THIS WEEK’S CALENDAR SUNDAY, JANUARY 11 ANNOUNCEMENTS JANUARY 10 & 11, 2015 Our Mission: To know and proclaim Jesus Christ and as disciples reach out in love. DATES TO REMEMBER Sunday, Jan. 18 Blood Pressure Clinic Saturday, Jan. 24 Altar Guild Meeting Sunday, Feb. 15 Blood Pressure Clinic Taste of St. John Wednesday, Feb. 18 Ash Wednesday Saturday, Feb. 21 Blood Drive WELCOME! Holy Communion: Is celebrated every weekend at all services. All who believe in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior are invited to be His guest. ADULT EDUCATION Christian Life And Service Seminars SPONSORSHIPS You may sponsor altar flowers at a cost of $30; the bulletins at a cost of $25; the radio broadcast of our 8 am service at increments of $35, $65 or $110; or the television broadcast of the service at a cost of $40. END OF YEAR UPDATE Offering reports will be mailed in January for your tax records. CLASS will be held Sunday mornings between services. The course will meet in the Koinonia Room. Jan. 11, 18 & 25 Introduction to the Gospels Feb. 1, 8 & 15 Technology and Faith Narrative Lectionary Study (NLS) Thursdays 10:00 AM in Memorial Hall with Beth All are Welcome! POINSETTIAS can be picked up after the 10:30 AM service Sunday, January 11. They are offered on a first come first serve basis. 8:00 AM Worship Install Council 9:00 AM Coffee Fellowship 9:15 AM Education Hour 10:30 AM Family Worship MONDAY, JANUARY 12 9:00 AM Card Ministry TUESDAY, JANUARY 13 9:00 AM AA 10:30 AM Staff Meeting 5:30 PM Yoga 5:30 PM Ed Board 6:00 PM Church In Society 7:00 PM Council WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 14 VOLUNTEER APPRECIATION BREAKFAST Sunday, February 1, 9:00 AM Everyone is invited to breakfast served by your Church staff as a thank you for all of your volunteer efforts. TASTE of ST. JOHN 3:30 PM Kingdom Crew 5:15 PM LIFE Supper 6:00 PM LIFE 6:30 PM Bell Choir 7:00 PM YG 7:30 PM Choir THURSDAY, JANUARY 15 Staff Development - Office Closed 9:00 AM AA 1:00 PM Sarah Circle 5:30 PM Yoga 7:00 PM AA 7:00 PM Pub Theology FRIDAY, JANUARY 16 9:00 AM Quilting SATURDAY, JANUARY 17 5:15 PM Worship SUNDAY, JANUARY 18 8:00 AM 9:00 AM 9:15 AM 9:15 AM 10:30 AM 1:00 PM Worship Coffee Fellowship Education Hour Blood Pressure Clinic Family Worship 9th Grade Confirmand/ Mentor Retreat Sunday, February 15, 11:30 AM Time to start thinking what you are going to make and serve for the Taste of St. John. Bring your cooking skills and your taste buds! CONNECT WITH US ON . . . Twitter@StJohnReedsburg Facebook Web Page PRAYER CHAIN To start our prayer chains please note your prayer on your attendance registration form, or contact Rosemary LaRowe at 524-2677, Yvonne Brekke at 524-3813, the church office at 2549763, or email [email protected]. If you wish to become part of our prayer chain, contact the office. IN KEEPING WITH GOD’S Walking together through grief and loss. This FREE grief support program allows you to identify the seasons of your grief and assists you in your grief walk. This 5 session videobased program will meet at RAMC. Session dates are January 15, 22,29, and February 5 6:30—8:00 PM All sessions are in Reedsburg Area Medical center’s Conference Rm Please contact Tammy Koenecke, RN, BSN, MASL, Spiritual Care Coordinator for more information or to sign up for the class/pre-registration is not required). 768-6249 commandment to pray for others, we ask you to include the following in your prayers. They are prayed for in the month in which they celebrate their birthday: Betty Statz, Samantha Strutz, Brian McGee, Jaime Ryczek, Carrie Schwerman, Shirley West, Shawn Foss, Ryan Rott, Rod Flink, Lynn Eberl, Marjorie Driefke, Sherry Bernien, and the mission and ministry of Sugar Creek Lutheran Church, Elkhorn. OFFERINGS TO SUPPORT OUR MISSION AND MINISTRY AND WEEKLY ATTENDANCE Watch for 2015 numbers next week. Last weekend’s attendance: 209 Readings This Week JESUS’ BAPTISM Matthew 3:1-17 Monday - Psalm 2:7-8 Psalm For every exercise hour or every Tuesday - Judges 13:1-7 pound of weight loss, St. John LutherThe Birth of Samson an Church will get 10 pounds of food, Wednesday - Isaiah 11:1-9 courtesy of the Princeton Club and God’s Peaceful Kingdom our hunger-relief partner Second Harvest Food bank of Southern Wiscon- Thursday - Zechariah 3:1-10 sin. Joshua and Satan Go to Friday - Numbers 31:21-24 Sign up to record either the amount Cleaning by Fire you exercise or the amount of your Saturday - Isaiah 40:1-11 weight loss. You will also find plenty A Voice in the Wilderness of information on how to participate Next Sunday - Matthew 4:1-17 in the Challenge and support our Tempted in the Wilderness Christ’s Cupboard. Individuals, groups/organizations and schools are welcome. There’s no cost to participate or obligation to join a health club. You can work out at home! YIELDING TO JESUS MAKES COFFEE FELLOWSHIP HOSTS PLEASE SIGN UP HIM THE MASTER OF YOUR Jan. 11 Jan. 18 Jan. 25 Feb. 1 either he will hate the one and love Please Volunteer for treats Tracy Schmus Please Volunteer for treats Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast POSSESSIONS. “No one can serve two masters, for the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money” (Matthew 6:24).
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