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Social-Economic basic info of Vientiane province • Social-Economic: - GDP : 1,033 US$/person/year. - Rice consumer rate: 588 Kg/person/year. -Electricity available in village: 93,6 %. -Telephone available in all district :100% -06 districts using pipe water ( 5.467families) - Literacy rate :89% - Development village:87 villages/16,344 families=17,22% -Government officer:8.558people/ 3.093 . Health officer: 10,14% Director Dr.Soukphatai SORPASETH Committee Committee Dr Khampien Vanmany Dr Fongsalat southammavong Nurse school Provinci al hospital Management office -Planing Investment - Statistic - Health care committee -Financial -Health Management Accounting -finance - Reception -Vehicle & asset -maintenance. -Security Cleaning -Coordination Dengue fever section HR Cleaning living section Mother and Child - sanitary - AIDS - Infected & disease spread -TB -skin disease Food &Medicine District Health office Promotion unit Manageme nt unit District hospital CHC 5 Provincial Health Office Health development planning section District Health Office Keooudom district Phonhong district Toulakom district 1. Nongnak village 2. Huaypa village 1. Phonkham village 2. Hadxay village 3. Lak 52 village 2. Napoun village 3. Napheuy vilage 4. Phonkham neua 3. Tasan village 4. Napheng village 5. Phonkham village 4. Samakisay village 5. Pakhang village 5. Vienglkham village 1. CHC Viengkham District Bounphao village 1. Nakeua village 2. Hadsaykoun village 3. Meungkao village 4. Vernsan village 5. Nanin village Feung district 1. Phonyeng village 2. Nakob village 3. Phouphieng village 4. Natoun village 5. Namon village 25 target villages information Poputaion: 29.269 people, Female: 18.700 people. 5.853 families, 25 villages in 5 districts. Œ Under district authority village :--- 4 village. Œ Under CHC village: 20 villages. Œ CHC located in village: 01 village. Œ Model health village target:25 villages. --Œ Model health mother target:50 people/25 villages. Œ VHV:25 people, female: 18 people. Children< 1year : 764 . Children1Œ5 : 4.390 . Woman of aged 15Œ45 : 5.853 people. Pregnancy: 764 people. - 1.Improve VHV ‘s knowledge in preventing and health promotion in 25villages, to be able to lead villager in their village in living with 3 cleanliness and model health family. 2.VHV able to give advice, sanitary promotion, encouraging women and child to go to have vaccination at right time. 3. People change their living style for better health. VHV 1. Mr.Sithon Boungphao village 2. Ms.Neuk Hadxay village 3. Ms.Bien Napheuy village 4. Ms.Bounlap Napheng village 5. Ms sengthong Pakhang village VHV 1. Ms.Thongvin Phonkham village 2. Ms. Daovy Napoun village 3. Ms. Chandon Tasan village 4. Ms.Pha Samakysay village 5. Ms.Bualai viengkham village VHV in 5 villages Ms.Phimthong Nakeua village Ms. Sangvarn hadsaikoun village Ms. Arth meungkao village Ms. Buakao Vernsan village Mr. Suay nanin village VHV Mr.Vongsor Phonyeng village Mr.Shiho Nakob village Mr. Puapaoyang Phupieng village Ms.Hong Natoun villagee Ms.Khamla Namon villag 1. 1.Target group of vaccination info 2.Birth-dead information 3.Environmental information - Clean water using info. - Clean water using info - Mosquito net using info. 4. Attending quarterly meeting with CHC 5. VHV to promote sanitary, topic of sanitary are: Children’s stomach disease Breast feeding Vaccination. Health family establish. 5.1 District provided promotion material to VHV as follow: - TB prevention poster - Vaccination poster - Breast feeding poster - Model health village establish guideline Œ Model health village establish guideline 6. District followed up VHV, village committee in village as : 1.) Promotion post in news board. 2.) Encouraging model health village establishment. 3.) Encouraging model health mother establish at least 2mothers in one village. 2012’s activity outcome in 5 districts BCG 90% 92% 92% 75% 60% 2008 2009 2010 5 ເມ ື ອງ 2011 2012 5 districts 17 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 100% 86 73 60 88 90 % 10% 5 ເມ ື ອງ 5 districts 18 2008 48 2009 64 2010 80 5 ເມ ື ອງ 2011 83 2012 85 % 5 districts 19 AR 2008 67 2009 72 2010 73 5ເມ ື ອງ 2011 78 2012 85 % 5 districts 20 AT 2008 40 2009 46 2010 50 2011 53 2012 60 % 5ເມ ື ອງ 21 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 % 74 32 35 38 5ເມ ື ອງ 45 5 districts 22 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0% 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 23 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0% 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 24 22 Villages 19 Villages 88% 9 Villages 5 Villages 0 20% 36% 76% 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 5 district 25 Lak 52 village became development village of Phonhong district on 23 May 2012 No. District name 1 2 3 4 5 Total Keooudom Toulakom Viengkham Phonhong Feung Number of model mother 5 6 3 3 9 26 27 child health section: ge 18- to 35 years old. alth care service unit at least 4 times on as commented by doctor. health care service unit or give birth at assistant . ould not less than 2500g ng. tion as advice by doctor before become 1 ok of vaccination for mother and child. y planning after give birth. ourage other mother at least 2 people to the health care. Feung district health office take photo with model health mother while receiving certificate from district health office Feung district governor pass the certification to model health mother Village committee meeting to select model health mother Ms Buavanh of Natoun village(model health mother) Target villager wait for receiving service Parent bring child to register VHV help with measuring child’s high lenght Clean water using rate 2008 2009 99 2010 2011 100 100 2012 100 86 5 ເມ ື ອງ 5 districts 34 2008 2009 2010 99 84 2011 100 2012 100 89 5ເມ ື ອງ 5 districts 35 Follow up model health village establishment with village committee, VHV VHV at quarterly meeting to report village data at CHC Province interviewing VHV about participating in working in village VHV recording villager name who attend to receive the service VHV check up weight for children VHV recording children name Thank you for your attention
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