Newsletter February 2015 Issue 1 Notes of the Milcombe Parish Council Meeting Tuesday 6 January 2015 Minutes - The minutes of the meeting held on 4 November 2014 were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman. The Parish Council was still looking at the issue of introducing a car park into the village and also the possible installation of a VAS at the bottom of North Hill. Parish Council/Village Matters Vacancy – There was a vacancy for a Councillor on Milcombe Parish Council. If anyone would Local Government Boundary Review – like further information on becoming a The Parish Council would be making Councillor, please email the Clerk, Theresa representations supporting the proposal Goss, on [email protected] or ring from Bloxham Parish Council that on 01295 710965. Milcombe sits in a Ward with Bodicote Parking Village, Milton, Bloxham, Wiggington, There were a number of examples of South Newington and Hook Norton. poor car parking in the village, where Play Area – cars were parked in dangerous positions at junctions. The problems would be Councillor Peter Booth reported that he would make the necessary repairs to the reported to Thames valley Police at the next meeting of the Neighbourhood fence at the play area. Action Group (NAG). However, the Parish St Mary’s Thursday Club – Council encouraged all residents to park The Club, based in Bloxham, had asked the responsibly at all times. Parish Council for a grant as a Micombe Meeting Dates resident attended the group. The Parish Council asked for more information before Future meetings, all starting at 8.00pm at the Village Hall, Milcombe were as it made a decision. follows: Areas of Responsibility – These were as • Tuesday 3 March 2015 follows: • Tuesday 21 April 2015 •Councillor Peter Booth – Play area •Councillor Cliff Potter – Conservation and Neighbourhood Action Group •Councillor Sandra Potter – Village matters, such as grass cutting, dog fouling etc •Councillor Marlene Cowell – Community First Responders •Councillor Colin Coules – Highways, traffic and car parking •Tuesday 5 May 2015 (Annual Parish Meeting) All welcome to attend! Diar y Sun 1st Service 11.15 Mon 2nd Seniors V.H. 2.00 -4.00pm Thur 5th Pensioners Lunch H&G 12.00pm Sun 8th Service 11.15 Thur 12th Womens Group Dinner(TBA) Sun 15th Service 11.15 Mon 16th Seniors V.H. 2.00 -4.00pm Wed 18th. Benefice Service (Church) 7.30pm Sun 22nd Service 11.15 A copy of the draft minutes for the whole meeting are available on www.milcombe. com or please contact the Clerk, Theresa Goss, at [email protected] or ring 01295 710965 during normal office hours. Reminder: Faulty Street Lights - Please report on freephone 0800 317802 giving exact destination and pole number if possible. Dog Bags are available from New Road Stores Speeding/Traffic Calming in the Village – and at the back of the Church behind the organ. Please clear up after your dog. It is Milcombe was being used as a ‘rat run’ an offence not to. by drivers trying to avoid Chipping Norton, therefore a traffic survey would be undertaken to assess the impact this was having on the village. This would be in conjunction with Bloxham and South Newington Parish Councils as their villages were having the same issues. The Parish Council would also be investigating whether weight limits could be introduced in the village. MILCOMBE WOMEN’S GROUP WELCOMES TWO NEW RESIDENTS Enjoyable evenings were watching the ballet ‘Alice’s Adventures’ at the Odeon before Christmas and at Manor Farm on Thursday 15th January, when we were joined by two of the village’s new residents, to discuss the programme for early 2015. A dinner is planned for Thursday 12th February, hopefully at Otter’s Restaurant in Deddington. Contact Hazel ( 722936) or Margaret (721158) if you wish to attend. MILCOMBE CHARITIES VILLAGE HALL 2014 BRITISH LEGION POPPY COLLECTION. It has taken Cherwell District Council 8 weeks to tell us that they will not accept double glazing and we now have to apply for Listed Building consent to fit secondary glazing and the additional door on the east of the building. This means that we have to obtain new quotations and have been told that it would be at least 6 weeks between our application and acceptance. This is therefore delaying our plans relating to using our Licence and also the necessary internal decorations that are required. Thanks to the Boys Brigade for putting up the Christmas decorations. Thank you to everyone in the village, including two wreaths for the Parish Council, who helped to raise a total of £559. 70. This was a wonderful effort and was an increase on previous years. Mary Wincott. CHURCH NOTES FEBRUARY 2015 SERVICES IN ST. LAURENCE’S CHURCH FOR FEBRUARY SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 1st CANDLEMAS EUCHARIST conducted by Rev. Christine Turner 11.15am SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 8th HOLY COMMUNION (2 before Lent) 11.15am (Preacher tbc) SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 15th HOLY COMMUNION (Sunday before Lent) 11.15am (Preacher tbc) WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 18th BENEFICE SERVICE FOR ASH WEDNESDAY conducted by Rev .Peter Silva with Imposition of Ashes at 7.30pm SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 22nd ALL AGE FAMILY WORSHIP for Lent 1 at 11.15am (Preacher tbc) SUNDAY, MARCH 1st (Lent 2) – The Bishop of Dorchester, the Rt. Rev. Colin Fletcher OBE, will be conducting a Benefice Service of Holy Communion in St. Mary’s, Bloxham, at 9.30am. Coffee will be served in the Church from 8.45am prior to the Service for the congregation to meet the Bishop as he is due to go on to All Saints School for a Confirmation Service at 11am. (Please note – NO SERVICE in St. Laurence’s on March 1st.) SATURDAY, MARCH 7th BENEFICE PRAYER BREAKFAST in St. Laurence’s at 9.15am. Please join us for coffee and croissants and a time of prayer and reflection entitled ‘Endings and Beginnings’. RESIGNATION OF REV. SARAH TILLETT from December 31st, 2014. The Benefice of Bloxham with Milcombe and South Newington is now in a Vacancy which is currently being advertised with interviews being held mid March. It is not anticipated that a newly appointed Vicar will take up the post before late summer. In the meantime, we are indebted to the retired Ministers who will be conducting our Services. Please contact the Churchwardens MARLENE COWELL (720750 email [email protected]) or ADRIAN MILLS (720948 email adrianmills89@ regarding Church matters during this period and we will do all we can to help and to keep St. Laurence’s running smoothly. Please pray for all concerned and especially for Sarah. There is a Prayer book just inside the main door for you to write in your own personal prayers. FAIRTRADE FORTNIGHT from February 22nd – March 7th. We are a Fairtrade Church and there is a Fairtrade stall in Church after Services on Sundays. We also use Fairtrade items for our refreshments and events whenever possible. LENT COURSES will be held throughout the Benefice. Please look out for notices and details on the Weekly Sheets. CONGRATULATIONS to Tony and Joan Stickings who won the Christmas hamper. FETE AND SOCIAL COMMITTEE VOLUNTEERS ESPECIALLY NEW RESIDENTS. Milcombe Charities require willing volunteers to form a Fete and Social subcommittee to organise the village Fete and social activities. WE NEED YOUR HELP!. This should not take more than 2 HOURS PER MONTH. Please contact David Charles on 01295 721158 or 07989 408553. RURAL NEIGHBOURHOOD POLICE TEAM There have been reports of scam telephone calls in the Banbury Rural Villages. Please note the following advice..... Your Bank and the Police will never ring you and tell you that they are coming to collect your bank card. If you receive a call like this put the phone down it is a scam. Do not give out any personal, credit card or online account details over the phone unless you made the call and the phone number came from a trusted source. Sign up with telephone preference Service to prevent marketing phone calls. Make sure that you report a scam- call 999 if an immediate Police response is necessary or 101 for a vulnerable victim. Non urgent fraud matters can be reported to Action Fraud on 0300123 2040 LOGS FOR LABOUR Please could you make people in your parish aware of the Logs for Labour programme? I include a short blurb below for parish newsletters etc. Logs for Labour: Would you like free firewood, or do you have a woodland that needs managing? The Trust for Oxfordshire’s Environment’s “Logs for Labour” programme aims to promote sustainable use of woodfuel by running events where volunteers help to manage woodlands in return for logs. The events are 2-3 hours long and could involve coppicing hazel, thinning trees, or piling up brash. Bring sturdy gloves, shoes and a saw (hand tools only allowed)... or let us know if your woodland needs the help of volunteers. Information about forthcoming events is at, or ‘like’ us at Riki Therivel, 01865 243488. Milcombe Conservation Group With Cliff Potters responsibilities as Chairman of the Parish Council, I have agreed to take over as Chairman of the Conservation Group and would like to take this opportunity to thank Cliff for his contribution in this role. The foundational objectives of the group, that was established under the auspices of the Parish Council, were as follows: It is now 5 yrs since these objectives were originally established and I believe it is time to review / update them so that we have clarity of purpose going forward for the next 5yrs. We will be arranging a meeting during February and whilst a core group of individuals have been members since the groups inception, we would really welcome hearing from anyone who would like to join us. It only represents a small time commitment (we generally meet just every couple of months) and there is no need for experience, just an interest or passion for what we are doing. If you would like to know more, please contact Richard Hazel at Farnell Fields, Paradise Lane or via email at richard_ [email protected] •Establishment of a conservation area in Milcombe •Promotion of a Special Status for Low Field (Ridge & Furrow) - completed •Preservation and improvement of watercourses and pond/lakes. •Improvement and development of rights of way network. •Development of a tree planting strategy Better Broadband for Oxfordshire LIST OF CLUBS AND CONTACTS Banbury Guardian - Country Column for Milcombe News – Contact Hazel Davis - milcombe. [email protected] or 722936 Boys’ Brigade – Contact Carl Simms on 07732 109122 or phone 01295 722312 – http://www.1stbloxh Brownies & Rainbows – Contact Brown Owl – Sarah Jackson 0778626094 or Claire Baldwin 07887638133 The Dove Team for 2014 – [email protected] Contact Angie Woodard on 720793 Horse and Groom – Contact Jim Tyler on 722142 or website - New Road Stores – 01295 722736 I am sure you will all have seen the BT Openreach vehicles in the village over the past month or so and wanted to share an update from the ‘Better Broadband for Oxfordshire’ site. Work is expected to be completed by the end of June to improve the broadband infrastructure that will enable many homes and businesses in the village to order superfast broadband speeds (minimum 24Mbps) whilst others will be able to order fibre broadband speeds between 2Mbps and 24Mbps. Completion/Delivery dates are subject to change but you can check the website for regular updates: New School A new school has opened in Banbury that specialises in Science and Maths for 14 years and above . Please see web site www. Milcombe Women’s Group – Contact Margaret Charles at Manor Farm or Tricia Morris on 721066 or Hazel Davis 722936 Parish Council Clerk – Contact Theresa Goss on 710965 or [email protected] Rye Hill Golf Club – Contact Greg on 01295 721818, or go to - St Laurence Church – Contact Benefice Office on 720252 or Church Wardens Adrian Mills on 720948 or Marlene Cowell on 720750 Seniors Club – Contact Tony Stickings on 720666 Village Hall – Milcombe Charities - David Charles (Chairman) 01295 721158 Village Hall Hire – Contact Elena Coules on 722983 Gisela Payne - Contact 07762 230043 or email - [email protected] Milcombe Village Website - or Contact Sarah Smith – milcombe@gmail USEFUL TELEPHONE NUMBERS: AGE CONCERN UK - BANBURY OXON 01295 278040 ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS 0845 769 7555 ACTION FRAUD 0300 123 2040 BANBURY YOUNG HOMELES PROJECT 01295 259442 CHILD LINE 0800 11 11 CLERK TO THE PARISH COUNCIL 01295 275730 Email - [email protected] COUNCILLOR CHRISTINE HEATH 01295 720705 COUNCILLOR KIERON MALLON 01295 296177 CRIME – STOPPERS 01295 555111 HELPING HANDS 01869 722736 HIRE OF MILCOMBE VILLAGE HALL (Joan Stickings ) 01295 720666 NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS 0300 999 1212 NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH & POLICE 101 or 999 FOR EMERGENCIES SAMARITANS 01295 270000 SMART – INNOVATIONS IN DRUG SERVICES 01869 350357 Milcombe Newsletter will be produced each month and will be available at the Village Hall; Church; H & G; and New Road Shop. Contributions, by email( Microsoft Word compatible), to be received by 18th of month prior to publication ( NO REMINDERS) to [email protected]. All contributions are cut and pasted and not edited.
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