2014-August 17-bulletin - The Salvation Army Kingston Citadel

Our Church exists ~ to Celebrate God’s presence ~
Regular Church Offering: $4,032.50
Loose Offering:
(Budget/week: $4,198.08)
Support of Kingston Citadel programs, personnel expenses, general operations, property
Partners in Mission:
Support of Salvation Army ministry in Third World Countries
Home Missions:
Support of special projects within the Ontario Central/East Division
Children/Youth Ministries: $252.50
Community & Family
Total: $4,849.35
Financial Report – August 10, 2014
Sunday Morning Attendance: 160
Regular Church Offering: $2,287.42
Loose Offering:
(Budget/week: $4,198.08)
Support of Kingston Citadel programs, personnel expenses, general operations, property
Partners in Mission:
Support of Salvation Army ministry in Third World Countries
Home Missions:
Support of special projects within the Ontario Central/East Division
Children/Youth Ministries: $220.13
Youth Group:
Total: $3,306.55
Rally Day - this is a great time of Fall Fellowship
when we rally the troops, our families, our friends,
our neighbours to come out to
The Salvation Army Kingston
Citadel for a great afternoon of
FUN! Sunday, September 7th
from 12:30pm - 3pm join us for
hot dogs, drinks, music, face
painting, pony rides, jumping
castle, activities, games and
much more! Sign up for fall
programs! This is a FREE event
for families!
August 17, 2014
Worship 10:30 AM
All God’s People
Majors David & April
[email protected]
[email protected]
Church Office Contact
Tuesday to Friday
9:30 am - 12:00 pm
1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
816 Centennial Drive
(p) 613-548-1600
[email protected]
Community & Family
Services Campus
342 Patrick Street
(p) 613-548-4411
[email protected]
The Salvation Army
Family Thrift Stores
277 Bath Road
[email protected]
472 Division Street
[email protected]
Welcome to worship
on this Lord’s Day!
We trust you will feel the warmth
of God’s love and the fellowship
of His people.
Sunday, August 17
9:50am Prayer Time
10:30am Worship
1:00pm Sunday School Teachers
6:30pm Worship in the Park
to Demonstrate God’s love ~ to Communicate God’s Word ~ to Educate God’s people ~ to Encourage God’s family
Financial Report – August 3, 2014
Sunday Morning Attendance: 220
to Demonstrate God’s love ~ to Communicate God’s Word ~ to Educate God’s people ~ to Encourage God’s family
Tuesday Women’s Fellowship - We will resume again in September each Tuesday
afternoon from 2-4pm in the Fireside Room. All women are welcome. For information
please see Irene O’Neill, Lorna Smith or Bertha Gingerich.
Prayer Chain - Contact Jessie Wong at 542-8320 or Stan Coulter at 389-8207 to
activate the prayer chains. Join in prayer at the church Sundays from 9:50-10:10am.
Wednesday Afternoon Bible Study - We will resume again in September, when we
meet on Wednesdays from 1pm-3pm in the Prayer Chapel. We stress a deeper and a
closer walk with God and encourage the Holy Spirit in our every day life. Contact Bertha
Gingerich at 613-549-0109 or Carol Dunscombe at 613-377-1579 for information.
Senior Brass Band - We will resume again in September. We rehearse as an adult
community band for all levels of skill, on Wednesday evenings from 8:00-9:30pm. For
information contact Ron Wong at 613-531-4141.
Thursday Night Prayer Group - We have changed nights - we will begin on
Thursday, September 4th at 7pm. We will be looking at some great information on
prayer from Jim Cymbala, as we gather in this time of prayer and fellowship. For
information contact Anita Pearson at 613-389-7579.
Men’s Fellowship - See you in September, on the first Friday of each month at 7pm
in the Fireside Room. All men are welcome to attend! For more information contact Stan
Coulter at 613-389-8207.
Sunday School - Children leave part way through the Worship service for child friendly
Bible lessons and activities geared to each age group. Contact is Barb Laird.
Beginner Brass Band - If you are interested in having your children learn to play a
brass instrument, please speak with Mike McCourt or email [email protected]
This program is for children ages 7 or older and meets each Wednesday at 6pm.
Contact Mike at 613-634-0452.
Junior Brass Band - is finished for the season and will resume in the fall. For
children ages 7 or older who can play the C scale, they will learn to play single songs
and then band arrangements. We meet each Wednesday at 6:15pm. Contact is Mike
McCourt 613-634-0452.
Youth Saturday Night Live - Our program is over for now but stay tuned to Facebook
to see if there are any planned outings throughout the rest of the summer. Open
to Jr High and High School students (ages 12-18).
Youth Discipleship Programs - We are on summer vacation! But stay tuned for
Wednesday dates that may come up through the summer months. Program runs
on Wednesdays at 6:15pm. Junior High (Grades 6, 7&8) and Sr High (High School)
open to all students.
Please pray for the following members of our congregation Baby Owen Fodchuk (son of Grace Ann & Cory), for continued improvement,
recovering from open heart surgery, pray Owen can remain healthy for future surgeries,
for the family to remain strong in the days to come; Doug Kirkwood, praise God for
being strong enough to take a family vacation, prayer is needed for pain & discomfort,
numbers are not good, undergoing chemo for cancer; Mabel Delaney, ongoing health
concerns from concussion last October; Don Garland, ongoing dialysis treatment &
serious health concerns; Gloria Moyer recovering at home after hip surgery; Mae Dark,
recovering with a broken wrist; Jeff Pitcher’s daughter Ashley; Genevieve Castillo,
health concerns, daughter of Nicole & Esteban; Lillian Noll, health concerns; Karl
Hughes, battling cancer; Daisy Hatt, health concerns; Dee & Moe Peters, family
concerns; Aubrey & Marie Garrett, health concerns; Glen Jackson, health concerns;
Murray Kirkland, (Colleen’s brother) cancer.
Birthday Greetings
Ethan McCourt - August 17
Don McBride - August 22
Brita Owen - August 23
Harry Thomasen - August 23
Anniversary Wishes
John & Leanne Crowe - August 17
Estaban & Nicole Castillo - August 18
Alain & Brigid Gagnon - August 21
Carol Lott - August 19
Leanne Crowe - August 22
Anita Pearson - August 23
Mike & Sarah McCourt - August 17
Jamie & Vanessa McCourt - August 20
Glen & Sheila Jackson - August 21
Congratulations - to Lyz (nee Kirkwood) & Mike and big sister Aubrie Radcliffe who
welcomed a new baby girl, ‘Georgia Eloise Elizabeth’ to their family. Born on August 8th
in Ottawa. Everyone is doing great and adjusting well. Baby ‘Georgia’ is a new
granddaughter for Debbie & Doug Kirkwood, niece to Uncle Matt Kirkwood, and a new
cousin for baby Owen Fodchuk.
Thank You - to Laura Smith who held a bake sale at her home last week to raise
money for The Strong Owen Fund. This fund supports the travel expenses and hospital
stays for Grace Ann & Cory Fodchuk while they are with their new baby Owen who is in
hospital in Toronto. What a thoughtful gesture Laura to have helped in this way. The
family is so grateful for the support and prayers that they are receiving.
Sunday School Teachers - Today, Sunday, August 17, there is a mandatory meeting
in the childcare rooms for all Sunday School Teachers from 1pm-5pm. For further
information please speak with Nicole Castillo.