BRANTHAM Parish Council AGENDA of PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Wednesday 03 September 2014 at 7.30pm at Brantham Village Hall PC 09.14.01 Apologies for Absence To receive and agree any apologies PC 09.14.02 Declaration of Interest Councillors are reminded of the need to update their register of interests To declare any personal interests in items on the agenda and their nature To declare any prejudicial interests in items on the agenda and their nature PC 09.14.03 Parish Council Meeting Minutes (Chairman) To consider and approve the minutes of 02 July 2014 PC 09.14.04 Action Points from Minutes (Clerk) Suspension of the meeting to receive reports/presentations and to take questions from members of the public. Police Report County Councillors Report District Councillors Report David Wood Trot Ward End of public session PC 09.14.05 Finance Report (RFO) To note the balance of accounts PC 09.14.06 To receive report from Finance Committee (Liz Dunnett) To update on any actions since the last meeting To consider/agree proposals presented by the Finance Committee PC 09.14.07 Quarterly Finance Report (April – June 2014) (Pat Smith) PC 09.14.08 To receive report from BML representative (Trevor Nobbs) PC 09.14.09 To receive report from Recreation Sub Committee (Pat Kettle) To update on any actions since the last meeting To agree next steps in relation to project at Merriam Close Play area PC 09.14.10 To receive report from Public Transport Officer (Alastair McCraw) PC 09.14.11 To receive report from SNT representative (Iain Duncan) 1 BRANTHAM Parish Council PC 09.14.12 To receive report from Planning Committee (Trevor Nobbs) PC 09.14.13 To receive report from Village Hall Management Committee (Jackie Heywood) PC 09.14.14 Correspondence to note/action (Clerk) July 2014: 1. Email from St Marks Parish (on behalf of Brantham Catholic Church) For information 2. Email from CBone re: contribution from EoE Co-op For information 3. Email from JGreen re: footpath on Bergholt Road For consideration/agreement of next steps 4. Email from JWythe at Carters bus depot For consideration/agreement of next steps 5. Letter from Big Lottery Fund with Conditional Grant Offer for Merriam Close Play area Rejuvenation project For information 6. Notification of Temporary Traffic Regulation notice – C423 Slough Road For information 7. Email from JCooper with copy of response from DWymark at BDC re: planting For information 8. Email from NWilks at Sense re: Recycling bank For information August 2014: 1. Email from DSmith re: verge along Cinder Path For information 2. Email from JSimpson re: Cattawade roundabout For information 3. Email from APlant (SFG) re: fencing at Industrial site For information 4. Email from DBlanchard re: Brantham Village Market For information 5. Letter from Paxman’s Angling Club re: fishing rights at Decoy Pond For consideration/agreement of next steps PC 09.14.15 Miscellaneous Correspondence (Clerk) To note the attached appendix of items which have been previously circulated or are available for inspection at the meeting PC 09.14.16 Industrial site development (Chairman) To review emails received from: Sue Dawes (BDC) with newsletter David Fisk with copies of letters to Brantham Bugle Paul Saward re: role of valuation office Trevor Nobbs re: role of valuation office To agree next steps as necessary 2 BRANTHAM Parish Council PC 09.14.17 Extension of lease at Highcliff Veterinary Practice (Iain Duncan/Trevor Nobbs) To consider the letter received from Birketts re: lease with Highcliff Veterinary Practice and agree proposals in relation to this from the Legal Sub-Committee. To consider and agree the grant of a 25 year lease for an enlarged Car Park at Highcliff Veterinary Practice PC 09.14.18 Contributions/Donations (Trevor Nobbs) To consider/agree requests for donations from: Vitalise Brantham Bowls Club PC 09.14.19 Accounts agreed and paid in the interim Who Parish Clerk – Salary Parish Clerk – Office Responsible Finance Officer Phil Wainwright – Litter Picker Sue Butcher – Litter Picker B.M.L Maintenance Payment PC 09.14.20 Amount £695.34 £10.00 £124.87 £129.26 £129.26 £332.00 Chq no. SO SO SO SO SO SO Amount £721.34 £10.00 £124.87 £129.26 £129.26 £332.00 £25.62 Chq no. SO SO SO SO SO SO 003013 £17.99 003014 £47.50 003015 £307.52 £81.00 003016 003017 £200.00 003018 Accounts to be paid Who Parish Clerk – Salary Parish Clerk – Office Responsible Finance Officer Phil Wainwright – Litter Picker Sue Butcher – Litter Picker B.M.L Maintenance Payment S.Keys (Additional pay for CiLCA increase –August 2014) A.McCraw (Materials for repairs to bus shelter and dog litter bins) Brooklands Primary School (Hire of school hall on 27.02.14 and 27.03.14) Status Office Services Brantham Village Hall Management Committee (Hire of Village Hall) Brantham Over 60s Club 3 BRANTHAM Parish Council (Contribution agreed on 07 May 2014) Avenues Group (Contribution agreed on 07 May 2014) Suffolk Accident Rescue Service (contribution agreed on 07 May 2014) PC 09.14.21 Date of Next meeting (Chairman) Signed: Sarah Keys Clerk to the Council 4 £50.00 003019 £75.00 003020
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