WMU COUNCIL Thursday, January 22, 2015 CHURCH COUNCIL Monday, January 26, 2015 CLOTHES CLOSET 01/24 - Joy Little & Carol Rieks BEGINNING TUESDAY NIGHT January 27, at 6:30 PM “Manhood Restored” By Eric Mason GOLDEN OAKS Chris Corkill “How the Gospel Makes Men Whole” USHERS FOR JANUARY Bill Vardiman, Marilyn Rimmer, Beth Pollan, Scott Lane, Chris Corkill and Derek Davis A video study led by Dave Rimmer and Scott Lane. Study Guides will be available for $5.00. GREETERS For January 25, 2015 7:45 - Bill & Lana Sanders 9:00 - Chris & Beth Blumhorst TRANSPORTATION 01/18 - Frank Pautz & Larry Long SOUND SYSTEM 8:00 - Michael Doolin 10:30 - Will Raines NURSERY 10:30 - Toni & Grace Corkill EXTENDED SESSION Andrea Hurst & Candy Hoey MORNING WORSHIP WOMEN ON MISSION A WORD FROM YOUR PASTOR Ministry Project for January Deacon Ordination Service 4:00 pm The WOM is still collecting items for the Municipal Services (Marshall Street and Sanitation). We have plenty of the hot drinks, but are still in need of the cracker/cheese, granola bars, cookies, etc. Leave your donation in the basket by the WMU table in the foyer. Thank You for your help and assistance. HIGHLIGHTS FROM THE JANUARY BUSINESS MEETING General Budget Receipts: $67,559.03 Disbursements: $67,643.52 General Funds in Bank: $86,707.09 The Deacons’ approved the candidates, Larry Long and Randy Rinehart, following a time of personal examination. Deacon Ordination is scheduled for Sunday, January 25, 2015, at 4:00 PM followed by a Church-Wide Reception in the Family Life Center. The Trustee Committee reported the Choir Room will be painted. There are plans to disassemble the old boiler. Also, they are still working on the electronics of the Church Bell. Lynn Seelow submitted her resignation for the Financial Secretary’s position as she and her family will be moving to Nebraska. The Personnel Committee is now accepting applications until January 23, 2015. WMU reported a total First Baptist Church Lottie Moon Christmas offering of $13,471.39, surpassing our church goal of $10,000. Currently, the WMU is collecting hot drinks/individual snacks for our city outdoor workers. 8:00 & 10:30 AM Baptist Men’s Day Morning Message Pastor Mike “The Primary Requirement for a Deacon” Acts 6:1-7 Deacon Ordination Service 4:00 PM Larry Long & Randy Rinehart Reception Family Life Center FEBRUARY BIBLE STUDY 2015 Deuteronomy “A Challenge to a New Generation” Sunday evenings in February will focus on the Book of Deuteronomy. Deuteronomy is one of the greatest books in the Old Testament. Its influence on personal religion of all ages has not been surpassed by any other book in the Bible. It is quoted over eighty times in the New Testament. One writer said, “The author of Deuteronomy...brought the Old Testament faith as near to the level of the New Testament faith as possible.” Join us for this rich study! SENIOR ADULT APPRECTION BANQUET Mark your calendars for February 7th. This year’s theme is “Variety Show”. It will feature two skits from our youth of two shows along with a game that will help you reflect on these great shows. The food, as always, will be great! It starts at 12:00 p.m. and ends at 2:00 p.m. Call the office today to reserve your spot. ~ Erik On Sunday afternoon, First Baptist Church will gather together for a special and unique worship service. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, we will ordain Larry Long and Randy Rinehart to the office and work of the Deacon Ministry. Everything rises or falls with leadership, whether it be a family or a local church. The Holy Spirit imparts gifts to believers for ministry in the local church. Though the church is an organism, it must be organized or it will die. Leadership is vital to spiritual organization. In 1 Timothy 3:1-13, Paul describes the offices of Pastor and Deacon. This Sunday afternoon we will be ordaining two of our men to serve as Deacons of our church. The word, “Deacon” comes to us from the Greek word, “diakonos”. It means “to minister or to serve.” It speaks of one hastening to serve or hurrying to wait on another. The earliest allusion to the Deacon is recorded in Acts 6:1-7. Deacons are servants servants of the Lord Jesus Christ, servants with their Pastors and servants for the people. Deacons are to be Christ-centered and Holy Spirit filled/controlled. They are to earnestly care for the needs of the people. They are to act as spiritual leaders leading the church in the areas of proclamation, caring, fellowship and worship. They are to be filled with the sincere desire of spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Deacons are to be servants; debtors for others. Not a substitute for the Pastor, but a minister with the Pastor. The Deacon is to his Pastor what Aaron was to Moses, a helper. It is together that Deacons and their Pastors, arm in arm serve the local church. A Deacon should be worthy of respect, taking his responsibilities seriously. He should be doctrinally sound, tested and proved. He should be in control of his tongue and not a gossiper. He should be an effective witness for Christ utilizing his time, talent and treasures for the Kingdom of God. We believe that Larry Long and Randy Rinehart are such men. We look forward to their ordination on Sunday. Let us ever remember that Deacons are not elected to honor themselves. They are elected to honor the Lord Jesus Christ. I will see each of you on Sunday! Loving you, Pastor Mike T H E B U L L ET I N MEALS-ON-WHEELS Monday, January 26 - Friday, January 30 Be at the Senior Center at 10:30 AM. CHURCH FAMILY, you are invited to a CHURCH STAFF BRIDAL SHOWER for Dana Mikels Saturday January 31, 2015 2:00 - 4:00 PM Family Life Center BAPTIST MEN’S DAY Sunday Morning Leading Music - Steve Twiggs, Bill Gauldin and Larry Long Prayer & Welcome - Michael Broyles Testimonies - Alan Harper Monte Robertson Scripture - Cole Lane Benediction—Randy Rinehart FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Marshall, Missouri 65340 Telephone: 660.886.5546 Website: www.firstbaptistmarshall.org ___________________________________________________________________________ VOLUME 43 January 21, 2015 NUMBER 03 «Name» «C/O» «Address» «City» «State» «Zip Code» $ 7,780.52 $ 10,289.00 $ 180.00 First Baptist Church Odell Avenue at East Arrow Marshall, MO 65340 Budget Receipts Weekly Budget Needs Building Fund 231 324 THE BULLETIN Bible Study Worship 8:00 - 93 10:30 - 231 Pastor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Dr. Michael B. Parris Education/Music . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wayne Doolin Minister of Youth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Erik Houston Church Secretary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Jeanie Tucker Treasurer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ruth Ann Anderson Financial Secretary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Lynn Seelow Custodians . . . . . . . . . . .Jim Ruff & Buddy Weaver January 18, 2015 Published weekly (except Christmas week and 4th of July week) by First Baptist Church, Marshall, Missouri 65340. Second class postage paid at Marshall, Missouri. “VITAL SIGNS” FOR SUNDAY BAPTIST MEN’S DAY Sunday, January 25 10:30 AM Worship Men leading in our worship, singing, prayer, Scripture and Testimony. ***************************** DEACON ORDINATION of Larry Long and Randy Rinehart Service - 4:00 PM Reception to follow
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