Welcome to HEREFORD BAPTIST CHURCH A warm welcome to everyone visiting our church today! Sunday January 11th 2015 10.30 am Worship Service What is a Disciple? Luke14:25-35 4 pm Song words Communion Service Very young children/babies... Printed copies are available. Please there is a crèche at the back of the building ask the stewards. as well as a quiet room where the very young can be taken at any time during the Refreshments Tea and Coffee are served after the service and where carers will be able to see service in the hall behind the main and hear the service. Toy bags are available for children to play with during the service. church room. Please join us. Please ask the stewards for any additional Prayer information Before Sunday morning services, please join us at 10:10am for 10 Children and young people... minutes of prayer in the middle hall - during the morning service leave to go to groups after the first part of the service all welcome. A prayer team are available to pray except for once a month when we have an all-age family service. with people following each service. Participation in the service is welcomed when appropriate. If you are a member, you are invited to share prophetic words. If you are a visitor, please write them down and give them to one of the ministers. If we can help you, or if you require any more information about the church, please talk to one of our leaders or stewards. Rose Garden Church 5.30pm Steve Kerry Praying for Vennture Tonight The next Vennture prayer meeting will be held at 7.30pm at CLC today, Sunday 11th January 2015 Please remember in your prayers Lynne Wilkins' family (funeral on Monday). Pray for those who continue to be unwell Nadine Beer, Jenny Mallon, Margaret Sullivan and Howell Haines and also Ida Heywood, Judy Fleming and Kathleen Morris. A New Year is good for most but daunting to some - remember those who struggle at this time of year. HBC Book of the Month January 2015 Church Sharing As we read together through the book of James and reflect on our Sunday morning service series on Discipleship, there may be things that it would be good to share with the church. This could be on a Sunday morning, small group or perhaps written down. We would love to hear about what God may be saying to us. Please let the church office know. Lynne Wilkins There will be a Thanksgiving Service on Monday January 12 @ HBC at 12.30pm - followed by a committal at the crematorium at (or about) 1.30pm, after which friends are then invited to join the family for refreshments at 5 Admirals Close. Please ensure that the church car park is kept free for those attending this service. 2015 Parking Permits New parking permits for the HBC car park have now been printed and are in the mail trolley. Please remember that under our agreement with the Magistrates Court members are only to use the car park during court hours if they are on church business. If you need to use the car park on church business and have not received a permit please contact the church office for an application form. Hereford Bible Society Action Group There is a Coffee Morning on Saturday 24th January 2015 from 10am until 12pm at St Peter's Church. Any articles for the bring and buy can be given to Jill Meredith tel 01432 760524 or taken on the morning. Pray for Christian women in Egypt Barnabas Fund reports that Christian women and girls are very vulnerable to abduction by Muslims, and the police will seldom act to rescue them. Pray for all Egyptian women now being held in Muslim homes, most after being forcibly converted to Islam and married to their abductor. Pray that the Comforter, the Holy Spirit, will remind them of all that they know of God’s word and strengthen them in their Christian faith (John 14: 26). Bring and Share Lunches 2015 following Sunday morning services. Pop them in your diary now! February 1st March 1st April 5th May 3rd June 7th July 5th Picnic September 6th October 4th November 8th December 6th Soups Please bring some food to share, and a drink. In December requests will be made for people to bring bread or a pudding. An easy walk for a winters day A hike is planned for next Saturday, 17 January starting from All Saints Church Brockhampton (to the south of Hereford). It is a mere 4 miles over varied terrain of woodland, farmland and along a pretty stretch of the river Wye. The walk involves one short steep down and one steep uphill section. You may wish to have lunch at the Moon Inn at Mordiford after the walk. Stout footwear is essential – it could be very muddy! Meet in the church car park at 9.45 am prompt. Further information from Brian Hubbard 01432 274801. Men’s Breakfast Event Saturday 31st January 2015 meeting in Wetherspoons, Commercial Road at 8:30am, then afterwards back at HBC to watch a short, relevant DVD and receive a brief CVM update. Aim to finish by 10.30am. Please let Kevin Price know if you intend coming (no need to order food in advance, but it would be useful to have an idea of expected numbers). CTiH Week of Prayer for Christian Unity Sunday 18th to 25th January 2015 See board in middle hall for details. Children @ HBC We wanted to let the Church family know that after discussion and prayer the children and children's ministry team have decided to rename children’s work at HBC. The overall name for Children's work (011 years) will be 'PROMISES', the group’s names will be based on some of God’s promises to us using a water theme: · 0-3’s PEACE (Like a River) will meet in the Crèche room · 3-6’s (nursery to Year 1) JOY (Like a fountain) will meet in the Green room · 7-11’s (Years 2-6) LOVE (as Wide and deep as an Ocean) will meet in the large hall Please try and use these names when talking about children's work or you may well be corrected by a youngster!! Logos are work in progress at the moment! If you have a talent in graphic design and would like to help, Lynette would love to hear from you We also wanted you to be aware that the Children’s and Youth Sunday morning program will be linking into the preaching theme over the next few weeks. So not only will adults be encouraged to pick up themes in small groups but we hope this will also give families a wonderful opportunity to engage, explore a theme further and grow spiritually together during the week. Flowers The flowers this week are to celebrate the life of Lynne Wilkins, a member since 1967. HBC what's on this week... Monday 12th 12.30pm 6.30 pm 7.30pm Tuesday 13th 4th 9.00-10.30am Wednesday 14th 10am-11.45am 10.15am - noon 3pm 7-8.30pm 8.30-9.30pm Funeral- Lynne Wilkins Prayer Meeting Search Team Meeting Breakfast Club Tots Stop Wednesday Club Private Party Ignite Encounter Thursday 15th 12 noon 7.30 pm Silver Diners Musicians Practice Friday Sunday 16th 9am-1.30pm 18th Midnight-3am 10.30am Friday Project Night Shift Brain Washed Wednesday 14th 7.30pm Friday 16th 7pm Small Groups this week St Owen St The Hill Farm Col Robbie Hall, QGM The Risk Unseen Soul Survivor Taster Social Ephesians 4:17-33 Young Study Group Meal and Prayer Ministry Team: Youth Minister: Rev Jason Borlase, Associate Minister: Rev Niels Waugh Hereford Baptist Church, Commercial Road, Hereford HR1 2BP Tel: (01432)352209 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.herefordbaptist.org.uk Items for news sheet to office by 10am Thursdays
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