EAST BUDLEIGH with BICTON PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the East Budleigh with Bicton Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday, 24 June 2014 in the Village Hall, East Budleigh. PRESENT Cllrs Miss J D Ware M Smith A Tweedie M Clarke S Roberts Mrs A Bowsher-Grief District Councillor Dent was in attendance. Cty Cllr Mrs C Channon was also in attendance. Mr D Buss (P3 co-ordinator) was present. There were 3 members of the public present. PCSO Chantalle Major was in attendance and read out her report which is in the Minute File. 1. APOLOGIES: Dist. Cllr R Bloxham. 2. MINUTES: The Minutes of the May 2014 Parish Council meeting were agreed and signed as a correct record by the Chair. 3. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST & RISK ASSESSMENT: There were no declarations of interest and Risk Assessment was checked by the Chair. The Chair commented on the Risk Assessment for P3 work which had been circulated to all councillors. The Risk Assessment has been drawn up by David Buss and was proposed, seconded and approved by all councillors. Slight amendments had been suggested by EDDC which David Buss would incorporate into the proposal. Cllr Clarke asked about any requirements needed regarding the Highways Act, i.e. signage or work being carried out on the highways. 4. CO-OPTION OF COUNCILLORS Ballot papers and letters of application from the three candidates had been circulated to all councillors prior to the meeting. The completed ballot papers were returned to the clerk who counted and calculated the results. The Chair and Vice Chair checked the papers before the start of the meeting. The voting was very close with only one vote between all three candidates. The Chair commented on the suitability of all the applicants and announced that Mr. Jon 1 White and Mr David Buss had been elected to the two vacant posts. They both accepted and were invited to join the council with immediate effect. 5. MATTERS ARISING East Devon Villages Plan – A letter drawn up by councillors was discussed for final approval. The letter contained objections to the proposed C059 site. The letter reflected the views of the parishioners of East Budleigh and was explicit in its objections and proposals for alternative sites. The letter was proposed, seconded and approved and will be sent to Leigh Rix at Clinton Devon Estates. Traffic through Yettington – The Chair reported that at a previous meeting with Leigh Rix the concerns of the residents of Yettington were put forward. The amount of heavy traffic passing through Yettington in the form of horse boxes going to Bicton Arena had increased and was causing disturbance and in some cases property damage. Leigh Rix said that he was willing to discuss these problems with the residents in the hope of finding some solutions. He did not think it was possible to have a one-way system from the entrance into the Arena and exit onto the Brick Cross lane which runs alongside the Arena. He commented that many of the horse boxes were too large to manoeuvre their way into the lane exit. It was only suitable for pedestrians, cars and perhaps some small horse boxes. 106 Funding – Scarecrow weekend – At the Scarecrow Festival the Chair, the clerk and Jamie Buckley (EDDC) had spent several hours obtaining signatures from residents as to how the 106 Sport funding should be spent. The choices were an outside permanent table tennis table which would benefit all ages or several pieces of adult gym equipment. The votes had to represent a demographic split of age groups from ‘under 20years to over 60years’. This was achieved and the Chair announced that 58% of the vote favoured the table tennis table. The results were confirmed by Jamie Buckley. The results having been Minuted will be passed on to Sulina Tallack at EDDC to enable her to release the funding necessary for this project. Mr Brian Martin, a resident of East Budleigh has agreed to become involved in the final setting up of the project with EDDC. Boat parked outside 8 Middle Street – Several residents had complained about a large boat which has been parked on the highway outside a house in Middle Street and was causing an obstruction for pedestrians and traffic. However the boat has since been removed without any further action being proposed. 6. MATTERS FOR DISCUSSION – There were no matters for discussion. 2 7. PLANNING – Cllr S Roberts. 7.1 Plan no. & Type 14/1234/FUL Location Garathatch, Bear Lane, Budleigh Salterton, EX9 7AQ Proposed Development Replacement dwelling and associated works to include new driveway & conversion of existing dwelling for retention as an ancillary garage and studio. Objections. The parish council does not support this application; it considers the mass and scale of the replacement dwelling is too large, that the replacement dwelling is not adjacent to the existing dwelling, that the design of the replacement dwelling is incongruous with the local architecture (in an AONB), that the replacement dwelling is outside the built up area boundary. Planning Correspondence / Any Other Matters A letter of objection from adjacent residents had been sent to EDDC Planning with a copy to East Budleigh Parish Council. Several sets of planning applications had been received within the last few days and an Extra Planning meeting has been arranged for Tuesday, 8 July at 8pm in the Church Hall Meeting Room. 8. REPORTS Chairman – The Chair attended the Civic service in Budleigh which was hosted by the new mayor, Mrs Cass Sismore-Hunt. Two parishioners raised concerns regarding flood repairs for Lower East Budleigh; did we have a Flood Plan; and sewerage problems on Oak Hill. The Chair contacted all of the agencies involved and engineers had viewed the problems and promised to contact her in the near future with any solutions. The Flood Plan has been in place since the beginning of the year and had been highly praised by other councils and agencies. She also pointed out that monthly Minutes were put up on notice boards and also on the East Budleigh web site as well as the parish magazine when necessary to highlight particular events. Clerk – Di Baker had sent a letter of thanks to the parish council for the donation made to the Cherrybrook Chemotherapy Unit. Altogether over £900 had been raised for Cherrybrook and FORCE. She commented on how proud Steve would have been of everyone who donated so generously. 3 The clerk also reported that Grant Thornton (Bristol), External Auditors had returned our signed and approved Audit form with no queries or criticisms. The accounts can be viewed for several weeks and a notice giving details is on the Notice Board. Recreation –– Cllr Smith reported that the problem with overgrown trees and bushes in Sunnybrook garden adjacent to the Rec field had still not been resolved. It was proposed that Cllr Smith speak to the residents and ask if we can offer any help as the fence is in danger of collapsing. Parish Paths Partnership – Mr David Buss gave his report which is in the Minute book. He also said that there is a flood plain issue with the River Otter which is being highlighted in a series of ‘drop in’ sessions which are being organised locally during July. This will enable the public to become aware of the problems and possible solutions. He felt that East Budleigh needed to be involved in this project. Drake’s School – Cllr Mrs Bowsher-Grief reported that a trip to Paignton Zoo had proved very successful. Sports Day will be on July 4th and a Summer Production by the children will take place on 16th July (matinee & evening). End of term 24th July with the new term starting on Monday 8th September. Budleigh Salterton Health & Care Team – No report. Village Hall – No report. Britain in Bloom – Di Baker from Britain in Bloom had reported that planting had been done for the summer by volunteers but new members were urgently needed at the October meeting. East Budleigh Dog Owners Forum - No report. East Budleigh Relief in Need – No report. Public Conveniences – In a satisfactory condition. PACT – No report. Neighbourhood Health Watch – No report. Any other reports – Cllr Clarke suggested that a Parish Council website would be helpful and he has offered to approach one of our parish councillors who might be willing to set this up. 9. ACCOUNTS AND FINANCES The Clerk gave out the monthly cash statement and report. She asked for several cheques to be passed for signature. These were proposed, seconded and carried. • JRB Enterprises (dog gloves) • East Budleigh Village Hall hire • SLCC clerk membership • North Devon Council – clerk’s salary and expenses • Value House – War Memorial plants 10. CORRESPONDENCE A synopsis of correspondence, magazines and brochures received and not covered elsewhere on the Agenda was received and read out. The clerk suggested that councillors who were interested in any of the correspondence should take it away to read and return it to the clerk at a later date. 4 11. DATE OF NEXT MEETING - Tuesday 29 July 2014 at East Budleigh Village Hall. 7pm to view plans. This will be the final meeting before the summer break. 12. ANY OTHER BUSINESS: There was none. Signed …………………………………Chairman Date ………………………… OPEN SESSION TOPICS RAISED BY COUNCILLORS AND MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC AND BY COUNTY AND DISTRICT COUNCILLORS It was noted that no decisions could be made, but matters were discussed which involve no more than an exchange of information. 5
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