TrinityTimesII Saturday,January31,2015toSunday,February8,2015 Please take this home with you! Aweeklylistingandguidetotheministries,activities,andprogramsatTrinityEpiscopalChurch,Reno We welcome everyone and want to know you are here! Please complete the blue sheet on the back of the pew in front of you and put it in the collection plate or give it to one of the clergy. Guests, please come to the Welcome Table for your free gift from our Greeters after the 10:30 AM liturgy. Parents, your children are very welcome with you in all our services, but you also might... enjoy our child-friendly liturgy held at 9:00 AM every Sunday. Check out our joyful “holy chaos”! AltarFlowersaregiventothegloryofGod and in The Children’s Choir will begin rehearsals for memoryRachelMeiner,AnnMilhollan,ofTemple Manuel,andPearlPickerofMt.Sinaiwho volunteered,foryears,atthenowdefunctTrinity ThriftshopfromMarianTammany. Don’tforgetyour2015Pledge!2015 Pledge Envelopes are available at the River entrance. If you requested one, please pick it up. If you don’t see your envelopes, please contact the office. 2014 year end statements are available at the back of the church. PIPES ON THE RIVER RETURNS ON FRIDAY FEBRUARY 6TH AT NOON. Richard coulter, organist, will perform. Bring your sack lunch and join us for a half hour of wonderful organ music! Spiritual Exercises of Ignatius Loyola You are invited to join the fourteen weeks practicum in Christian prayer, Wednesdays, Feb. 25 – May 27. It is a personal and group experience of unique practices in Christian prayer and self-awareness, known as the Spiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius Loyola conducted by Rev. Julius Rogina. An orientation will take place Sun., Feb. 22, after the 10:30 Service, in the Bishop Lewis Chapel, for about thirty minutes. The cost for the class itself is $70.00 (Checks payable to Trinity Episcopal Church), and some scholarships are available. It’s happening again! Lifetouch photography and Trinity are getting ready to create a new photo directory and we need you to help make it complete! By participating you will receive a printed directory. The photo sessions are being scheduled for late March so watch for more information coming soon. Easter next Sunday after the 9:00 service in the library below the church. DuetoAshWednesday‐‐Yourvestrywillmeet againSun.,February15th,at12:00PM in Conf. Room A of the Parish Hall. All general business meetings of the parish are open to members. BackbyPopularDemand!GameDayfor Seniors! Friday, February 6, immediately following the Pipes on the River concert for an hour and half. What’s your favorite game? Scrabble? Chess? Bunko? Checkers? Backgammon? Get out of the house to join old friends and meet new ones in the Library! Bring your favorite board/dice/card game, a snack to share and background music of your liking. Please RSVP by signing up at Church or contact the Church Office at 329‐4279 or E‐mail us at [email protected] On Saturday, February 14, St. Catherine’s, St. Paul’s and Trinity Episcopal parishes will sponsor the showing of a groundbreaking forum on an important topic in our society: Civil Discourse in America: Finding Common Ground for the Greater Good. This forum will focus on the conversations we have with one another in differing parts of our society today. Speakers include: Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church, Katharine Jefferts Schori; David Boardman, Dean of the School of Media and Communication at Temple University; Dr. John J. DeGioia, President of Georgetown University, Washington; Rabbi Steve Gutow, President and CEO of the Jewish Council on Public Affairs; Hugh Forrest, Director of the South by Southwest Interactive Festival; Dr. Carolyn J. Lukensmeyer, Executive Director of the National Institute on Civil Discourse; Dr. Elizabeth McCloskey, President and CEO of The Faith & Politics Institute; Bishop Prince Singh of the Episcopal Diocese of Rochester. The presentation will be held at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, 1135 12th Street, Sparks, NV. The seminar begins at 8:30 am, with refreshments and registration. The forum will finish at 11:30 am. There is no charge for the seminar. All are welcome. ThisWeek’sWorship&ParishEvents ~ Please note that not all events are listed ~ Sunday, February 1 7:45 AM – Quiet Holy Communion 9:00 AM –The Feast ‐ Family Holy Communion 9:30 AM – Bibles & Books ~ Conf. Room A 10:30 AM – Festive Choral Holy Communion 12:30 PM – EYC ~Church Monday, February 2 9:30 AM – Sack Lunch Ministry (also Wed. & Fri.) 7:00 PM – Confirmation/Baptism class ~ Conf. Room A Tuesday, February 3 12:00 PM – Centering (silent) Prayer ~ Church Wednesday, February 4 4:00 PM – Caregivers Support Group ~ Library 5:00 PM – Naomi & Ruth ~Conf. Room A Thursday, February 5 10:00 AM – Baby Bundles ~ Gathering Space 12:10 PM – Holy Communion w/ prayers for healing 2:00 PM – Prayer Shawl Ministry ~ Library 7:00 PM – Choir Rehearsal ~ Choir Room Friday, February 6 12:00 PM – Pipes on the River – Church 12:30 PM – Senior Game Day ~ Library Saturday, February 7 5:10 PM – Spoken Holy Communion Sunday, February 8 7:45 AM – Quiet Holy Communion 9:00 AM –The Feast ‐ Family Holy Communion 9:30 AM – Bibles & Books ~ Conf. Room A 10:30 AM – Festive Choral Holy Communion FEBRUARY CALENDAR 2-4 2-5 2-6 2-14 2-15 2-16 2-18 2-22 2-24 Caregivers Group Naomi & Ruth Baby Bundles Pipes on the River Valentine’s Day Bishop Dan’s Visit Vestry Meeting Office Closed Presidents Day Ash Wednesday ~ Lent Begins St. Ignatius Orientation Soup supper Lenten Series Begins with Father Seville Next week’s Scripture Readings: Isaiah 40:21‐31 ● Psalm 147:1‐12, 21c 1. Cor. 9: 16‐23● Mark 1:29‐39 We remember in prayer: David, Sharon, Paganucci family, Herb, Jane, Grane & Stephen, Deborah, Dorothy, Jewell, Sandi, Terri, Luciana & family, Carolyn, Kirk, Judy, Tom & family, Mary Beth & family, Pat & family, Carol, Judy, Louanne, Donna, Dennis, Margaret, Val, Josh, Layne, Jon, Jeanie, Evan, Doug, Cynthia, James, Herb, Bill, Joy Please contact the Church Office (329‐4279) or one of the clergy to request prayer by Those who have died: our Prayer Chain. Joan, Jenny, Joe, Bill, Roberta, Stuart, Ann Prayers continue for a short time or long term, depending on the situation. Those in the military: Ken, Joe, Matthew, Harry, Jake. Those in the Diocese of Nevada and the Anglican Communion: St. Timothy’s, Henderson. Our Companion Diocese of Santiago Philippines, Luwero, Madi & West Nile (Uganda), Lweru (Tanzania), Machakos (Kenya), Madhya Kerala, Madurai‐Ramnad (South India), Mahajanga (Indian Ocean). Last Sunday at the Annual Parish Meeting I appointed Will Aldrich as the new Senior Warden and you—the parish—elected Julie Martinson, David Morgan, Joan Collins, Sandi Brooke, and Tom Anderson to the vestry. I am thankful to them who, as a witness to their stewardship, have agreed to serve as the class of 2017. We here at Trinity, Reno appreciate the hard, faithful work of our vestry. They practice their stewardship with their time—they are in church every Sunday, their abilities—they serve the parish in many different ways, and their money— everyone pledges and supports God’s work through Trinity Church, a beacon of Christ’s presence in the heart of Reno. Fr. John Thank you. TrinityEpiscopalChurch 200IslandAve.;P.O.Box2246;Reno,NV89505 775‐329‐4279–[email protected] WWW.TRINITYRENO.ORG
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