FEBRUARY BIRTHDAYS: : If you have a birthday or wedding anniversary in January, place your Birthday & Anniversary Offering in the "little church" on the Lord's Table, when you stand; while we sing to you. Donna Mabe Karen Tobin TJ Chapman John Wain Bob Mabe Hugh Redmon Emma Lou Spencer Frank Griggs 02/01 02/03 02/05 02/06 02/10 02/11 02/13 02/17 Zeke Moore Joanne Embry Evelyn Wallace Fredrick Smith Sandy Hunt Nona Robertson Duane Laflin 02/20 02/21 02/21 02/24 02/25 02/26 02/28 CHURCH CALENDAR Today, February 1, 2015 2nd Generation Concert - AM A "love offering" will be taken for the Trio at the close of service. Singles Lunch at Golden Corral - after AM service THIS WEEKS ACTIVITY MONDAY, JANUARY 26, 2015 Sewing Circle…………………………………….9:00 AM TUESDAY, JANUARY 27, 2015 G.R.O.W. TEAM “G”…………………………...6:30 PM WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 28, 2015 Potluck Dinner……………………….will resume in March Prayer and Bible Study …………………………...6:30 PM THURSDAY, JANUARY 29, 2015 Fun, Food & Fellowship…………………………12:00 PM FRIDAY, JANUARY 30, 2015 CORE (Church Army) Services…………………..8:00 PM ATTENDANCE RECORD Sunday School – 77 Sunday PM – 82 Sunday AM – 142 Wednesday – 51 Everyone is welcome to join us! February 7, 2015 Men & Women's Prayer Breakfast - 8:30 AM Bob Evans Restaurant ALL Church WORK morning - 10 AM Come to the prayer breakfast and then join us as we clean the church for the Valentine Banquet. February 14, 2015 ALL Church Valentine Banquet - 6 PM Please sign up by February 8, 2015. Cost will be $10 per person. VISITORS: Please fill out a Visitor Card & place it in the Offering Plate. LISTENING DEVICES: Special devices are available by request at the Sound Booth. AUDIO CD RECORDING: Our Worship Services are also available on CD, by request, at the Sound Booth. WEEKLY FINANCIAL REPORT Our weekly budget need is: $4,856.10 OFFERING JANUARY 4, 2015 $6,404.64 DIFFERENCE +$1,548.54 DIRECTORY CORRECTION: Please make a note of the following correction to the 2015 Photo Directory. Marilyn Branscum - 479-633-4298 BENEVOLENCE REPORT: January 1-31, 2015 10 Requests for Assistance 16 People Assisted Offerings received in the "Little Church": $43.00 Financial Assistance given: $321.55 BENEVOLENCE CHALLENGE: The next time you go grocery shopping this month; pick up an extra can of Jelly or Crackers and drop it off in the Donation Bin, located in the Lobby. MISSION REPORT: January 1-December 31, 2014 Annie Armstrong - Easter Offering Options Pregnancy Clinic Missouri Mission Offering Operation Christmas Child Operation Christmas Child-filled shoeboxes Lottie Moon – Christmas Offering $600.00 $504.37 $125.00 $886.00 246 $535.00 $1,548.54 MISSION CHALLENGE: It is time to begin helping the Mission Team collect the items we will need to fill our shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child 2015. Pick up an extra bar of Ivory Soap and a new Washcloth the next time you go shopping and drop them in the donation bin in the Church Lobby. MONTH TOTAL JANUARY 11, 2015 $2,821.71 -$2,034.39 -$ 485.85 JANUARY 18, 2015 $3,999.20 -$ 856.90 -$1,342.75 JANUARY 25, 2015 $4,747.38 -$ 108.72 -$1,451.47 If you have a prayer request you would like to add to the Prayer Chain and/or the weekly Prayer List for Wednesday Prayer Meeting; contact Jean Mefferd, Prayer Chain Director at: 699-9362. If you would like to join the Prayer Chain please notify Jean Mefferd. DEACON/TRUSTEE/YOKEFELLOW OF THE WEEK FEBRUARY 1-Jim Hunt 8-Gene Kennedy 15-Jack Mefferd 22-Grant Moser Please remember to close ALL Interior Doors as well as securing ALL Exterior Doors after each service during your week. SPECIAL CALLED MEETING FOR TRUSTEES & DEACONS: Monday, February 2nd at 2:30pm. Meeting will be held at the church. We would like to thank all our church family for taking such good care of us while Shirlene was recovering from surgery. Thank you for the food, visits, cards and especially the prayers. Thank you for the beautiful plant from everyone, it was such a lovely way to let us know how much you cared. We are so blessed by you! Thanks again, G.L. & Shirlene Terry Thank you all for the wonderful party. I was truly surprised! You made my 16th birthday extra special and one that I will never forget. Thank you for all the sweet cards and your loving generosity of gifts. I love you all very much! Jewelene Mefferd CHURCH VALENTINE BANQUET: Saturday, February 14, 2015 at 6:00 PM in the Fellowship Hall. The meal will be catered by Bobby Jack's BBQ and the Entertainment will be provided by Leroy New. Cost will be: $10 per person (at the door) Please sign up by Sunday, February 8th. STAINED GLASS THEATRE TRIP: Everyone is welcome to join us Saturday, February 28th, as we carpool to see The Damascus Road. Please sign up by February 18th. Carpool will depart from K-Mart parking lot at 12:30 PM sharp. First Annual CRAFT BAZAAR & DESSERT AUCTION! Saturday, March 21, 2015 – 6 PM in the Fellowship Hall with a carry in dinner. Start making or finding your craft items for the CRAFT BAZAAR "silent auction" and dust off your cookbook to bring your best dessert for the DESSERT "live auction". ALL proceeds go towards our building fund. More information will follow; see Patty Johnson or Julie Meffed if you have any questions. GOOD MORNING! We are so glad you are here! Please turn OFF or SILENCE your cell phone MORNING WORSHIP SERVICE FRIENDLY BAPTIST CHURCH A Place to Serve and Be a Blessing “We extend our hand of Christian Fellowship” February 1, 2015 Welcome & Opening Prayer Birthday & Anniversary Songs Offering Offering Hymn Ministry through music with 2nd Generation Invitational Hymn Jesus is Calling A Southern Baptist Church 482 Benediction Pastor: Monty Dunn Music Minister: Bob Mabe Choir Director: Ron Sol Bob Mabe EVENING SERVICE Music Service Message: "The Gospel Unchained" Philippians 1:15-18 Sunday School Morning Worship Service Evening Worship Service Wednesday Evening Service 9:00 AM 10:00 AM 6:30 PM 6:30 PM 2751 Kirkland Drive Branson, MO 65616 417-338-5321 Website: www.friendlybaptistbranson.com E-mail: [email protected]
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