R Upcoming Events!! ECHO NEWSLETTER FEBRUARY 2015 Union Presbyterian Church 656 Route 380 – Murrysville, PA 15668 www.unionpresbyterian.com 724-337-3042 [email protected] FROM THE PASTOR As we begin a new calendar year together, it is an opportunity to look back at the ways that God has blessed and been faithful to us in the past. It is also an opportunity to look forward to what God will do among us in the days to come. One very tangible expression of this is the quilt which hangs in our sanctuary. The quilt was given to the congregation by the Rev. Kenneth Kettlewell, the minister of Union Church from 1946 - 1950. It bears the names of the members of the congregation at that time. The deacons received memorial money to be used on a project in memory of Ruth Hartman. They decided to use this money to preserve the quilt. It is currently being framed and will then be rehung in the sanctuary. This will serve as an opportunity to remember God’s faithfulness to the people of Union Church in the past and to look forward to his faithfulness in the future. Thank you for the part that all of you have played as well in preserving this piece of our history. On Sunday, January 18th 2015 a luncheon was held in the fellowship hall after church. Over $400 dollars was raised to help with the framing of the quilt. Thank you! As this special quilt is framed and then hung, we can remember God’s faithfulness in the past and look forward to his steadfast love in the future. DEACON’S MEETING Monday, Feb. 2 – 7:00 pm RETIRED MEN’S BREAKFAST Thursday, Feb. 5 – 8:00 am Le Cafe SESSION MEETING Tuesday, Feb. 10 – 7:00 pm ASH WEDNESDAY SERVICE Wednesday, Feb. 18 – 7:00 pm FIRST SUNDAY OF LENT COMMUNION: Sunday, Feb. 22 FLORAL TRIBUTES: You may sign up for floral tributes on the chart in the narthex. Please no more than two tributes per Sunday. There is no fee for this as the flowers are permanent. All Sundays in February Are open *********************************************** COMMUNION DATES FOR 2015: First Sunday of Lent February 22 Maundy Thursday April 2 Pentecost May 24 Summer Communion June 14 Worldwide Communion October 4 First Sunday of Advent November 29 Christmas Eve December 24 1 WORSHIP ASSISTANTS: Church Life: Kay Stewart Deacon Greeter: Nancy Bauerle AFTER CHURCH LUNCHEON Church Life Committee will have an after church luncheon on February 15, 2015. There will be a free will offering, and all donations will help support the Church Life Committee. Please plan on staying after church for this luncheon event. FIRST SUNDAY OF LENT FEBRUARY 22 COMMUNION SUNDAY DEACON NEWS: The deacons received memorial money to be used on a project in memory of Ruth Hartman. A decision was made to frame the large quilt in the front of the sanctuary for this project. The quilt was a gift to the church by Rev. Kenneth Kettlewell. It was made by the ladies of Union Church and all of the names of the congregation were embroidered on the panels of the quilt. Due to the size of the quilt, additional funds are needed to cover the framing costs. Donations from soup luncheons after church will be used to complete the project. The first luncheon was held January 18th. The next luncheon will be February 15. Plan to join us to enjoy some delicious soup and fellowship. The deacons will be having a hoagie sale on March 11th. They will start taking orders in February. Watch your Sunday bulletin for order forms or contact any deacon. The deacons welcome new members Gene Jeffries and Caleb Scutt. The other deacons serving this year are Frank Bauerle, Nancy Bauerle, Rebecca Dell, Sue Jeffries, Mary Kautz, April Petree, Chris Scutt, Linda Sopcak, Arlene Urick and Pat Young. 2 3
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