Lindford Parish Council News

Lindford Parish Council News
V o l u m e 1 I s su e 2 J u l y 2 0 1 4
“Your invitation to the Lindford Fete; 70th D-Day on Saturday the 19th July, is enclosed in this Newsletter. Please come and support your village and the Hampshire
and Isle of Wight Air Ambulance”
Your C ounci l
Notes from your Parish Council Chair
Your Lindford Parish Council
Plans are well under way for the Lindford Fete and I
believe this is promising to be a very successful day.
A lot of effort has been put into organizing the event,
with participation by the local REME based at Bordon.
Derek Barr - Chair
We wish to give special thanks to Steve Holden, who
has worked tirelessly with organising participants for
this event, and Kye Anderson for her work together
with the team from Little Treasures.
Emma Blackwell - Chair of Finance Committee
We look forward to you joining us on the day and having a thoroughly enjoyable time.
Simon Banks Van Zyl - Chair of Village Hall Committee
Have you seen that our three notice boards have now
been reinstated? They were taken away for repair
because all three had been vandalised. Unfortunately,
this cost the Parish Council £800.00, which comes
out of the precept. The precept is a portion of Council
Tax that we, as residents, pay. So, if you see anybody
damaging any of our property, please contact the Parish Office and/or the Police if the crime is in action.
(Please see further advice on reporting crime on page
4 of this newsletter.)
Matt Evans - Councillor
Derek Barr
Barry Parker Smith - Vice Chair
Stan Bennett - Chair of Planning Committee
Karen Lynch - Chair of Employment Committee
Ian Skelton-Smith - Councillor
Liz King - Councillor
Lindford Parish Council, Lindford Village Hall, 35 Sycamore
Road, Lindford, Bordon, Hants, GU35 0RD
Tel: 01420 75788 Email: [email protected]
Your Lindford District Councillor
Yvonne Parker-Smith ([email protected])
Your Lindford County Councillor
Adam Carew ([email protected])
Your D i str i ct C ounci l l or - Yvonne P ar ker -Sm i th
"Lindford Ladies “ is now in the capable hands of Michaela Canning and she is
hosting the garden party.
I continue to be the secretary of the Patients Participation at Badgerswood and
Forest Surgeries, and we are saving towards a blood pressure monitor.
The League of Friends, Chase Hospital, where I am President, held its AGM
recently. We carry out fund raising here also, and the Physio Department has
purchased some new equipment.
On a more personal note, I recently lost my beloved dog, but am hoping to get a
puppy later.
Please always contact me if you have a problem".
Yvonne Parker Smith
District Councillor
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Lindford Parish Council News (Volume 1, Issue 2)
What goes on at the Village Hall…...
The Lindford Fete
Regular Activities at the Village Hall
The Village Hall Fete Committee
have been planning this event since
last September. It is a special and
ambitious event to mark the 70th
Anniversary of D-Day. Please come
and support us, on Saturday 19th
July, from 11am to 4pm and don't
forget to bring in your programme
and use your opportunity to win £50!
Additional Activity Information
Messy Play - Little Treasures - Arts and Crafts for under 5s 09:30 to 11:30. Term
time only (Contact Kye: 07814508852)
Martial Arts - Tai Kwando 19:30 to 21:30 (Contact Ian Hollinsworth: 07411404080)
Parish Council Meet 1st Monday each month, open to the public - (Contact Annette
Gould: 01420 475788)
Stay and Play Toddler Group - Little Treasures 09:30 to 11:30 (Contact Kye:
Zumba - 19:00 to 20:00 (Contact Charlotte Francis: 07817025808)
Little Treasures Stay and Play
This is a soft play and toddler group
at Lindford Village Hall. We meet
every Tuesday and Wednesday from
9.30am to 11.30am. Activities and
arts and crafts for children from birth
to 6 years weekly.
Stay and Play Toddler Group - Little Treasures 09:30 to 11:30 (Contact Kye:
Body Toning - Group Exercise Class 18:30 to 19:15 (Contact Su Trim:
Zumba - 19:00 to 20:00 (Contact Danielle Toal: [email protected])
Body Toning - Group Exercise
A fun energising class full of great
body conditioning moves to burn –
FAST. This class will sculpt and tone
your body into a new slender shape.
Mixing the toning with short blasts of
cardio will boost your metabolism
and burn calories even after you
finish the work out. Classes are
£5/session. Pay as you go.
Action for Children - (Parent Toddler Group) (Contact Tree-Tops: 01730 269663)
Rainbows and Brownies - 16:00 to 19:00 (Contact Liz James: 07767881935)
Family Karate - 19:00 to 20:30 (Contact Phil Aucott: 07858093362)
Kings Church - 10:00 (Contact Brenda: 01252 333767)
Commemoration Ceremony
In recognition of the contribution to D-Day and WW2, Lindford Parish
Council together with local residents, the allotment society and representatives from REME planted a Canadian Maple tree on June 6th.
The tree is located on The Triangle in Lindford and marks one of the
locations where Canadian Forces were based.
Planting of the tree is the first event leading up to this year’s Village
Fete, which is being held on July 19th at Lindford Village Hall. D-Day
70th anniversary is the theme and Steve Holden from the co-ordinating
committee said, with REME and a five-piece band adding to the many
events, we shall have a day to remember and hope to raise a significant amount to donate to our chosen charity, the Hampshire and Isle
of Wight Air Ambulance.
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Lindford Parish Council News (Volume 1, Issue 2 )
What else goes on in Lindford…..
Lindford Ladies
We are a friendship group of women from Lindford and the surrounding area, from all walks of life and ages and we
meet on the 2nd Monday of each month.
Our next meeting is on:
Monday 14th July at 19:30pm at the Lindford Methodist Church Hall, Chase Road, Lindford.
From there, we will go on to visit a beautiful and famous local Hanging Hosta garden in Lindford!
You are very welcome to join us*
For further details, contact:
Michaela Canning on 07810 301 476
The Royal Exchange
My wife and I would like to introduce ourselves. We are Simon and
Mandy, the new management of the Royal Exchange. What we would
like to do is bring back the customers to the Exchange. We have live
music or a DJ on most Friday evenings.
The beer garden is a very comfortable size where we would like to hold
family functions such as a Beer festival, hog roasts, entertainment for
children and much more.
Many people would look at the pub and quiet rightly say "I'm not going
there" and who could blame them. It’s not the prettiest pub going; in fact
it's an eyesore and we will be the first to admit that. However, look beyond that and we have a very friendly variety of customers, young and
elderly, the beer is kept to a high standard and the ales are much talked about.
This little pub is very tired but just needs a bit of love and attention, which we intend to do. We are having talks with
the brewery and, as soon as we get all the information regarding the Exchange, we will pass it on to the Lindford
Newsletter so everyone has a chance to know. We as a couple intend to stay for a very long time to watch this tired
and neglected pub turn into a beautiful village public house again.
So, if you are passing, please pop in and see for yourselves.
Simon and Mandy
Londis and Post Office Store
Jackie and Julian are the owners of the Londis and Post Office
Store which has an impressive layout and great use of promotional
materials. They get their message across by using banners and
posters to attract shoppers’ attention. They have a terrific range of
fresh produce, including a great variety of local products. The store
is spotlessly clean throughout with a fantastic team of staff who are
friendly, engaging and well turned out.
With space being at a premium, and continuously looking to improve, Jackie and Julian are about develop the store for the future,
by adding to the current site with the addition of the empty unit next
door. Working with the ‘Spar’ symbol group they will strive to meet
their entire customer needs and create a complete experience for
their shoppers.
Lindford Parish Council would like to thank Jackie and Julian for their generous donation to the Easter Egg
Hunt as well as their support for other village activities.
Lindford Parish Council News (Volume 1, Issue 2 )
Page 4
Bringing the Village To gether
Sign Up For Updates - Please subscribe to the Lindford Parish Council website and receive a copy of the newsletter
and other updates direct to your inbox. The website address is Just enter your email address
at the bottom of any page where indicated.
Lindford Village Survey Launch - It is planned to launch this in September. It will ask for your views on a
number of aspects concerning our village. You will be able to complete the survey on-line, via the link above,
or on paper.
It is planned to have a new webpage dedicated to stories and information about Lindford in the past and we would
welcome any contributions. Please send them to the Parish Clerk, contact details on Page 1.
Allotment Update
The allotments on the Chase open space are a reality at last and, thanks to a great deal of effort by allotment holders, they are looking good and prospering. An Allotment Association is being set up so that allotment holders can
work together for the benefit of all, including the wider village community. If you are interested in having a plot, or just
want to find out more, please contact the Parish Clerk. All Lindford residents are eligible. We have a short waiting list.
As with all new projects, we have had a few teething problems including water-logging with the excess rain. However, plot holders have responded with determination and ingenuity.
Recently, we have had a break-in to the site with minor damage to two sheds. The police have been informed about
this incident and are keeping an eye on things. If you have seen anything suspicious in the allotment area, please let
us know. (Please see Police Report below.)
Police Report
Lindford is covered by the Whitehill Safer Neighbourhoods team, we work from Whitehill Police Station covering
Whitehill, Bordon, Lindford, Headley, Grayshott, Liphook and Greatham. Neighbourhood policing is designed to make
the police more visible, reduce fear and aid interaction between the public and the police, and it aids in local knowledge, gaining intelligence and tip-offs from the public. We work alongside our communities and partner agencies
and our approach to policing is more proactive than reactive.
In Lindford, we hold beat surgeries every four weeks from the Village Hall. These are on Tuesdays at 19:30, the
next one being Tuesday 8th July (sometimes we can't attend if there is an emergency elsewhere but where possible
we will give you notice!). If you have any issues, pop along and see us. We are happy to discuss there and then, or
make an appointment to meet you at a more appropriate time. If you look on the force website and find your local
safer neighbourhoods team, details of events will be publicised on there so you know where to find us.
If you have anything you want to report, you can do so via 101 in any non-emergency situation. We are aware that
the 101 line can get very busy though at peak times. Some examples of when to call 101:
 Antisocial behaviour
 Driving complaints
 If you have just returned home and realise your house has been broken into and there are no suspects/
offenders present.
 Suspicious incidents
 Neighbour complaints (just bear in mind, police have no powers with regard to noise complaints!!)
You can also contact us anonymously through Hampshire crime stoppers. The time to call 999 is in an absolute
emergency and you need police presence as soon as possible. If you just want to see an officer about a problem, or
give us some information then call 101 and ask for a message to be delivered to an officer at Whitehill Police Station. If we are on duty, we can call you right away, otherwise we will contact you as soon as possible.
Other ways of getting in touch:
E-mail address [email protected]
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