August 31, 2014 - St. Jude the Apostle

Welcome to
Mass Times
Tuesday/Wednesday 6:30pm
Thursday/Friday 8:00am
Funeral Masses will take the
place of daily Masses.
22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
August 31, 2014
Saturday: 5:00pm
Sunday: 8:00am and 11:00am
Holy Days: Vigil 7:00pm
Holy Day: 8:00am
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Or by appointment
To schedule a baptism and to
make arrangements for a
baptism preparation session
(required for all) please contact
the parish office at 982.4891.
Please check our website
“Sacraments” for some very
important information!
In addition to some critically
important steps noted on our
p a r i s h
w e b s i t e
“Sacraments,” our Diocese has
set a required period of at least
six months of preparation
between setting a wedding date
and the wedding ceremony
itself. Please check our website
and call the office (982.4891)
before setting any dates or
making any plans.
Welcome! If you are a visitor to St. Jude’s , we want you to know you are welcome!!
Office Hours
8:30am—5:00pm Monday through Friday
Pastor: Fr. Andy Smith: 982.4891
Deacon Mike Alberson: 982.1917
Deacon Max Elliott:
Deacon Ernie Gallegos: 352.4881
Paula Price: 551.1873
[email protected]
August 31
Joe Lehman+
Priest’s Intention
Tuesday, September 2
Wednesday, September 3
6:30pm Mass Greg McCain+
Diane Cullen: 982.4891 [email protected]
Thursday, September 4
8:00am Mass Pauline Smith+
Ann Gallegos: 352.4880
[email protected]
Friday, September 5
8:00am Mass
Saturday, September 6
5:00pm Mass
Justine Gottula+
Altar & Rosary
Rita Strickland
Compassion Ministry Mary Koorstad
Paula Price
Stephanie Farinelli 628.1930
Knights of Columbus Dale Olivo
Ladies of the Knights Juanita Osgood
Senior Citizen
Donna Aldrich
__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___
Wednesday: St. Gregory The Great
Friday: Blessed Theresa of Calcutta
Monday, September 1
Church and Office Closed! Have a safe Labor Day!
Tuesday, September 2
6:30pm Scouts
7:00pm Grief Support
Wednesday, September 3
5:30pm Choir Practice
7:00pm RCIA
Please pray for our Seminarians,
Alex Smith and Vince Kozlowski, and all Diocesan
Seminarians. Please also keep Judith Timmerman, Novice
at St. Scholastica, in your prayers.
Friday, September 4
7-8:00pm Benediction and Adoration
Welcome to St. Jude the Apostle Catholic Church · Jacksonville , AR 72076
Prayer List
Care Channel is requesting whatever you find on
special or have a coupon for!
New to our Parish?
If you are new to our parish, we would like to
welcome you into our community. Please pick up a
registration form either on the table by the bulletin
board, call the office, or register online at
Sick or Homebound
If you have a family member who is ill or in the
hospital or homebound who would like to receive
communion, please have a family member call the
office at 982.4891 and we will arrange for one of our
many wonderful people to come and visit and bring
Mike Hargrove,
Thompson, Michael Gilbert,
Mary Pickels,
Wilmoth, John Davitt, Bill
Garner, Helmut Herm, Susan
J. W. Palmer, Karen Fletcher,
Michael Carter, Dylan Jeffrey,
Bobbie Roberts,
Robert Barrett, Randy Rhodd, Elisabeth Cory, John
Claude, Bob Nawrocki, Jerry Robbins, Norma
Laberdee, Benjamin Ramirez, Bobby Hough, Jeremy
Sheeran, Misty Gay,
Danny Epley, Tina Simone,
Betty Gibson, Sandy Yoerger, Terry Meyer, Carla
Lewis, Linda Seidl, Doris Medway, Sandra Morris,
Beverly Saltz, Joshua Luker, Mickey Kamer, Spencer
Aydeot, Jean Luman, Helen Piazza, Dawn Robnett,
Mary Robnett, Kathy Bajorek, Ethel Seward, Sharon
Mayes, Joyce Henry, Charles & Mary Henning, Louise
Ross, Jerry Brazeal, Hibbard Family, Tom Pack, Eunice
Tealsworth. Joan Lowry, James Hunt, Prescilla Elliot.,
Rayleigh Burtrand.
5:00pm 308
8:00am 239
11:00am 268
2:00pm 137
August 24: Stewardship: $9,905.80
The regular parish budget for 2014/2015 anticipates a
weekly offering of approximately $10,523.09 for the
regular operation of the ministry of St. Jude’s. May
God continue to bless you for your faithful
22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
The first day of PRE is Sunday, September 7th from 9:2010:30am.
CYM and JRCYM first meeting will be on Wednesday,
September 10 at 7:00pm.
Readings for the Week of August 31, 2014
Sunday: Jer 20:7-9/Rom 12:1-2/Mt 16:21-27
Monday: 1 Cor 2:1-5/Lk 4:16-30
Tuesday: 1 Cor 2:10b-16/Lk 4:31-37
Wednesday: 1 Cor 3:1-9/Lk 4:38-44
Thursday: 1 Cor 3:18-23/Lk 5:1-11
Friday: 1 Cor 4:1-5/Lk 5:33-39
Saturday: 1 Cor 4:6b-15/Lk 6:1-5
August 31, 2014
Grief Ministry
22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
"What profit would there be for one to gain the whole
world and forfeit his life?" Profit and gain. Most of us
would be happy to experience these things. In our
capitalist economy, profit is the point. Gain is the goal.
Thought of in terms of money or possessions, having
plenty of them often offers us a sense of security and
sometimes a kind of pleasure. But today Jesus warns us
about putting too much stock in this kind of worldly
It's important to recognize that Jesus isn't condemning
money or possessions in and of themselves. But he is
advocating a radical rethinking of our priorities. In a way,
he turns everything upside down. Instead of giving us tips
to "gain the whole world," Jesus instructs us to take up
our cross and follow him, and to lose our life for his sake.
This is not a message about gain but about loss. At least,
that's how it appears on the surface. When we take up
our cross--embracing the sacrifices that come with our
vocation, or accepting the sufferings that inevitably cross
our path--it may not gain us immediate relief, but it will
unite us to Christ who suffered for us on the cross. When
we lose our life for his sake--giving of our time, our
talents, and our treasure for the sake of those we love or
those in need--it may not fill our pocketbooks, but it will
fill our hearts.
Jesus wants our lives to be full. Full of love, full of peace,
full of joy. Today he reminds us to be sure we aren't so
full of other "stuff" that we have no room left for what
truly satisfies. Jesus promises that in losing our life for his
sake, we will find it in the end. May we have the
confidence to put our trust in this promise.
We are those who have walked or are walking the path
of sorrow and healing from the loss of a loved one.
We meet monthly to give and receive Christian support.
First Tuesday of each month. Next meeting is
September 2 @ 7:00pm in the CYM room
Contact Rita Strickland at 501.835.9785
20th Annual Red Mass—The St. Thomas More Society of
Arkansas invites you to attend the Annual Red Mass on
Friday, October 3, 2014 at 11:00am at te Cathedral of St.
Andrew. The Mass is open to the public and celebrated in
honor of the Holy Spirit seeking divine enlightenment on
those who work in government, judges, attorneys, law school
faculty and students. A luncheon will be held immediately
following the Mass in McDonald Hall. Luncheon tickets are
$25. For information regarding the Mass and/or luncheon,
please contact Connie Phillips, [email protected] or
call 680.6919.
Father Tom Elliott, Pastor of Immaculate Conception in NLR,
will offer a presentation on Inner Healing and the Sacrament
of Reconciliation in conjunction with the Wednesday
morning St. Anne’s class on Discernment of Spirits. This
presentation will take place at Immaculata Hall on the IC
Parish grounds from 9:30-11:30am on Wednesday,
September 24 and is open to all. If you are seeking peace
through healing from within or if you hope to have a better
understanding of the Sacrament of Reconciliation, please join
us to hear Father Tom’s discussion.
Little Rock Scripture Study
We will begin a study of the Acts of the Apostles in midSeptember. The group will meet in the education center
library following Tuesday evening Mass beginning on
September 16 at 7pm. This commentary makes the
progress and problems of first century Christians come
alive. The energy, enthusiasm and generosity of the
Church’s pioneers should inspire us toward a new
Pentecost. Materials will cost $8 and bring your own
Bible. For more information, please contact Mary Peck at
Please help us keep this list current! Many Thanks!
LT Kevin Irvin, Michael Melcher, CPT Michael Reber, SGT
Jefferson Davis, FSA Nicole Sanders, Spec. Daniel Kaup, LT
Gary Spier, A1C Amber Nutsel, NS Benjamin Thompson,
LTCOL Robin Neumeier, John Schofield, SFC Brian Ellis,
Anthony Krause, firefighter, TechSgt Lambdin, LCPL
Christopher Schwark.
Welcome to St. Jude the Apostle Catholic Church · Jacksonville AR 72076
Come and see what’s new in our religious articles cabinet!!
Bingo is played the first and third Saturdays of each
month at the Knights of Columbus Hall.
Women of St. Jude’s
Please join us in Discovering Our Catholic Faith!! Don’t
worry—there’s no homework. Childcare is offered for
Time: 7:00pm
Starts: September 10, 2014
Location: Church library
Discussions will be based on Matthew Kelly’s book,
Rediscovering Catholicism.
Give yourself a gift and join us! More information, contact:
Peggy Wilson: 501.258.8417, Marvella Melnick:
501.626.2222 or Anne Birmingham: 501.786.1767.
Please do not forget your donations to St. Joseph’s
Helpers. They are in need of baby ointment, towels and
Attention PRE– parents and parishioners: While your
children learn about their faith, join us for donuts and
coffee while we reflect on the Sunday readings.
The Senior Potluck will be held on Monday, September 8
at 11:30am in the parish hall. This will be a regular potluck
with A-J bringing casseroles, K-S bringing salads and T-Z
bringing desserts. Our guest speaker will be Cindy Powell
from the Jacksonville Library. There will be two door
prizes. All seniors are welcome!!
Come celebrate the Jubilees of our Religious—Saturday,
September 20, 9am—3pm at Our Lady of the Holy Souls
Church, 1003 North Tyler Street in Little Rock.
Presentations on “The Joy of the Gospel: Missionary
Transformation of the Church” by Bishop Anthony Taylor,
and “Challenges for Consecrated Life” by Abbot Jerome
Kodell, OSB. $10 per person includes workshop & lunch.
Register by Sept.5. Form at
or contact Sr. Dorothea Moll, DC at 870.377.2636.
Attention all ladies of the parish: Atar and Rosary annual
Meet and Greet meeting will be held on Tuesday,
September 11th. Rosary begins at 6:00pm followed by
Mass at 6:30pm with the meeting beginning at 7:00pm .
Come Join us for some fellowship!
August 31, 2014
The USCCB has asked that a special collection be taken
up to provide humanitarian relief and pastoral support
for Chistians and other innocent victims of violence in
the Middle East on the weekend of September 13-14.
Post Abortion Support Group: Do you feel alone or
unforgiven from a past abortion? The Respect Life Office,
through Project Rachel, is starting a support group,
beginning the third week in September. The spiritual
journey lasts 11 weeks, with small groups of 6-8. Groups
will be formed in Little Rock, Rogers/Springdale and Hot
Springs areas. All names and meeting places are strictly
confidential. For details call 501.664.0340 x357. All
inquiries must be made by September 15, 2014.
St. Patrick’s Men’s Club is presenting it’s 2nd Annual
Raffle Extravaganza and MOST Renown Spaghetti Dinner
on October 4th from 5pm-7pm. We ask all to help
support our Catholic Family.
Raffle: Grandprize: 4 Day Cruise
2nd Tier: Samsung 50” Led Smart TV
3rd Tier: $500 cash
The Renown St. Patrick’s Men’s Club spaghetti and
meatballs, salad, bread, dessert and wine is priced at $8/
adult, children under 4 FREE, Family Plan $20.
The annual Diocese of Little Rock Directory will be mailed
free to all subscribers to the Arkansas Catholic in
September. The award-winning weekly newspaper of the
Diocese of Little Rock brings a wealth of information,
education and inspiration through both print and
electronic media. Subscribe before September 12 to the
print edition and the annual diocesan directory, a $10
value, mailed to you for FREE. A subscription costs only
$24 year a year ($22 for seniors). Subscribe by calling
Married Couples: Want more in your relationship? More
God in your marriage? More romance with your spouse?
More happiness in your family? A World Wide Marriage
Encounter can help put more in your marriage! Taking a
good marriage and making it better—much better!!
Attend the next Marriage Encounter Weekend at Subiaco,
September 19-21.
Space is limited.
For more
information, contact: Steve & Elaine Lienhart at
312.1119 or
22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time