Westminster United Church “Embracing Our Community” Sunday, December 28, 2014 10:30 AM Welcome to Westminster United Church. We are glad that we can worship God together this morning. Our Mission Statement Westminster United Church is a Christian family sharing the good news of Jesus Christ with the congregation, the community and the world at large. We provide a spiritual home for worship, celebration of the sacraments, and Christian Education. Hymns, responsive readings and unison prayers will be displayed on the screen. Today’s hymns are also available in large print from the ushers. Please do not leave handbags or valuables unattended. Thank you to those participating in today’s service: Scripture Reader: Bev Crumb Greeters and Candle lighters: Sue & Bob Neil Team 4 (Bob Dingman, Larry Morrow, Walter Lamers, Bob Neil, Heather Ushers: Bowyer, Arlene Jones, Gord Mahaffy, Neville Wright) Coffee and Tea Server(s): Team 5 (Neville Wright, Emma Murrin, Dean Mortimer, Shirley Penny) Tech Booth: Bruce & Adam Cullen Guest organist: Jennifer Tilk We encourage you to take this bulletin home with you after today’s worship service. (* Indicates to please stand as you are able.) We Gather Together Prelude Call to Worship One: The preparation, the waiting and the anticipation have all come to pass. All: We rejoice in the birth of Jesus! One: All: One: All: for One: All: This is not all there is however, there is still so much more to come! The light of the Star still shines brightly, ever leading and ever guiding us as we seek to worship you, O God, through your infant Son. Just as the Wise Men waited and watched and then followed, all those years ago, We do likewise; waiting for your message, watching your signs and following the Star of Bethlehem. The Star of Wonder that leads us to Hope, Joy, Peace and Love. The Star of Light that leads us to Jesus and to you. Opening Prayer Passing the Peace (we greet one another saying, “The peace of Christ be with you.” “And also with you.”) *Hymn: We Three Kings of Orient Are The Bible is placed, candles lit To Offer Ourselves Announcements – The Life and Work of the Church Invitation to Offering (our commitment to support the Life and Work of the church) (Children and youth are encouraged to place their offerings in the offering plate at this time, too.) Offertory 2 *Sung Response: VU#81, v3 As they offered gifts most rare at that manger crude and bare, so may we with holy joy, pure and free from sin’s alloy, all our costliest treasures bring, Christ, to you, our heavenly King. Prayer To Hear God’s Word Time with all God’s Children Scripture Background Scripture Reading: Matthew 2: 1-11 The Visit of the Wise Men (Listen to the scripture. What stands out to you: a word, image, question? Solo Chris Shkolnik Sermon (Something I want to remember …) To Respond in Faith Time of Silent Reflection *Hymn: VU #81 As with Gladness Men of Old Prayers of the People and The Lord’s Prayer To Go Into the World *Hymn: VU #96 Will You Come and See the Light *Blessing and Sending Forth Sung Response: A--men. A--men. A-men. Amen. Amen. (repeat) Postlude 3 A Prayer for the Week Extravagant God, you sent magi with generous gifts to visit the baby Jesus and proclaim his reign to all the world. Make our voices heard when we proclaim God’s love to all. We pray these things in the strong name of Jesus. Amen. Prayer Requests during the Service Our weekly worship service provides a time for submitting prayers of concern, thanksgiving and praise. You will find prayer forms in the pew pockets. Prayer/praise requests are collected along with the offering. Please place the completed prayer cards in the baskets as they are circulated and your weekly offering in the metal plates. The requests are read in the service during our prayer time together and then forwarded to the Prayer Group who will continue to pray for each concern. Westminster Calendar Monday December 29, 2014 to Saturday January 3, 2015 CLOSED Sunday January 4, 2015 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM-Sunday Worship Monday January 5, 2015 OPEN 4 What’s Happening at Westminster? Blood Donor Clinic January 6 The next Canadian Blood Services Blood Donor Clinic is Tuesday, January 6 from 3:00PM - 7:00PM in the Westminster gym. You can book your appointment time by calling ahead to Canadian Blood Services at 1-888-236-6283. —————————————————————–———————————— Senior Fitness: This new 8 week program will run weekly on Thursday mornings in the gym, from 9:30-10:30am. Start date: Jan. 15th. There is no fee and spaces are limited to 12, so register soon! Contact Katie Bonikowsky (Instructor) to register at [email protected] —————————————————————–———————————— You’re invited to the Wellness Committee January Special Event Our guest speaker on topics of mental health and depression will be David Clarke, Coordinator of Communications and Training with Durham Mental Health Services. David has over 20 years of experience as a case worker and program supervisor, and has delivered educational presentations to many groups in Durham. Mark your calendar for Sunday, January 18, 2015 following worship service from 12:00 noon to 2:00pm. At the start, a sandwich buffet lunch will be served in the Founders’ Room. —————————————————————–———————————— Explore Faith: Confirmation Program 2015 For youth grades 9-12 led by Rev. Michelle Robinson. The excitement begins after church on Sunday January 25, 2015. Confirmation is a step in faith, it is not a destination. It is not saying, “I know and understand everything about being a Christian,” rather it is saying, “I am willing to be on this amazing journey of faith and am making my own commitment to it.” The confirmation program explores the Christian faith through discussions, questions, activities, and worship. Some highlights of the program this year include: a trip to Emmanuel College/University of Toronto, participation in the Coldest Night of the Year walk, and a weekend confirmation retreat to Five Oaks, (this retreat was strongly recommended by previous confirmands as being an amazing weekend!) Confirmation Sunday will be May 3, 2015. If you are interested in being part of the confirmation group 2015, contact Rev. Michelle for a full schedule of dates and an introductory letter. Email: [email protected] or call the church office 905-723-6442. —————————————————————–———————————— 5
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