Click here to view the weekly newsletter

Monday, January 12
9:30am Babies & Toddlers
Tuesday, January 13
10:30am Ladies Bible Study
Wednesday, January 14
2:45pm Women's Fellowship - Speaker John Rogers
- New Session Starts 6:00pm JAM Children's Club 5-12 years
Thursday, January 15
7:30pm Church Meeting
Saturday, January 17
9:00am Men's Golf
1:00pm Private Party in Main Hall
Next Week Sunday 18th January
10:30am Service followed by communion led by John Rogers
6:30pm Service led by Doug Eamer
Followed by 18+ Open House@K&J‘s
Film Evening
The film God of Wonders is to be shown on Saturday 31st January at
7.00pm at Mt Pleasant Gospel Hall, Hollingsworth Road, Lowestoft and any
friends who would like to go are invited to attend. The film lasts around 80
minutes and will be followed by refreshments.
beccles baptist church
Sunday 11th January
10.30am Morning Service
Service led by Doug Eamer with Mike Griffin from Leprosy Mission
4:30pm Beccles Hospital Service
6.30pm Evening Service
Service led by Maurice Keatley
Reading: Reading Judges 16:1-21......Theme: Strength and Weakness
Refreshments served after each service
Followed by 18+ Open House @ K&J‘s
For those who may have missed this:
The Leprosy Mission
New prayer diaries-ASK_ for the year 2015 have arrived.
Normally you would have to ask me for one, but as I may
not be around they are on the foyer table for you to help
yourself. By taking one you will making a commitment to pray every day
for the work of the Mission. It also contains a wealth of information and
makes very interesting reading. The smaller quarterly prayer diaries are
also there, if you would like a weekly prayer guide to help you. Ruth
Large Print
A large print copy of this evenings reading can be found
in the vestibule
If you are visiting us today we give you a warm welcome and
pray the Lord will bless you as you worship with us. Please sign
the visitors book and make yourself known to us.
Beccles Baptist Church
Personal News. Please pray for:-
Ruth Cooper and the family as they wait for a decision on her treatment
All who have been suffering with ill-health over the Christmas and New
Ladies Bible Study
We re-commence on Tuesday 13th January at 10.30am and our study will
be number 10 (for those with the book we have been using) looking at
Prayer ‘Blessing Other People’ Ephesians 1 v15-23; 3 v14-21 and to
explore how we should pray for other Christians.
'Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. '
1 John 4:7
JAM restarts on January 14th
We thank God for the way He has blessed this work. Please
pray for the leaders as we start our 2nd year of JAM.
If anybody wants to invite children known to you, invitations
are on the table in the foyer.
Bookstall Sale!
Alastair wishes all prospective customers a beautiful bookfull New Year that includes you-all!
This month you get more bang for your buck - it's SALE time! Most of the
stock - books, CDs, and DVDs - are included.
Remember too that you get 10% discount, even on Sale stock!
Please Note: The Bookstall will only be available after Morning services.
“Fight truth decay – read your Bible every day”
Message from Fiona:
A new Stewarding Rota is being prepared. The current pairings are:
AM: David & Judy, Ian & Jacky, John & Jo, and Gerald & Margaret.
PM; Malcolm & Kelly, Josh & (another), Gill & Francis, Carolyn &
(another), and Clive & Gail.
If anyone new wishes to volunteer for this duty, or the existing Stewards
wish for any amendments, please see Baz. Thank you.
"As I write (Weds morning) we are in the middle of the intense week of
WEC Senegal's annual conference. We are very conscious that we are in a
spiritual battle. I am thankful for the visit of my friends from my London
days to run the children's programme. Conference ends on Sunday 11th
and term restarts Wednesday 14th. My friends fly back to the UK Friday
16th. Thank you for praying and Happy New Year. Love Fiona, Katie,
Carys and Callum
All requests from members of the church for items to go in this Newsletter
will now be acknowledged to the ‘source’ e-mail address by the cut-off
time (stated over-page).......your minds will be put at rest as you will
know I’ve received it! Baz
Holiday Club
We are pleased to announce that Peter Newton (Shepherds Drive Baptist
Church Ipswich) has accepted the invitation to lead our Church Weekend
at Letton Hall in July 2015. Mark the date in your diaries now and look
forward to a great weekend of fellowship and teaching.
Tues-Thurs 17th -19th February 2015.
If you are interested in helping at Holiday Club please give your name to
Doug Eamer ASAP so that we can decide if we have enough people to
run it.
Church Weekend - 3rd to 5th July 2015
The list is up! For those wishing to go, please add your
name to the list in the foyer.