. "" * I,-' I ik .. ,„..,, „ :*•• THFRSBAY, FEB. 7, 1952. » -PAGE NINE. .ELMIRA STAR-G, ———— WA1 MECHANICAL DESIGNENGINEERS for Permanent Positions with IBM Endicott, N . Y t * A O * MA** Poughkeepsie, N . TC Chemung County Fred H. Smith, 85, of New Smyrna Beach, Fla„ formerly of Elmira. Tuesday, Feb. 5, 1932, following an extended illness. Survived by wife, Mrs. Augusta Smith; daughter, Mrs. Edward E. Rice of Elmira. The body will arrive in Elmira Monday morning and be taken to the Olthof Funeral Home, 1050 Pennsylvania Ave., where friends may call and where funeral services will be held Tuesday at 2 p. m. The Rev. John F. Stearns. Woodlawn Cemetery. Excellent opportunities for engineers with several years' experience in the design off mechanisms. Excellent working and living conditions, good salaries moving expenses paid, exceptional employee benefits. Write, giving full details, including education and experience to: C M. Mooney, Assistant Director of Engineering, International Business Machines, World Headquarters, Dept. 686* (M), 590 Madison Avenue, New York 22, N. Y. INTERVIEWS ARRANGED IN YOUR CITY where prayer, service will be held Saturday at noon followed by funeral service at 2 at the Jackson Center Church. The Rev. Clyde 4* Rosecrans and the Rev. P. € , Buono. Jackson Center Cemetery. ibers of the Ntw York New York (£1—When new television stations come on the air in the High Low 12:15 ultra high frequencies a possibility % ance B1214A within the next year, present day reII 51% 51Vi 51% ceivers will require an added gadget 80 V*' 80 81 18% 18% 18% 56Vi 56H 56^i 22 21% 21% 87 87 87 12 12 ' 12 s 3oy 8 3oy» 30% 20 20 20 B18Vi A19% American Bendix A via Corning Gl Erie RR Gen. Elec. Gen. Pub. ingenoil Ri Marine Mid Mrs. Mazie Bronson of £orning NYS Elec. RD 3, Town of Lindley. The body Remington is at the home of v a daughter, Mrs. Shepard-Nil Ross Warner of Lindley, where Thatcher C 15% 153/4 ISVA friends may call and where private Thatcher P 3 42% 42 /4 42% Mrs. Nellie Morse Bryant of Sed- prayer servcie will be held Friday West Elec. 36% 36^/4 alia, Mo., formerly of Elmira. Tues- at 1:30 p. m. followed by funeral Amn. Gas 60% 60% Elec.XD day, Feb. 6, 1952, at Sedalia. Mrs. services at 2 in the Presho Methodist Amn. Rad 16 16 16 Bryant was a graduate of Elmira Church. The Rev. Carl A. Reppert. Amn. T & 156% \S6V2 156% College. Survived by husband, Frank Amn. Tob. 64 63.V4 63% Bryant; son, Ralph Bryant, and Anaconda 51% 51% 51% daughter, Mrs. Benjamin Robinson, Atchison 77% 77»/2 77 al of Sedalia;.sister, Mrs. Ella.kae Avco 7% 7'/a ?% Groseclose of Oklahoma City; aunt, New York UP)--<State Dept. of Agr. D 51% 51% 51% Mrs. Charles W. Hall of Elmira. and Mkts.)—Onions sold lower, while Bethlehem 70% 70% 70% The funeral will beheld Friday after- carrots were firm today in the whole- Chrysler 110 Cities Seryii 110% 108 : noon at Sedalia. sal f t and -'egetable market. SupY; 33% 33% 33% plies were moderate and trading fair. Cons. Ed 9% 9% 9% Curtiss Wri Apples held steady. 13^ 13% 13% D. L. & W l Joseph Scott of 515 Partridge St. Fruits: 86% 86% 87% DuPont The body is at the Davis funeral Apples—US No. 1 grade unless Eastman Kodak 45% 45% 45% Home where the funeral will be otherwise indicated. Hudson Valley, 43% 43% 43% Gen. F o o d s ! held Friday at 2 p. m. The Rev. Mclntos* eastern box IVi in iip 2.0051% 51% 52 2V4 in Gen. Motors> L. C. Caldwell. Woodlawn Cemetery. 2.25, few 2.50, fair 1.25-75; 3 Goodyear T & R 46Vi 46% 46 min 1.40; Delicious 2 A in up 3.50Intl. T & 16% 16% Mrs. Hilda Springfield of 535 Bay- 4.25, 2Vz in min 3.00-3.50, 2V4 in 87*4 87% lor Rd. The body is at the Van min 2.00-2.25; Golden Delicious lxh Kennecott LehigH Vail 14% 14% Buskirk-Lynch Funeral Home, Horse- in up 3.00-3.50, fair 2.50-75; R. I. 16% 16% I heads, where funeral services will be Greenings 3 in up 3.00, Vh in min Ldew's Mont. War 63% 63 Vi | held Friday at 8 p. m. The Rev. 1.50-2.00; Cortland 2Vi in up 1.7531% 31% Earl A. Noyes. Burial Saturday in 2.12Vi; Romes 3 in up 3.00, 2Vi in Nat. Bis. Nat. Dist 30% 30% min 2.25; Northern Spys 3 in min Cold Spring Cemetery, Lockport, N. Y. Cen 1914 19% 2.75, 2Vi in min 2.00-2.25. Niagara M 26% •26% Mrs. Mary L. Stropes of 154 High Jonathans 2V4 in up 1.25-35; car* 4% 41/2 St. The body is at the family home tons cell pack Mcintosh 96's 2.65- Packard M Penna. RR 18% 18% where .prayer service will be held 3.00, 112*s 2.65-75, 150% 2.00-25; 9% 9% 9% Saturday at 8:30 a.m. followed by- Northern Spy 80's 3.50, 96's 3.00; Pepsi Cola Phillips Pefl 52 51% 51% Requiem Mass at 9 in St. Peter and Golden Delicious 96*s 3.50; Romes Radio 25 Vs 24% 25 Paul's Church. St. Peter and Paul's" 80's 3.50, 90's 2.75, 96's 3.00. Rep. Steel 427s 42% 42% Cemetery. The Immaculate Heart Vegetables: Reynolds B. J 35 34% 34% Society of St. Peter and Paul's Cabbage—Western NY, Danish 50 Sears Rbk 55% 55% 55% Church will meet at the home Fri- lb sk fair quality 1.50. Sinclair Oil 46% 46Y4 46% Carrots — Topped and washed, day at 8 p. m. for Recitation of the Socony V&i 38% 313A 38% lm Orange Co, 50 lb sk 2.00-2.25. L. X, Rosary. * So. Pacific 63% 63% 63% bu bskt 3.00-3.25. St. Oil of id. 79Vi 76% 79% Onions—Owego-Elba sect, Yellow Std Oil NJ ED 81% 80% 81 Globe 50 lb sk 2.85-3.15. C. Paul Johnson of Miilerton, Pa, Untd. Aire 32 31% 31% Potatoes—L. I., Green Mtn US No. Wednesday, Feb. 6, 1952, at Montour 1 size "A" 100 lb sk 4.30-40, size U. S. Steel 39% 39% 39% Falls. He was" a member of the "B" Katahdin and Green Mt. 1.90- Woolworth :D 43 V* 43 43 Mh£hell Mills Grange and the 2.00; Katahdin US No. 1 size "A" Jackson Center Methodist Church. 50 lb sk 2.15-25, Green Mt 1.90- weight b o b * 28.00-3 2.00; light bobs Survived by brother, A. Ford 2.20. Maine, Katahdin US No. 1, 23.00-27.00Ind a few lower dependJohnson of Odessa; aunt, Mrs. Lucy 100 lb sk 4.25, Green Mt 4.35-40; ing on w e « and quality. Murdaugh of Elmira; several cousins. Katahdin and Green Mt US No* 1, Salable h * s 100: total 700; early He was the son of the late Mr. and 50 lb sk 2.10-25. market not pstablished; buyers bidMrs. Charles Johnson of Miilerton. ding steadyAskirig higher. , The body is at the Horton Funeral Salable sheep and lambs 100: marChapel, Odessa, and Friday afterket not fujlr established. One lot noon will be removed to the, home of gooc' to « > i c e lambs cleared early Buffalo UPi—(NYSDA) — Receipts at 30.00. until 10:30 a. m. Salable cattle 100: total 200: early H U N T A TAGS 4 BEARS Buffalo (*»—Eggs: Supply liberal, trading slow, limited sales of dairy Maidstone, Sask. (#)—Walter Hauff demand improved, market steady; un- type cows and bulls steady; good was ouf hulling deer near St. Walcandled: Large white 42-45; medium dairy type cows up to 22.00; top burg in Northwestern Saskatchewan white 37-42; large brown 41-43; me- not .established; cutters 20.00-21.00; when he ca|ne across something difdium brown 37-40; others unchangr- fat yellow cows 17.00-20.00; canners ferent. He killed four bears. ed. Midwestern eggs 1-3 cents be- 17.00-19.00; good dairy type slaughter heifers 24.00-26.00; common heiflow nearby. ers 22.00-23.00; good weighty sauDressed poultry: western: Supply sage bulls 27.00-27.50; mediums and demand moderate, market 25.00-26.50; lightweight cutters 21.00steady; prices unchanged. Nearby: 24.50. Supply and demand moderate* mar- Salable calves 100: early market ket steady; prices unchanged. not established. Quotations nominLive poultry: Supply and demand ally steady; choice calves 43.00-44.00; moderate, market steady; prices un- good calves 40.00-42.00; mediums changed. 38.00-40.00; culls 33.00-37.00; strong•friliiHiWIII'li imnil : Quotations by Carl M. zanine Floor, of brother, A. Ford Johnson of Water St., Odessa, where friends may call, and Stock Exchai TV Timing Gadget transaction* furnished Bhoades Co., Mes- Planned for Future >a Building, 148 W. STREET IH iniiiiiiw«|Biii • - . • . ' • ! . . Funerals 8-Pc.SERVA-SNACK SET ALL FOR 4 Party Snack Trays and 4 Cups, Livestock Worth Much Moral • USS S 4BK ITS TO RAY Eggs & Pou ™ Pincher Creek, Attn. UP)— A landmark in this Southern Alberta town since 1889, the Arlington Hotel has been torn down. The hotel, built of hand-made bricks made on a district farm, was known for many years simply as "The Brick Hotel" LADIES' Blouses Fruits & Vegetables Deaths Elsewhere HOTEL LANDMARK G O H Don't They Look More Expensive? • NYLON - RAYON - e)ATISTE - CR*EPE BROADCLOTH - LINEN So versatile . . . so smart for "dressing-up" skirts and suits! Short and long sleeves, Peter Pan, Mandarin and Johnny collars. Plunging necklines. Shirt styles, embroidered and fly fronts. Pockets. Colors: White, Pink, Maize, Blue, Lavender, Bed, Aqua, Wine, Grey,. Sizes 32 to 44. Funerals THIS WEEK AT RAY'S This 8-piece set includes to tune them in. This will consist of a small box with extra tuning dial which can be attached easily to the receiver and which will increase the tuning range into the higher frequencies. Already engineers have worked out satisfactory units for this purpose. 2-98 to 3-98 ALSO MANY OTHER BLOUSES FROM $1,00 TO $1.98 LADIES' LADIES' SKIRTS SWEATERS Embossed cottons, everglaze, denim, butcher linen, broadcloth, gabardine, criskay, Dan Biver rayon. Straight line, pleated, belted, full cut. Black, Blue, grey, red, green, maize, gold. Sizes U to SO. Fine quality cotton knit in many patterns. Short sleeves, high neckline. White, pink, blue, rose, maize, lavender. Sizes 84 to 40. .98 $429 TO *3 .98 "JIV ELMIRA-IT'S NEWBERRY'S RAY'S IT • • • DCi'lK) I? • • • Wet i t . . . Ws Guoranteed!" WATER-RESISTANT! SHOCK-RESISTANT! « — — • i' ' • Include* Srrerchsble Bracelet! • Swtep-Steond Hand! • Tamiih-proof C o l t ! • Unbreakable Crystal! • Guaranteed A c c u r a t e ! • Radium Dial F a c e ! • Aiiri-magntHc I • Dependable! • Only 50c Weekly! " , •i • * . " . ' ! RAY slashes the) price of this famousmoke, all- purpose watch! That moans ya>u pocket a big savings on the wonderful shock-resistant watches with the exclusive SHOCK ABSORBER that cushions (oils inside your watch, preventing stoppage. Fully guaranteed! Wear it for dress, for business, wear it for sports! Even standi up against knocks youngsters are likely to give a watch. Tomorrow's the day! RAY'S 11 w NOT ONE CENT lun L 1 Pay 50 * Weekly! JEWELERS TO EX 1 HA FOR CREDIT ATRAYS Credits OK! ORTY FOR Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com
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