ELMIEA STAR-GAZETTE THURSDAY, FEB. 25, 1954.. PAGE THIRTEEN.! man, included: ENROLLS AT SYRACUSE Wolf, Paul Gierspeck, Michael SYRACUSE— An Elmira r e A Petras, Jay Condon, Fred PashA joint concert will be present-] Carnival Song ; . . Walter Piston!Behold, All Flesh is as the Grass dent has been admitted to Syrakow, Harold Burns, Donald Adelbert L. Pingrey, 85, of cuse University for the spri How Lovely is Thy Dwelling Chemung County Shaut; bear, George Knab, Dale ed Friday^ March 5, at The Park! The Joint Glee Clubs: Boston, N. Y., formerly of Elmira, Place semester, according to Dean Potter, Sheldon Zatcoff, Paul Church by the Elmira College! Selections from the German Charles L. Willard of 296 Wednesday, Feb. 24, 1954. He Here on Earth Have We No Admissions John S. Hafer: Hi Requiem . .Johannes Brahms Moulton, David Smith; lion, John Glee Club: and the Williams Colit., formerly "of D a n s ^ w a s President of the former ElBlessed are They that Mourn Continuing Place B. Decker, 78 Cleveland Ave. Connelly, Rex Wells, Michael lege Glee Club. Co ville, N. Y., this morning, F e b . ™ ™ cf^ } a member and The highest award in Cub Marks, Michael Hayes, John 25, 1954, following an extended ! e l d e r , o f t h e Lake St. PresbyterThe Elmira club will be under Keenan, Melvyn Muckler, Dougn ^ u r a ; a mem er oi ™ illness. He was a member f f " J ; r i ^ to m 0 e n d L a illn^ H wa/a of ™ Church; a member of Masonic Scouting, the Webelos badge, thp QuarterP Ppntnrv Cluh thp Lodge of Spnngville, N. Y., and'was presented to Larry las Upshaw and Richard Robin- the direction of Gwynn S. Bement e m b of e ? , f J * Tori** nf Snrin^villp v v nH'was presented to Larry Peterson the Quarter Century u u b ot the * member of Elmira aR o ' a t the annual Blue and and the Williams club will be I^ew York State Electric & Gas d l u r ™ e , " i e m o e r °* r ' 1 I 1 ; I d , | v u l n n a , . 0 o r t . «, Q+ .. „ Gold ban- son. directed by Walter L. Noller. Corp., Daniel Goho Post, Ameri- tary Club Survived by wife, Mrs. quet of Pack 2 at the H ™ * Ave. ^ | Baker, Hendy silver arrows; Wallace The following program will be can Legion of Dansville, Mt. M a y B l a k l e y P l W : daughter.jSchool gymnasium Wednesday I H u n t e r P e c k h a m , Richard Robinpresented: Irs son George K n a b 2 Irving Pal Morris Masonic Lodge, Mt. Mor-> ; u Florence Barrett ot Elmira;; evening > ' " orar,llafPH tr0 tz DoUglaS UpShaW S h d The Elmira College Glee Club: ris Chapter, Royal Arch Masons, brother, Clarence A. Pingrey . * \ * « " ° S c o t C o o i T o f The ^ ' ' ' ff The L o r 4 His is My Shepand the Perry Loyal Order of Bu alo; two grandchildren. Thejinto.Boy Scout Troop 18 of T h e j d ( m Z a t c o f f > G a r y Bennett, Rex herd True (From CanMoose. Survived by wife, Mrs.'body is at the Wurtz Junera ;Park c h u r ^ W a l Wells and Mark Sheldon. tata No. 12) ch Matilda Willard; brother, Clar- - *pel, Boston, where the funeral Other awards made by Wal-, G o l d a r r o w > R e x W e l l s > G a r y jfohann Sebastian Bach ice Willard of Leicester, N. Y.; ™]}:}* - ^ e l c l S a t ^ r d a y a t 2 p* m' Baker, advancement c h a i r - ; R p n n p t t R o b e r t c l a r k > Michael step-mother, Mrs. Elma Willard Springville Cemetery. •11 TVT v i i „ J u u IHayes, Eugene Lempert, Irving O'er the Tarn's Unruffled M i r r * . . . Charles T. Griffes ville, N Y.: 11 g r a n d c h i l d r e n . ; P a l t r o w i t Z ) D a l e P o t t e r , Douglas of South Livonia, N. Y. The e r funerals l l l J ^ L l , 2 ^ Z ? l ! - U p s h a w , Sheldon Zatcoff, Rich-jDown by the Sally Garden. body is at the Keefe Funeral m * * w v i , , Rhode Funeral Home, T r u m a n s - \ K du;„„«« rr*™^ Old Irish Air n P 1 Home, 436 Broadway, where Burns, a r d Robinson „«,„=, WM m U a u n a j ) ™ ^ Mrs. James Decker of 10 State h u n 3 w h p r p f r i p n d s mav rail > Harold ^»», Fi«htppn friends may call tonight from 7,St., Ossining, N. Y., formerlv o f l ^ r J ^ Knab and Donald Shaut.!Twenty, Eighteen . .. n The Williams Glee Club: the Calvary Baptist Church, Tru-| to p. 9 m." and Funeral Friday 2there to 4 and 7 to Elmira. Bodythe willDavis be r Funeral e m o v e d i f ^ ^ , ^ ^ L f V L ^ K V " i were Garywelcomed Purdue as and JohnCubs Pierce! •• ^ : J ? £ Y ? ? ni?,u. S ° n g 9 Saturday Friday to new and Magnificat mansburg, the Rev. Glenn Wil- r e c e i v e d t h e b o b c a t i n at a time to be announced. Home, Elmira, where friends may P .. Marc-Antoine Charpentier son."*, >ove Cemeterv Tru anscall. Funeral there Saturday at ? orove cemetery, lTumans Commissioner Robert 0 Magnum Mysterium District 2 p. m., the Rev. William H. D u r § Lisle A. Sayre, 63, of 5317 w I Jacobus Gallus jHarner presented the pack's Schuyler Ave., Wednesday, Feb. * its. Woodlawn Cemetery. James F. Lafferty, 76, of Littlei g a r t e r to Committee Chairman 24, 1954, following an extended Anna Helena Blakely, for- Falls, formerly of Utica, Mon-i ! J° hn Savasten. ComntlsPURJ3M MASQUERADE illness. Survived by wife, M r e . !Mrs. Thomas Council Day presented m e ^ 0 7 ^ l e ^ man wer Estella If. Sayre; mother, Mrs. row Funeral Home, 305 S. Main elude a daughter, Mrs. j 0 h n ' P° > Program and punct- A Purim Masquerade will be ualltv Alice Sayre of Hen; s t ^ w h e r e friends mav call to- Marosek of Elmira. Body at awards to Cubmaster Rich-;held by Members of Young J u Charles Kromer.jdaea Saturday, Mar. 27, at 7 step-daughter, Mrs. Arlene Ap- day and Friday from 2 to 4 and 7 Quinn & Ryan Funeral Home ard Potter. pleton, and step-son, Horace to 9 p. m. Funeral there Satur-jUtica. Prayer service there today school Parent-Teacher Associa- p. m. in the Jewish Community Center, it was announced yesterCanthffe Jr., both of Elmira; sev- d a y a t 2 p . m . , the Rev. J. T. M. at 8:45 a.m., Solemn High tion president, spoke briefly. A movie concluded the proday by Miss Aviva Golos, general eral step-grandchildren. The Wilson. Woodlawn Cemetery. (Requiem High Mass at 9:30 at chairman. body is at the Barber funeral, Church, gram. | t h e B l e s s e d Sacrament Home, Horseheads. Funeral an-, Mrs. EllaiC . G e r a r d of 705 Eu- u t i c a . St. Agnes Cemetery, Utica nouncements later. -clid Ave. Body at family home where friends may call tonight Funerals f r o m 7 t 0 9 Pl W A T T Q T R F F T - *ayer service there TV ±\LJ1J O H V L I U I Friday at 8:15 a. m., Solemn High ; Mrs. Sophie Boardman Weale e i £ £ U ^ 2 e £ ~ s S ? E ? c L n £ Requiem Mass at 9 in St. Peter Colby of Owego. Body at Liddle *ad Bond Market transaction! fur.! and Paul's Church. Funeral Home, Owego, where j ni«hed by Carl M. Loeb, Bhodeii * friends may call todav 2 to 3 Co.. MeaaninePloor, Gorton BuildR o b i e W . Stuart of 302 Brand D m ing, 148 W. Water St., member* of _. . , „,, , , P « i . pr rriivvaatp i e funpral i u n e r a i there m e r e Frirlir _ ., the New York Stock ^ c h a n g e . St., formerly of Bath. The b o d y | d a y a t 2 p.m., t h e Rev. Edgar High Low Xoon is at the Bond Funeral H o m e , | F r a n k Evergreen Cemetery, ! RIVER CAROLINA Am LaFrance B15J4 A1534 Bath, where friends may c a l l J Q w e g 0 p i e a s e o m j t flowers BRAND 3 3 3 -ffce Beodix Avia 64 4 64 i 64 4 Funeral there Friday at 2 p. m.,J ' —ffc« 3 3 King Size Corning Glass 91 4 9Vz 91 4 the Rev. George H. Allen J r . Mrs. Mary K. Lewis of 43 Ash- o o o u / o r l extra DL&W 15 4 15 l S V N o n d a g a Cemetery. Bath. ton PL, Buffalo. Body at f a m i l y . ? ' ' . 7 M long Cor. Main & Water Sts., Elmira, N. Y. Erie RR 17 * 1V& Ws „ „ ~ ~ _ . „ home. Funeral there Friday a t regular 7 3 Mrs Rose Burr grain r/ce> Gen Pub Utils 29 g 29 4 2978 * DerKalousdian 2 : 30 p. m. Forest Lawn Ceme- grain rice. 3 of 3 0 9 L u c e s t P r a y e r service Gen Elec 97>2 100 96^ tery, Buffalo. IngersURnd lOO's \m 8 96 4 w a s b e a t t n e ^ Holly-Keck Fu-j• •— Marine Midlnd 13 127 8 100'2 i 7 7 bythis Requiem High neral Home morning at Mass 8:15, NYS Elec&Gas 37 s 32 » j327/Jfollowed LARGE BOX 150 5 5 a t 9 in St. Peter and Paul's Owens-Corn 56 % 56 s 5 6 8 Rem Rand 16 3 t 16 5 s1033;4 Church. The Rev. Bartholomew A20 4 r - O'Brien was the celebrant. Shepard-NHes B20 n Ackerson, Thatcher Com B14 i 15 Pallbearers: Harold 3 Thtcher prefc B41 4 42 Harry Long, James Cocina, Richard Jump, William Dudar and West Elec 55'4 54*2 J Kenneth Ackerson. Am Rad 15 4 15Vs 3 Amn T&T 161 8 161% cm Albey Braster of Lawrenceville, 2 Amn Tob B 60 1 2 60V4 ^ S R D 1. Pa., formerly of Elmira. 31% Anaconda 8 Tne inn | * u n e r a * w a s n e ^ t m s after10 100 100 Atchison ^„ inoon at 2 at the Keister Funeral 478 4 3 '4 AVCO *j 4 'Home, 1138 Broadway. The Rev. 5 Bethlehem St 53 s 5 374 jj*~J* [David Anderson officiated. Pall58^ 57 /8 7? s jbearers: Theus Dickerson, WilChrysler ' Cons Ed N Y 42V4 42 P , , jliam Taylor Jr., Ernest Hanmore, /2 Curtiss Wright 8^s 84 Palone, Gerald Bedenk inS iThomas f Du Pont 107V4 107 B« , and Carl Marmor. Forest Lawn 3 Eastman Kdak 52 a s 52 „,'," Memorial Park. Gen Foods 58U 58 KM 58 \ s j Gen Motors 62\ z 6 2 4 6 2 4 Deaths Elsewhere Goodyr T & R 57% 5 6 4 5 7 4 * 7 Fo Kennecott xd 68 s 6 8 4 6 8 4 Z »" Reducing * or yeor Walter M. Ploss, 67, of Tru3 r 16-Oz. Size Lehigh Valley 13 t 13 4 1334j mansburg, Wednesday, Feb. 24, money bock Loew's 1458 1 4 4 14% 1954, following an extended ill3 Mont Ward 6134 61 8 6134 ness. Survived by wife, Mrs. 367s 364!Grace Roberts Ploss; sons, RayNat Bis 37 7 7 Nat Dist 18 » 18^4 18 8 mond W. and Merle of Trumans24«4 burg; daughters, Mrs. Vivian V. N Y Central 24 7 8 244 7 7 3 Niag Mohawk 28 » 28 4, 28 s Keacock of Buffalo, Mrs. Orissa 334 3 4 B. Wells, Mrs. Doris M. Potter Packard Mtrs 378 t a f E F AaMMtfewink Syrvp f«r $9.98 Penna RR 17^8 1 7 4 1 7 4 and Mrs. Jeanette FitzGerald of Tussy COUGHS it uncondihooolly gworao15 ELECTRIC Pepsi Cola 15 % 15 ie#a TO o j w yov fywipfwwuiK renew Trumansburg; brother, Dr. Earl tJ Cleansing Creams from cough* dwt to cokb «r ym* Phillips Pete 5 8 ^ 58Ts 58% O. Ploss of St. Petersburg, F J a . ; | ^ ptYCe fWWrKMNL 2 5 4 sisters. Dr. Lena M. Parker andjC Radio 25*8 25 r and Lotions 4 9 4 Mrs. Pearl Ouderkirk of DansRep Steel 49% 49Vg Reynolds B 3 7 ' s 3678 3 6 4 FOR D R Y S K I N Sears 60 7 s 6 0 4 6 0 4 3 Sinclair Oil 37 4 3 7 4 37*4 ^ Emulsified Socony Vac 38 37 7 s 3 7 4 / / you aren't full of your usual pep and 39»4 Cleansing Cream So Pacific 3934 394 754 St Oil Ind 7 5 4 energy, you may have an iron or Vitamin Reg. $2.00 St Oil N J 7 7 ^ 7 7 47 7 4 now B-complex deficiency*. Texas Corp 6 4 4 6 4 46 4 4 Untd Aircraft 52 5 1 4 52 SMITH-FUDGE U S Steel401/4 40 4 0 4 Try POTENT VOGORETTES for rich red FUNERAL HOME, INC. Woolworth 43*8 4 3 ^ 4 3 4 360 W. Water St. Dial 2-0991 blood — Millions have been sold to Dry Skin satisfied users--for n e w strength a n d Freshener energy! 2 College Glee Clubs Plan Joint Concert Top Cub Scout Award Presented FULL PINT FACIAL TISSUES RUBBING ALCOHOL (ISO) ^\v"'"T7//tf8a HAZEL fcs 1 4 c STOPS YOUR COUGH ^ SPECIAL, SALE GET PEP GET ENERGY FEEL STRONGER HAIR CUPPERS *5.99 . ^ ton MEN'S WEAR B U Y S : AT FRIDAYand SATURDAY BOND ALL WOOL $ LONG SLEEVE Reg. $1.75 POTENCY UNCONDITIONALLY GUARANTEED! FEEL BETTER... STRONGER AU Three for ONLY! CAMERA • FLASH M O D f t Take color a n d black-andwhite pictures . . . 1 2 shots per roll. Camera, 7.20, inc. Fed. Tax; Flasholder, $4.00. See them a t Rand's $1.00 VALUE FEVER Thermometer 8.95 % Skin Lotion Reg. $1.75S 1 now 1 Oral or Rectal 47c SPORT SHIRTS REG. 49c INFANTS FORMULA PITCHER SSSS^f All prices plus tax VALUES TO $5.00 NOW JiB^ef %f " Graduated 32-Oz. Size fcia%f f FINAL 2 DAYS AUAIVi Ayds for Reducing 75c BOTTLE '2.98 R«due« without dieting with this •oiy pioa> \***&*l HAii 3 FOR INDIGESTION ^ ANACIN TABLETS ADAM HATS 98 VALUES TO $7.50 100 NOW - w.5JU • 4.Ha • vM* ^ UNICAPS 1 V I T A M I N S | RAND'S *3.11 J 'ilii* »\Ci»3 * i.oo BOX STUART HALL 30 SHEETS 1 O P E N FRIDAY BIEN/ IIIERR = STATIONERY 20 ENVELOPES EVENING 157 E.YYa+er St. &„69«-.%vV v The Vitamin for Pep and TABLETS ^ I GERITOL TUNIC f R. D. X. TABLETS ON A , DIET? TRY 2 4 cc. BOTTLE c Two drops as sweet as one reaspoonf ul of sugar without the calories! Plastic pursesize squeeze-a-drop bottle. Economical For Relief of Aches & Pains jL *1.98 ttV///;..,.u\.V P 10c " /7 «5 PIPE CLEANERS | Energy 3« NEWNewlSeaforth CjicedShwelflfw 1 SWEETA •VE Bottle of 100 - •| VOGORETTES 39c 35-DAY SUPPLY BELLANS g . . . or, after taking VOGORETTES for 30 days return the empty bottle a n d we'll refund your full purchase price ! •These symptoms may be due to other causes. BROWNIE HAWKEYE Pink Cleansing Cream Reg. $2.00 es&////« N ,....,..t\\\v« SLACKS Flannels Gabardines Reg. $11.95 yalues 98c SHAMPOO 2«" 29c SOAP FOR N O R M A L S K I N BERGER'S ^ *1.25 am £* TAF0N It's Easy to 5 £ ^ Reg. $4.95 A MAN'S HAND CREAM 3 Speeds! Waterproof. Cover Unsnaps! for cracked, chapped, sore hands, " " ' q h fingertips! 5 7 c '3.69 (tliHk»i\\\\ JJSS fill BUY THE CARTON ENAMEL CIGARETTES! $ All Popular Brands 1.92l INTRODUCTOIY OPFIt W H I L E THEY LASTI • . mm m m PAPER NAPKINS REG. 1.25 REG. SIZE 30 ABSORBINE I JR. LUX SOAP WAXED SANDWICH BAGS 2-23» 3 ° 13« C DIAPER PAILS *2.39 • ' Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com . ^ IMFRA-RED S ^ HEAT LAMP Soothes away aches & pains* Clear glass . . . Ruby Bulb $2.95 fe $ 10 i &„ 1 < * - - • , • Untitled Document "-•-• ^ , . HEAT P A D i\ COUPONlRANDS COUPONIRANDS COUPON RANDS COUPON 80 WHITE BOW J nU
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