t- BUFFALO COURIER-EXPRESS, Wednesday, Feb. 12, 1969 fit Race Entries »• Legislature SrUtllB B^cttltB GOP Adopts Plan To Fill Vacancy • Protein Plus 118 118 Tony G Ebon Doge l i s English 118 Engi.sh 1Dancer 118 « f h - 2 j t 0 , d , 4YO op, SVi f. xjenny Direct 103 Ellisville 118 xBatena La 117 Updip 113 Rouge 114 104 Or Richard 11* 114 xBlack 11* T i m Gestes 117 Fulcrum 113 Daggers D r a w n 114 113 109 Cold Bayou 112 Lancerette 113 114 Hyper Hostess 108 Sky Angel 5th-2~.7P», e l , 4 Y O 1*0. 1 1-16 m i . 118 Ye© 113 H a l t e r m a n w itt e,n 116 115 M r Knox 115 For The King The 116 Choice 111 Deponent 115 113 Aboeylends l l «th-2,400, e l , 4 Y O OO, « ft 112 1 event 110 Robins Joy 117 xPrlncess T u r f 114 116 Folsom Belle 115 Spring Shower 115 xAmber River 112 recommended for 117 Dos i la 117 Sparrow Light 114 J r ' s Plato ird-4.500. mdN JYO. 4 f. 7 m 1 4 0 » , Cl. 4 Y O . 4 I . 118 xRoyal Von Eagle 112 118 Hidden Mistake 112 Lever Dancer Conqueror 113 Stalking Neke 115 118 Pie M a n ' s Luck U S Dust Shot T w o Daddies 111 Caicos 115 i i a l Whiskey Bead Counter Entrechat 118 Lasting Wind 115 lit' Runner 115 Cautious Ruler Color M e G r a y H & Poona Clare 115 , l xTrusly E v e 107 T r a f a Roman W a v e 111 Agronomist lit 8th-2,IOO. Cl, 4YO OP, S'i f. Brief Sojourn 111 Cabin Boy " x C o t n e d y Show 109 T h e Blby in m Gay Turn 118 Landscape E m r a l d Chief 113 a-Hartv Khal 115 Count Mafosta 111 Painter 1111 M r eJetson 118 World Herald 114 4tt»-*,Sol, ct, 3 Y O , T f. 113 112 * a-Deep Spoken 103 Mickey Bound Revelet 115 Iron River 115 t Florida T i n g A Wrong 115 Kingpesser Evening 106 112 a-Launch P a d 115 Ruliah World a-Peole aV Ooidry entry 115 Brown Giant 115 a-Goormet e t h - A ^ e e , a l e , J Y O , S H f. California Latest Model U S Cherry Lake 115 Eagle US Little Rain Drop 112 xScet Kat 107 a-Whittingham trained entry Around T h e First Offender 112 s t h - i O J O l , ale, 4 Y O no, i W m M M r f l 112 Horn 112 Inex D 118 114 D r . Isby Gamelight 10th-2.400, e l , 4 Y O op, 1m. A40vds. 111 Pass T h e Beau Legs 119 Northern Water 119 Brandy I l l Head Bolero Go.d A d m i r a l Dead Shot 119 Gentilly M a x i m 119 114 Over T h e II 113 119 Happy Rule 108 Counter 120 M a r k e t Blues XPit Stop 119 119 Shillin A D a y 120 Bracer 114 Emprendedor Security Check 119 Bully Blng 119 Gideon K a y i t h - 5 4 0 0 , alC, 3YO, 4 f. x-5 lbs. aac. HI Chief Ruler H I Eastern Idol 111 Huxley 115 Copper J a y 111 x l n d i a n Shoo 113 Trip-O-Lea Hiafean P a r * entries Wednesday 113 x F i e r y Venus 108 xOak Alley By T h e Associated Press l it King's Counsel 118 Big Red Ryder First Post 1:15 ( E S T 1 7>h~? 500, a l e , 4 Y O op, 6 f. 1st —3.SO0, Cl, JYO. 4 f. 1)9 Injunction 116 Sharivari Putter Power 108 I M Lady Hyperion 115 x P r i n c e Intent 116 Trrondheim 113 Queen 11 Billchick Wingover 120 Silver Duke 108 113 O'Canfield 4 , Hillsbo E r r a r d Dr. Roy E. 120 Khalborough 113 Painted Doll "1 Daily Paper Fiddler's Green 122 108 Delica Tessie Queen of Hope l t h - 3 0 , 0 0 0 added, 4 Y O op, 1 1-14 m l . 108 Fantastikiss Moon Sturkc (Santa M a r i a Handicap) 113 M e n n M a r F a i r Landing 115 •-Princessneslan 124 a-Desert L a w 113 Queen of York Nosey P J Dark Mirage 126 Guest Room 11? 108 King High Bold Best b-Greta 115 Sinking Spring 112 Everfast 108 b-Hoopiah 116 l n d - 3 . 5 0 8 , c l , 4 Y O up 7 f. a-Maloney trained entry Brother R 113 Miss Apollo b-Finnegan trained entry Jack King 113 Melanion's G a l t t h - 4 , 0 0 0 , c l , 4YO up, 1 1-14 m l . Part of Heaven 113 Neecap , 115 Knowledgeable t o u c i l l a D r e a m 110 Soboba 111 Lady Lenore 120 xFlash Deeora 104 W i n Ruler Keven Heaven 113 Nice Landing 118 xRoyal Ido Command 113 Meleager , , . i Needles Bay Teenager 110 Black Duck 111 Verbosity :;zi xxPerfect Pass 115 Windy Senator 115 Adaptable Miss 108 Trueno 1 Hot Bread Doubfin Host 114 113 T i m u r l e n g Hey Irish Sub-4.000 c l , 3 Y O , 4 f. 3rd-4.000 mdns, 3 Y O , 4 f. xBroker's Buy HO Throw The 119 Beau of T h e Derig T u r n 115 Haroerer Dos Doienas 115 Dice 119 West 115 Strike A Sublet 113 Full Dress Floor Partner 112 Forneke 110 T h e Scafbler Bargain 119 119 Escort 115' Lord Cavan xLight D e Road 105 Marbo 119 119 P a l R a t e 111 Hot Coals Father's Money 115 Count Little 1)9 119 Sui Generis 115 Bulwark Buttermilk Skies 110 Golden K e y 119 119 Ribird 115 Golden Tudor Amgar 115 Lion's Roar 119 119 Mr Louie Happy Dinner 111 Saber Thrust 119 Prince Bergeruk 119 x-S lbs. aac. 119 Cavallo Grande 119 More Asian 4th-4,00l mdns, 3 Y O , 4 f. 119 Buearoon 119 Press Run Pair Grounds Entries Wednesday 119 119 Sy Gee Farest Knight By T h e Associated Press 119 119 Dance Act Bocwndri First Post 1:30 ( C S T ) 119 119 Veeline Wizardry 1 s t - 2 4 0 0 , ct, mdtt 3 Y O , 4 f. 119 xxRight to Oil Power Miss A m i e 118 Graff Patrol 119 The J a w l i s ! Double Ring 112 Across T h e Lady 119 Suzandre 118Northern B a y 119 Street 118 Taurus Dunce 119 Royal T i e P i n l l g A l a r m King 119 Nascolleen 118 Double Interest j He's Special 119 Ponus Ridge 119 xMiss Wiggle 113 Bronze 1181 Jus' Behaving 119 Courtesy Tudor 111 Countess 5tn-s,ooo, c l , 4 Y O up, 1 ' . mi.turf Whispering Favorite Alleghan's G a l 114 Bonnie M o r n 116 118, Wheat 118 Pleasure 109 Belle Rivere 114 113 x x M y Maura Miss Anybody H I xFleet Sub 112 xxCrafty Bee 109 East 1181 a-Pony Keg Miss Luau 115 M a r k i m Missy 114 Ponciana 114 l i t Curare xAd Hoc 113 H i g h Mollie Peggy's Love t l g l b-Maggie Fast Roman Wealth 112 114 2nd Step 2 n d - 3,500, c l , 4 Y O up, 4 «. 114 Malluca 114 1 1 6 i a-Gerana 116 Lucky R C J Whizing Juror 112 Lady W o l f r a m 112 1 Debbie's Tarn mother Mr a n d M r s R e i d 113 xb-Academy Quarter T i l 120 Charity Baby 104 Needles Sword 112 113 Miss D r Kety 112 105 J b-Lady Fun e-Alice B B 110 xTribe's Queen are: e-lrod Sta-Sher entry Toni's I m a g e " i xBaftlette 105 b-Penn-Brown entry 115 b-Tribe's Omega 107 Hot Chance 4 t h - S , 0 8 l , Cl, 4 Y O 0 0 , 4 f. Valentine's xa-Thank Y o u 112 Drawbakanub 114 103 Banana Joe 107 Thing Heart M a n Of Action 114 Glamour M a n 116 Penny's Ponce de Leon 114 Garden King 112 110 Ptnsetter E l Dlchoso 2nd 114 P a l John 112 a-Bocock > Labia nc s, Jenkins Loud Laugh 116 Chancellor Johnson & Ballard entry Beyond Price 116 Old Maestro b-Vincent-Barney A Core entry zLane 113 Full Capacity 3trd-Iv400, mdn J Y O , 3 f. Hacendado 116 Messidor 115 Valiant Trouper 118 Fast Attack 116 115 Dallas North 118 Gtasseli B Skylight Star 7th-*,ooo, c l , 4 Y O 0 9 , l l t m i . t t f r f 118 Active Circle 113 A r k y Twist M i Renombre 112 Gala Purple 116 Our Little M a n 111 xCheiron Peters Gold 116 Navy Strut 112 Prince 1101 Nobody's l i c I z R e d Spice 2nd 113 Wild Card 116 118 Peto's Choice Darlin' i l i l Gordorigo 114 Awesome l u ; 115 Presser Ge'Hosephate 141 _ " Solloio 116 Crolicv Achill Island 112 zHeroic Minstrel 115 i t n - 2 5 000 added, 3YO u p , l i - U m . t u r f Courier-Express Dunkirk Bureau Spec. 4 James M. Skomski, The Columbiana Handicap Klassy Poppy 112 Crystal Palace 114 125 U n * Leone 116 Lundham 110 Shandor 110 Raison D ' E t r e 114 Gay M a t e l d a 126 Treacherous Baby Jand 2nd 110 Too Bald Spire 114 CONSENSUS 9 t h - 4 000. Cl, 4 Y O up, V , m i . t u r f HIALEAH SANTA A N I T A Kentucky PolK 116 Royal Concert H 19 I Fantastakiss Bid Pagamento 112 Sufragio I I Ben-Ham Everfast 14 Persian Rug 112 Monticelli A Moon Struck S George Henry V:tko 114 Keno Bid m 12 M r Hasty 116 Spartanburg Needles Bay Sh>ning Bush 20|2 I Dead R u n 112 imperturbability Perfect Pass F a r To Reach 4 e n t e r e d t h e Arm on Ma 112 Knowledgeable S j M r P-ak Acting Captain lOth-4,500, Cl, 4YO up. VM m i . 'Escourt M Stalking Neke xxFederal T r a v e l Agent 114 Harberer Royal Conq'ror Power 111 Dark T r o j a n Bulwark Poona Clare Gauchito 116 Rucapequen K.ngpasser BoOandri 12 Victory Flight 116 Bold Ship 116 11 Dance Act 10, Sandys P e t Launch Pad 112 Age of Reason 116 Buearoon 5 Gondolier 116 Revanchista 116 Ting A Wrong 112 King Who 112 Four M a r t i n i s Needles Sword Security Check 112 Pocotodv 112 Crassus Maggie F't Step Beau Legs 112 Fast Afoot 112 Pindar! 2nd Malluca Over The C'nter or a Ocala 2nd 116 -5 o Old Maestro Big Red Ryder i-3. x-5, xx-7. 111-10 lbs a a c Glassell B. 10I Chief Ru : er * Garden King Copper Jay •Sharivari M i l Wild Card Bowie Entries Wednesday 3 Heroic Minstrel Wingover By T h e Associated Press Sollozo Prince Intent First Post 1:05 ( E S T ) l s t 3 , 2 0 0 , c l , 4YO up, 6 f. Pnncessnesian "lit* Gatmatesda II 111 S o o n e r W . Perfect Shoe 113 Dark Mirage Too Bald 14 Center Front 112 xxAlpine Spin 106 Ludham Hoopian 7 Wanda Baby 113 xCool Caper Win Ruler Royal Concert 21 Second To Sheilas Sweetie 107 13 Royal Teenager 1 1 e M r . Pak None 100 xxEgeo 106 6 Bernlins Jade Pagamento Soboba 107 Merando 113 Devil's Dolly Ocala I I 107 Respectability 113 So Refined I Gondolier 108 Tully J r . 113 Conchy Joe Fast Uyeot 113 Amber Tower 112 x T h i r d Princess 103 FAIR GROUNDS 2 n d - 4 , 2 0 1 , c l , 4YO up, 1 1-14 m l . BOWIE 113 Royal Garden Favorite Ple're 12 Brook Judge Second T o None 10 119 Spanish Brandy 112 111 Miss Wiggle 9 7 Sheilas Sweetie 113 51 Sunny Meadow 112 Hasty D o r i m a r Roman Wealth 6 Respectability 112 ~. I Welcome Tour 119 Exotic Ruliah Hot Chance J ice 112 n H a v e Secret 17 112 Judge Glenn Lucky R. C. 8 King-Whig 107 " J ice 113 x l n f a m e Toni's I m a g e Exotic Ruliah 113 Big Clipper 119 King-Whig Fast Attack 12 12 113 Antecessor 107 Turnpike T o m Victory View Valiant Trouper f Echo L a d ".2. 113 Key Bob A r k y Twist I 7 3 r d 4 , 9 0 8 , et, 3 Y O , 1 1-14 m i . Brett 2 j : a-Vtctory View 115 xxKey Bob •Updip IS 1 ceoound $ ; xb-Born Speedy 109 Pensive Count •0 Black F u l c r u m Fiezcherlic 4 I xDelta Landing 104 Brett 7 Dr. Richard Leander - ~ xxScotch Flight 102 Stormy Charlie 14,_ John's T r a d e r Choice » Crafty P a m 109 Southern Price Deponent Fleet Finish f j T . W s Beefeater 112 xb-Tootsie Baby 7 For T h e King _ ? 1 Pity Pearl Overpay 109 Jet Quick - I S Jr.'s Plate 241 a-Uncle Herbie 112 Hel Cat Lou 12 a-Horiion Stable-Kligman entry That's Enough Dosila H b-Boroma F a r m entry Robins Joy Kurtera 4 t h - 4 4 0 0 , c l , J Y O , 7 f. • M i g h t y Crafty Pie Man's Luck Tri Pammy 110 xxSaucy Fleet 103 M i d w a y Battle Whiskey R'ner E a r l y Bandido 108 xxFletcheriic 101 Berkley Prince Cautious Ruler M a r k P. 114 xxBombing Carolina C'nty 0 Mickey Bound 17 Leander 110 Pause 104 Miss Key m a r 9 Icebound World Herald 117 Still Burning 7 Harty Khal 5 t h - 4 ^ O 0 , mdn J Y O , 4 f. 14! Armageddon Master Fashion 120 Snow Tears Scat Kat 80 115 120 xKing's Court T h e Four R's Ar'od The Horn 105 John's T r a d e r 120 xxxN.ce LucK Dead A i m Cherry Lake 120 Paul G.W. Fleet Finish 120 14 xAbba Dabba M a r k e t Blues 115 Adopted Miss 115 12 W i t h Great Emprendedor 120 Big Bad Bern I Head Bolero 120 Pride 120 Pea Cole 120 Halfway Home 120 A l l Highest 'Indicates Best Bet 120 Overpay 120 Joe Meise 4 t h - 4 , 5 0 0 . Cl, 4 Y O o p , 4 I . SALE SALE Ruling Crown 113 xMiss Layout 106 a-Hel Cat Lou 114 xxQueen's Face 107 114 xxBushy T a i l 108 Kurtera One Too M a n y 115 xxxCold Cold BUY FROM OUR 1( Flying Star 112 World xxa-That's Mzuri INVENTORY A N D S A V i Enough 107 Stop The World Only Always 112 Georgena T e r r y $ $ $ Stanislaus Cemetery. xxb-Ron D u b-Chante Nord 105 Princesse 112 » . a-Jonnson-Helwick entry b-Est. of Shanbrom-Simpac Stable ent. 7th-6,0O0, a l e , J Y O , l 1-14 m i . MOTOR CORP.. 026 ONTARIO ST. In T h e Ribbons 117 Jestasong 107 B U R G L A R Y - 554 William, Puritan Rock Break 117 x x G a m e Look (Between Skillen ft Kenmere) Liquor Store, panel removed from ad117 joining building at 554 W i l l i a m , then hole Berkley Prince 117 M i d w a y Battle PHONE 873-5475 120 chopped in wall leading to store, checkM r . Polarity 115 Mighty Crafty ing for loss. l t n - 4 , 5 0 0 , ate, 4 Y O up, 4 f. Even Rosier 113 F a i r Princess 113j Double T h e Bet 116 Lady Jester 11*1 113 xxa-Still I Yang I m p 111 Burning Southern 113 xxClarks Fancy 107 Royalty 115 105 Tabbit i xxa-Miss Sky 112 1 Caroline County 112 Neck Twister 115 ; Miss K e y m a r a-Eskew-Thompson entry W l - 3 , 5 1 0 , c l , 4 Y O op, 1V« m l . xxGreat Lover 106 x F r i a r y Court 101 113 113 T h e Four R's Rhann 111 Throwin Things 113 Pirate Power 119 Rose Dead A i m 111 O'Calawav Run ' N * Catch 104 Rusty's Shadow 111 Fuel C a r r i e r 113 Vigo's Slipper xTourlanx's 113 106 Cassel Tassel 104 Idol 101 xxSnow Tears 107 xDapper D a r e x-5; x x - 7 ; x x x - l l lbs. a a c Santo An>r« Entries Wednesday BY T h e Associated Press First Post i oo ( P S T ) l l t - M O l , c l , 4YO up, i i - i « m i . M M 113 Gold Certificate 113 Sudden Storm Paso Roblet 112 Double Happy • n u g Rulla King Of Papa's I I S Persian Rug 115 Scottish I m p Color M « Fast 115 x P a y T h t Point Bid 107 Choice Humpty J n d - S J a t , c l , 3YO, 1 1 1 4 m l . 117 Jarry's Holma Winds tay x Acting Captain 112 Delightful 117 Summer Bold Policy 117 x F a r T o Reach Shining Bush HO John V a n xBashful BoO 108 Millwood X Scrupulous 117 Camito M a r i n a Felicidad Notice* Received until 1 a. m. 43 A T K I N S - W i l l l a m G . , F e b . I , 1969, ofK A S P E R - J o s e p h , of Cheektowaga, N.Y., R O A T H - F r e d A , F e b . 9, 1969, beloved Newfield St., husband of M a r g a r e t Feb. 1 1 , 1969; beloved husband of Ann father of Mrs.- Floyd ( M a r l e n e ) Zimpfer and Marianne Roath; grandfather of M o r g a n ; father of William J . and Klima Kasper; devoted father of RonLoreen Z i m p f e r ; son of Jennie Zelier Gordon R. Atkins of Dayton, Ohio; ald and JoDean, brother of Louis (GerRoath Unger and the late Walter grandfather of two grandchildren. trude) Kasperczyk and F r a n k KasRoath; stepson of John W . Unoer; Friends m a y call at the George W . perczyk; son of Helen a n d the late A l brother ot the late Edward L. Roath. Denneville Funeral Home, 366 Ontario bert Kasperczyk. Funeral from the Funeral service from the Carlton A . St., where services will be held Buszka Funeral Home I n c , 2005 Clinton Ullrich Funeral Home Inc., 3272 Bailey Wednesday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock. St.. corner of South Ogden, Friday at 9 Ave., Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. T h e family will be present f r o m 2-5 a . m . Requiem High Mass at St. BerFriends a r e Invited. Memorials in and 7-9 p.m. 10t12 nard's Church at 9:30 a . m . Interment in memory of M r . Roath to the M a r c h of St. Stanislaus Cemetery. Relatives and I BERRYMAN-Rose Fleischman of 340 Dimes would be appreciated. F a m i l y Heim R d . , GetzvilSe, N.Y. F e b . 10, 1969, friends invited to attend. M r . Kasper will be present 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. H t l 2 was a member of the Niagara Frontier wife of the late Herbert B e r r y m a n ; Electrical Contractors Association Inc. R O B E R T S O N - B e r n a r d L., Feb. 11, 1 M 9 , mother of M r s . John A . ( M a r g a r e t ) F a m i l y will be present at the funeral of Buffalo, N . Y . , beloved husband of Breadon, C, Edward and Homer R, home f r o m 2-5 and 7-10 p.m. 12t13 Ethel Robertson; son of the late Leslie B e r r y m a n ; sister of M r s . Leo Daigler and Florence Robertson; brother of Roy, and George Fleischmann; also survived K E L L Y - Lawrence J . of 51 Highland M r s . Charles Welsh of Florida, M r s . by three grandchildren and three greatAve., H a m b u r g , N . Y . , F e b . 10, 1969, Albert Schickler, Andrew of Ariz, a n d grandchildren. A Memorial Mass will husband of Clara (nee W e l n g a r t n e r ) ; the late James and Lloyd Robertson and fake place at St. Joseph's Church, 3275 father of M r s . James ( B a r b a r a ) Hale M r s . Oscar R a m s e y ; brother-in-law of M a i n St., Buffalo, Thursday morning at and Lawrence J . Kelly J r . ; brother of Ctoyde Monroe, M r s . Richard Williams, 9:30 o'clock. Friends a r e invited. FlowMrs. Frank ( M a r y ) Herron, M r s . James M r s . Floyd Buchanan a n d M r s . Robert ers gratefully declined. (Elizabeth) Dague, M r s , Donald (Eileen) Wozniak; uncle of Claudia Conrov, LarDykstra, and the late James Kelly, BOLAS—Mary (nee Amrezowlcz), of ry Wozniak, Ronald and Pat Rober'son, also survived by five grandchildren. Clinton St., Gardenville, N.Y., Feb. M a r y Ann and Marlene Monroe Funeral Funeral from the Donald M , Demmerley 10, 1969, beloved wife of the late service from the Lester H Wedekindt Funeral Home, 21 Pierce A v e . , HamStanley J . Bolas S r . ; devoted mother Inc. Funeral Home, 3290 Delaware Ave , burg, N . Y . , Friday morning at 9:30 and of Louis ( M a r i o n ) , M a r y (John) PoFriday afternoon a t 1 o'clock. Fr.ends from SS. Peter 8. Paul Church at 10. lanski, Anna (John) Jarosz, Charlotte are invited. F a m i l y present 2-4 ana 7-9 Friends invited. Visit'mq hours 2-4 and p.m. Edward j Popek, E d w a r d , Stanley (the 12H3 7-9 p.m. Flowers gratefully declined. I late ( E l e a n o r ) , Chester, M/Sgt. Joseph, Donations m a y be made to the H e a r t ' R U C H - M i s s E m m a , 677 Central A v e , U . S . M . C ( R e t . ) ( M a r y ) of San Diego, Fund 12113 j Calif., and the late Carl Bolas; sister Fort E r i e , Ont., on Tuesday, Feb 11, of Alice (Joseph) T y r p a k ; also sur- K L E I N C L A U S - F r a n k J . , suddenly F e b . ) 1969, dear aunt of Mrs. Geraldine Spea* vived by 11 grandchildren and four 9, 1969 of 419 Grover Cleveland H w y . , ! and M r Grant Cook of Fort Erie and great-grandchildren. Funeral f r o m the Eggertsville, N . Y . ; beloved husband o f i Mr. Arthur Hessler, Oakville, Ont. Buszka Funeral Home Inc., 2005 ClinPearl L. Pring Kleinclaus; father of Friends m a y call at the Baechler Futon St. corner of So. Ogden. Friday John P. (Jack Kleinclaus); father-in-1 neral Home, 21 Wintemute St., Port at 9:30 a . m . Solemn Requiem High law of M r s . John P. ( M a r y ) Hall Klein-1 Erie, where the service will be conMass at St. Casimlr Church at 10 a . m . claus; grandfather of M r s . Kenneth i ducted Thursday, F e b . 13 at 2 p . m . Interment in M t . Calvary Cemetery. (Jeanne) Johnson of St. Petersburg, ] Interment in St. John's Lutheran CemeRelatives and friends Invited to atFla., Robert J . , Gail F., and Thomas tery, Snyder, Ont. tend. M r s . Bolas was a member of E. Kleinclaus; great-grandfather of; Jednota, Branch No. 137 and the Gold Serena Johnson and Holly Kleinclaus; S C H O R N - C l a r a M . , of 126 Huntley Rd , Feb. 8, 1969; beloved aunt of M r s HarStar Mothers of the American Legion brother of M r s . Peter (Louise) Grabbenold (Guinevere) M c D e r m i d , M r s . Jack Auxiliary Clinton Unit 1016. Funeral statter, and W i l l i a m Kleinclaus. Friends (Mercedes) Jerebko, Mlxine Jacobs home visiting hours 1-10 p . m . l l t l 3 m a y call at the Darwin E. Myers and M r s . Gerald (Patricia) Doytt; Funeral Home Inc., 4614 M a i n St. at B O R U S Z E W S K I - Chester Sr. of South Roycroft Blvd., Snyder, N . Y . T h e f a m i l y reat-aunt of Melanie M c D e r m i d . Ogden St., Buffalo, N . Y . , F e b . 9, 1969, rlends m a y call Wednesday from 2-S beloved husband of Frances (nee Or- will be present Monday and Tuesday 2-5 and 7-10 p . m . Funeral private. M r . I and 7-10 p.m. at the McKendry-Dengier w a t ) dearest father of Raymond ( E m i Funeral Home Inc., 25*0 M a i n St F u Kleinclaus was a member ot the l y ) , Chester J r . ( D o n n a ) ; son of the neral services at Forest Lawn Chapel, Eggertsville Hose Co. I l l late Adam and Magdalene (nee BartT hursday afternoon a* 4 k o w i a k ) ; brother of Lucy (Albert) ( C i - K N A P I K - D o m i n l c , F e b . 10, 1969, suro'clock. H'12tl3 chocki, Wanda Buczynski, Alfred ( M a r y ) vived by sisters and brothers in Boris, the late Edward Boruszewski; Poland; friend of M r . and M r s . LeoS C H M I D T - L u c i l l e L. (nee Therrien) of son-in-law of Agnes Orwat Gorecki (nee Duiniak. Funeral from the Buszka 38 Michele D r . . Depew. N.Y , Feb -0, Kasprzyk) and the late John O r w a t ; Funeral Home Inc., 2005 Clinton St. 1969, wife of Roy N Schmidt, motner grandfather of Elaine, Lorraine, Roncorner of So. Ogden, Thursday at 9 of Michael R. and Darlene M . Scnn-vdt; ald, Larry, Suzanne, Sandra and Douga.m. Requiem High Mass at St. Berdaughter of Edwin G. and Florence las. Funeral Thursday morning from nard Church at 9:30 a . m . Interment In F T h e r r i e n ; sister of M r s . L a v e ' n e the Pietszak Funeral Home Inc., 606 St. Stanislaus Cemetery. Friends in(Florence) McEvoy, Edwin F TherClinton St. at 9:30 o'clock and at Previted. Funeral home visiting hours rien and M r s . Harold (Eileeni Haskms. cious Blood Church at 10 o'clock. F a m 2-5 and 7-10 p.m. M r . Knapik was a Friends may call at the Hoy F u rerai ily will be present from 1-10 p.m. Relamember of the United Mine Workers Home Inc., 3855 Seneca St. corne' of tives and friends invited. Deceased was of America Local No. 12330. 11112 Southgate Drive. West Seneca wnere the president of t h e Holy Name Society services will be held Thursday afterat Precious Blood Church, vice presi- L I P E C K I - A n t o n i , Buffalo, N . Y . , Feb. 10, noon at 2:30 o'clock. Friends invited. dent of District No. 9 of the Holy 1969; husband of the late Jadwiga F a m i l y will be present from 2-5 and Name Society, president of Little Strzelecki Lipecki; dearest father of 7-10. m i l Mayors of Buffalo and E r i e County, St. M r s . Edward (Elizabeth) Steinke, RoPeter Apostle Group No. 3027 P.N.A., m a n , Felix (Anne) and the late Euf- S T O T Z - F r e d , F e b . 9, ,969; son of the past financial secretary of the E r i e phania C r a n ; survived by four grandlate George and M a r t h a Wagner S t o f i ; County Liquor Dealers Association. children and 15 great-grandchildren; son brother ot M r s . Anna H e r m a n , M r s . of the late Stanislaw and Franciszka. Iltl2 Charles ( M a r t h a ) Wasmer and the late Services from the Colonial Memorial George and Edward Stotz. Friends m a y B R Z Y S K l - T h e o p h i l , February 9, 1969, of Chapel Inc., 3003 South Park A v e . , call at the Leo Sauer Funeral Home Memorial D r . , beloved husband of the Lackawanna, Friday morning at 10:30 Inc., 1933 Kensington Ave., 2-5 and 7late Agnes (nee Glowczak) father of and f r o m Our Mother of Good Counsel 9:30 p. m. Funeral services Thursday at Leonard (Bernice), Eugene ( B a r b a r a ) . Church at 11 o'clock. Burial in St. 1 p. m . Deceased was a member of Also survived by 6 grandchildren. Stanislaus Cemetery. Friends invited. Veterans of W W I, Queen City BarBrother ot George, John, Anthony, Rose tAr. Lipecki was a member of P N A n , , J racks. Newriter, Leo, Stanley a n d Helen Rud12tl3 dell. Funeral services Thursday a t 9:30 Lodge No. 168 S T R O H M A I E R A l f r e d G . , F e b . 10, 1969» a.m. from Kaz. Urban Funeral Home, L U I T I N K - J . John, F e b . 9 ; beloved hushusband of the late Grace Azbeii Strohband of Vivian Lewis Luitink; brother Inc.. 188 Clark St. off Broadway and m a i e r ; brother of the late E d w a r d Stark, M r s . H a r r y in Corpus Christ! Church at 10 a . m . of M r s . Walter Strohmaier and M r s . Caroline Todd. Worner, M r s . Rudolph Mayer a l l ot The family will be present 2-4 and Wisconsin, M r s . Wesley <Waikin and the Friends m a y call at 1he George J . Rob7-9 p.m. 10tlltl2 erts & Sons Funeral Home, 2400 M e m late W i l l i a m Luitink. Funeral service C A R E Y - J o s e p h E . , F e b . 1 1 , 1969; be- f r o m the Carlton A. Ullrich Funeral St., f r o m 2-5 a n d 7-10 p . m . , where the loved husband of E v a M a n n C a r e y ; fafuneral will be held Thursday afternoon Home Inc., 3272 Bailey Ave. Thursday ther of M r s , George (Helen) Atessi and afternoon at 2 o'clock. Friends a r e in- at 2:30 o'clock. Friends a r e invited to M r s . Carl (Sheila) Campbell; also surattend interment in Forest Lawn vited. M r . Luitink was a member of vived by four grandchildren; brother of Fond Du Lac Lodge No. '40 F . & A M . Cemetery. W\3 Mrs. Leander ( K a t h r y n ) Bartlett, M r s . Tuscania Post No. 174 American Leqion Walter ( M a r y ) Smith, Howard, M r s . and MacAlpine Presbyterian Church. S U L Z B A C H - R o b e r t F , suddenly, F e b . 10, 1969, beloved husband of Regma F r a n k (Alice) Bartlett, Vincent, M r s . Masonic service will be held Wednesday Piskorowski Sulzbach; dear father of Joseph (Bette) Mangino, a l l of Albany evening at B o'clock under the auspices R,chard i M a r c i a ) , Robert J . (the ate and the late James Carey. Funeral of Cheektowaga Lodge No 1163 M a r g a r e t ) , and Nancy (Ted) Smlgie^a; services f r o m the Carlton A . Ullrich F.8.A.M. F a m i l y will be present from son of the late John and Carol-ne Funeral Home, I n c . , 3272 Bailey A v e . , 2-4 and 7-10 p . m . Htl2 Sulzbach; son-in-law of the late Staniey Thursday afternoon at 1 o'clock. 12113 M A R A S - C . Thomas, of 48 Ward Court, and Anna Piskorowski; brother of C A S S E L - G e o r g e H . , of 11284 Clinton St., Feb. 10, 1969, husband ot the late Caroline (Louis) Giambrone, Laura E l m a , N . Y . , Feb, 9, 1969, husband of Josephine Orlando M a r a s ; father of (James) M a c k , Helen (Auoust) Kader, the late Ida Cassel; father of M r s . Dennis T . M a r a s ; son of M a r g a r e t Ada-1 John, and Chester Sulzbach and the Charles (Thelma) F r e y t a g ; grandfather sinski and the late Casimer M a r a s ; j late M a m i e (the late F r a n k ) RecMm of Cynthia Freytag. T h e family will and Charles Sulzbach; also survived brother of M r s . John (Sally) Zukowski, receive friends from 2-4 and 7-9 p.m by 10 grandchjldren Funeral from M r s . Stephen ( L a u r a ) Luczak, Edward at the Brown Funeral Home, East the Buszka Funeral Home Inc., 2O0S M . , Henry S., and Richard T . of New Quaker St., Orchard Park. Services Clinton St. corner of So. Ooden ThursY o r k City and M r s . Michael (Dorothy) from the funeral home Thursday at 2 Clifford. Friends are invited to call at : day at 1030 a . m . Requiem High Mass p.m. Friends a r e invited. 1H12 a m. the R a y O'Conneli Funeral Home Inc., • at St. Bernard Church at 2286 South Park A v e . , where funeral j Interment in St. Stanislaus Cemetery. D E H O — E r w i n B., 8135 Goodrich Road, wiU be held F r i d a y morning at 9 ! Relatives and friends invited tc a t . Clarence Center, F e b . 10, 1969, in Veto'clock and at St. Martin's Church at erans Hospital; beloved husband of tend. M r . Sulzbach was a memDer of 0:30. T h e family will receive friends R u t h ; father of David and Donald; also the American Federation ot G r a i n f r o m 2-5 and 7-10 p . m . M r . Maras was t Millers Local No. 110. Funeral home survived by one sister, M r s . Julia a veteran of World W a r I I . M i l i t a r y ] visiting hours 1-10 P.m. G a m i n , and one brother, F r a n k , both of llt'2 Batavla. Friends m a y call a t the Lud- services will be conducted by South S Z C Z I T K A - N i c h o l a s , in Lackawanna. N Y. Buffalo Chapter No. 113 D.A.V. 12tl3 wick Funeral Home, 589S Goodrich R d . , Feb. 10, 1969; son of the late Joseph Clarence Center, until noon Thursday. M E R E D I T H - G r a c e E., F e b . 10, 1969, in j and Sophie; brother of Roman, Services f r o m St. Paul's Lutheran Buffalo, daughter of the late Gen. Sulliuncle of Diane. Kathleen and Church a t 2 p.m. Memorials m a y be van A. and Julia Francis Towne MereAnn M a r i e ; nephew of Anna Sara"'!' made in his memory to St. Paul's Lud l t h ; aunt of Capt. Philip M . Mohun | Services f r o m the Colonial M e m o r ^ l 23, theran Church Building Fund. F a m i l y and M r s . Jennings P e r r y ; also sur- , Chapels Inc., 3003 South Park Ave , F r i present 2-4, 7-9. vived by three great-nephews; t w o , day morning at 9 and f r o m Holy Ghost great-great-nephews; three great-greatD i P A L M A - C i n d y Lou, Infant, age five Ukranian Catholic Church at 9 30 Burnieces and many cousins. A memorial weeks of 32 Bowsell C t . , Tonawanda, ial at Holy Cross Cemetery. Friends inservice will take place at Forest Lawn N.Y. in Buffalo, N.Y. Feb. 10, 1969; bevited. M r . Szczitka was a member of Chapel, Saturday morning at 11 o'clock. loved daughter of Gerald and Mona Local 2602 U S W of A and Holy K a m a Flowers gratefully declined. Memorial Harper Di P a l m a ; sister of Gerald Society. Parastas services Wednesaay D i P a l m a J r . ; granddaughter ot M r . and contributions m a y be made to C A R E ——# and Thursday 7:30 p . m . at Chapel. or St. Aidan's Episcopal Mission, Mrs. Angelo D i P a l m a and M r s . and Visiting hours 2-5 and 7-10 p.m 12113 Alden, N . Y . 12115 Mrs. Robert Harper. Calls m a y be made at The Rubino M e m o r i a l Home M I E L E W S K I - S t a n l e y , of Wood A v e , T O B I N Dav.d A . , 19 Oakdele PL, F e b . 10, 1969, husband of the late Jennie 271 Porter A v e . Services will be held Buffalo, Feb. 10, 1969; brother of F r a n k M c M u l l e n Tobin; father of M r s . M a r y Wednesday afternoon a t 2 p.m. Flowers and the late Anna, Katherine Kopacz Steiner, M r s . Andrew Oring, M r s . Waoe gratefully declined. 11112 and Helen D u k a t ; uncle of F r a n k J r . , Mackey, M r s . Howard Kreiter, M r s . Henry Kopacz, John Dukat and GerD O N D A J E W S K I - J o s e p h ne (nee KoscielU.S. Department of Commerce, Douglas West, M r s Kenneth Heimtrude Dukat. Funeral services Thursday niak) of Hagen St., F e b . 10, 1969, be Buffalo, 111.Y., F e b . 11, 1*69. brecht, Joseph, Ralph, John, Roy, and at 9:30 a . m . f r o m the Urban Funeral loved wife of the iate F r a n k ; dearest the late PvU David Tobin Jr , bro'her M a x i m u m tempojllture is highest for 12 mother of Sophie, E m i l y , Florence, EdHome, 3645 Genesee St. (2 blocks east of Union Rd.) and in St. Luke's Church of the late Joseph Tobin, M r s . Geo-ge hours ending at V p . m . M i n i m u m t e m mund (Stephanie), and W i l l i a m ( M a r i e ) ; at 10 a . m . The family will be present 2Sullivan, M r s . M a r g a r e t Bell and M r s . oerature s lowest^or IB hours ending at grandmother ot four grandchildren and 4 and 7-9 p.m. Joseph Tolin; also survived by 32 seven great-grandchildren; sister of Vic7 p.m. AH recoflings a r e in Eastern grandchildren and 38 great-grandtoria Nowak, Clara Wozniak, Helen M I L L E Y - S a m u e l Nicholas Jr. of CheekStandard T i m e . children. Friends m a y call a t their conLerzynski, and Stella Zawadzki; also Temp. towaga, N.Y., Feb. 9, 1969, beloved husvenience at Loomis, Offers 8. Loomit survived by nieces and nephews. F u Cities Weather M a x . M i n . band of Josephine A. Kasprzak Miiley, Inc. M e m o r i a l Chapel, 1820 Seneca S'., neral F r i d a y at 9:30 a . m . from Kocol father of Nicholas A. and Donald J . 7 Albany . ... 32 .. Cloudy where funeral will be held Friday at 9 Funeral Home Inc., 1972 Genesee St., Miiley. son of M r s . Pearl and the late 59 22 Albuquerque . Clear a . m . and f r o m St. Monica's Church at and a t Queen of Peace Church at 10 Samuel M i l i e y ; brother of M r s . William 53 31 Clear Atlanta 9:30 a m Deceased was a m e m b e ' of a.m.. Interment in St. Stanislaus Ceme(Susan) Hartnett. Friends m a y call 31 20 Pt.Cloudy Billings tery. Relatives and friends invited to F.O.E. of Patton, Pa. I2t"3 after 2 p.m. Tuesday at the Frank J . 3' 22 . Cloudy Boston attend. The f a m i l y will be present from Knab Funeral Home, 1213 Lovejoy St. 24 T R Y B U S Z K I E W I C Z - R i c h a r d J , Feo 0, . Cloudy Burlington, V t . 1-5 and 7-10 p.m. M r s . Dondaiewski was F a m i l y will be present from 2-5 and J! 27 1969, of 41 Holmes Ave . beloved hus.. Cloudy Chicago a member of the Rosary Society at 7-10. Requiem Panhida Wednesday eve46 30 band of Irene (nee Z a l e w s k i ) , dear son Cincinnati . . . . . . . Clear St. John Kanty Church. ning at 7:30. Requiem funeral at SS. 3? 29 of Juslyna and the late Roman T r y Cleveland . . . Clear Peter 8, Paul Russian Orthodox Church 44 2' DOTZLER—Grace (nee Wassinger), of buskziewicz; brother of T h a d d e u t Columbus, O. Clear Thursday morning at 9:30 o'clock. 54 25 5761 Seneca St., F e b . 10, 1969; beloved (Angeline). Henry (Halina) and Gusiav Denver Pt.Coudy Friends invited. 11112 26 19 wife of the late Julius R. Dolzler; sister ( R i t a ) Trybuszkiewicz, also survived by I Des Moines Pt.Cloudy 36 of Raymond Wassinger of Lackawanna, nieces and nephews Friends m a y call 27 Detroit . Snow M U S T Y - E u g e n e , of Wales, N . Y . , F e b . 69 and the late M r s . E m m a Weiss, George from 2-5 and 7-10 p.m at the Sterosoak j, El Paso Clear 11, 1969, husband of the late M a r i o r i e , 76 Wassinger Sr., Catherine Bissing and Funeral Home, 610 Hertel Ave,, where 52 Houston ... . Cloudy Chester; father of Joseph G . , John C. 39 Theresa Wassinger. The family will the funeral will be held Friday at 9 30 3€ Indianapolis . .. Cloudy and M r s . Floyd (Lorefta) L a n g ; brother 64 be present to receive friends, 2-5 and 7a.m. and in St. Florian's Church at 10 44 Jacksonville . .. Cloudy of M r s . Adele Metz, M r s . Kenneth 48 10 p.m. at the (Delavan) Amigone F u M r . Trybuszkiewicz was a member of 30 Kansas City . . . . Clear (Helen) Carr and M r s . Catherine 60 neral Home Inc., 1250 East Delavan St. Joseph's Society No. 3 Cc, 36 Las Vegas . Cloudy Jacoby; also survived by seven grand6! near Bailey, where funeral services will P.U.A. 1J11J 53 Los Angeles . Cloudy children and six great-grandchildren. 71 be held Thursday morning at 8:30 and 6C M i a m i Beach Cloudy Funeral f r o m the Wood Funeral Home, W A L L A C E - H e n r y J . , Feb 10, 969 of 29 from St. Vincent de Paul Church, 22 I Milwaukee Pt.Cloudy 784 Main St., East Aurora, Friday at 67 Huxley D r . , Cheektowaga, beloved husSpringbrook at 9:30 o'clock. Friends 52 New Orleans . Pt.Cloudy 1 p.m. F a m i l y will be present f r o m 38 band of Beatrice (nee Leei Wallace; invited. 11112 72 I New York Clear 2-4 and 7-9 p . m . )2tl3 43 dear father of M r s . Albert (Virginia) 70 Philadelphia . Pt.Cloudy 74 C. in Fort Meyers, M U T Z - A r t h u r M . , of Gurnsey St., sud-1 Z i m m e r m a n and Robert L. Wallace, i4 FERRIS-Thomas Phoenix ... Clear 44 Fla., of 178 Herkimer St., Buffalo. N.Y., grandfather of Linda Lee and Carol Ann denly, F e b . 10, 1969, husband of Millie 19 I Pittsburgh Pt.Cloudy 28 Feb. 10, 1969, beloved husband of I la Z i m m e r m a n . The family will be present R. Pollard; father of Warren A. Mutz; IB Portland, M e . Cloudy 3? G. Rockefellow F e r r i s ; father of M r s . to receive friends from 2-5 and 7 - o grandfather of Timothy M u t z ; brother 18 Rochester, N . Y . Cloudy 43 Charles (EveWn) T e a l , M r s . Michael p.m. at the (Clevetandl Am'go"-a of the late M r s . Ann Keck and John 31 (Lelia) Cummings, Robert C , Thomas St. Louis Cloudy Funeral Home Inc., 569 Cleveland D ' . M u t z . Friends m a y call at the James E. AS 73 A., and the late Harold Ferris. Friends Pt.Cloudy San Antonio between Harlem and the T h r u w * / Grace Funeral Home, 335 Ontario St. 52 a r e invited to call at the Giambrone Rain San Francisco 54 where funeral services will be held at Crowley, where services will be Funeral Home Inc., 909 West A v e . , 25 Snow St. Ste. M a r i e Thursday morning at 9 15 and from m. 29 held Thursday morning at 10:30 and corner of West F e r r y St., where the 44 Cloudy Seattle fant of Prague Church at 10 o'docx. SO in St. John the Baptist Church (Hertel funeral services will be held Friday 10 Pt.Cloudy Syracuse Friends invited. Utl? 29 A v e . ) at 11 o'clock. Friends invited. afternoon a t 2 o'clock. Interment E l m 52 Cloudy Tampa St. Peters 70 M r . Mutz was president of the St. W I L S O N - M a r c i a Ann. Feb 11. 1969 lawn Cemetery. 12114 22 Cloudy Washington 47 Vincent de Paul Society and a m e m daughter of the late Henry A and Cora BSERVATIONS LOCAL G E O G H A N - M a r y (Mollie) Sherry, F e b . ber of the Holy Name Society of St. A. Campbell Wilson; sister of Hr%. Idity «9°i>; 7 p.m. 10, 1969, of 109 Columbia Pkwy., West John the Baptist Church. 31; 7 a . m . 30; h i Frank (Nellie) Weidenbeck. hfrs SyiSeneca, wife of the late Joseph P. humidity 82 vaia Kreiter. M r s . Harry < Madge i O L I V E R C h a r l e s A. of 68 Wehrle D r . , r Geoghan; mother of M r s . Thomas Highest official. t e m p e r a t u e this date, Brotherton and the late Russell and Snyder, N . Y . , F e b . 10, 1969, husband (Anne) Bamrick; grandmother of 68 in 1932. H a r r y Wilson. Funeral service from the of the late Florence Shea Oliver; lather Thomas J . , Michael F., Regina M . Lowest official temperature this date, Carlton A. Ullrich Funeral Home Inc , of M r s . Edward A. Wienand of Media, and Vincent D. B a m r i c k ; sister ot - 1 3 in 1885. 3272 Bailey A v e , F n d a y morning at n Mrs. Ellen Smith of Ireland and the Pa., M r s . Florence Rafferty of North Feb. 1 2 - S u n H b , 7:17 a.m.,* sunset, o'clock. Friends a r e Invited F a m i l y will highlands, Calif., and Charles A Oliver late Patrick Sherry, Funeral from the 5:42 p.m. \ be present f r o m 2-4 and 7-10 p.m 12ti3 J r . ; brother of M r s . Arthur Rooney, James W. Cannan Funeral Home, 2397 Possible S u n s h l i e - 1 0 hours, 25 minutes. Mrs. William Spragge, M r . Dal H, Seneca St., Friday morning at 9 W O L F - F r a n c e s (nee F a l k ) , Feb. 11, 196*, Feb. 12-Moon;iirises at 4:22 a . m . , sets Lewis Jr. and M r s . Percival L. Bowen. o'clock and from St. Bonaventure's formerly of 168 Parkhurst Ave , Town at 12:44 p.m. Funeral from Beach-Tuyn Funeral Church at 9:30. Friends Invited. F a m i l y of Tonawanda, wife of the late H a r o d CANADIAN STATIONS will be present from 2-5 and 7-10 p . m . Home, 5541 Main St., at Cayuga R d . , Wolf Sr., mother of Ha-old J r . , Ralph Williamsville Wednesday morning at Mrs. Geoghan was a member of the Montreal . M . Cloudy 25 6 J . , Staff Sgt. Norbert J . wolf; sister of 9:30 and in Christ the King Church at Altar-Rosary Society of St. BonavenToronto I . . Pt.Cloudy 35 51 Mrs. Anna Schwartz. M r s . Clotilda Kan10. Friends a r e invited. T h e family will ture's Church. 12113 Winnipeg 1 . Clear 8 0 hoiz, M r s . Gustave Metzger, Joseph and be present from 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. 1U12 John F a l k ; grandmother of Patnc », T E M P E R A T i p E S AT B U F F A L O G I B B S - W a r d A . , of 96 Marigold A v e . , P A R K E R - A r t h u r B., of Cheektowaga, Carolyn, M a r k , Michael, Cathleen, Ken5 p . m . 32 Feb. 10, 1969, beloved husband of Anna l a . m . 30 1 a . m 22 Feb. l l . 1969, beloved husband of neth, David, Robert and Richard W o i ' B Smith Gibbs; father of Maxson W . of 6 p.m. 32 p . m . 31 2 a . m 23 Josephine M . (nee Podkowa) P a r k e r ; Friends m a y call f r o m 2-5 and 7-9 at Gowanda, N . Y . and Glenn B. of M a n 7 p.m. 31 a.m. 33 3 a.m 25 brother of Robert J . and M r s . Thadthe Lord and McNeill Funeral Horn*. chester, Conn; seven grandchildren and 8 p.m. 31 •noon 33 4 a . m 28 deus ( M a r y ) Gorko; uncle of M r s . 770 Niagara Falls Blvd , where prayers two great-qrandchildren also survive; 9 p.m. 31 [ p . m . 33 5 a . m 29 Walter ( M a r i o n ) Koehler. The family will be said Friday morning at 9 brother of M r s . Nellie Benton and Paul 10 p.m. 29 30 p.m. 34 6 a.m will be present to receive friends 2-5 o'clock and a Requiem Mass from Gibbs. Friends may call from 2-5 and 710 p.m. 29 30 { p . m . 34 7 a.m. and 7-10 p . m . at the (Cleveland) A m i Blessed Sacrament Church at 9:30. 9 p.m. at the Dengler Funeral Home, 12 mid. 27 j p . m . 33 8 a . m . 30 gone Funeral Home Inc., 569 Cleveland I Friends invited "7113 343 Leroy Ave., where funeral services Dr. (between H a r l e m and the ThruM a x i m u m for ( d a y 34, m i n i m u m for will be held Thursday afternoon at 1 Y A G E R - J o h n R., ot South Lane, F e b . w a y ) , where funeral services will be i day 20. o'clock. Friends are invited. Deceased held Saturday morning at 8:15 a . m . 11, 1969, husband of v . t a M Battista r e tor the 24 hours 27. Mean temper* was a member of the Kensington Y a g e r ; father of Robert, Debra, Wiland f r o m Infant of Prague Church at Normal for the i y 24. United Methodist Church. Interment in I o'clock. Friends invited. 12114 j l i a m , Karen and Ste en; son of V.rs. Gowanda Pine Hill Cemetery. 11tl2tl3 Olive Yager and the late George I. (nee F r a n * ) , of Y a g e r ; brother of Norbert, Mrs. Claude HAGEMAN-James D, In H a m b u r g , P A Y N E - W i n i f r e d 12606 Main R d . , Akron, N . Y . , F e b . 10,: ( M a r g a r e t ) Breldenstein, M r s Wesley N.Y., of 95 Railroad A v e . , Angola, 1969, beloved wife of George; m o t h e r ! ( M a v i s ) Walker, M r s . Richard (Jane) N Y „ suddenly F e b . 9, 1969, beloved of Winston (Skip), M r s . Gene (Jean) Miller, M r s . John ( M a r y ) Balsavage, son of Carl and Anna (Dekarz) HageHopkins, M r s . Vincent (Joyce) D l Mrs. Leonard (Vera) Heifrich and man of Angola, N . Y . ; brother of Napoli, Rev. John Payne, Carol and j James Yager Friends m a y call at the Robert, Carl J r . , M r s . James (Beverly) the late Robert; sister of M r s Elbert James E. Grace Funeral Home. 333 Hartloff, Richard, Paul, Arthur, M a r ( M y r t l e ) Hopkins, M r s . A m y D a r l i n g ; I Ontario St. at Crowley, where services tin, Joseph and the late Clara and also survived by 15 grandchildren. will be held F r i d a y morning at 1:30 Lawrence Hageman. Funeral from the Friends received a t Shepard Bros. Fu-1 and In All Saints Church at 9 o'clock. Eugene J . Heil Funeral Home. 8434 irerai Residence, 10690 M a i n St., ClarFriends Invited. M r Yager was a North Main St., Angola, N . Y . , Thursence, N.Y., where funeral se r vices will member of the Catholic W a r Veterans day morning at 9 a n d from Most be held Friday morning at 11 o ' c l o c k ] and ttte Holy N a m e Society of All Precious Blood Church In Angola, Interment in Clarence Fillmore CemeSaints Church a n d past president of the N.Y., at 9:30. Friends invited. T h e tery, F a m i l y present 2-5 and 7-9. 12113 Parents Jacinta Guild of Our Lady of f a m i l y will be present from 2-5 and P I E R C E - J a m e s J . , of Anaheim. C a l i f „ Family Fatima Shrine in Lewiston 7-9 p.m. lit!2 formerly of Orchard P a r k , N Y . , sudwill be present 2-5 and 7-^0 p m H A L L B A U E R - Elsie of Sheldon, N Y . , denly, F e b . 8, 1969, husband of mi j Feb. 10, 1969, wife of E d w a r d ; sister of Barbara Pierce; son of Douglas L. Z A M M - T r u m a n C Zahn-, Feb "0. 19*9 of M r s . Albert ( M a r g a r e t ) Minazzi of West and M a r g a r e t Pierce; brother of M r s . father of M r s Irving 406 Vermont St Seneca, N . Y . , Olga, Gertrude, Liddy, John (Virginia) Pauley; M r s . John H. (June! Hornung and the late John R Paul, M a x , Heinz, Ernst and Franz. ( P a t r i c i a ) Rothenberger, M r s , Edward Zahm; brother ot M r s W i l l a m H . Funeral f r o m the Wood Funeral Home, (Jeanne) Curran of L . l „ M r s . Eugene (Gertrude) Gorman and ttve late John 7B4 Main St., East A u r o r a , Thursday (Mayanne) Test! of Anaheim and R. Zahm J r , M r s Evangeline Leo» at 2 p . m . The family will be present Douglas W. Pierce of West Seneca; grandfather of Donald A. and Susan B. f r o m 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. Htl2 randson of L y m a n and M a y Pierce, Hornung. Friends m a y call at the OrisH A R R I S - i i Milwaukee, W i s e , Feb. », ervices Wednesday f r o m the Chapel cofl Funeral Home. 205 Linwood Ave . 1969; Nathan Harris, formerly of Bufof the Bell Funeral Home, and from from 2-5 and 7-9 p . m . , where funeral r n New Y o r k f a l o ; brother of Celia, Helen Harris a n d St. Boniface R.C. Church, A n a h e i m . will be held Thursday morning at 9:15 the late Anna, Bessie, Esther, Reva, 11tl2 o'clock and from Holy Angels Church at Louis, Leah H a r r i s a n d M r s . M a m i e H . A P E - P . Joseph Sr., Feb. 9, 1969, of 386 9:45 o'clock. Friends a r e invited to atSokol. Services f r o m the P a r k T e r r a c e Dearborn St., Buffalo, N . Y . ; beloved tend M r . Zahm was a member of the M o r t u a r y I n c . , 855 Englewood A v e . , husband of Edna (Sulkowski); dear faNational Association of Retired Civil Thursday morning at 10 o'clock. No ther of Edwin Rafe, Joseph C. Jr. ( D e - | Employ oes. Htll prior visitation. Flowers gratefully delores), Lorefta A . ( W i l l i a m ) Zacharias; clined. and Rosemary E . ; grandfather of 13 Your tilenr tribut* to tht Atawortea grandchildren; brother of M r s . John H E N S E L — E r n e s t A . 3 r . , suddenly F e b . yew 'ov» one rhmnth Morotz, John R a f e and Michael Rafe, 9, 1969, of Eggert R d . ; beloved husband all of California, and M r s . Beileveraget of Amelia (nee Oelschlager); dear of Ohio. Funeral f r o m Jachimiak F u father of Ernest A . J r . and James R. neral Home, 392 Amherst St., Thursday Hense!; dear brother of M r s . Olga Bode A n n and Arthur Hensel and the morning at 9:30 a . m . and f r o m St. John I n e r t I t **o SuOatitvtt the Baptist Church at 10 a . m . Deceased! late M a r t h a and E m m a . T h e f a m i l y was a member of the Buffalo Municipal will be present to receive friends f r o m Employes Association, Casey's Dock 2-5 a n d 7-9 at the (Sheridan) Amigone Sports Club and the W i l l i a m Penn FraFuneral Home Inc., 2640 Sheridan D r . , ternal Organization. T h e f a m i l y will be near P a r k e r , where funeral services present f r o m 2-5 a n d 7-10 p . m . Friends City W i d e one luOurbon OeHvary w i l l be held Wednesday afternoon at Invited. 10112 2 p . m . Friends Invited. J0tl2 (7eJ o H A W A i t n wun» By RAY HERMAN i quarters or from the 128 GOP If Republican County Legislator 2 ? ? ! £ *? the 9th District. Lester S. Miller is appointed t o | leadership has decided on a the State Supreme Court, his sue- (recommendationi from the district cessor in Buffalo's 9th Legislative!" J j * Milter, tj»e party s Distnct will be picked by the|tegislative majority Reader, U GOP committeemen in the d i s - ! " ^ Judgeship. For one thing, when vacancies trict This decision has been made by on the old 54-member Board of the GOP's county leadership as Supervisors cropped up, the party the party's 40-member county 1 committeemen in the various executive committee prepares towards and towns were allowed to meet Friday to recommend a sue- ake the recommendation cessor to Republican Alger A. A second reason — perhaps a Williams who resigned as a Su-more compelling one — for giving preme Court justice last Thurs- the recommendation to the district is that party headquarters day. would not become ensnarled in Rocky to Fill Post the current controversy over a NEW YORK ( ED — Governor Gov. Rockefeller is virtually site for the proposed county stad- Rockefeller war Tuesday that certain to follow the committee's um. state aid to 1 governments recommendation on an interim Could End Deadlock has gone as far it can go withappointee to succeed Williams in out massive fi icial help from the $36,600-a-year judgeship. The A Miller successor on the leg- the federal g srnment under appointee would serve to the end islature could play a decisive role some sort of 'enue sharing of the year and would be thein ending the controversy. At last plan. count, 10 of the 20 legislators, inGOP's endorsed candidate for a fuU 14-year judicial term in thecluding all eight Democrats, "We're sendini more money to favor the Buffalo crossroads stad- Washington than] ny other state, November elections. we're getting k a smaller If Miller receives the appoint- ium. percentage than ny other state Of the 10 remaining GOP leg ment, it would mark the first 111! time in the 13-month history of islators, two oppose stadium con- and we're doin; more for local any other ]J^the Erie County Legislature — it struction and eight, including Mil governments tl told a meeting ler. are regarded as a n t istate," Rockefel ii3i replaced the Board of Supervisors \f\\n January 1968 — that there has crossroads. Whether each of these of the Associatic of Towns of the eight would vote for a suburban State of New Yc j been a vacancy to fill. stadium remains to be seen. Technically, the 19 remaining Theoretically, the issue could be More Money Wa d 108 j members of the legislature — 11 the job unless "We cannot 113; Republicans and eight Democrats resolved if a Miller successor voted the federal gov*; ment shares a for the crossroads. This would be lie! " would appoint Miller's suclittle more geneij usly," he said, 113 cessor. However, the GOP-con- the decisive 11th vote. The governor fended his proMiller is regarded as the leading ]°® trolled legislature could be exposed increase the state sales candidate for the judgeship alits 1 pected to accept a Republican er increases though he is being pressed hard 1 tax but said ; recommendation in the matter. ure the state's by Buffalo Councilman John T.I would begin to position in ]]\ Decision Made Elfvin, former Councilman Roland 'c 0 m p e t i t i vl er states, The recommendation c o u l d R. Benzow and Eugene F. relationship to "The fefleral overnment has come from either party head- Elsaesser of Cljrence. of its money if got to share m serve the systhey want to said. "In the tern," Rockefe Both Married meantime we'vd ;ot to live within our own capaciti," Local Funds Cuf The principal fffect of his austerity program Would be a limitation of state Iplp for local gov ernments, he s "We're going ID have to change Two United States soldiers, one [Erie and the Gloekler Corp. In the formulas in state aid . . . in order to hold dlwn the increases whose wife lives in Cheektowaga, North -. wife, he is sur in our ability to |>ay for these the other the husband , of , a Ripley ;Vived bv his father and steo-j under existing ces," he said, lid local school woman, have been killed in Vietcarr, Rockefeller North East; two sisters, Mrs. groups had nam. it clear during William Collins of here, and Mrs. a series of town meetings" Dead Spec. 4 Gerald R. Carr, 20, Kim Johnston of Fredonia, and throughout the ite that they ophusband of Mrs. Brenda Freligh | £»"? brothers, Charles Carr of posed any curt eks in state aid. Carr of 29 E. Main St., Ripley. Wesleyville, Fa.; Specialist 4 C Aid Differences! tited Albert Carr in Alaska, and Pvt. so repeated his Spec. 4 James M. Skomstd, 23, Delbert Carr in Washington, D.C. Rockeieller arm welfare pay122 j husband of Mrs. Lorraine J Also surviving are his grand- proposal for ^JlSkomski, 76 Burdette Dr., Cheek parents. Mr. and Mrs. Leroy But- ments througli|>ut the United States. j towaga. ler of Union City, Pa. He cited the fcase of a woman with 11 children; Who came to New Wounds Take Life Cheektowaga Man York City recently because her welfare paym»ts in Mississippi Is Killed in Combat were Of Ripley Soldier too small to live on. "This is not ft responsibility of RIPLEY — Spec. 4 G e r al d'husband of Mrs. Lorraine J. New York Stat*," he said. "These R. Carr, 20, of 29 E. Main St., Skomski, 76 Burdette Dr., Cheek- people are thej victims of probdied of wounds suffered in action j towaga, has been killed in action lems in othejt parts of the i26!tn Vietnam, his relatives were in- in Vietnam, the Defense Depart- country." formed Tuesday. I ment announced Tuesday. 11*1 Specialist Carr, whose Army The announcement said he died !!! service would have been com, Feb. 8. 116 pleted next August, died of . ^ e r employe of the Amerwounds inflicted by fragments ot\*™ Optical Co., Cheektowaga he 112! an exploding grenade. Further d e - i >' ^ tails of the death were not im-1968, and had been in Vietnam for three months. 116I mediately available. Specialist Skomski attended St. He entered service in Xovem- Ann's Parochial School and Senber. 1967, and had been in Viet- eca Vocational High School. nam since last September. He was Besides his wife, he is survived married last June to the former by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Brenda Freligh, who lives at the!pj j 'n j * Skomski Sr., of 85 E. Main Street address here. !Sears St.- two brothers, Florian A native of Erie, Pa., Carr wasiR. Jr., Cheektowaga, and Donald a 1966 graduate of North East j Skomski of Meridan, Conn., and <Pa.t High School and was a|a grandfather, Edward Nowamember of the Christian and Mis-jczewski of Buffalo, sionary Alliance Church of North Funeral arrangements will be 107 East. He formerly was employed completed upon arrival of the by the General Electric Corp. in body from Vietnam. Rockefeller RepeatiJB Bid For U.S. Aid f Two WNY Soldiers Die In Battle in Vietnam R&ciog 3fc Form ~22;5 -ilia -2 1 Traffic Toll Obituary 1 3 SAFiTY 4 T '69 PLYMOUTHS ASCHBACHER SEE FRANK SHEVIIN TODAY k FOR * A n FRANK S H i V l I N N e w - C o r Mgr. VEW 1969 LTD 2-OOOR H A R D T O P F O R M A L ROOF $ JOSEPH R. KASPER Joseph R. Kasper, 55, an electrical contractor for the last 23 for years, died Tuesday in Lafayette General Hospital after a long illj ness. He lived on Clinton St.. ^7! Cheektowaga. iui Mr. Kasper was the owner and 1969 ]^j operator of Kasper's Electric Co. Deaths 3 104 from 1946 until his death. He ran 476 the business from his home. He Injuries also operated Kasper's TV & ApSAFETY BELTS SAVE pliance Co. from 1949 to 1956. LIVES - USE THEM Mr, Kasper was a member of the Niagara Frontier Electrical Contractors Assn. Surviving are his wife, the for- Cheektowaga Club mer Ann Klima; a son, Ronald, Elects President and a daughter, JoDean, both at home; two brothers, Louis Kas- The Sertoma Club of Cheekper czyk of Alden, and Frank Kas- towaga on Tuesday elected Harold perczyk of Cleveland, Ohio; and J. Kuehlewind, 52 Airview Terr., his mother. Mrs. Helen Kasper- as president, to fill the unexpired czyk of Alden. Prayers at 9 a.m. Friday in the term of Leon A. Gubala, of 35 Buszka Funeral Home, 2005 Clin- Zoerb Ave., Cheektowaga, who j ton St., will be followed by a Re- resigned. Jquiem High Mass at 9:30 a.m. in The club also voted to present H3 St. Bernards Church, 1990 Clin- cherry trees to Villa Maria ]]|| ton St. Burial will be in St. A c a d e m y and Cheektowaga Junior-Senior High School on Feb. 18. Plans for a spring conPolice Record cert, under the chairmanship ot WEATi ER SYNOPSIS Salvatore Ricupito, were also disno from Lake SupeLow press cussed at the meeting at the rior advan to Georgian Bay Cordon Bleu Restaurant. and decele *d. Its somewhat moist circul )n will prevail over Western N | York as the system drifts east rd toward the St. ring the next 24 Lawrence hours. iitime, colder air In the down Lake Erie that is swei will deepen over Western New York. Bacto by high pressure southward from Memorial services for Miss A native of Buffalo, Miss Mere- that is rid; Prairies, the cold Grace E. Meredith, 93, daughter dith was a graduate of the Buf- the Canad n persist through of a Civil War general and niece falo Seminary; the Castle at Tar- flow will York during the of a former U.S. secretary of the rytown, N.Y., and Miss Annie Western N days. « treasury, will be held at 11 a.m. Brown's School for Girls in New following t Saturday in the Forest Lawn York City. FIVE Y FORECAST Chapel. For W Traveled Widely Miss Meredith, of Cowlesville, Temperat will average beformerly of 250 Elmwood Ave., Miss Meredith, who played the low norm Thursday through Buffalo, died Monday in Lafayette' Piano and sang, also had traveled Monday, highs in the mid widely. She spoke Italian and General Hospital where she was Nichols School defeated visitand upper and lows around French and in her 70s and 80s a patient for three weeks. ing St. Francis, 47-35, in a nonto day temperature studied Russian to keep herself 10. Minor league basketball game Tuesday. Commissioned by Lincoln changes. mentally alert. She also mainNichols led by only three points Her lather, Sullivan Amory tained an active interest in cur- Precipita may total more after three periods but outscored Meredith, was commissioned a rent events. inch melted as than onethe visitors 15-6 in the last eight brigadier general in the Union During World War n , Miss ly and Sunday, and snow Satu minutes. Ed Zablocki paced Army by President Abraham Lin- Meredith was a civil defense airmost other days. snow flur Nichols with 14 points and Eulis coln. Gen. Meredith, wounded in plane spotter here. Cathey added 10. PREC1 TATION ODDS the second Battle of Manassas, Surviving are a nephew, MerThe prot •ility of precipitation Va., later was placed in charge chant Marine Capt. Philip M. NICHOLS ST. F R A N C I S F T of the Prisoner Exchange Board Mohun of Cowlesvilk; a niece. is 90 per G F today, 80 per cent Zablocki t 2 14 2 0 Medina t per cent Thursday. Jennings Perry, also of tonight and Peterson f 0 6 in St. Louis, Mo. He died in 1874. Mrs. Roth f Szydiowski c 1 9 Ziolko c Miss Meredith's uncle, William Cowlesville, with whom Miss MerCathey g 6 10 Montroy g Brouse g 1 3 Morris Meredith, served as secre- edith lived; three great-nephews, Fi|p Record Justinieno 9 Roberts 1 5 tary of the treasury in 1849 dur- two great-nieces, four great A . M . Totals 18 11 47 Totals 13 • M 1 2 : ! 2 - S q u a d l ! < to Kensington and W y ing the administration of Presi- great-nephews and three great oming, Robert Cappello, 23, of 74 Jane, Junior varsity; Nichols eU St. Frangreat-nieces. dent Zachary Taylor. Depew, I I I , to Emergency Hospital. C I 40. CMSADE 2 BRAXB The w eather 2994 *«eylinder. Croisomatle, power steering, wheel covers, visibility head rest, back-up lights, f. -roup, s p e e d wipers and washers, padded dash, outside side view mirror. 4-way flashers. COME IN AND ORDER YOURS N O W ! BROST FORD 1215 M A I N - n 3 4 9 0 0 PARK A N D SHOP INDOORS 4 FLOORS OP BARGAINS Grace Meredith Dies; Father Civil War Officer Nichols Defeats St. Francis, 47-35 t WEAN FLOWERS zm^Mmmmmmmrmmmmsmi C-E Home Delivery Call TL. 2-5353 1 Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com
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