Sunday 28th December 2014

Holy Trinity, Skipton & St Augustine’s, Draughton. Rector: The Revd Veronica James
Diocese of West Yorkshire & The Dales. Sunday 28th December, The Holy Innocents
Readings: Jeremiah 31: 15-17, Psalm 124, *1 Corinthians 1: 26-29, *Matthew 2: 13-18
Holy Trinity Sidesmen: Peter L, David K, Jean J, Sarah W
Holy Communion: The Revd Veronica James assisted by Chris W
Parish Communion: The Revd Veronica James, Reader: Muriel A
Intercessor: Mary D, Offertory: Veronica W & Arlene H, Hymns: 40, 43, 42, 354, 35
Evensong: Revd Mary Winter
Wednesday 10.45am Holy Communion: Priest: The Revd Veronica James
St Augustine’s
No Morning Prayer
All are welcome into
the churches as we
celebrate together the
birth of God’s son
amongst us.
Mon - Sat
We are able to claim Gift Aid from all donations given by a tax payer. If you qualify, then
we would be delighted to increase your donation by 25%. To enable our Treasurer to
claim, please complete the Gift Aid envelope which can be found on the pew. Thank you
9.00 am
Morning Prayer Holy Trinity
Evening Prayer Holy Trinity
Evening Prayer St Augustine’s
Check porch notice boards for daily information
For the Worldwide Anglican Communion and especially today for the Church in Kushtia, Bangladesh and Bishop Sunil;
Give thanks for all who are providing medical care for those who are ill or in need of attention; for the doctors, nurses and other medical staff,
technicians and all support workers. Pray for the clergy and others who are providing spiritual care for those who are in hospital, nursing
homes and ill in their own homes;
For those who have died recently including Arthur Butterworth, Monica Smith, Dorothy Horner, Joyce Robinson, Allan Cawood and for all
their families and friends;
For those who are unwell or otherwise going through tough times – and for all members of their families, including:Heather Luty, Lorraine Wroot, Roy Butterfield, Roy Barrett, Sheila Preston, Joyce Heslop, Eric Dessent, Marjorie Alderton, Gus Chalmers,
Bryan Brown, Tom Bates, Beryl Brown;
Yearsmind at Holy Trinity: Hope Turner.
Mon 29th
Wed 31st
Thu 1st
Fri 2nd
Sat 3rd
Sun 4th
Wedding at Holy Trinity
Holy Communion at Holy Trinity
New Years Day
Prayers for Holy Trinity
Healing Group Prayers at Holy Trinity
Holy Communion at Holy Trinity
Holy Communion at St Augustine’s
Parish Communion at Holy Trinity
All-in-Church at Holy Communion
Evensong at Holy Communion
St Mary’s, Embsay, new sheets are available
at the back of church
Wed - Sat 10.00-3pm Café (From 7th Jan)Holy Trinity
Wed—Sat 10.00-3.15pm Shop
Holy Trinity
Veronica and the team welcome you and invite you for some
coffee after the morning service.
The Refectory will reopen on January 7th 2015. Please do
prayerfully consider whether you can be involved in this vital part
of our mission and pastoral care. Speak to Hazel Burnett, Richard
James or Jill Wright for more information.
Leprosy Mission: stamps required. Please leave by the church
post box.
Women's Fellowship: Following the successful Christmas Party I
would like to thank, Hazel for all the work behind the scenes,
Kathleen for taking care of the money, and Arlene for the hard
work that goes into producing the next Syllabus, and to all the
tea makers throughout the year and the many hands that help
with the washing up. To Judith, Angela and Sally for their
excellent flute playing and to Gill for the lovely readings. The
programme starts again on the 11th March. All are welcome to
join Muriel Aldred.
Prayers for Holy Trinity are this Friday 2nd January. The theme
is New year, new beginnings and Epiphany and the reading will
be Matthew 2: 1-12.
There won’t be a Tea Party at Draughton Village Hall on
Monday 5th January. The next will be Monday 2nd February.
Services for the Week of Christian Unity begin on Monday 19th
January, with the first service at St Mary’s, Embsay. All services
are at 12.15pm apart from the Town Service which will be at
4.00pm on 25th January at Holy Trinity. Other venues for
services will be confirmed shortly.
Congratulations to Jacqueline and Doug Walker who celebrate
65 years of marriage on Thursday 31st December.
Next Week’s services and readings, Sunday 4th January, Epiphany
Holy Trinity 8.00am Holy Communion, 9.45am Parish Communion, 5.00pm Evensong
Wednesday 10.45 Holy Communion BCP
St Augustine’s Holy Communion
Readings: 8.00am Isaiah 60: 1-6, Psalm 72: (1-9) 10-15, Ephesians 3: 1-12, matthew 2: 1-12
9.45am Ephesians 3: 1-2, Matthew 2: 1-12 5.00pm Psalm 98, Isaiah 60: 1-9, John 2: 1-11
Contact details:,,,
Rector: The Revd Veronica James 01756 793622 [email protected],
Curate: The Revd Mary Winter 01756 792547 [email protected]
Parish Administrator: Pauline Demaline 01756 793622 Rectory Cottage Office, Rectory Lane, Skipton, BD23 1ER [email protected]