VILLAGE OF BELCARRA REGULAR COUNCIL AGENDA VILLAGE HALL MONDAY, OCTOBER 6, 2014 7:00 PM COUNCIL Mayor Ralph Drew Councillor Bruce Drake Councillor Jennifer Glover Councillor Colin Richardson Councillor Jamie Ross 1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Ralph Drew will call the meeting to order. 2. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA 2.1 Regular Council Meeting Monday, October 6, 2014 Recommendation: That the Agenda for the regular Council Meeting, Monday, October 6, 2014 be approved as circulated. 3. ADOPTION OF MINUTES 3.1 Regular Council Meeting Monday, September 15, 2014 Recommendation: That the Minutes from the regular Council Meeting held Monday, September 15, 2014 be adopted. 4. DELEGATIONS AND PRESENTATIONS 4.1 Public Meeting Revenue Generation Options for Belcarra Roads Belcarra Council, responding to a community petition, engaged the services of consultant Eric Gunderson, of North West Environmental Group Ltd., who prepared a public discussion paper titled “Revenue Generation Options for Belcarra Roads”. On Wednesday, May 28, 2014 an Open House and Public Meeting was held at the municipal hall providing an overview of the discussion paper. J:\Files SK\Word\Council Meetings\Agenda\Agenda 2014\2014 10 06\2014 10 06 Agenda.docx 1 OCTOBER 6, 2014 REGULAR COUNCIL AGENDA At the conclusion of the May 28, 2014 public meeting, written comments on the discussion paper were invited and attendees were informed a second public meeting would be held in the fall. Three written comments were received, as follows: CORRESPONDENCE (Received for the Public Meeting) NAME CORRESPONDENCE COUNCIL DATE MEETING/PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING DATE Penny Moen 3845 Bedwell Bay Road Kim Alfreds 4593 Belcarra Bay Road Robert Paton 3575 Bedwell Bay Road # May 29, 2014 May 28, 2014 1 May 29, 2014 May 28, 2014 2 June 9, 2014 May 28, 2014 3 To maintain order and to ensure everyone has a reasonable opportunity to be heard, the following rules of procedure have been established: 1. A Speakers’ List has been established. If you wish to address Council, please ensure that you place your name on the Speakers’ List. You may add your name to the list at any time. If you are speaking from prepared remarks, please leave a copy with the Corporate Officer. 2. Please commence your remarks by stating your name and address. If you are speaking on behalf of some other person or organization, please identify the name of that person or organization you are representing. 3. Each speaker is requested to limit their remarks to no more than 5 minutes each time, subject to adding your name to the Speakers’ List again. 4. I would request that all speakers be civil and respectful of others. 5. After everyone on the Speakers’ List has spoken once, speakers will be allowed supplementary presentations. Please observe these rules and if you have any concerns please direct your comments to the Chair.” J:\Files SK\Word\Council Meetings\Agenda\Agenda 2014\2014 10 06\2014 10 06 Agenda.docx 2 OCTOBER 6, 2014 REGULAR COUNCIL AGENDA 5. REPORTS 5.1 3750 Bedwell Bay Road – Tree Removal – Hazard and Sightlines Larry Scott, CPWI 3, Superintendent of Public Works and Building Official to provide a report dated October 2, 2014, regarding 3750 Bedwell Bay Road – Tree Removal – Hazard and Sightlines. Recommendation: That, subject to the terms and conditions noted on Road Use Permit # 02102014, approval be granted to remove three (3) Western Hemlock trees from Municipal Road Allowance adjacent to 3750 Bedwell Bay Road. 6. REPORTS FROM MAYOR AND COMMITTEES 6.1 Mayor’s Report No items presented. 6.2 Public Works & Planning – Councillor Ross 6.3 Special Projects – Councillor Richardson 6.4 Protective Services – Councillor Drake 6.5 Environmental Affairs – Councillor Glover 7. BYLAWS No items presented. 8. CORRESPONDENCE/PROCLAMATIONS Recommendation: That correspondence items 8.1-8.3 be received. REQUEST FOR ACTION 8.1 Jessie Christophersen, Information Services Assistant, Recycling Council of British Columbia, September 16, 2014, regarding Waste Reduction Week in Canada 2014. Recommendation: That October 20-26, 2014 be proclaimed Waste Reduction Week in the Village of Belcarra. 8.2 Stephanie Cadieux, Minister of Children and Family Development, September 30, 2014, regarding Foster Family Month in British Columbia. Recommendation: That October 2014 be proclaimed Foster Family Month in the Village of Belcarra. J:\Files SK\Word\Council Meetings\Agenda\Agenda 2014\2014 10 06\2014 10 06 Agenda.docx 3 OCTOBER 6, 2014 REGULAR COUNCIL AGENDA INFORMATION ITEMS 8.3 Allan Neilson, General Manager, Planning, Policy and Environment, Metro Vancouver, September 26, 2014, regarding Belcarra Regional Park – Belcarra South Cabins. 9. NEW BUSINESS 10. PUBLIC QUESTION PERIOD 11. RESOLUTION TO CLOSE MEETING 11.1 That the October 6, 2014 regular meeting of Council be closed pursuant to the Community Charter section 90 (1) “a part of a council meeting may be closed to the public if the subject matter being considered relates to or is one or more of the following: (c) labour relations or other employee relations.” 12. ADJOURNMENT Recommendation: That the October 6, 2014 Regular Meeting be terminated. J:\Files SK\Word\Council Meetings\Agenda\Agenda 2014\2014 10 06\2014 10 06 Agenda.docx 4 3.1 VILLAGE OF BELCARRA REGULAR COUNCIL MINUTES VILLAGE HALL MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 2014 Council in Attendance Mayor Ralph Drew Councillor Bruce Drake Councillor Jennifer Glover Councillor Colin Richardson Councillor Jamie Ross Staff in Attendance Lynda Floyd, Chief Administrative Officer Larry Scott, Superintendent of Public Works and Building Inspector Shelly Kean, Corporate Services Assistant 1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Ralph Drew called the meeting to order at 7:34 pm. 2. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA 2.1 Regular Council Meeting Monday, September 15, 2014 Moved by: Seconded by: Councillor Drake Councillor Glover That the Agenda for the regular Council Meeting, Monday, September 15, 2014 be amended by adding: Item 5.3 Review of Metro Vancouver 2040: Shaping our Future Amendment from the City of Port Moody – Moody Centre Transit Oriented Development Area and Murray Street Boulevard Area And that the agenda be approved as amended. CARRIED 3. ADOPTION OF MINUTES 3.1 Regular Council Meeting Monday, July 21, 2014 Moved by: Seconded by: Councillor Richardson Councillor Glover That the Minutes from the regular Council Meeting held Monday, July 21, 2014 be adopted. CARRIED J:\Files SK\Word\Council Meetings\Minutes\Minutes 2014\2014 09 15 Minutes.docx 5 SEPTEMBER 15, 2014 3.2 REGULAR COUNCIL MINUTES Special Council Meeting Wednesday, July 31, 2014 Moved by: Seconded by: Councillor Glover Councillor Richardson That the Minutes from the Special Council Meeting held Wednesday, July 31, 2014 be adopted. CARRIED 4. DELEGATIONS AND PRESENTATIONS 4.1 Constable Ryan Smith, Coquitlam RCMP Rural Section, Serving Anmore and Belcarra provided an overview of RCMP activity in Belcarra throughout the past year, noting that: • There have been 141 files opened in 2014 to-date; • Most files were generated by the RCMP, not by citizens reporting; • Criminal record check requests comprise a significant number of files and are included in file statistics; • RCMP working with Canada Post regarding theft from mailboxes; • Since new mailboxes installed there have been no reported breaches; • There has been a decrease in alcohol consumption at Belcarra Park as well as Bunzen Lake; and • There are no crime trends to report for the area. Discussion ensued relative to: • Patrols through the Village of Belcarra being logged; • The number of hours per year spent patrolling the waters around Belcarra; • Crime profile of Belcarra being insignificant given limited access/egress; and • Increased RCMP presence making a difference to public safety in Belcarra. Sherri Chisholm, 4505 Belcarra Bay Road, queried the process of informing Blockwatch of relevant police activities. 5. REPORTS 5.1 Revenue Generation Options for Roads in Belcarra Lynda Floyd, Chief Administrative Officer provided a report dated September 11, 2014, regarding Revenue Generation Options for Belcarra Roads – Public Discussion Paper Fall 2014 Public Meeting, noting that: • The first of two proposed public meetings was held on May 28, 2014 to provide an overview of the consultant’s report on Revenue Generation Options for Roads in Belcarra and to solicit input from the public; • Copies of the consultant’s report were made available to the public at the May 28, 2014 meeting and available for pick up at the municipal offices; • Written input was invited from the public and three submissions were received; and J:\Files SK\Word\Council Meetings\Minutes\Minutes 2014\2014 09 15 Minutes.docx 6 SEPTEMBER 15, 2014 • REGULAR COUNCIL MINUTES Another opportunity for public input will be provided at a second public meeting. Moved by: Seconded by: Councillor Councillor That: 1. The Regular Council meeting scheduled for Monday, September 29, 2014 be rescheduled to Monday, October 6, 2014; and 2. A Public Meeting to receive community input and comments on the “Revenue Generation Options for Belcarra Roads – A Public Discussion Paper” be held at 7:00 pm on Monday, October 6, 2014, preceding the Regular Council meeting. CARRIED 5.2 Belcarra Day 2015 Shelly Kean, Corporate Services Assistant provided a report dated September 2, 2014 regarding Belcarra Day 2015, noting that: • Staff and two members from Community Recreation Association of Belcarra (CRAB) met on August 1, 2014 to discuss ways of increasing public awareness and gathering public input regarding Belcarra Day; • The date set by Council at its regular meeting of July 21, 2014 for Belcarra Day 2015, being Sunday, September 13, 2015, conflicts with scheduled Village of Anmore’s “Ma Murray Day” and the Sasamat Volunteer Fire Department (SVFD) typically attends both events; and • A Council representative was to be nominated for the Belcarra Day 2015 working group per Council discussion of July 21, 2014. Discussion ensued relative to: • Declining attendance at the annual Belcarra Day community event; • Pros and cons of holding event at either Belcarra Park or municipal hall; • Methods of gathering public input on Belcarra Day; • Resources required to plan Belcarra Day; and • Decisions regarding Belcarra Day 2015 being deferred until public input gathered. J:\Files SK\Word\Council Meetings\Minutes\Minutes 2014\2014 09 15 Minutes.docx 7 SEPTEMBER 15, 2014 Moved by: Seconded by: REGULAR COUNCIL MINUTES Councillor Ross Councillor Richardson That: 1. Councillors Glover and Drake be nominated to the Belcarra Day 2015 event organization working group; 2. The Regular Council meeting of October 20, 2014 be changed to commence at 7:00 pm to allow for public input regarding Belcarra Day 2015; and 3. Setting the date for Belcarra Day 2015 be deferred until after public input has been gathered. CARRIED 5.3 Review of Metro Vancouver 2040: Shaping our Future Amendment from the City of Port Moody – Moody Centre Transit Oriented Development Area and Murray Street Boulevard Area Lynda Floyd, Chief Administrative Officer provided a report on-table dated September 12, 2014, regarding Review of Metro Vancouver 2040: Shaping our Future Amendment from the City of Port Moody – Moody Centre Transit Oriented Development Area and Murray Street Boulevard Area, noting: • The details of the proposed amendment to the Metro Vancouver Regional Growth Strategy; and • That comments from affected municipalities are required by Metro Vancouver by September 17, 2014. Moved by: Seconded by: Councillor Drake Councillor Richardson That the Village of Belcarra support the request from the City of Port Moody for two Type 3 amendments to Metro Vancouver 2040: Shaping Our Future to change the regional land use designation for 8.3 hectares of land from Industrial and Mixed Employment to General Urban for the Moody Centre Transit Oriented Development Area and Murray Street Boulevard Area, which includes the addition of a Frequent Transit Development Area for part of the area. CARRIED 6. REPORTS FROM MAYOR AND COMMITTEES 6.1 Mayor’s Report 6.1.1 Trans Mountain Expansion Project — Information Request No. 2 It was noted that: • The National Energy Board (NEB) deadline of September 11, 2014 for Information Request No. 2 from intervenors regarding the Trans Mountain Expansion Project has been postponed to January 9, 2015; and J:\Files SK\Word\Council Meetings\Minutes\Minutes 2014\2014 09 15 Minutes.docx 8 SEPTEMBER 15, 2014 • REGULAR COUNCIL MINUTES Western Canada Marine Response Corporation (WCMRC) has a responsibility to provide complete and proper “post-mortem” assessment of the marine component of the 2007 oil spill. 6.1.2 Unregistered or Undiscovered Archeological Sites It was noted that: • A resolution Belcarra presented at the UBCM 2013 Conference regarding the impacts of the Heritage Conservation Act on property owners who encounter undiscovered or unregistered archeological sites on their properties was endorsed; and • The Provincial Government has abandoned its appeal of the 2013 Supreme Court ruling which found that the Provincial Archeology Branch acted improperly in forcing homeowner Wendy Mackay of Victoria to pay for archeological research on her property. 6.2 Public Works & Planning – Councillor Ross It was noted that: • Safety guards have been installed on Senkler Bridge; • Grinding and paving of Main Avenue and Bedwell Bay Road are scheduled for the latter part of September; and • Substrate failures need to be corrected prior to overlay. 6.3 Special Projects – Councillor Richardson No items presented. 6.4 Protective Services – Councillor Drake No items presented. 6.5 Environmental Affairs – Councillor Glover It was noted that: • Invasive Species Council of Metro Vancouver (ISCMV) held a Knotweed Workshop at Municipal Hall on August 19, where they explained the importance and challenges of treating Japanese knotweed and outlined their strategy and goals for eradicating knotweed in Belcarra; • It’s important to deal with knotweed appropriately to avoid spreading; • As of September 9, ISCMV completed follow-up treatment on the knotweed initially treated in 2013 and the first session of treatment on the 2014 catalogue; and • The new sites treated will be reviewed in 4-6 weeks to see if treatment was successful and, where necessary, these sites will be retreated, conditions permitting, this fall. J:\Files SK\Word\Council Meetings\Minutes\Minutes 2014\2014 09 15 Minutes.docx 9 SEPTEMBER 15, 2014 REGULAR COUNCIL MINUTES 7. BYLAWS 7.1 Village of Belcarra Municipal Officials Indemnification Bylaw No. 478, 2014 Moved by: Seconded by: Councillor Richardson Councillor Drake That “Village of Belcarra Municipal Officials Indemnification Bylaw No. 478, 2014” be adopted. CARRIED 8. CORRESPONDENCE/PROCLAMATIONS Moved by: Seconded by: Councillor Drake Councillor Glover That correspondence items 8.1- 8.5 be received. CARRIED REQUEST FOR ACTION 8.1 Ruth Foster, [email protected], September 6, 2014 regarding Head Flushing in Bedwell Bay. Discussion ensued relative to: • The nature and cause of foam recently observed in Bedwell Bay – in addition to boat traffic, marine wildlife affects water quality; • Whether there is regular testing by Fraser Health of water quality in Bedwell Bay; • Education through boat/yacht clubs and Power Squadron regarding health and safety of boating practices; • The type of signage needed and working with Port Metro Vancouver and Metro Vancouver Parks; and • Expanding the scope of related efforts to include all waters surrounding Belcarra. Moved by: Seconded by: Councillor Ross Councillor Glover That Port Metro Vancouver and Metro Vancouver Parks be invited to work with the Village of Belcarra to partner on options to increase boat operators awareness that recreational waters surrounding Belcarra are sensitive areas where head flushing is not permitted. CARRIED J:\Files SK\Word\Council Meetings\Minutes\Minutes 2014\2014 09 15 Minutes.docx 10 SEPTEMBER 15, 2014 REGULAR COUNCIL MINUTES INFORMATION ITEMS 8.2 Hon. Christy Clark, Premier, Province of British Columbia, August 11, 2014, regarding Funding for the Community Volunteer Services for Seniors (CVSS) organization. 8.3 Hon. Greg Rickford, PC, MP, Minister of Natural Resources and Minister for the Federal Economic Development Initiative for Northern Ontario, August 14, 2014, regarding Oil Spill Liability. 8.4 Hon. Terry Lake, Minister of Health, August 21, 2014 regarding BC Emergency Health Service (BCEHS) Resource Allocation Plan (RAP) – First Responder Financial Assistance. 8.5 Steve Higginbottom, Community Relations Coordinator, Lower Mainland, BC Hydro, August 22, 2014, regarding Funding Available for Electric Beautification Projects. 9. NEW BUSINESS No items presented. 10. PUBLIC QUESTION PERIOD Sherry Chisholm, 4505 Belcarra Bay Road, queried: • Whether Belcarra Bay is included in Fraser Health Authority water testing; • Whether there are areas in Burrard Inlet where head flushing from boats is permitted; • How to know if a property is on the Provincial designated archeological site list; and • When Port Metro’s moratorium on dock building will be lifted in Belcarra Bay. Jim Chisholm, 4505 Belcarra Bay Road, queried: • Why archeological site status is not registered on property titles with the Land Title Office; • Whether the public meeting on Revenue Generation Options for Roads in Belcarra, held May 28, 2014 was recorded; and • What the perceived issue is with recreational boat traffic and oil tanker in Burrard Inlet. Joe Kesckes, 4288 Bedwell Bay Road, queried methods for eradicating weeds on private property. J:\Files SK\Word\Council Meetings\Minutes\Minutes 2014\2014 09 15 Minutes.docx 11 SEPTEMBER 15, 2014 REGULAR COUNCIL MINUTES 11. RESOLUTION TO CLOSE MEETING 11.1 Moved by: Seconded by: Councillor Drake Councillor Ross That the September 15, 2014 Regular meeting of Council be closed pursuant to the Community Charter section 90 (1) “a part of a council meeting may be closed to the public if the subject matter being considered relates to or is one or more of the following: 12. (i) the receipt of advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose.” CARRIED ADJOURNMENT Moved by: Seconded by: Councillor Richardson Councillor Glover That the September 15, 2014 Regular Meeting be terminated (9:10 pm). CARRIED CERTIFIED CORRECT Ralph E. Drew, Mayor Lynda Floyd Chief Administrative Officer J:\Files SK\Word\Council Meetings\Minutes\Minutes 2014\2014 09 15 Minutes.docx 12 4.1 13 14 15 16 5.1 COUNCIL REPORT Date: October 2, 2014 File: 4510-20-BED-3750 From: Larry G. Scott, CPWI3, Superintendent Public Works/ Building Official Subject: 3750 Bedwell Bay Road – Tree Removal – Hazard and Sightlines Purpose: To seek Council approval to issue a Road Use Permit to the owners of 3750 Bedwell Bay Road for the purpose of removing three (3) Western Hemlock trees that are considered by the owners of 3790 Bedwell Bay Road to visually impair the Indian Arm viewscape as seen from their residence. Recommendation for Consideration: THAT subject to the terms and conditions noted on Road Use Permit # 02102014, approval be granted to remove three (3) Western Hemlock trees from Municipal Road Allowance adjacent to 3750 Bedwell Bay Road. Background: The owners of 3790 Bedwell Bay Road have requested information on an approval process to remove 3 hemlock trees from Municipal land located at the intersections of Main Avenue and Bedwell Bay Road and also abutting 3750 Bedwell Bay Road. (Photo #1) The request to remove the 3 trees is predicated on improving their Indian Arm viewscape. A viewscape they advised that has been eroded by the maturing of trees located between their residence and Indian Arm. The advice on process was to first begin with a Road Use Permit Application from the owner of 3750 Bedwell Bay Road as the trees are adjacent to their West property lot lines. The application was received on March 24, 2014. Tree #1 Assessment by Staff using Danger Tree Assessment Field Data – Parks criteria (Assessment). Tree # 1 having a Breast Height Diameter (BHD) of 48” is a Western Hemlock tree (photos # 2 & 3) has evidence of a compromised root structure, namely it is exposed and growing from a decaying tree trunk. The compromise will reduce the tree’s resilience to windthrow with targets of Main Avenue and Bedwell Bay Road having the highest target potential. This tree will be approved by staff for removal following delegated authority practices. Tree #2 Assessment. Tree # 2 having a similar BHD of 48” is a Western Hemlock tree (photos # 4 & 5) has evidence of a compromised root structure, namely it is exposed and growing from a decaying tree stump. The compromise will reduce the trees resilience to windthrow with targets of Main Avenue and Bedwell Bay road having the highest target potential. This tree will be approved by staff for removal following delegated authority practices. J:\Files LS\WPERF\PUB-WRKS\USE-J-Evans tree rpt.doc 17 Tree #3 Assessment. Tree # 3 having a similar BHD of 48” is a Western Hemlock tree (photos # 1 Far Left) has no evidence of a compromised stem, canopy or root structure and appeared healthy. The concern would be a result from the removal of the adjacent 2 hemlocks, thus leaving the single tree vulnerable to wind exposure from the North during seasonal outflows. Because there is little ability for staff to determine the probability of withstanding a potential windthrow, the recommendation for removal is based solely on this condition albeit an otherwise healthy Western Hemlock. Scope of Works: Removal and clean-up of 3 Western Hemlock Trees. Financial Implications: None END: Photo #1 – View from a distance of the 3 hemlock trees J:\Files LS\WPERF\PUB-WRKS\USE-J-Evans tree rpt.doc 18 Photo #2 – Tree #1 Exposed roots growing from decayed tree trunk J:\Files LS\WPERF\PUB-WRKS\USE-J-Evans tree rpt.doc 19 Photo #3 – Tree #1 Exposed Roots growing from decayed tree trunk J:\Files LS\WPERF\PUB-WRKS\USE-J-Evans tree rpt.doc 20 Photo #4 – Tree #2 Exposed roots growing from decayed tree stump J:\Files LS\WPERF\PUB-WRKS\USE-J-Evans tree rpt.doc 21 Photo #5 – Tree #2 Exposed roots growing from decayed tree stump J:\Files LS\WPERF\PUB-WRKS\USE-J-Evans tree rpt.doc 22 ROAD USE PERMIT # 02102014 THIS PERMIT ISSUED TO: Joyce Evans DATE ISSUED 3750 Bedwell Bay Road Belcarra, BC V3H 4P7 TO CARRY OUT THE FOLLOWING ACTIVITY ON A PUBLIC ROAD: 1. Removal and clean-up of 3 Hemlock trees located adjacent to 3750 Bedwell Bay Road and the intersections of Bedwell Bay Road and Main Avenue. THIS PERMIT IS ISSUED UNDER THE FOLLOWING SPECIAL CONDITIONS: a. Tree removal to be undertaken by a Qualified Tree Service that is registered with WCB. Provide a copy of the WCB Clearance Letter (letters available on line @ All clean-up, off site removal of vegetation and restoration of site to be competed within 14 days of the completion of the tree removal; Traffic and pedestrian control including advance warning signs, traffic cones and flag persons are required during active tree falling; A security deposit of $300.00 is required for deposit with the municipality prior to the start of works; Notify Public Works 48 hours in advance of the start of works. b. c. d. e. I, , acknowledge acceptance of the terms and conditions as noted above. THIS PERMIT EXPIRES ON: * * * * APPROVED BY: * * * * * * * * * November 24, 2014; * * * * * * * * ** ** ___________________________________ DATE: FINAL INSPECTION: ________________________________DATE: J:\Files LS\WPERF\PUB-WRKS\USE-J-Evans tree rpt.doc 23 8.1 From: Jessie Christophersen [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Tuesday, September 16, 2014 10:21 AM Subject: Waste Reduction Week 2014! The Recycling Council of BC would like to invite you to participate in Waste Reduction Week in Canada 2014! (October 20-26). This event is intended to raise public consciousness about waste and its environmental and social ramifications. Please show support by registering your organization’s Waste Reduction Week events for 2014 on the national website at If you do not have a specific event planned, please just type in “We support Waste Reduction Week 2014” in the events section, and we can keep you up to date with program information. On behalf of the Recycling Council of BC and the national WRW committee, thank you for your support of this important event. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected]. Sincerely, Jessie Christophersen Information Services Assistant Recycling Council of British Columbia 604-683-6009 (ext. 317) 1-800-667-4321 24 8.2 From: Cain, Krista A MCF:EX [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: September-30-14 12:00 PM To: Connie Scherk Subject: Letter from the Honourable Stephanie Cadieux Ref: 218869 His Worship Mayor Ralph Drew and Council Village of Belcarra E-mail: [email protected] Dear Mayor Drew and Council: To highlight the importance of fostering children and youth, it is my honour, as Minister of Children and Family Development, to proclaim October as Foster Family Month in British Columbia. For the past 24 years, we have taken this month to recognize and celebrate the extraordinary contributions that foster families make, each and every day. With approximately 8,200 children and youth in care, in communities across the province, government relies on foster parents to support children and youth who have a broad range of needs. Foster parents not only provide support, stability and a safe place for young people to live and thrive, they also have a lasting impact on our communities through their collaboration with social workers, extended families, schools and prospective adoptive parents. Without question, fostering is a big responsibility and a very important job. I want to encourage you to recognize Foster Family Month in your community. Even doing something as simple as posting a message on bulletin boards in your municipal hall and community and recreation centres goes a long way towards showing these remarkable families that their efforts are valued and appreciated. The Ministry of Children and Family Development has created an information kit, including printable posters and fact sheets, to help raise awareness about fostering in your community. To access the information associated with Foster Family Month 2014, please open the following link on, or after, October 1, 2014: On behalf of the Government of British Columbia and its citizens, I would like to thank you for your recognition and support of foster families in your community. Sincerely, ORIGINAL SIGNED BY Stephanie Cadieux Minister of Children and Family Development 25 8.3 26
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