HOLY TRINITY HIGH SCHOOL 100 Melbourne Drive, Bradford, Ontario 905 775 4841, fax 905 775 3807 NEWSLETTER Christy Vellinga-Cancilla, Principal Karen Connolly, Vice Principal November 2014 www.htr.schools.smcdsb.on.ca STAFF NEW S – W ELCOM E & THANK YOU’S W elcome to the staff Mr. Frank Krascek! W elcome to our acting Vice Principal, Ms. Deanna Verardi W e wish Ms. Connolly a quick and speedy recovery and look forward to welcoming her back to the Holy Trinity Catholic School community in February. INCLEM ENT W EATHER It is that time of year again! Please remember the Simcoe Muskoka Catholic District School Board is divided into zones. Holy Trinity is in the South Zone. School bus information can be found at: http://www.simcoecountyschoolbus.ca/ GRADE 10 - ONTARIO SECONDARY SCHOOL LITERACY TEST (OSSLT) This year the OSSLT is March 26 th, 2015. This provincially mandated test will be given to all the Grade 10 students. This very important test is a graduation/diploma requirement. Please ensure that any appointments and vacations are not scheduled on these dates. OSSLT Preparation - Holy Trinity has been invited by EQAO to participate in the Online OSSLT Field Test in November. The objective of this field test is to gather feedback from students and teachers about the system and their experience of taking or administering the test online. This feedback will enable EQAO to enhance the online system. Half of our Gr.10 students have been selected to participate on November 26, 2014. After School Literacy Classes will also be available to help your son and/or daughter prepare him or herself for the 2015 OSSLT. Our goal is your child’s success! COM M UNITY SERVICE HOURS Students are reminded to complete their 40 hours of community service as it is a Secondary School Diploma requirement A good rule of thumb is to complete10 hours of each year of high school. Remember to keep track of hours on the Community Service Tracking Sheet located in the Guidance office and submit these forms as hours are completed. Grade 12 students must complete all hours by April 1, 2015. STUDENT UNIFORM - DGN~KILTERS Do you need to order new uniform pieces? DGN~KILTERS uniform supplier has a store in Barrie located at 132 Commerce Park Blvd., Barrie St. Phone 1-800-437-5872. Visit their website for more details www.DGN~KILTERS.com DGN~KILTERS has also set up a Tuck Shop within Holy Trinity Catholic High School and it is open every Thursday from 11:00-4:00. Now that winter is upon us please note that students are not permitted to wear non uniform coats, jackets, hoodies and/or scarves. Students are also reminded that their uniform pants cannot be tucked into their boots. Please ensure that your child comes to school wearing the appropriate uniform attire. See the student agenda for clarification which outlines what your son or daughter can wear to school. Students who arrive out of uniform will NOT be permitted to attend classes. They will be asked to change, have a parent bring in their proper uniform or will be kept in the office. All students are required to wear DGN~KILTERS/McCarthy LOGO pants at all times, with the exception of Year 5 students. CAUTION: Pants purchased at other locations (even though they have our LOGO) will not be permitted. Please note that Holy Trinity Catholic High School now has a school tie! All are welcome to purchase the tie! Available for $25 in the office. Great Christmas gift idea! Just a reminder: No athletic shorts, jogging pants, yoga pants or coloured t-shirts are allowed. EXAM INATIONS EXAMS AND OTHER SUMMATIVE EVALUATIONS 1st Semester Final Exams are January 14-28. These dates include In Class Exams as well. Full attendance during exams is essential to your child's success. The week prior to exams many classes have additional in-class exam components, in which attendance is also mandatory. The last 3 weeks of most courses is designated to completing Course Culminating Tasks (CCT’s). The summative mark in each course, consisting of the CCT assignment and final exams constitute 30% of your child's mark in each course. It is imperative that your child be in full attendance during these busy times. Dates for both additional in-class exam components (for Gr. 9 students this includes the Math EQAO) and final exams will not be rescheduled. Please do not book vacations, plan to attend tournaments, have job commitments, etc. during this time. A mark of zero will be assigned if your child does not attend on the date of their scheduled exam or additional in-class exam component. Should a major medical illness arise please contact the Main Office. A Doctor's note indicating the medical emergency and the impossibility to complete the exam on the scheduled date is required, or a mark of zero will be assigned. In most cases CCT dates in the last 3 weeks of the course will not be rescheduled. Please ensure that you are contacting both the teacher and the Main Office prior to absences during this time. Your child's success is our priority, and we want to ensure your child has every opportunity to be successful not only throughout the semester, but also during the essential summative evaluations in the final weeks of each semester. Thank you for your co-operation. Website Please be sure to check out our website daily for important information and upcoming events at www.htr.schools.smcdsb.on.ca SCIENCE DEPARTM ENT The grade 12 biology class visited the MARs Cancer Research Center in October and were introduced to some of the new and exciting advancements in cancer research. It opened the minds of our young future researchers. They even were introduced to one of Canada's top research scientist who helped to code the human genome. ART’S DEPARTM ENT The Annual Holy Trinity Catholic High School Art’s Festival takes place January 14 from 6:30-8:30 and showcases students in music, art, drama and film studies. It is fun for the whole family! Hope to see you there! This year’s Haunted House, The Whispering Woods, presented by Ms. Barrett’s drama students was a huge success! A donation of $400 to the Hospital for Sick Children (Sick Kids) is possible thanks to the dedication of all the participating students and the support within and outside of our school. Congratulations! SOCIAL SCIENCE DEPARTMENT Students in the Canadian and World Studies Department have gone on some exciting field trips in the first term. Our Grade 10 Canadian History classes went to the Simcoe County Museum and participated in their WWI Trench program. Grade 10 Civics classes toured Queen's Park and sat in on question period. In the second half of the semester, the grade 11 Law class will participate in a program at The University of Toronto's Forensic Science Centre as well as visit The Ontario Court of Justice in Toronto. The grade 10 Canadian History classes will also visit the Holocaust Museum and speak to a Holocaust survivor. GUIDANCE DEPARTM ENT Application Centers are now open for students in grade 12 planning on attending college or university in September 2015. Students are reminded to refer to "Where do we go from here?" packages for details. Honor Roll/ Good News Grade Level Assemblies will take place on Tuesday, November 18th. Grade 9's participated in Take Your Kids to Work Day on Wednesday, November 5th. We welcomed our Grade 8 Feeder School students to Grade 8 Tiger Day on Wednesday, November 5th. Gr. 8 parents and students are welcome to our Parent-Student Information Evening 7:00-8:30pm on Thurs., Dec.4, 2014 (snowdate Dec. 11). CHAPLAINCY NEW S On September 23 we celebrated Mass together at Holy Martyr’s of Japan. It was a beautiful celebration of the Eucharist. Our students were reverent and prayerful. Following Mass we provided the students with a bbq lunch at the school. It was a day when both the body and the soul were fed! The Holy Trinity school community has once again stepped up the challenge of "helping our neighbour". Our first food drive was a huge success, bringing in over 1500 food items. We have launched our winter clothing collection for the Coats for Kids foundation here in Bradford. The annual Christm as Comm unity Dinner will be held on Nov 26th which has been an excellent outreach connection to various members of our community, and then in December we will be participating in the Christm as Fam ily Toy Drive which has always been a huge hit with the homeroom classes. Our school community is also celebrating the Eucharist in our school chapel weekly. Students are also being exposed to the practice of the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. We appreciate and thank our parish priests for celebrating with us in our school community. These and other school wide activities are excellent examples of our witnessing to Christ through Love and Service. Parents and families are welcome to our Advent Mass on December 9, 2014 at 9:50am. Parents are welcome to join us in the chapel for Adoration all day on the first Friday of each month. CO-CURRICULAR NEWS Thank you to coaches and students on a great fall season! Congratulations to tennis duo of Perrault and Langford on winning an SCAA bronze medal; the Senior and Junior Boys Soccer Teams on winning the SCAA/GBSSA Championships! The Senior Boys Soccer Team has qualified for OFSAA in North Bay June 2015! Our Winter Sports are Girls and Boys-Hockey, Swimming, Archery Boys Basketball, and Girls Volleyball. Good luck athletes and coaches! NEW YORK CITY TRIP Over 90 students have paid their deposits to travel to New York City at the end of April 2015 to experience the Arts and Culture of this famous city. Students will visit MOMA, Metropolitan Museum of Art, Museum of Moving Images, a Broadway Show, Times Square, cruise New York City Harbour, walk Central Park, Mass at St. Patrick's Cathedral, and visit the Statue of Liberty and 9/11 Memorial as well as attend a MLB game. CHRISTM AS ACTIVITY DAY On Thursday December 19, 2014, all students will be participating in our annual Christm as Activity Day. Students will sign up for an activity at the beginning of December. There will be a wide variety of activities offered for the students. OUTSIDE THE CLASSROOM Our students have been offered a variety of opportunities beyond the classroom. These opportunities offer our students valuable life experiences. MADD Assembly, Live Different Assembly, Remembrance Day Assembly, Finding Kind Assembly, Haunted House, Spirit Assembly. HOLY TRINITY MISSION TRIP Our Mission Team is preparing for its mission to Ecuador in the Spring of 2015. Please support our staff and students as they Witness to Christ through Love and Service. There will be several fund raisers for the trip, please participate and give generously. Thank you. GRADUATION Mark your calendars, Thursday June 25 th, 2015 will be our Graduation Ceremony date this year. More information will follow throughout the school year. HOM EW ORK CLUB The homework club will runs every W ednesday in the library. Please encourage your son/daughter to attend and receive extra help from many of our teachers. STUDENT ABSENCES If your child is going to be absent from school, please contact the school’s main office immediately @ 905-775-4841 or provide a note when your son/daughter returns by 8:45 or your child will be considered truant. Students marked TRUANT will receive a a half day In-School Suspension. To avoid discipline it is very important that parents report each and every time a student will be away. CELL PHONE USE Students are ONLY permitted to use their cell phones in the cafeteria during lunch, before school and after school. Students are not permitted to use their cell phones during class time. If parents need to contact students please do so by calling the front office. Students caught using their cell phones inside the school will face the following consequences: First Offence: The phone is confiscated and kept in the office for the remainder of the day and will be returned to the student at the end of the school day. Second Offence: Phone is confiscated and kept in the office for remainder of the day however a PARENT will need to pick the phone up from the school. HAVE YOU MOVED RECENTLY? When you move your MPAC (Municipal Property Assessment Corporation) designation reverts back to Public Education Supporter. Please ensure you have notified your municipality to ensure that you maintain your Catholic Education Supporter designation. Thank you! SCHOOL AND COMMUNITY COUNCIL The School Community Council usually meet on the third Monday of every month. All parents are welcome. A big thank you to CSCC for hosting the Parent session on Cyber Safety and Teenage Resiliency. Domino’s Pizza Night continues on the second Tuesday of each month, next Pizza Night is Dec.9th., 2014. WELCOMING OUR FUTURE GRADUATES Holy Trinity creates a variety of opportunities to welcome our future grade 9 students; our future Tigers - Grade8 Tiger Day and Grade 8 Parent and Student Open House on December 4 at 7:00pm. IMPORTANT DATES 2014/2015 SEMESTER ONE SEMESTER TWO NOVEMBER 21 PA Day 26 Community Christmas Dinner DECEMBER 01-05 Graduation Photos 1 - 12 Christmas baskets 04 Grade 8 Parent Info Night 17 Final Advisory Letter sent home 19 Christmas Activity Day 20-Jan.4 Christmas Holidays JANUARY 05 School Resumes 14-16 EQAO Gr.9 Math Test 14 Festival of the Arts 19 CSCC meeting 15-21 Semester One In Class Exams 22-28 Semester One Final Exams 29-30 PD DAYS FEBRUARY 02 09 12 16 17 18 20 23 MARCH APRIL Semester Two Begins Toiletry Drive Semester I Report Cards sent home Family Day Holiday Shrove Tuesday Ash Wednesday Course Selections due CSCC meeting 05 Grade 6 - 8 Dance 11 Early Warning Letters sent home 12 Lent Mass 16-20 March Break 26 Parent Teacher Interviews 26 OSSLT 29 Palm Sunday 02 Stations of the Cross 03 Good Friday 06 Easter Monday 07-17 Food Drive 14 Term One Ends 15 Term Two Begins 20 PA Day 27 CSCC meeting SEMESTER TWO, cont’d MAY 01 Mid Term Report Cards 04-08 Catholic Education Wk 07 Honour Roll Breakfast 14 Grade 6 - 8 Dance 18 Victoria Day Holiday 20 Arts Banquet 27 Final Advisory Letters 29 Prom JUNE 1-12 Food Drive 02 Year-End Mass 10-12 EQAO Math Test 08 Co-op Banquet 10 Festival of the Arts 11 Athletic Banquet 10-24 Semester II Final Exams 25 Graduation Remind.com Remind is a simple way to stay informed and up-to-date with what’s happening at Holy Trinity Catholic. By joining you’re choosing to receive school messages via one-way notifications. On occasion we hope to send a quick reminder to parents/students. For example, “Report Cards went home today” or “Homework Club every Wednesday after school in the Library” or “Uniform tuck shop open tomorrow 8am-1pm.” To receive messages via text… Enter this number Please note your phone number will not be 519-488-9376 shared or visible to anyone. With one of the following Please note if you have more than one childmessages based on grade at HT in a different grade, please sign up level multiple times as some reminders are grade @htchs9 specific. @htchs10 @htchs11 Based on grade level If you do not use text messaging and prefer email www.remind.com/join/htchs9 visit this link… Please note your email will www.remind.com/join/htchs10 not be shared or visible to www.remind.com/join/htchs11 anyone. Please note if you have more www.remind.com/join/htchs912 than one child at HT in a different grade, please sign up multiple times as some reminders are grade specific @htchs12 Twitter Follow us @Trinity_Tiger…we do not follow, we just post reminder. For example, “Don’t forget it’s civvies day tomorrow” or “Soccer buyout $1 tomorrow. Enews Letter It is imperative you sign up for Enews Letter. If you signed up in the past you need to sign up again. Visit our school website, click on the right hand side of website. Future letters will only be sent home through Enews.
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