MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK SUNDAY, JUNE 8, 2014 Pentecost Sunday Sunday, June 8, 2014 8:00AM Shirley Gunderson Birthday Remembrance 9:30AM Oscar Ortiz - Anniversary Holy Name Society Adult Confirmation 11:00AM Collective Mass Offered For: Agnes Ribeiro, Pothan Thomas, Joseph Conway, I. K. Joseph Illiparambil, Donald Knausman, Oscar Alonso Ortiz-2nd Anniversary, Charles Harms, Jasmin Joseph, George Joseph, Sotero Ceniza 12:30PM People of the Parish Graduation Mass 1:30PM Respect Life/Rosary Monday, June 9, 2014 9:00AM 12Noon Margaret M. McLaughlin Maripat Frary Testa Tuesday, June 10, 2014 9:00AM 12Noon Natasha Vaduthala Anna Kwas Wednesday, June 11, 2014 9:00AM 12Noon Maria Monti 15th Anniversary Remembrance Deceased Members of the Cangialosi & DiStefano Family Thursday, June 12, 2014 9:00AM 12Noon 12:30PM Mathew Kurian Madathikunel Ettore D’Ortona Adoration until 4:00PM Friday, June 13, 2014 9:00AM 12Noon 6:00PM Bonkowski - Pecorelli Louis DeVito, Sr. & Giovan Nicolosi 8th Grade Graduation Saturday, June 14, 2014 9:00AM 5:00PM 6:30PM Pasquale Iemma Purgatorial Mass Latin Rite Catholic Mass in Malayalam Sunday, June 15, 2014 - Father’s Day 8:00AM 2:00PM People of the Parish Baptisms IN YOUR CHARITY PLEASE PRAY FOR The sick, homebound and hospitalized . . . John Buckley, Miguel Caban, Ralph DeVito, Margaret Fanelli, Paul Gunderson, Rev. Jesu Guerra, Felicia Hunter, Lorraine Irace, Joni Isolano, Nick Isolano, Josephine Liberto, Diane Mininson, Nina Rocha, John Timothy Taylor All Our Faithful Departed Loved Ones . . . Leonardo Mendoza, Caroline McMahon, Maria I. Marra OLS Sunday Collection Report Sunday, June 1st…….……...…….$12,121.00 Religious Retirement Fund……….$1,921.00 Our God is a most generous God! And each time you share your gifts, you reflect God’s generosity. Thank you! THIS WEEK AT OLS Sunday, June 8 10:00AM ........ 8th Grade Luncheon Set-Up ........................... WR/GR 10:30AM ........ Holy Name Society .............................................. PMR 1:30PM .......... 8th Grade Luncheon ........................................ WR/GR 2:00PM .......... Fil-Am Comm ....................................................... PMR Monday, June 9 10:00AM ........ Arts & Crafts ........................................................... GR 7:30PM .......... Vocations Meeting ............................................... PMR Wednesday, June 11 10:00AM ........ Golden Age Friendship Club ................................. WR 5:00PM .......... Girl Scouts .............................................................. GR 7:30PM .......... Evangelization Committee ...................................... PO 7:30PM .......... Spirituality Committee .......................................... PMR 7:45PM .......... Baptism Preparation Class ...............................Church Thursday, June 12 7:30PM .......... Special Events Meeting ....................................... PMR 7:30PM .......... CYO Registration ................................................... WR 8:00PM .......... Adult Choir ........................................................Church Saturday, June 14 9:00AM .......... Deacon Workshop ............................................... PMR 1:00PM .......... Himig At Alay Choir ............................................... WR 5:00PM .......... Indian Latin Apostolate Set-Up .............................. GR 7:30PM .......... Indian Latin Apostolate ........................................... GR 7:30PM ........ OLSAM Youth Group...................................... WR THE ALTAR BREADS for the week were donated In Loving Memory of THOMAS, MARY & ROBERT E. TALLARICO requested by Thomas Tallarico, Jr. THE SANCTUARY LAMP for the week was donated In Loving Memory Of BONKOWSKI - PECORELLI requested by The Bonkowski Family THE ALTAR FLOWERS for the week was donated In Loving Memory Of JOSEPH INDIVERI requested by Catherine & Robert DeVries MASS BOOK. The opportunity to pray in a special way for the repose of the soul of a loved one or other prayerful intention is made available each day with announced Mass offerings. You may choose to commemorate a death anniversary, wedding anniversary or birthday remembrance. The 2015 Mass Book is now open and each offering is $15.00. Please come to the Parish Office to make special Mass offerings for your loved ones. NO BAZAAR COLLECTION blue envelopes are in the Gathering Space of the church. We ask everyone’s support in meeting many of the school’s expenses without the bazaar. Please return your offering in the collection or to the Parish Office and thank you for your generosity. SAVE THE DATES SUNDAY, JULY 20th 4:00 PM MASS & PROCESSION IN HONOR OF SAINT ALPHONSA SUNDAY, AUGUST 10th 3:00 PM MASS & PROCESSION IN HONOR OF SAINT ROCCO Congratulations Class of 2014 We offer congratulations and best wishes to the students of Our Lady of the Snows School who graduate this Friday, June 13th. They are as follows: Prachi Arora Deborah Michelle Dormevil Anmol Aulakh Jaynie M. Dupuy Ashley Azeez Alex Maxwell Echeguren Kristen Michelle Bamberger Kristina Elizabeth Gallo Bria Kailani Baptiste Tina Rose George Orrin Anderson Barfield Melanie Girao Élan Celyna Bright Sri Harsha Guntaka Isabelle Tamara Carrie Kiara Jolie Haywood Praya Elizabeth Cheekapara Vansh Kumar Rayanna Shania Davis Tyler Olivier Lawson Nicholas James De La Cruz Owen M. Lyons Chris Desir Dinesh V. Mangal Alyssa Diaz Mohak Mankani FAITH FORMATION OFFICE. Give your child the gift of faith! (It’s the most important gift you will ever give them!) We invite all Catholic children attending public schools to come to religious instruction for the 2014-2015 year at our Parish. Grades Pre-K through 8 meet on Sunday mornings from 10:30-11:45AM. High School students meet approximately 13 times over the course of the year on Wednesday Evenings. Classes begin: Sunday, Sept. 21, 2014 for K-8th grade, Sunday, Sept. 28, 2014 for Pre-K; and Wednesday, Oct. 8, 2014 for High School. Registration fees are as follows; One child $90.00 Two children $130.00 Three or more $160.00 HS program $50.00 per child Contact the Faith Formation Office today at 718-347-3511 to register for religious education classes. If your child is entering the program for the first time, please bring their original Baptismal Certificate with you. We look forward to hearing from you. CYO LATE REGISTRATION will be this Thursday, June 12th at 7:30PM in the White Room. SUMMER CAMP takes place at Our Lady of the Snows School from Monday, June 30th to Friday, August 1st. Parents with children in Grades Pre-K to eighth by Sept. 2014 are welcomed to spend the month in an exciting Summer Enrichment Program and Camp Experience with academics, weekly themed programs, arts and crafts, sports activities and much more. An attractive registration form is in the Gathering Space following Mass today and the registration form can be downloaded and completed at (School code: 905, Open File, Library) If you have any questions please feel free to call the School Office (718) 343-1346. Valentina Lucine Marzulli Veronica Lorena Solis Kerri Lynn McCann Kiarra I. Stoner Kyle Mesa Jasjeet S. Talwar Olivia Simone Morris Santino Joseph Testani Jahmai K. Morrison Yasmine Brianna Turenne Nicole M. O'Connor Isabel Vasquez Dhruv Parimal Patel Laura Vasquez Chloe A. Ross Jason Vielot Serin Rachel Samuel Saramarie Eileen Eddie Wade Meesha Angelique Samuels Joshua Quinn Walme´ Baldip Singh Sarah Allison Williams Gagandeep Singh Andrew J. Perez Zantua SISTER ROBERTA MASS OF THANKSGIVING takes place on Sunday, June 22nd at 12:30PM. All are invited to pray with Sister Roberta and thank her for twenty-eight years of service to Our Lady of the Snows School. Alumni, former faculty and staff, students and families and parishioners are welcomed to offer appreciation and recall fond memories with Sister Roberta through the years! There will be a few surprises that day as well as parish reception in the White Room following the Mass. SPECIAL EVENTS MEETING will take place this Thursday, June 12th at 7:30PM in the Parish Meeting Room. All members are encouraged to attend and make plans for exciting special events for the parish in the months ahead! ALUMNI ASSOCIATION Excitement is building as 3100 “Save the Date” postcards announcing the November 29th Homecoming Reunion have been mailed to our school alumni. If anyone has not received a postcard and/or needs to update their address and other information please contact the School Office (718) 343-1346 or submit a form on the school website at Spread the word . . . sign up now! HOLY NAME SOCIETY The next Bus Trip to Showboat in Atlantic City is scheduled for this Tuesday, June 10th Cost: $35.00. You get back $25.00 free slot. Everyone must have a Total Rewards Card or ID with a picture to get all vouchers! Please call Marie at 718-347-7316. HUMAN CONCERNS CENTER TRIP. The next trip to Yonkers, Empire City Casino will be Monday, June 30th. The bus will leave promptly at 9:30AM from Our Lady of the Snows. For more info or to reserve a seat call Sophia at (718) 347-0512. O.L.S. SCHOOL REGISTRATION. Parents who are interested in enrolling their children into Our Lady of the Snows School in September 2014 are welcomed to come to the school to receive information and have a guided tour. Our Lady of the Snows School is accredited by the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools and follows the NYS and diocesan curriculum. The school has a morning and after school program for working parents, SMART Boards in the classrooms, Spanish and Art, full time nurse, Aquinas Honors Program, physical education, student iPads, sacramental preparation and much more! Please feel free to contact the School Office at (718) 343-1346 or check the website, which contains many other details about our school of excellence. Also, information sheets describing the academic, spiritual, social and other programs offered in our school are available in the Gathering Space after Mass today. A+ SCHOOL REWARDS PROGRAM for 2013-2014 has come to an end. Through your efforts Our Lady of the Snows School raised $1,012.83. The monies will greatly enhance the school’s technology program. In September we hope for another successful year with the A+ School Rewards Program and thank you for taking the time to register your card and support our school. SCRIP CARD PROGRAM. Order forms for the OLS Scrip Card Program are in the Gathering Space. For every gift card purchased at face value the retailer will donate a percentage to our school. Gift cards are available for supermarkets, department stores, office supplies and much more. Gift cards can be ordered for different occasions including birthdays, anniversaries, etc. So before you shop or need a gift idea consider a gift card and help our school earn money while you shop! CATHOLIC YOUTH GROUP is comprised of teenagers from American Martyrs and Our Lady of the Snows Parishes who meet every Friday night to have fun growing in faith. Mr. Joe Timpa, youth minister, invites teenagers from the parish (7th to 12th grades) to join the OLSAMCYG and membership is free! For scheduled meetings be sure to check out the exciting youth group website a . iPad SCHOOL PROJECT. We extend the opportunity for parents, grandparents, parishioners, benefactors, alumni and friends to donate to a special School Project in contributing iPad tablets for classroom instruction and learning. Without a doubt your donation will make a world of difference for the students at our beloved school. Donation forms are in the Gathering Space today and you may return your completed form and donation to the School Office in person or by mail. Thank you for your commitment and hope for Catholic Education. 2014 ANNUAL CATHOLIC APPEAL is off to an excellent start at Our Lady of the Snows. Thank you to all who already have made a pledge to this year’s diocesan Appeal. As you can see in the box below we have reached our goal in pledges! Thank you! Still, everyone is asked to take part in this year’s Appeal by making a generous donation. Remember all monies received over the goal come back to us. Feel free to view this Year’s Appeal video at Extra pledge envelopes are in the church today and at the Parish Office. You may return your pledge commitment in the collection and we will deliver it directly to the Appeal Office. Thank you very much for heeding the words: “When We Give We Share the Light of Faith.” ANNUAL CATHOLIC APPEAL APPEAL Here is the latest report as of June 3, 2014: Amount of Goal: $105,179.00 Amount Pledged: $117,785.00 Amount Received: $76,197.50 Number of Donors: 470 All monies reached over the parish goal will be used to upgrade the microphone and sound systems in the Green & White Rooms. FATHER’S DAY REMEMBRANCE takes place next Sunday, June 15th, at the 11:00AM Mass. This is a beautiful way of remembering our fathers, living or deceased, with a special Mass intention. Offering envelopes are available in the church today and you may return your offering in the collection or at the Parish Office. These intentions will remain in the sanctuary from Father’s Day until the end of the month. GOLDEN AGE FRIENDSHIP CLUB’S last meeting for the summer will be on Wednesday, June 11, 2014. New members are welcome. NEW PRINCIPAL. Mr. Joseph Venticinque is the new principal at Our Lady of the Snows School. We look forward to his leadership and administration in our parish school and working closely with the pastoral staff. A warm welcome to OLS, Mr. Venticinque. FLAG DAY takes place this Saturday, June 14th. Please be sure to display your American flag at home with dignity, honor and respect. VOCATIONS COMMITTEE will meet this Monday, June 9th at 7:30PM at the Parish Office. All members are asked to attend. COMMUNITY NEWS ST. GREGORY THE GREAT, Bellerose hosts its 35th Annual Gregorian Festival June 19th to June 29th. Featuring rides, live entertainment, food and much more the Festival runs from 7 PM to 11 PM each night. For more information go to RELICS of St. Anthony of Padua will be at Holy Family Church, 175-20 74th Ave., this Wed., June 11th. Veneration at 10AM and Mass at 12Noon. All are welcomed.
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