i B ^^ ^^^MBa™^^^^"i^'M^i^B^^^™^™^^^pnPww^^^yMffftWHifflwifiWiiiMyffifflMiwiyiTO ^—^K—J1IIWIHBHIWMIIMMBB—WIIIWiHIWWKSfe: ^ • 12 > BROOKLYN EAGLE, SUN., JUNE 9, 1946 THE BROOKLYN ANGLE Children of V . F . W Buddies to Marry 10 PLOTS (40 Graves) Located at Graceland Memorial Park Kenilwbrth, N. J. Originally Co$t $3,000 WILL SELL FOR $2,000 CASH OR YOUR TERMS For information call ESplanade 5-6249 Body of Longshoreman Found in East River T h e body of a m a n tentatively identified as T h o m a s O'Malley, 58, a longshoreman, of 441 Bergen St., was found floating in t h e East River off Pier 16, foot of Remsen St., yesterI day. ' ^ According to t h e police, there were I n o m a r k s of violence o n the body, 'which apparently h a d been i n t h e BLOOD TO SAVE LIVES—Norma Eisenberg, laboratory I water about t h r e e days. technician for Long Island College Hospital blood bank, | T h e body was removed to Kings .County Morgue. Tolcraft takes bottle of vital fluid from refrigerator storage to send it on to a patient. carriage sets for summer Blood Bank Aids Needy Children At Boro Hospital 3.98 :• ' •. 'I"M-. 8 9 6 June Brides. Set Boro Mark for Week Mecca for romanticists these June days is a large and sparsely furnished room in Brooklyn's Municipal Building where despite the austerity of surroundings, hand-holding is the rule and harsh words are taboo. Easily the most popular spot in I the building, the second floor room in which borojgh lads and their Masses make application to be wed lean usually be spotted without too • much trouble or looking for signs. Just follow the starry-eyed couples. In strict accordance with tradition which marks June as the month of brides and orange blossoms, marriage-minded couples flocked to the bureau to roll up a seven-day record. The first week in June found 896 licenses issued as against 537 for the similar period in May. This year's figures, incidentally, are also far ahead of the 1945 totals, which record 501 applications in the first jweek in June. Although business is 'quite brisk at almost any time, vete r a n clerks say there is nothing, like {the Saturday rush when working couples take advantage of their day off to get licenses. One Saturday morning the line,,, -{extended—the—tengm~3r~fnT long| D i m e s a s e e m to t h i n k every room, along the corridor, down the' •• staircase and well into the street. It took patience and fortitude, a s well as the $2 fee, that day to get the City Father's permission to be wed. To Capt. Lorin R, Klingle and his lovely brunette flnancee the waiting line was nothing to fret about. They'd been waiting since May, 1944, .wiien-the—Captaln-r-therr-an-unde'f~ graduate a t West Point, met Therese Meehan and fell In love "at first sight" Therese, the daughter of Mrs. Agnes Meehan of 562 73d St., and her captain, who comes from Owatonna, Minn., will be married next Saturday in Our Lady of Angles R. C. Church. Carol ' Leibowitz, 19, of 3094 Brighton 5th St., and Sol Mednlcoff of 2843 W. 5th St., found i t a little more difficult to obtain a license. They had to make a return appearance—baby-faced Carol forgot her birth certificate. They'll be wed next Sunday. Probably to make sure there would be no slip-up in the proceedings, Mrs. Josephine Santuccl of 258 47th St., accompanied her son, Jack Dimesa. and his financee, Virginia Lombardi of 28 Knight Court, to the license bureau. BIDING THEIR TIME — FOR SALE ff^^p^™™™1••"*- xr.::..'C— B M i m n i T U T i - By Meehan of 30 years o i partnership—in (World W a r I, and in the Veterans ;of Foreign Wars. Mr. Burke a n d ; Mr. Evans helped found William H. Steneck Post a n d for more t h a n a „ | q u a r t e r of a century have served Ruth Evans of 349 13th St. w i U J ^ o f f i c e r s o f t n a t u n i t . M r . B u r k e become the bride next..Sunday o f f a a f o m e r C Q U n t c o m m a n d e r o f Harold Burke. 445; 99th.St.. _ » n , t h e | t h e y F w c h a i r m a n of t h e Joint R. C. Church of St. Stanislaus, '.committee to win a veterans h o s St. between 6th and 7th Aves. Ipital for Brooklyn a n d is presently For the fathers. Kenneth i v : s t a t e legislative Evans and Harold J. Burke, the y F w marriage comes as t h e high point) ^ w a s " w h U e a t t e n d l n g 5 0 C l a U of Steneck Post that Ruth unci Harold -. Marriage Rates Soar Carol Leibowitz and Sol Mednicoff, hold hands as they wait their turn. WATCHES WANTED W e need 10,000 old watches at once. Due t o shortage of watch material w e c a n u s e o l d w a t c h e s f o r parts W E WILL PAY A N EXCEPTIONALLY HIGH PRICE DIAMONDS, OLD GOLD, JEWELRY IMMEDIATE BROOKLYN'S MOST MODERN CAMERA STORE IN STOCK FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY V O K A R Slide Projectors, Metal__ o l d price, $ 1 3 . 7 5 LEITZ "Reflex Focusing Housing : ! $115.00 BUY U. S. WAR SAVINGS BONDS AND STAMPS TELEPHONE NEVINS 8-1S70 All I. R. T. «nd B. M. T. Trains Stop ON SAME BLOCK WITH at Atlantic & Pacific St. Stations Aroand Corner L. I. R. R. Station WILUAMSBURGH SAVINGS BANK ^•aaaaaaaaa fWi RADIO EXPERT ODORS "ROMAGOZE" 29c a jar. Refill to last 1 year, Only 25c Phone and Mail Orderi BROOKLYN FUNERAL HOLIES 5 0 SEVENTH AVENUE MAIn 2-8585 1 3 1 LINDEN BOULEVARD 1 2 1 8 FLATBUSH AVENUE Com-r R r ; : r i A n n o t Conwf Dttm«» B U c k m i n s t a r -1-120O BUckmIn»ter A m m 2-0266 Accepted Prospect Photographic Corp. Phone GE. 4-0003 Nwr AU»nilk> A*, tt %. I. R. 'n. Station exquisite permanents for .INCO.lrMUSO with Jack will test u d repair jronr radio in your hono at TOUT convenience I I ^^^%-%/i§> Be comfortable in your hot darkroom this summer with an ELK AY Darkroom Ventilator. S i n g l e unit Only $ 9 . 9 5 Darkroom WAITING 15 HANSON PL, B'KLYN * SUMMER SPECIAL * Dispel NO GOLDWARE EXCHANGE Of every 1,000 persons, 13.1 got G A U M O N T Stereo Camera. T w i n 8.5 cm, 14.5 lenses _$165.00 married In 1942, making the highj receiving it GET READY FOR SUMMER SHOOTING from persons who h a w k , . r a t e ever recorded for t h e too much blood We have a c o m p l e t e line of lensaccording to the • spirited volunteers.and from public- U n i t e d s t a t e s ; shades, filterholders and filters in Census, j Volunteers' Needed ; stock. In releasing the six-month report. .Bernard McDermott, superintendent Pretty gift idea for your favorite babf's Children benefit greatly from nofe e tdhs e hospital, said the blood bank it is revealed m a n y more volunteers and civilian blood banks, j * ' "•; .u [family replacements, as nearly half in a report issued yesterday for t h e h f ^ ^ fc e a c h m o n t h o f l n e summer strolls.Crisp white dotted .siviss six-month period since the. bloodj S j x n a c i t o be purchased. cotton with pink or blue lining bank a t t h e Long Island ' College! I n v j e w 0 f the many thousands Hospital was opened in December.! 0 I Brooklyn residents who became Despite t h e fact t h a t a l a r g e ! a c c u s t x ) m e d to donating blood during (or unlined pique), big pink or blue how. number . of transfusions go t o ' t h e war years, he said, there should surgical cases, t h e analysis shows! o e many men a n d women who still Others at 5.98 and 6.98 in our t h a t children in trie hospital re- could help a victim of illness who; ceived 15 percent of all blood used i s financially unable t o pay for in t h e six months. i necessary transfusions. collection of matching carriage With a total of 147 transfusions.; D o n o r s m a y , call to make appolnt- l the month of. May was highest of rnents for any time any weekday cover and pillow sets. any of t h e six, indicating, t h e r e - ; o r Saturday, and there Is a special port states, t h a t t h e installation o f ; s e S j 0 n for. employed persons from its own blood bank is proving a : 4 : 3 0 to 7 p.m. every Thursday. T h e Infant.*' Wear—Second Floor progressively i m p o r t a n t asset a t the! blood bank is located at Henry a n d Also al Loeser's -Garden City hospital. All told a total of 767; Amity Sts. T h e telephone number transfusions were given. j j s MAin 4-4000. T h e blood dispensed t o t h e chil BROOKLYN 1, N. Y.—FULTON at B O N D — T R i a n g l e 5-8100Wren's service is used in the genera) GARDEN CITY—FRANKLIN at N I N T H — G a r d e n Citv 1 8 0 0 ' h o s P i t a J pediatrics practice and the - - . • -•• -.' hloori transfusion gives a child a boost and speeds recovery much more than a similar treatment benefits an adult. Transfusions are of particular j importance In cases of erythro- j blastosis fetalis, a rare condition! which results when a mother has RH negative blood and the father 'H^K^^ttSII has RH positive. In such cases transfusions of RH negative blood are absolutely essential for saving the child's life. The blood bank makes It possible WftfflPn 4-^-n^aiutaiiuan-^de.qiLatc supply of "I I Hi II It endeavors a n types at all times. to obtain replacements of blood used from relatives or friends of patients CASH 104 4tfc Ave, Brooklyn, N. Y. Three beautifully furnished Funeral Hornet, all centrally known comfort for the bereaved. Beautifully furniihcd located. reposing Every rooms. l«J FLATBU8H AVI. OUT AUTHORITY turn FOR 15 ON miximmn TRAFFIC jfrULCJEJt POSITIONS $ Complete Dignified Funeral / 150 Half Couch C a s k a t , as illustrated, covered with any color embossed cloth, trimmed wilh extension bar handles, engraved name plate, and lined *-ith silk, with pillow to match. Stronn outside burial box Removing Kcmains from any hospital in Greater New York. Embalming and care of Remains, Gentleman's suit or lady's dress. Use of candelabra Total and candles when requested. Palm decoration and use of 2 Co«t down chairs. Flowers on door. Procuring Burial Permits . > _ . Automobile Hearse, 1 Limousine to any Cemetery in Greater 1 Sll New York. Delivering box to cemetery. AT GEORGE WASHINGTON BRIDGE, HOLLAND & LINCOLN TUNNELS, HEARTS STATEN ISLAND BRIDGES $ 2 , 3 0 0 TO START Yoorly tmr*ai«i for Ffrtt 5 Y e o r i to $ 3 , 3 0 0 Complete Dignified Funeral *225 Matihr* No wto* ro do wiftiovt fh*. rtfw short cert frtai H w very new fMs i*<non. Too ton hoYi a otcutifuily Mtvtot ptrrrarntm* ityltd by owr ihop jfytHt ondttptrtlyhond!*d by Ant«tte^ttrlft»d spwdolhh. fodt «vrt H foorowtttd. t ailTOHIO :••.--;, : r v tiCAUTy / H O P 330lMi»f»lM St., Wclfn 17 (In root of fex Th««t«r) TRI. S-00S1 *)V*MM>»» Girl Af*po<ntmnt*t f» <<N) ROTATING SHIFTS VACATIONS PENSIONS Cleans Furniture & Rugs In Your Home — REQUIREMENTS J. CUhtKitMp; N « w YerV «r N t w J»M«y R « I M M H * < Y»*wcm* M«y o44 y»or« • ( M i l i a r y C o u c h C a a k a t , »« l i i u t d Jun* 10th threujh 10 A M U 4 PM daily Th»f Ca*at«*«v A* W»H A* rAmny Other*. C a n f?« *>»«»* At Our aTfro-w R e o m « ^Beautifully Equipped Funeral Homes ^Available in Every Borough Jvn* 14>S Appll<atl*n« n u l l t>« Mltd by Jwn« 14>h BROOKLYN THI PORT OP 76 NINTH AVENUE (AT 15th ST.) ROOM 103 Orders Token WUhin a US-Mile Radius NEW YORK I I , N. Y. IIF.ARNS Manhattan H E A R N S Newark < Half !•«•• Kt^ulrtmtnN 2 0 / 2 0 VUUn — N* Iy*«la«i»< Application fur-it Hardwood A f l * J1 t» 2 t 145 r%*. C«mp*tlllv* W r i H t n , Mtdicol and fhytlcel Your upholstered fumihuo and rugs will sparkle with new life, and newness if you'll have them done righl in your home, by IIEARKS expert staff of experienced men. Each piece is CUSTOM CLEANED . . . the entire operation \% done by machine by 11 EARNS famous "Alton" metboxl. No trouble, no fuss, no odor. And they're ready for use the same day. End S o l i d S«cvlt« Minimum H t l g M 5 ' I " ; Minimum W * t « M Klglrf M*a*i<«l and fhytl«al Bquara illustrated above. Trimmed with extension bar handles, engraved narna plate and lined with silk, with pillww to match. Strong outside burial box. Removing Remains from any Hospital in Greater New York. Embalming and care of Remain*. Gentleman's suit or lady's drrsa. Use of candelabra and candles when requested. Palm decoration and use of ' To-tail down chairs. Flower* on door. Procuring Burial Permit*, " c 0 - t Automobile Hears*. 1 Limousin* to any Cemetery in Greater <r»«-jp New York. Delivering box to cemetery. ££t} Broad am) Cedar St*., Ml. 2-6000, Ext. 73 ——1 Untitled Document mtlmtwi RW. MANHATTAN - »Udt»*MH*«-4-lJr» Cor. Ring***. **•«M >*¥**)Ml AT**NM — Main 2-*-SM 12J» rtattw**! *r*«wa — WWi. i 02«*-T Cor. Dttaaat Avo. QUtTCNR J.W-10 ftaWd* hntmt— J«m*k* « *«78 RJ-12 ror»*t f/rmtm —Mtermm 2-0*00 IM-14 Herth. WHL — FlmUWnf 2 - 6«60 STATf N ISLAND * 7 I F»r*tt«v W«tlht|r)«t«»-eiWirfif?JMB* W»of>t fe>r R*or*t*nt*tiv www.fultonhistory.com RROMX 1 Mtott JWK*i StrKt—My««MMl f-lMO 2*7 W»U AMMO*—liOtt N*v*« S-0272 1S5 t . lr**Mwl *r*. — III**. 7-1700 WrSTCHCSTCR (or fu<l Dtttllt—No CEMM Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 11T W»rt 7hyJ *tr*«*—T»»f**f*l- 7-»7t*J 1411 O r t Ar««m«~tSt*MUaM»M-4-SMt Ob/r«*tion
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