SAINT PATRICK Staffed by the Franciscan Friars, TOR Father Robert D’Aversa, TOR Father Nelson Javier, TOR Catholic Community Comunidad Católica de SAN PATRICIO 6803 Old Highway 441 South, Mt. Dora, Florida 32757 Ministerio Hispano Father Gianni Agostinelli Deacon William Fisher (ret) Deacon Paul Gaucher Deacon Chuck Lee Deacon Miklos Beregszaszi Sister Judy Waldt, MHSH Celebration of Eucharist Daily Mon-Fri 9:00am Saturday Vigil 4:00pm Sunday 7:30, 9:30 & 11:30 Misa En Español Domingos 1:30pm Parish Office Information Hours: Monday-Thursday 8:00-12:00pm — 1:00-4:00pm Friday 8:00am-12:00pm email: [email protected] Phone 352-383-8556 Fax 352-383-8443 MARCH 29, 2015 ST. PATRICK CHURCH MOUNT DORA, FLORIDA St. Vincent de Paul Society Annual Food Drive ∗ Spring Break Middle School Monday Movie Night: ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ Middle School Youth are invited to watch Big Hero 6 on Monday, March 30th from 6:00 – 9:00 p.m. Bring $5.00 to contribute to pizza for dinner. RSVP to Susan Engel. Spring Break Movie Day for High School: High School youth are invited to a movie day on Thursday, April 2nd. We will begin at 10:00 a.m. and end with Holy Thursday service at 7:00 p.m. Watch your email for more details. Soccer Game: We will have a soccer game with St. Mary of the Lakes on Sunday, April 12th at 2:45 p.m. We will end with a hot dog roast at 4:30 p.m. Middle School Meeting: There is a Middle School Youth Group meeting on Sunday, April 26th from 4:00 – 6:00 p.m. All middle school youth are welcome and bring a friend. High School Meeting: There is a High School Youth Group meeting on Sunday, April 19th from 2:00 – 4:00 p.m. All high school youth are welcome and bring a friend. Youth Day of Service: All youth are invited to a Day of Service on April 25th from 8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. We will join the Hispanic Ministry in a service project and lunch followed by a presentation from Sr. Anne from the Hope Center. Middle School Overnight Retreat: Mark your calendar for this upcoming date! Super Friends Retreat on May 22 -23rd from 6:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Watch your email for more details. The Living Stations of the Cross St. Patrick Social Hall March 29th—7:30 p.m. Presented by the Confirmation Classes Our Catholic Appeal Goal: Pledged to date: Percentage of households: Thanks to all of you! Our brothers and sisters of St. Patrick, the Youth Group and Knights of Columbus did an outstanding job this past weekend with the Annual Food Drive for St. Vincent de Paul in what looks like our most successful food drive ever! The whole parish was involved with donations of food and funds for our needy brethren in the area. If you were unable to return your bag last weekend, you can still return it by leaving it in the St. Vincent de Paul donation bin in the Gathering Space. Thanks again. Your generosity is much appreciated and will not go unrewarded. God bless you all! St. Vincent de Paul is a Catholic lay organization that provides person-to-person service to the needy and suffering, primarily through spiritual support, the distribution of food and limited financial assistance. If anyone is interested in the work that we do to help others in need and would like to learn more, please contact Al Kilts (352-406-0714) or Dick Knox (352-602-7086) or, better yet, stop by the St. Vincent de Paul office at St. Mary of the Lakes, (Monday through Thursday, 10 AM – 1 PM). St. Patrick 18th Annual Golf Tournament April 11th, 2015—8:30 a.m. Country Club of Mount Dora—Shot gun start Sign-up sheet available at all church exits Cost: $75.00—Registration deadline: April 7th. For more info: Contact Chris Berens (352) 223-6766 or [email protected] Holy Week and Easter Schedule $201,134 $125,430 21.7% Next week’s second collection is for Parish Debt Reduction. Our current principal is: $187,300 thanks to this collection and the Alive in Christ campaign. BLESSED REMEMBRANCES If you would like to donate the oil in the Sanctuary Lamp or the flowers near the altar in memory of a loved one, an anniversary or special occasion, please contact Eileen in the Parish Office at 352-3838556 ext 20. Holy Thursday, April 2, 2015 Morning Prayer ...................................... 9:00am Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper, Bilingual Mass/Misa Bilingue ................ 7:00pm Good Friday, April 3, 2015 Morning Prayer ...................................... 9:00am The Lord’s Passion and Communion ..... 3:00pm The Lord’s Passion and Veneration........ 7:00pm Via Crucis en Español............................ 9:00pm Holy Saturday, April 4, 2015 (No 4:00pm Vigil Mass) Easter Vigil Bilingual Mass/Misa Bilingue ................ 8:00pm Easter Sunday, April 5, 2015 Celebration of the Eucharist ........................................... 7:30, 9:30, 11:30am Misa en Español .................................... 1:30pm March 29, 2015 Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord ST. PATRICK STAFF 352-383-8556 Fax: 352-383-8443 Pastor Father Robert D’Aversa, T.O.R Ext. 24 SATURDAY 4:00 PM SUNDAY 7:30 AM Parochial Vicar Father Nelson Javier, T.O.R. Ext 21 Deacon William Fisher Retired Deacon Paul Gaucher 561-213-4409 Deacon Chuck Lee 352-729-4404 9:30 AM 11:30 AM 1:30 PM MONDAY 9:00 AM Director of Faith Formation TUESDAY Sr. Judy Waldt, MHSH Ext. 34 WEDNESDAY Business Manager Mary Grace Baugh Ext. 33 Parish Secretary Eileen P. Mullany Ext. 20 9:00 AM 9:00 AM THURSDAY 9:00 AM 7:00 PM FRIDAY 9:00 AM SATURDAY Youth Ministry Susan Engel Ext. 31 Director of Music / Organist Rick Robinson Ext. 28 Assoc. Director of Music Ministry Marybeth McCallum Ext. 26 Director of Early Childhood Learning Center Denise Harris 352-383-2219 Ministerio Hispano Fr. Gianni Agostinelli 352-787-9208 Lino Rodriguez 352-383-8556 ext. 35 Visit our website: Please send all bulletin announcements to: [email protected] 8:00 PM SUNDAY 7:30 AM 9:30 AM 11:30 AM 1:30 PM MARCH 28 – VIGIL – PALM SUNDAY OF THE PASSION OF THE LORD Harry & Violet Bauer Louis Nagode MARCH 29 – PALM SUNDAY OF THE PASSION OF THE LORD Kenny & Rose Martin Gil & Dorothy Hostage Dorothy Manuel Alicia Mejias Dr. Joseph Pfeifer Rick Fiori For the People of the Parish MARCH 30 – MONDAY OF HOLY WEEK John Malik Mary Louise Longacre MARCH 31 – TUESDAY OF HOLY WEEK Annie Martin APRIL 1 – WEDNESDAY OF HOLY WEEK Gil & Dorothy Hostage APRIL 2 – HOLY OF HOLY WEEK NO MORNING MASS Gerald Gaucher APRIL 3 – FRIDAY OF THE PASSION OF THE LORD – GOOD FRIDAY NO MORNING MASS APRIL 4 – VIGIL – EASTER SUNDAY OF THE RESURRECTION OF THE LORD NO 4:00 PM MASS Jane Moretto Special Intention for Jessica Felber APRIL 5 – EASTER SUNDAY OF THE RESURRECTION OF THE LORD Special Intention for Maria Beets Aubrey Oliver Special Intention for Anton Marsella John Kossol Special Intention for Mary Kossol For the People of the Parish Readings for the week of March 29, 2015 Sunday Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord Mk 11:1-10 or Jn 12:12-16; Is 50:4-7; Ps 22;Phil 2:6-11; Mk 14:1—15:47 or 15:1 -39 Monday Is 42:1-7; Ps 27; Jn 12:1-11 Tuesday Is 49:1-6; Ps 71; Jn 13:21-33, 36-38 Wednesday Is 50:4-9a; Ps 69; Mt 26:14-25 Thursday Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper: Ex 12:1-8, 11-14; Ps 116; 1 Cor 11:23-26; Jn 13:1-15 Friday Good Friday of the Passion of the Lord Is 52:13—53:12; Ps 31; Heb 4:14-16, 5:7-9; Jn 18:1—19:42 Saturday Holy Saturday: Easter Vigil: Gn 1:1—2:2 or 1:1, 26-31a;Ps 104 or 33; Gn 22:1-18 or 22:1-2, 9a, 10-13, 15-18; Ps 16; Ex 1 4:15—15:1; Ex 15; Is 54:5-14; Ps 30; Is 55:1-11; Is 12; Bar 3:9 -15, 32—4:4; Ps 19; Ez 36:16-17a, 18-28; Ps 42 or Is 12 or Ps 51; Rom 6:3-11; Ps 118; Mk 16:1-7 Sunday Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord Acts 10:34a, 37-43; Ps 118; Col 3:1-4 or 1 Cor 5:6b-8; Jn 20:1-9 or Mk 16:1-7 PLEASE CONSIDER REMEMBERING ST. PATRICK CHURCH IN YOUR “LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT” March 29, 2015 Stewardship Bulletin Reflection for the MORNING PRAYER of the church’s official Liturgy of the Hours takes place at 8:30am every weekday. RECITATION OF THE ROSARY after the 9:00AM Mass each weekday. ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT every Wednesday after the 9:00am Mass until 12:00 pm. ST. PATRICK’S COUNCIL KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS meets the 1st Tuesday (Business Meeting) & 3rd Tuesday (Family Social) at 7:00PM in the Shepherd’s Gate. For more info call Coco Solares at 786-457-9463 or email him at [email protected]. CENTERING PRAYER MEDITATION – Learn the prayer of silence. Call Dan Wagner at 352-508-9473 or [email protected] for more information. ST. PATRICK’S WOMEN’S GUILD meets the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 1:00PM in the Social Hall. The next Bake Sale is on 4/11 & 4/12. Next meeting April 21, 2015. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION – Sunday Session: after the 9:30 Mass—11:45am. Wednesday session: 6:30-7:45pm. MIDDLE SCHOOL & CONFIRMATION RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Wednesdays: 6:30pm—7:45pm R.C.I.A Contact Sr. Judy at ext. 34 or [email protected] if you or someone you know are interested in becoming Catholic. HELPING HANDS MINISTRY serves our parishioners and neighbors in need of transportation, company, and temporary meals. Call Flora Sitzman at 352-702-8903. SCRIPTURE STUDY THURSDAY EVENINGS: New dates: 3/26, 4/9. In the Parish Hall at 7:00pm SENIOR SUNDAY meets on the last Sunday of each month from 1:00pm – 4:00pm in the Shepherd’s Gate. For more information contact Joan Koontz at 352-385-0082. BLOOD PRESSURE READINGS are offered the last Sunday of the month between 8:30am—11:30am in the Children’s Liturgy Room in the church. Contact Eileen in the Parish Office if you can help with blood pressure readings. CUB & BOY SCOUTS - Venturing Crew meets on Tuesday at 7:00pm and scouts meet on Thursdays at 7:00pm in the Shepherd’s Gate. For more information please contact Deacon Chuck Lee at [email protected] CURSILLO—Ultreya: 4th Wed. of the month in the social hall, 6:30pm. Contact Bernie & Marie Welch (407) 8141612 PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY— Meet on the 1st & 3rd Tuesdays in the Shepherd’s Gate from 10:00am—noon. Please contact Sharon Torres at 352-241-0173 or email: [email protected] Extra yarn and material accepted. ADVOCACY AND JUSTICE COMMITTEE—Contact Bernie Welch (352) 350-3663 or Terri Stephens (407) 497-0866 CHOIR NEWS: If you would like to be a part of this vital ministry of the church, please contact the Dir of Music, Rick Robinson, or the Assoc Dir Marybeth McCallum. Adult Choir: Wednesdays:7:00 to 9:00 pm Boys and Girls Choir: Thursday: 6:00 to 7:00 pm St. Cecilia Women’s Choir: Thursday: 7:15 to 8:45pm BLOOD MOBILE DATES: 2015: Apr12th , June 7th, Aug 2nd, Sept 27th , Nov 22nd. Week of March 29, 2015 The end of our Lenten journey is imminent. Have we altered our lives? Have we rededicated ourselves? Have we renewed our covenant with the Lord? These are major conversions and changes, and perhaps the best question we can ask ourselves is quite simply, “Is anything different?” According to the Catholic Encyclopedia, “the real aim of Lent is, above all else, to prepare us for the celebration of the death and Resurrection of Christ… the better the preparation the more effective the celebration will be.” We have been called to a conversion of heart. In the few days we have remaining we must strive for some form of purification, by some effort to reject sin and selfishness. As good stewards we need to identify something in our lives, someone in our lives perhaps, with which or with whom we must reconcile. First and foremost we must reconcile with God; if we fix that relationship, everything else naturally follows. We have been given gifts through the Holy Spirit. This is a vital time for us to use those gifts to build the Kingdom of God. St. David of Crete said this of Palm Sunday: “Let us run to accompany the Lord as He hastens toward His Passion, not by covering His path with palms, but by being humble and by trying to live as He would wish.” Baptism: Celebrated on the fourth Sunday of the month. Parents must be registered, active members of the parish for three months prior to the Baptism. Call the Parish Office to make arrangements. Marriages: Arrangements must be made at least six months in advance. The Catholic party must be registered, active member of our parish. Call the Parish Office to make arrangements. Anointing and Pastoral Care of the Sick: Please call the Parish Office with emergencies or if anyone is sick at home, in the hospital or nursing home and wishes to be visited. Reconciliation: Saturdays from 3:00-3:30pm Bautismo: (se requiere) 1. Llenar hoja de registración, por lo menos un més antes d e l B a u ti s m o . H a y ministros disponibles antes y después de la Misa para ayudarles. 2. Traer el certificado de Nacimiento. 3. La asistencia de padres y padrinos a las clases Bautismales es requerida. El Sacramento se confiere el tercer sábado del mes 11:00am, en la Iglesia, en los meses señalados. 4. Los padrinos deben ser católicos practicantes y comprometidos con la Iglesia. Deben de haber hecho la Primera Comunión y ser Confirmados. Si conviven como pareja, tienen que ser casados por la Iglesia. Matrimonio: Las parejas interesadas deben de entrevistarse con el sacerdote al menos con cuatro meses de anticipación a la boda. Se requieren varios documentos y una preparación adecuada. Unción de los Enfermos: Lamar al Padre Gianni, 352-787-9208 Reconciliación: Confesiones, los domingos después de la misa, ó con cita previa. (En Inglés todos los sábados de 3:00-3:30pm.) 29 de marzo de 2015 Domingo de Ramos AVISOS IMPORTANTES DE LA COMUNIDAD HISPANA DE SAN PATRICIO AVISOS IMPORTANTES : MARZO 29, DOMINGO DE RAMOS, MISA EN ESPAÑOL, 1:30PM ABRIL 2, JUEVES SANTO, MISA BILINGUE, 7:00PM. ABRIL 3, VIERNES SANTO, VIA CRUCIS EN ESPAÑOL, 9:00PM. ABRIL 4, SABADO DE GLORIA, MISA BILINGÜE, HORA: ABRIL 5, DOMINGO DE RESURRECCION, MISA EN ESPAÑOL, 1:30PM. MAYO 9, CONFIRMACION, 11:00AM. MAYO 10, PRIMERA COMUNION, 1:30PM HELP WANTED ST. PATRICK EARLY CHILDHOOD LEARNING CENTER PART-TIME TEACHER FLOATER POSITION 12:00-6:00PM 45 Hour State Certification a plus Or must be willing to acquire this certification within 90 days of hiring. Contact Denise Harris at 352-383-2219 Quinceañeras: Bajo previo acuerdo con el sacerdote, tienen lugar el tercer sábado de cada mes. Se requiere registración en la parroquia. Retiros y grupos de oración con el Group Juan XXIII: Ponerse en contacto con el Sr. Pablo Jaimes: 407-462-8692 Retiros de Renovación Conyugal para parejas: Para más información favor llamar al teléfono 407-690-0700. Organización San Vicente de Paul: Despensa de alimentos para personas necesitadas de nuestra parroquia. Lunes a Jueves, (10:00am – 1:00pm), en la Iglesia de St. Mary of the Lakes in Eustis. Teléfono: 352-589-2603. Catecismo: Domingos de 12:00-1:20pm. Coordinadora: Esmeralda Sauceda. Teléfono: 352-383-8556, ext 35. Información sobre preparación Bautismal: Ponerse en contacto con el Sr. Maria García, después de la Misa. Deben ser registrados en la parroquia. Para informaciones adicionales, favor llamar a la oficina del Ministerio Hispano, al teléfono 352-383-8556, extensión 35. o puede llamar a Maria Garcia 407-304-6270. San Lucas Clínica Medica y Dental: Si usted desea aplicar para ser paciente tiene que recoger una aplicación en la Clínica. Entre 2 y 7 P.M. los lunes o miércoles de cada semana. Una vez que aplicación este llena y tenga todos los documentos requeridos puede llamar a la Clínica 352-6024640 y se le dara una cita para procesar su aplicación. Gracias
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