Under this agreement for 2014 Boondall State School will receive • Increase the percentage of students in NAPLAN upper 2 bands Year 3 reading to 40% by 2015 Improve the NAPLAN mean score in Year 3 numeracy to be statistically similar to the Nation in 2015 • • Utilise data analysis processes to identify and monitor students for targeted intervention in reading and numeracy and to improve school wide pedagogy Implement a comprehensive reading program throughout the early years embedding a consistent language and approach and including a solid oral language foundation • • Engaging a Data Coach to lead and support teachers in data analysis processes, utilization of I ..__.__~--------Providing.teacher training and resources to implement a comprehensive oral language ' $63 000 ..-..--...----------:--------$6 640 ________ ~~_t_a._io! tat:9~!~~!~!},~1l1!Q_J!_~_r:!c_!_!!_e!~_~c_!l<?~J_.9.I!!.~_<!.!!~:'!!!?;_. .. ______..._E!..OJ!!'5!!!l_!r:!_f.~~ . . . .__ . .. . • .________________________ • • Employing and training a teacher aide to work with the Speech Language Pathologist to $9,250 _______ deliver a targeted inlerve_ntion£!Q9!afY!___ ~_____ _ ._...__. ... ._._, . _ • Providing.teacher training and resources to support a consistent phonemic awareness $7 280 ____ . e!:.~gramIn ~~ep ancL~~r...1 ~ ~ ~-~ _ • Providing ~eachers in Year 1 an? 2 with pro!essional development and resources for i $46 763 programs 10 the school's Teachmg of Readmg Framework _ i' ---;-----Provl(ilng--iidditiOnaThours:'i'i8ininganci"resources-furteacl-ier-iiides-to st7pport-tirgete(i---------..,-----_,----------------$~~-;~~________ i_Jl~~I'!iQI!.£!:ogra~~!_().!...~!u2.~ntsin Prep. Year 1 and Year 2 L..__ • Employing a trained Reading Recovery teacher to work with identified Year 1 and 2 students i $17,640 i n • • mm ~r~~i~~~~~r~~:~~e~d~;tStepsin Maths: Numberto support teachers to dia9nOSe.-Plan:--------+-------~--$~~ implement and evaluate the learning experiences they prov~e students _ ! Providing opportunities for teachers to pian. reflect and work with the Data Coach and Head of ! Curriculum i //---X;1 C,...../- mn f\ItYr/f-vlA-:/. r . Kim McNamara - Principal Soondal! State School Dr Jim Watterst' ......... ~.--- Director-General 'Based on 2013 data. To be updated when 2014 enrolment data is finalised. m _'_ ... 660 __ '__ $14,760
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