RC Weekly - Restoration Church

The RC Weekly
Sundays | 9 & 10:30am – RC Groups
Sundays | 9 & 10:30am – Worship
Wednesdays | 6:30pm Worship
Restoration Church
6655 Pottery Road
Spartanburg SC 29303
We’re glad you’ve chosen to worship with
us today! Our prayer is that you will be
encouraged by God’s Word and touched
by His presence.
Please stop by our Green Room at the
end of service. Our pastoral staff and
volunteers would love to meet you and
answer any questions you may have.
We also have a special gift for you.
Week of February 8, 2015
Two Sunday Worship Services
9:00am–10:10am & 10:30am–11:45am
Both services have the same songs, message
and ministry. The only difference is the music
is softer in the 9am service.
GO ONLINE @ www.restorationchurch.org
to listen or watch services. Sermon notes are
available online.
to the DR will be May 30 – June 6. The cost is
$1,100 with a $150 deposit due March 1. We
will be serving and ministering to schools and
villages, also starting a new building for the
children’s home. Make this a vacation with a
purpose for your family!
Open Night – March 3rd – 7pm: Seeking
skilled musicians and vocalists with a heart and
passion for intimate worship. Please join us in
the main auditorium for OPEN NIGHT on
Tuesday, March 3 at 7pm and discover how
you can use your gift and talent to serve the
We encourage you to take advantage of our
Children’s Ministry. It is a safe and fun
environment designed for your children. If
you choose to bring your child in the
auditorium, please sit towards the back. If
your child starts to cry and/or gets restless,
please take them to the Nursing Mother’s
Room or Kidzville Plaza where you can watch
the rest of the service. Thanks for helping us
create a distraction-free environment where
people can encounter God.
Dominican Republic Mission Trip: Our trip
Available in the Resource Center:
CDs of today’s service, sermon notebooks and
One-Year Bibles
Got Questions or Need Help??
Stop by the Info Desk.
Are You Receiving RC Weekly Online?:
If you are not receiving RC’s weekly emails,
and would like to, please give us your email
address on the Connection Card and be sure
to check the box for NEW information and we
will be sure your email is updated in our
system. Thank you!
FREE WIFI is now available throughout the
building. To access, log onto RC Public Wifi.
Password: 6655potteryroad
Traducción al Español Disponible: Favor
de recoger la radio de traducción en el Resource
Center cerca de la puerta principal del auditorio.
Sunday: 8am – Aud. / 9:45am – Prayer Room
Tuesday: 10am – 12pm – Prayer Room
Wednesday: 5:30 – 6:30pm – Prayer Room
“Save the Date”
RC Groups – February - March
Men’s Breakfast
February 21
Winter 2015
Mark your calendars!
It’s not too late to join!
Join with other men for a
FREE breakfast from 8-10am.
Join us from 6:30-6:45pm in the Main
Auditorium for worship followed by our
new RC Groups from 6:50-7:50pm.
This is a time of fellowship and
focusing on the issues men face.
Sign up at the Info Desk or online at
Sign up at the Info Desk or online at
Our new RC Groups will continue
through March. Limited books are
available in the Resource Center.
Communion – February 15
Men’s Breakfast – February 21
Sullivan’s Catering – March 1
Open Night – March 3
Spring Forward – March 8
Discovery – March 15
RC Groups
KIDZVILLE (6 Wks–5th Grade)
Sunday 9am & 10:30am & Wed. 6:30pm: Exciting & fun
learning experiences in age-appropriate areas
Visit us @ restorationchurch.org/ministries/children
Baby Depot: (6 wks – 23 mo.) BOTTOM LINE: Jesus
loves you. Ephesians 3:18
Sunday - 9am: BFG – Suite 700
Wednesday – 6:30pm – Main Auditorium
For email updates:
[email protected]
The Refuge Student Ministry (FB)
@refuge_students (Twitter)
refugestudents (Instagram)
Prazin’ Place: (2 yrs. – K4) BOTTOM LINE: Jesus loves
me. Ephesians 3:18
Majesty Theatre: (K5 – 5 gr.) BOTTOM LINE: Be kind to
your family and friends. Ruth 1 and 2
Miss a Sunday? Catch up on what we did in Majesty here studio252live.com
Want more? Find fun games and extra videos here studio252.tv
Please help us take pride in the facility God has given
us by keeping it clean. Trash receptacles are
conveniently located throughout the building. Please
use them and do not leave trash on the floor.
Family + Prayer Matters
Pray For & Support Our Missionaries
Malaysia/Vietnam: Irvin & Linda Rutherford; Lilian Tan
Thailand: Daniel & Shannon Ross
Dominican Republic: Danny & Denise Stone
Nicaragua: Tim & Chris Bagwell
Guatemala: John & Tracy Batchelor (Schools & Feeding Ctrs)
Greece & the Middle East: Gail Stathis
Guyana: Safee & Rose Rahaman
Humanitarian Aid: Jeanie Kellett
Seeds of Hope: Local Food Distribution
For the most up-to-date news & happenings at RC go to www.restorationchurch.org
Our sincere condolences to the family of Gary King, who passed away February 1. Please keep his wife, Laura; son,
Pastor Kevin; and daughter, Lisa Dillon, in prayer.
When you or someone in your family are scheduled to go into the hospital, the staff would like to know so we can pray for you
during this time. Please call the church office, 864.579.7797, with as much advance notice as possible.
Charitable gifts for funeral memorials may be given to Restoration Church. Charitable gifts may also be given “In Honor” of
someone. In both cases, a note will be mailed to the family or recipient acknowledging that a donation was given by you “In
Memory” or “In Honor” of their loved one.
F.Y.I…For your convenience or if coming in late offering boxes are located in the hallways.
When filling out your offering envelope please include your first and last name and
if giving by credit card, please make sure all information is complete.
You can also give online or through the free Restoration Church app!
5 Types of Givers in Every Church
Never Given ! 1 Time Givers ! Occasional Givers ! Tithers ! Extravagant Givers
Where are you? Where would you like to be? Where does God want you to be?