Download File - St. John Lutheran Church

Concerns of the Congregation
Sherry &Roger Nipper
Jean Greer
Louise Sansing
Kathy Smith
Marshall Hatfield
Charles Mauck
Mariano DeLise
B. J. &Violet Long
Fina Mae Sheets
Marian Vaught
Audrey Morris
Mary Lou Byom
Laveta Jowers
John Boots
St. John Lutheran Church
Robby Lee
February 8, 2015—11:00 a.m.
Kay Herther
New Concerns of the Congregation
G. Scott Homesley, Pastor
[email protected]
Home Phone: 276-739-7740 Cell: 276-525-5801
Joan Shaver, Admin. Assist.
[email protected]
Church Office: 276-628-6215
Christian Sympathy for the family and friends of Carl Carden, father of
Rhonda Honaker, who passed away recently.
Christopher King, son of Nancy King, who is hospitalized following a
heart attack.
Doug Werth, hospitalized with a broken hip.
Anne Sprinkles (friend of Sharon Meacham) and her family, going
through difficult times.
Bill Gross, friend of Linda Garnett, possible lung cancer.
Please be sure to keep the church office informed when friends and
loved ones may be removed from the prayer list.
Attendance/Offering for last Week
Attendance for Sunday, February 1:
9:00AM 28
11:00AM 55
Received: $6,138.00
Wrenda Fuller, Music Director
[email protected]
Council Members
Debbie Kluttz
Jim Lovett
Helen French
Cheryl Carrico
Ed Honaker
Robin Homesley
Jill Morris
Josh Wellenhoffer
Parker Keen
Next Week
Asst. Minister
Joan Shaver
Ed Davis
Bill Spencer
Linda Brumleve
Sharon Meacham
Chris Dixon
Joanna Wolfe
The Keens
Jim Kroll
Tammie Kroll
Parker Keen
Hele French
The Honakers
The Meachams
Altar Guild
Helen Findley
Edie Hiltebeitel
Deborah Keen
Bill Spencer
Thank You for Supporting “Souper Bowl” Sunday
Thank you to everyone for supporting Faith in Action through “Souper
Bowl” Sunday donations of money and canned goods. We collected a
total of $495, in addition to the food donated.
Friends of Santa Appreciation/Informational Dinner
Thursday at 6:00PM, there will be an Appreciation and Informational
Dinner here at St. John. There is no charge, but please RSVP to Sue
Croghan at [email protected] or 276-608-0547 (call or text).
Ash Wednesday
Please note that things are beginning to get busy around St. John. On
February 18 there will be an Ecumenical Ash Wednesday Service at
Noon at Sinking Spring Presbyterian Church. This will take the place
of our Wednesday Noon St. John Service. Then at 7:00 PM we will
have our Ash Wednesday Service here at St. John. The service
includes both the Imposition of Ashes and Holy Communion.
Pancake Supper for Social Club Feb. 19th
The past couple of years we have recognized Shrove Tuesday with a
Pancake supper. This year St. John is scheduled to host the Social
Club on Thursday, February 19. So instead of a Shrove Tuesday
pancake supper we are going to have a Thursday Pancake Supper
beginning at 5:00PM as a part of the Social Club. All are invited to
come out and welcome our Social Club visitors and also have dinner in
the Fellowship Hall. Please see the sign up sheet on the Bulletin Board
for items that are needed.
I-Talent Night March 1st
March 1 at 5:00 PM we will have the Annual I Talent night at St. John.
This year it will be a Covered Dish/Pot Luck Meal. Please make your
plans now to attend this Annual Fun event. Again if you would like to
share a Talent please sign up at the Bulletin board.
Sign-Ups for Pictorial Directory Pictures
There will be sign-up sheets available beginning next Sunday, Feb.
15th, and the two Sundays after, to sign up for the day and time you
wish to have your picture made for the pictorial directory.
Worship Service
Worship Service
Highlands Conf. Handbell Concert
Bible Study
Property Meeting
Wednesday: Noon Worship
11:00AM Choir
9:00AM Choir
Thursday: Friends of Santa Dinner
Next Sunday: Worship Service
Worship Service
Food Pantry bagging immediately after worship
Women’s Book Group
Wednesday, Feb. 18th—Ash Wednesday, 12:00 and 7:00 Worship
Wednesday, Feb. 25th,5:45PM—Soup Supper @ St. Thomas
Thursday, March 5th—Trip to see Nadia Bolz-Weber
Property Committee Meets Feb. 10th
On Tuesday, Feb. 10th at 6:00PM, the Property Committee will meet in
the Fellowship Hall to set the date for the Spring Work Day and discuss
what we need to accomplish (emphasis will be on landscaping).
Women’s Book Group for February
The Women’s Book Group chose All the Light We Cannot See, by
Anthony Doerr, for our February selection. We will meet at the home
of Linda Garnett next Sunday at 4:00PM. Please bring a snack to share.
St. John Serves @Food Pantry, Feb. 15-20
Please see bulletin board for sign-up sheet—we need your help during
our week to serve at the Food Pantry.
Trip to Hear Rev. Nadia Bolz-Weber
We are planning a trip to hear Nadia Bolz-Weber speak at LenoirRhyne on Thursday, March 5th. Please sign up if you would like to go
so that transportation details can be worked out.