, Head of Wexford Campus at: 053-9185800. The
closing date for applications is 20th September.
Alpha is a course which allows people to
explore their faith in a simple, social, relaxed and
non-threatening way. It is Christ-centred and based
on Scripture and has the backing of all Christian
Denominations. It is our hope that a good number of
people will avail of this course in Bunclody which will
begin on the 24th of September.
Our Alpha programme will take place in the
Pastoral Centre for ten Wednesday nights beginning
on Wednesday September 24th and will conclude on
December 3rd. It will run from 7:30 pm to 9:30 pm
each night. Participants are asked for a small
contribution towards tea and coffee.
Alpha Courses are taking place all over the
world, in parishes, schools, factories and even
prisons. They explain the main questions of faith
such as “Who is Jesus?”, “Why do we pray?”, Does
Jesus heal today?”.
To book a place please contact the Parish Office,
(053) 9376190
To find out more please go to alpha Ireland website
at www.alphaireland.org
There is a great and constant need to update
our knowledge of the faith and the values given to
us by Jesus to help us become good people. This
Alpha Course is an excellent opportunity to increase
and enhance our knowledge of the Good News.
South East Radio—Gospel Sounds: Starting this Sunday
7th Sept. 8:30 - 9:00pm. There will be nine programmes on
the Beatitudes. A beginners’ guide to Christian living. The
Beatitudes list eight categories of people said by Jesus to
be blessed, happy and fortunate. They are as relevant to us
in the 21st century as they were to those listening to Jesus
in the Sermon on the Mount 2,000 years ago. The message
is far from being a pie-in-the-sky for the would-be saintly.
They are a call to each of us who stand up for the name of
being Christian and they give clear guidelines for our
thoughts, attitudes and actions. Tune into the challenge!
Monday 8th September. Bus leaving the Most Holy
Trinity Church, Bunclody at 5pm. Further details
contact 053 9377368
Envelope Collection
Bunclody Parish Funds
Sunday 31st August: €923.09
Thank you for your generosity
Alcoholics Anonymous: Local Meetings are held on Tuesdays
& Saturdays at 8:30 pm in Brennan’s Market Sq.
Whist: Every Monday Night in St. Aidan’s Hall.
St Vincent de Paul : Local Confidential helpline 087 3696883,
please call if you need help. There is a new newspaper
recycling bin beside Super Value in aid of S.V.P.
 Choir Practice will resume in Bunclody on Tuesday 9th
September at 7:30pm. Rosary recited for the sick of the
parish at 7:15 pm. New members most welcome.
Bunclody Prayer Group: will resume on Thursday 11th
September in the F.C.J. Convent at 10:30 am. Anniversary
Mass for Sr. Columba will be celebrated at 11:00am Mass on
Saturday 13th September.
Bunclody Bridge Club: Play will resume on Wednesday 10th
September in Redmond’s Lounge at 7:30pm. New members
welcome. Contact Liz at (053)93 77118 or (087) 6450867.
Bunclody I.C.A. meet in the Pastoral Centre on Monday 8th
Sept. at 8pm. Competition: Something small & precious. Topic
for evening “Times Past”. Antiques & Collectables display &
discussion by Marcella and Martha Dunne. Small personal
antique items welcome. Hostesses: Audriel Byrne & Mary
Cullen. New members always welcome.
Evelyn P. Mulrennan’s School of Speech, Drama & Music
The Chase House, Barkers Road, Bunclody.
Classes will resume for Piano on Monday & Tuesday, 15th & 16th
September. Speech & Drama classes resume on Wednesday
17th September. Classes at the usual times. Contact Evelyn for
further information, at 053 93 77178.
The Millrace Hotel
Now Under New Management
12pm until 4pm every Sunday
For more information
please call 053 9375100
Scoil Rince Aisling will be resuming their Irish Dance Class this
Wednesday 10th September at 6:30pm in St. Aidan’s Hall, Irish
Street, Bunclody. All ages and levels are welcome, for more
information contact Bernie on 086 8400847
Newtownbarry House
Farm Café
Is now open for business
Serving light lunches
Teas - Coffees
and a selection of homemade cakes.
Opening hours 12- 6pm Tuesday - Sunday
& Bank Holiday Mondays
Following on from the household survey that many people kindly
took the time to complete earlier this year; these ideas have now
been collated into a five year plan outlining the vision for our
community which is intended to enhance our amenities in the
Town. Bunclody Community Council now welcomes your
feedback on this plan and would like to invite you to an
Information Event in Bunclody Library on Thursday Sept. 11th
at 7 p.m. All are very welcome and refreshments will be served.
This initiative is being funded by Wexford Local Development
under the Rural Development Programme. If anyone would like to
know more or assist in anyway please contact Barbara-Anne
Murphy at 087-6736966 for further information.
Sponsorship of Newsletter for September
Millrace Hotel
Carrigduff, Bunclody, Co. Wexford
053 9375124
CHOIR: Choir practice will resume in Kilmyshall on Monday
15th September. New Members most welcome.
Folk Group New members, either vocal or instrumental
welcome. Folk Mass on last Saturday of every month in
Kilmyshall at 8:00pm.
Eucharistic Adoration: From 10:00am—7:00pm every
Tuesday in the Church. Adoration every Saturday night from
6:30pm to 7:30pm.
Irish Heart Foundation’s recent church gate collection in
Kilmyshall realised the sum of €180.00. Your support is greatly
Hall bookings and use of hall equipment, must be booked
through Denis O’ Neill at 087 2196565.
Kilmyshall 300-1 Club Draw August Results: 1st Dunne
Children, Ballypracus €100. 2nd Adam Coleman, Gurteen €50.
3rd Kevin Murphy, The Laurels €25. 4th Elizabeth & Rudy David,
Rossard €25. 5th Timothy Farrell, Kyle €20. 6th Margaret P.
Reck, Clonebyrne €20. 7th Siobhan Fahy, c/o Michelle McDonald
€20 8th Annette & Michael Murphy, Ballyphilip, €20. 9th Mary
Donohoe, 16 Ballyphilip Heights €10. 10th David Reck,
Clonebyrne. €10. Thank you all for your support. Next draw
Saturday 27th September. If you would like to join the 300-1
club draw contact Fr. Duffy on 053 9377188.
Ministers of the Eucharistic September:
Saturday Night:
Michelle McDonald / Joan Finn
Sunday Morning: Nellie Long / Janette O’ Neill
Ministers of the Word September:
Saturday 13th September: Philomena Coleman
14th September:
Mary Mackey
Eucharistic Service will replace weekday Masses from Wed.
Aug. 27th until Tues. Sept. 16th.
Kilmyshall I.C.A. will resume after summer break on
Wednesday 10th September at 8pm in Kilmyshall hall.
Parish Council Meeting will be on Thursday 18th Sept. at 8pm.
in Kilmyshall parish office.
Speech and Drama Classes will resume in Our Lady of
Lourdes N.S. Bunclody on Wednesday 10th September. Classes
run from 4pm—5pm (1st to 3rd class), 5pm - 5:45pm
(Infants), 5:45 - 6:45 (4th to 6th Class).
Classes are also available for Secondary School students which
are not only fun but also designed to encourage confidence,
communication skills and creativity, which will benefit students
all through their lives. Please call Elaine Jordan
(B.A.,L.R.I.A.M.) 086 1691040 for more details.
Most Holy Trinity Bunclody
V. Rev. Laurence O’ Connor P.P.
Weekend Masses:
053 9377319.
Sat.:11:00am & 7:00pm
Sunday: 9:00am & 12 Noon.
Monday — Friday 9 :00am.
Saturday 11:30am & 6:30pm.
St. Mary Magdalene Kilmyshall
Fr. Pat Duffy C.C. 053 9377188
Weekend Masses: Saturday: 8:00pm & Sunday 10:30am.
9:30 am. Monday (Eucharistic Service),
9:30am Mass -Tuesday, Thursday & Friday.
7:30pm. Wednesday.
Confessions : Sat. 6:45 to 7:30pm. Any other time by request.
Prayer Group: meets every Wednesday night after 7:30pm
Mass in the Parochial House.
Please let your Priest know when a family
member is in hospital or sick at home
Parish Office Opening Hours:
Monday - Friday 9:00am - 4:00pm
Closed for Lunch from 1:00pm to 1:30pm
Parish Office: Contact: 053 9376190
E-mail: [email protected]
All notices for the Newsletter before Wed. at 1:00pm.
Visit our website at www.bunclodyparish.org
Marion Weston 087 9230039
Barbara Murphy 087 9580705