Camp Volunteer Reference Form

2015 Reference for Volunteers: Grand Mesa Baptist Camp
The following individual has applied to Grand Mesa Baptist Camp as a volunteer and has
submitted your name as a reference. Please take a moment to complete this form on their behalf.
Applicant_________________________________________ Camp applied for______________
Position applied for by volunteer___________________________________________________
Name of reference___________________________________________Phone______________
How long have you known this applicant? ___________________________________________
In what capacity do you know this applicant? _________________________________________
In your judgment, is the applicant capable of serving in the capacity they are applying for?
Yes ____No_____ if no, please explain______________________________________________
To your knowledge, has the applicant ever been accused of or charged with a felony or
misdemeanor, including alleged sexual offenses (other than a misdemeanor traffic offense)?
Yes_____ No _____ if yes, please explain ___________________________________________
What church activities does the applicant participate in? ________________________________
What can you tell us about the applicant’s relationship with Christ? _______________________
In your opinion, would this person make a good volunteer at Grand Mesa Baptist Camp? Please
explain _______________________________________________________________________
Additional comments, observations or concerns: ______________________________________
Statement of Endorsement
The person, who has recommended you as a reference for them, will be working with
children or youth in a Christian camp setting. It is important they are a person of integrity,
they relate well to this age group, and that their attitudes, faith, and behavior is an
exemplary model for children and youth.
Do you believe this applicant meets these criteria? Yes _____No _____
Thank you for your time and input.