December, 2014, Volume 33, Number 12 Western North Carolina Quilters Guild 10:00 am, Thursday, December 11th at Grace Lutheran Church December provides us with the opportunity to reflect on the past year and to celebrate the potential of 2015! Our December meeting will be held at 10:00 am at Grace Lutheran Church on Thursday, December 11 (one week earlier than our typical third Thursday meeting). We will meet in the Fellowship Room: turn left at the receptionist’s desk and enter the first set of interior double doors on the right. We thought it would be nice to celebrate this season of giving by helping our local community. Dandelion,* the food service operation of Mainstay, will cater finger foods for us to enjoy at the meeting. This meeting will be about the “community” of our guild and a time to visit with our friends and to share the excitement of the holiday season. There will be a very brief business meeting and the installation of officers. Please bring your “show & tell” items to share. We all get new ideas and are inspired by the creativity of our members! We will also have entertainment. Bridget and I have enjoyed our two years as Vice Presidents and look forward to enjoying the wonderfully creative opportunities in 2015! It has been our pleasure to provide you with programs - we hope you enjoyed and found them informative! *From Dandelion’s website: The dandelion has many meanings: hope, luck, growth. In its literal view, the dandelion has two distinct phases: one of growth and one of expansion. During the first phase, the dandelion blooms into a flower. It then evolves into seeds that take flight and spread, eventually landing elsewhere to grow yet again. The women who intern here at the Dandelion are experiencing something remarkably similar: after what might have been nearly a lifetime for many, struggling to find their place in this world and bloom...they are now learning new skills. They are learning skills that will allow them to evolve, take flight and spread, eventually landing elsewhere, to grow and prosper. When we say that the Dandelion is seeding + feeding human potential, we mean just that. We are feeding our patrons with our locally, healthy food, feeding our interns with knowledge, confidence and experience we are feeding our community with a unique opportunity to create sustainable futures and contribute to economic development. We are cultivating new opportunities out of difficult circumstances: nourishing confidence and skills that can be taken to new environments and utilized...and, most importantly, seeding our community with immeasurable hope. Mainstay, Inc. is one of the largest domestic violence shelters in Western North Carolina offering services and shelter. Please visit our web site to learn more about Mainstay. Charleen Bertolini and Bridget O’Malley Wow! What a great response to our request for orphan blocks! We will still be collecting them at the December meeting. You can even bring them along to the January meeting where we will be turning them into cradle quilts. We can also use bright solid or semi-solid orphan strips to be used for borders and bindings. We hope you'll all be able to bring your machines and participate in this fun charity project in January. Carol & Joan, 2015 Vice Presidents December 2014 Grainlines 1 November 20, 2014 WNCQG Guild Meeting Minutes The meeting was called to order by Jean Jones, President. After guests and new members were introduced and welcomed, the business meeting began. 2015 Budget - a motion was made by Dot Highter to approve the proposed budget by acclamation, seconded by Carol Samuelson and unanimously approved by members. 2015 Slate of Officers - a motion was made to accept the slate as presented by Marian Cosgrove, seconded by Kay Francis and unanimously approved by the membership. A motion to dispense Hospitality was made by Sandra Fey, seconded by Kathleen Lambert and unanimously approved. We are still in need of two 2nd Vice Presidents and a 2016 Quilt Show Chair. (Jean Jones omitted naming Dona Tyler as standing for the Publicity Chair and got notice after the meeting that Mary Hinkle and Natalie Rockley will stand as 2nd Vice Presidents.) The list below is the official listing of 2015 Officers and Standing Committee Chairs: President - Joanne Shafer; 1st Vice Presidents - Carol Hanniffy and Joan Manfre; 2nd Vice Presidents - Mary Hinkle and Natalie Rockley; Secretary - Hardy Chandler; Treasurer - Kay Thomas; Membership Chair - Elizabeth Leff and Jean Jones; Newsletter Editor - Jean Jones; Publicity Chair - Dona Tyler; 2016 Quilt Show Chair - ; Library - Ellen Anderson, Barbara Ruff and Judy Smith; 2015 National Quilt Day Chairs - Carole Reimold, Kay Francia and Francia Tartar; Newsletter Distribution/Storage Monitor - Bonnie Hartel and Sunshine Chair - Pat Yurick. 2nd Vice Presidents Announcements - Carol Hanniffy and Joan Manfre: yards of juvenile fabrics are available for charity quilts and quilt squares, some quilted, are available for a charity quilt. Symposium Announcements - Joanne Shafer & Kathleen Lambert: Joanne asked members to pick up the list of teachers and classes and fill out a straw ballot and turn in at the Dec. meeting; Jan. 5th all of the Symposium information will be posted on our website; members may hand deliver registrations on Jan. 21st at Beginnings Quilt Shop; Please contact Ann Jacoby to volunteer as a worker during Symposium; and, all members are invited to enter quilts into the 2015 Symposium Quilt Show, including National Quilt Day entries. Quilt Trail Announcement - Jane Kennedy announced that three new blocks (at Beginnings Quilt Shop, St. Paul’s Winery and Cabin Fever) are on display with two more applicants coming soon. Scholarship Committee announcement - Half-priced fabric available at their sale table during break. The outgoing and incoming board members and committee chairs will meet on Monday, December 8th at 11 am at Sol Y Luna restaurant on Main Street in Hendersonville. Lunch will be optional but an rsvp is requested by Jean Jones for attending the meeting. The December meeting will be in the Fellowship Hall at Grace Lutheran Church on December 11th at 10 am. Please contact Charleen Bertolini if you plan to attend. Respectfully submitted, Jane Andersen, Secretary November 14, 2014 WNCQG Board Minutes The meeting was attended by Carol Hanniffy, Elizabeth Leff, Joanne Shafer, Ann Jacoby, Carole Reimold, Joan Manfre, Dona Tyler, Jean Jones, and Jane Andersen. The meeting was called to order by Jean Jones, President. 2015 Budget – Ann Jacoby made a motion to accept the proposed 2015 budget. Dona Tyler seconded the motion. The motion was unanimously approved. Webmaster contract – Ann Jacoby made a motion to accept the contract with Anne Napier, our Webmaster who posts the Grainlines and manages web pages. Dona Tyler seconded the motion. The motion was unanimously approved. 2015 Slate of Officers – Elizabeth Leff reported on the current vacancies: Two 2nd Vice-Presidents 2016 Quilt Show chairperson 2016 National Quilt Day Chair The meeting was adjourned by Jean Jones. Respectfully submitted, Jane Andersen, Secretary December 2014 Grainlines 2 Facebook Still Adopting Orphan Blocks Remember to check us out and to “like” us on Facebook. For posting on our Facebook page use the following: the Administrator's Log In: [email protected]; Password: Wncqg_1982. Hope this helps. I'm hoping individual Area reps will also take the opportunity to post pictures and news from their areas on the site. Our venture into FB is new, but we are getting tremendous hits and I think will be good, low cost way to publicize guild events! It has been a great way to show our members' "Show & Tells" and to provide detailed information re upcoming programs! Area reps, remember you or any member may post information or pictures about your Area. Or, if you prefer, I can post for you! Area 1 has just posted some pictures of their charity quilt projects. Any Size! Any Shape! Any Age! We will finish cradle quilts to be anywhere between 12” x 12” and 18” x 18” square or rectangle. We can also use yardage and pieces for backings and bindings. Bring to any guild meeting between now and January 2015. Thanks, Carol Hanniffy and Joan Manfre Sunshine Report Cards were sent to the family of guild and Area 5 member Thelma Erickson on her recent passing. Please notify Pat Yurick by phone or email of anyone needing a card on behalf of the guild. Charleen Bertolini Symposium News Box “Mountain Stitches” * * * The 2015 N C Quilt Symposium May 28-31, 2015, at the Bonclarken Conference Center in Flat Rock, NC The Symposium Planning Committee will NOT meet in December. Look for Symposium registration materials on the WNCQG website January 5th. If mailing your registration, it must be postmarked January 20th and NOT before. You may hand deliver them to Joanne Shafer if you are at Area 5 for their January 20th meeting with Area 3. On January 21st, Joanne, Kay Francis and Sharon Smith will be in the classroom at Beginnings Quilt Shop to accept your registration. YOU MUST have a check accompanying your completed forms to be registered at either of these times. If you have questions, please call Joanne between January 5th and 20th, at 698-2927. Check your schedules and contact Ann Jacoby to volunteer during the Symposium! ! ! December 2014 Grainlines 3 WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA QUILTERS GUILD MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION Please print clearly Name_______________________________________________ Address_____________________________________________ City/State/Zip_________________________________________ Home phone_______________ Cell phone__________________ E-mail Address________________________________________ _____Area number (Select 1- 3- 4- 5- 8- or 9) The Guild’s newsletter, Grainlines, is available on the Guild web site. The web address is You will be notified by e-mail when each new issue is available. If you don’t have Internet access, please contact the membership chair, Elizabeth Leff, 862-5929, to request that a hard copy be mailed to you. Dues are $25.00. Make check payable to WNCQG Payment by: Cash____ or Check # _____ Renewal New Member Renewals are due by the December 4th guild luncheon for inclusion in the 2014 Membership Directory Return completed application and payment to: Elizabeth Leff 591 Kelly Road Pisgah Forest, NC 28768 December 2014 Grainlines 4 FINANCIAL REPORTS Operating Account Beginning Balance 10/01/14 $10,127.81 Income NQD fabric sales 75.00 NC Sales Tax Refund 86.26 Library Sales/Fines 289.75 Symposium raffle sales 145.00 Interest _ .08 TOTAL $596.01 Expenses Storage 1,776.00 NQD fabric 85.93 Merchant Bank Fee 2.00 Library 181.05 TOTAL $2,044.98 Ending Balance 10/31/2014 2015 OFFICERS and *BOARD MEMBERS *President - Joanne Shafer *1st Vice Presidents - Carole Hanniffy and Joan Manfre *2nd Vice Presidents - Mary Hinkle and Natalie Rockley *Secretary - Hardy Chandler *Treasurer - Kay Thomas *Advisor - tbd *Membership Chair - Elizabeth Leff (half year) and Jean Jones (half year) *Newsletter Editor - Jean Jones *Publicity Chair - Dona Tyler *2016 Quilt Show Chair - tbd STANDING COMMITTEE CHAIRS FOR 2015 $8,678.84 **Scholarship fund balance $2,524.10 (**included in Operating Account) Operating savings account (CDs) $12,928.77 Program Account Beginning balance 10/01/2014 $3,945.47 Income .00 TOTAL $ .00 Expenses .00 TOTAL $ .00 Ending balance 10/31/2014 $3,945.47 Program savings account (CDs) $14,385.85 Carol Preston’s Information on her Show and Tell: Pretty Pockets, Hold-It bags and Fabric Ficklesticks Pretty Pockets TM is a non-profit project to make uncomfortable dangling drains/drain tubes more comfortable for recovering surgical patients. Information on the project, what YOU CAN DO, the pattern, and a label for the finished pocket are included at the following site. It was recently featured on Sewing With Nancy. Hold-It bags were featured on Sewing With Nancy and instructions are included in her book Sew Simple With Rectangles and Squares. A video is also available online, Sewing With Nancy TV section: Aug. 21, 2014 Sew Simple W/Rectangles and Squares Part 2. The large pyramid used for holding electronic devices starts with a 12” x 18” rectangle; the small starts with a 10” x 12” rectangle. A good mail-order source for laminates is at If you visit Chris Lynn Kirsch’s blog you will find a similar bag/pyramid featured/posted Nov. 9, 2014 Pyramids, Neck Ties, and Floss— Oh My! Fast Fun & Easy Fabric Ficklesticks by Diana Taylor is where you can find instructions for the contemporary jewelry and more. The book is available from Amazon. A kit with supplies and a modified instruction book is available from her website. You can create your own versions with 1.5” x 12” sewn tubes. It requires a 3/8” seam (measured from the fold edge) and a 30 gauge white wire wrapped floral wire inserted in the turned tube. ficklesticks/product/starter-kit-with-ficklesticks-fabrics/ Library Chairs - Ellen Anderson, Barbara Ruff and Judy Smith 2015 National Quilt Day Chairs - Carol Reimold, Francia Tartar and Kay Francis 2016 National Quilt Day Chairs - tbd Newsletter Distribution & Storage Monitor - Bonnie Hartel Sunshine Chair - Pat Yurick 2015 Yearbook/Directory Chairs - Jean Jones and Elizabeth Leff *All offices with asterisk including Area Representatives are WNCQG Board members. LIBRARY NEWS The following items were recently added to the WNCQG library. We hope you find them inspiring! BOOKS: My Enchanted Garden: Applique Quilts in Cotton and Wool by Gretchen Gibbons More Adventures with Leaders and Enders by Bonnie K. Hunter Red, White & Quilted by Baxter Lasco Radiant Landscapes by Gloria Loughman One-Block Wonders by Maxine Rosenthal The Big Book of Nickel Quilts by Pat Speth and Charlene Thode Shape by Shape Free-Motion Quilting by Angela Walters DVDs: Fabulous Finishes with Susan Brubaker Knapp Dynamic Fabric Art Portraits with Esterita Austin Quilting Arts TV Series 1400 December 2014 Grainlines 5 WNCQG Challenge for National Quilt Day 2015 Your challenge is to make a quilt incorporating the purple fabric and the theme Mountain Patches. Quilts will be displayed at the Main Branch First Citizens Bank in Hendersonville on Saturday, March 13, 2015 to celebrate National Quilt Day. Viewers’ Choice Awards will be given for the entries that best incorporate the theme and the challenge fabric. The Rules 1. You must use at least half of the purple challenge fat quarter. 2. The title of your quilt and its design should reflect the theme Mountain Patches. (Some ideas: a patchwork quilt - traditional or your own invention - or a “patch” of mountain scenery.) 3. Your quilt may be any shape, but must have a minimum perimeter of 80” (the perimeter of a fat quarter). 4. Your name, address and phone number must be on the back of your quilt. 5. Include the bottom portion of this page with your finished quilt. 6. Turn in your quilt to Carole Reimold or Francia Tartar by 3/7/2015. 7. You must pick up your quilt at the end of the show - 4:15 pm, 3/13/2015. Questions, queries, qualms?? Contact: Carole Reimold [email protected] or 243-9317 or Francia Tartar [email protected] or 974-2871. *************************************************************************** Your Name____________________________________________________________ Address_______________________________________________________________ E-mail address__________________________________________________________ Phone______________________ Quilt Title______________________________________________ Brief quilt description (40 words or less) - anything that might be of interest to the viewing public: _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ December 2014 Grainlines 6 Area 1 Area Rep: Charleen Bertolini at 697-0304 or [email protected] Diana Paddock at 272-5932 or [email protected] When: 1st Thursday - Dec. 4th Where: Trinity Presbyterian Church Time: 10 am Agenda: Call reps Area 3 Area Rep: Dona Tyler 685-8386 or cell 828-708-2558 or [email protected] When: 3rd Wednesday - Dec.17th Where: Pine Park Retirement Center, corner of Howard Gap and US Hwy 64 West, after Hwy. 64 East U-turn. Time: 10:00 am Agenda: Call rep. Area 5 Area Reps: Pat Crawford 883-8746 or [email protected] Pat Clow 885-2619 or [email protected] When: 3rd Tuesday, monthly - Dec. 16th Where: Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd Time: 9:30 am Agenda: Sewing Day bring sack lunch, BSS and machines; Area 8 Area Reps: Natalie Rockley 595-4266 or [email protected] When: 4th Thursday - no Dec. meeting Where: Etowah Methodist Church Time: 10:00 am Agenda: Area 9 Area Rep: Ann Klimstra 693-6764 or [email protected] When: 1st Wednesday evening - Dec. 3rd Where: Henderson Co. Ext. Office in Jackson Park. Time: 6 pm Agenda: For info, call Ann Klimstra at 674-0686 Asheville and Swannanoa, NC – Sept. 5 to Dec. 20, 2014: “Gee’s Bend from Quilts to Prints” exhibition in two locations: Sept. 5—Dec. 20, 2014 at Elizabeth Holden Gallery, Warren Wilson College and Benchspace Gallery & Workshop: The Center for Craft, Creativity & Design, 67 Broadway Street, Asheville, NC 28801; Gallery Hours: Tue – Sat, 10-6. The Elizabeth Holden Gallery at Warren Wilson College, 701 Warren Wilson Rd, Swannanoa, NC, 28778. Gallery Hours: Mon-Fri, 10-4, Sat 1-5. Visit for more information. Both locations are free and open to the public. Taken from the AQG site: Go for a dr ive in the mountains of North Carolina, around upstate South Carolina or Eastern Tennessee to see quilt blocks on all kinds of buildings. Check out these websites: Western North Carolina:; Upstate South Carolina: and Eastern Tennessee: Charlotte, NC - March 13-14, 2015: Char lotte Quilters' Guild Presents a quilt Show, ’Timeless Treasures Then and Now,’ (Friday, March 13th, 9- 5 and Saturday, March 14th, 9- 4) at the Metrolina Tradeshow Expo. At today's meeting I promised to share with the membership (via the Grainlines) where to find information on Fidget or Dementia Quilts. Here are the two sites I found most useful: -Guild-Dementia-Quilts Sharon Johnson December 2014 Grainlines 7 Western North Carolina Quilters Guild P O Box 2231 Hendersonville, NC 28793-2231 December Mailing Address Label FIRST CLASS MAIL DATED MATERIAL SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 1 2 3 Area 9 4 Area 1 5 6 7 8 11 am Joint Officers meeting at Sol y Luna (Main Street) 9 10 11 10 am Guild Meeting 12 13 14 15 16 Area 5 Sewing Day 17 Area 3 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 December 2014 Grainlines 8
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