April 5, 2015 Easter Sunday SAINT LUKE CATHOLIC CHURCH 2304 Salem Road, Virginia Beach VA 23456 Office: 757-427-5776 Fax: 757-427-2260 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: Stlukevabeach.org Liturgies Office Hours Tuesday - Friday: 7:00 a.m. Monday - Thursday: Saturday: 7:00a.m. & 5:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Sunday: 8:00 & 9:30 a.m., 12:00 p.m. (Spanish) Friday: Closed Baptism - Parents must be active, registered members of the parish for at least two months and attend a preparation class required the Diocese. Parish Staff Rev. Rodrigo Mingollo Pastor Rev. Mr. Lito Magsombol Business Manager Rev. Mr. Lawrence Illy Religious Education Rose Marie Rivera Admin. Assistant Patty Trail Pastoral Care Marie Weber Music Matrimony - Couples planning to be married in the Catholic Church are asked to notify the pastor at least six months prior to the anticipated celebration and before setting a date. Anointing of the Sick - If you or a family members are ill or facing surgery and would like to be anointed, please contact the Parish Office prior to the day of the procedure or surgery. Ministries Altar Bread & Wine Altar Servers Art & Environment Building Maintenance Mary Marcelo Ping Camano Fredilynn Lansangan Chuck Eastman/ Mars Marcelo Church Caretaker Kevin McNulty Eucharistic Ministers Hazel Fritz Lectors Francis Lansangan Linen Care Myrna Nario Music Marie Weber Offering Counters Ivol Sexton Pastoral Advocacy Ping Camano RCIA Atlee Ladao Social Shirley Hough Ushers/Greeters Ed Bagsic 471-4736 427-1243 961-9590 ……………... 471-4736 416-0338 430-0166 961-9590 471-0628 479-9676 581-1534 427-1243 333-7420 235-2397 471-3798 Pastoral Care Ministers visit community members who are unable to attend Liturgy due to illness or advanced age. Taking the Eucharist to those hospitalized or homebound is a key part of this ministry. Contact the Parish Office to arrange a visit. *************************************** Eucharistic Adoration Schedule Monday 6:00 p.m. to midnight Tuesday 6:00 p.m. to midnight Wednesday 6:00 p.m. to Saturday at 6:35 a.m. Rosary Schedule The rosary is prayed on the following days before the 7:00 a.m. Mass. Tuesday & Thursday - Saturday: 6:30 a.m. Wednesday: 6:20 a.m. ******************************************* Groups & Organizations Alliance of the Two Hearts Josie Dabu Eucharistic Adoration Bene & Deacon Lito Magsombol Filipino Commission Myrna Nario Grupo de Oracion Carmen Baxley Knights of Columbus Art Fritz Ladies Auxillary Mavis Varella Small Christian Community Maria Rallos Women’s Club Lina Valencia 420-3581 427-0606 Our Gifts to the Lord 471-0628 490-2329 430-0166 271-8899 April 5, 2015 Weekly Needs $4,660.00 Regular offering $ 10,932.68 (includes: Holy Thursday. Easter Vigil and Easter Sunday) Good Friday (Holy Land) $593.10 430-7695 430-8296 We thank you very much for your financial support. 2 April 12, 2015 Sunday, April 12, 2015 Divine Mercy Sunday Divine Mercy Sunday Readings: Acts of the Apostles 4:32-35; 1 John 5:1-6; John 20:19-31 Mass Times & Mass Intentions Activities 8:00 a.m. +Robert Francis & Clarence Marcely 2:30pm Exposition 9:30 a.m. +Virgilio Delima, Sr. 3:00pm Divine Mercy Chapel followed by 12:00 p.m. +Elena McMillan Benediction +Salvador Martinez Orosco Registration for VBS after all Masses *************************************************************************************** Monday, April 13, 2015 Readings:: Acts of the Apostles 4:23-31; John 3:1-8 7:00 a.m. Communion Service Activities 6:00 pm Adoration until Midnight 6:30 pm Faith Formation ******************************************************************************** Tuesday, April 14, 2015 Readings: Acts of the Apostles 4:32-37; John 3:114-15 Mass Times & Mass Intentions 7:00 a.m. Ruben Ognis Activities 5:30pm First Communion Interviews Group II 6:00 pm Adoration until Midnight ******************************************************************************** Wednesday, April 15 Readings: Acts of the Apostles 5:17-26; John 3:16 7:00 a.m. Activities 7:00 pm Knights of Columbus ******************************************************************************** Thursday, April 16 Readings: Acts of the Apostles 5:27-33; John 3:31-36 Mass Times & Mass Intentions 7:00 am Activities 6:30 pm Music Practice ******************************************************************************** Friday, April 17 Readings: Acts of the Apostles 5:34-42; John 6:1-15 7:00 am Activities ******************************************************************************** Saturday, April 18 Readings: Acts of the Apostles 6:1-7; John 36:16-21 Mass Times & Mass Intentions 5:00 p.m. Activities ******************************************************************************** Sunday, April 19 Readings: Acts of the Apostles 3:13-15,17-19; 1 John2:1-5a; Luke 24:35-48 Mass Times & Mass Intentions Activities 8:00 a.m. Annabelle Santa Maria 6:00 pm LifeTeen 9:30 a.m. St. Luke Parishioners 12:00 p.m. April 12, 2015 Rodolfo Sevilla Connie Kabigting Shirley Ehrstein Filomenia Germenia Mike Sheier Victor Alicea Patricia Martin Jack Rolo Patrick Pearson Paul Hipolito Beena Thangiah Nicanor Parocha Jr. Jessica Raymond Larry Vergara Ronald Baum Divine Mercy Sunday Daisy Richardson Jenny MacKay Rey Lizan Antonia Gatchalian Ted Dumont Gary Gabor Paula Krug Jess Dabu Angie Haddock Romeo Kabigting Maria Torres Esteban Baxley Claudia Trznadel Amy Kabigting August 3 - August 7 Vacation Bible School If you would like to have someone remembered in prayer, please call the office at 427-5776 or email [email protected] The Knights of Columbus invites you to join them It’s never too early to prepare. Our theme this year is Everest, where kids overcome obstacles with God’s awesome power. It will be held at San Lorenzo Spiritual Center from August 3 through August 7. We need some materials for our igloo, tents, equipment, crafts and games. Additionally, we also need some “loaner” items to use that week A collection box will be placed in the Commons for your donations. We need the following: toilet paper & paper towel rolls plastic coffee cans, milk jugs (both gallon and half gallon) hula hoops. The loaner items are Christmas trees (any size), flannel shirts, sleeping bags and some buckets. Please label your item(s) with your name/phone number. Thanks in advance for your help. We need volunteers!! on Wednesday, April 15, at 7:30 PM in the church To all who helped with the Spring Cleanup of St. Luke for Easter!! We appreciate your help! for a Fraternal Benefits Night. A presentation will be given on the Knights of Columbus, and the benefits available as a member. Refreshments will be served after the presentation. 4 April 12, 2015 Divine Mercy Sunday 5 April 12, 2015 Divine Mercy Sunday Eight days after we celebrate the Resurrection of the Lord comes what we can call the greatest feast ever established in modern day - the Feast of the Divine Mercy, which is by essence the fruit of the resurrection. Ocho días después de que celebramos la Resurrección del Señor viene lo que podemos llamar la fiesta más grande jamás establecida en el día moderno - la Fiesta de la Divina Misericordia, que es por esencia el fruto de la resurrección. Jesus died and rose from the dead for one important reason, that is - to flood the earth with His Divine Mercy. At the cross, Blood and Water poured out from the Heart of Jesus - the sign of His overflowing mercy upon us. Jesús murió y resucitó de entre los muertos por una razón importante, que es - para inundar la tierra con Su Divina Misericordia. En la cruz, Sangre y Agua fueron derramadas desde el Corazón de Jesús - la señal de Su misericordia desbordante sobre nosotros. Our Lord, the King of Mercy told Saint Faustina: "I desire that the Feast of Mercy be a refuge and shelter for all souls, and especially for poor sinners. On that day the very depths of My tender mercy are open." This is the greatest gift of the Risen Lord for all eternity. Nuestro Señor, el Rey de la Misericordia le dijo a Santa Faustina: "Deseo que la Fiesta de la Misericordia sea refugio y amparo para todas las almas, y especialmente para los pobres pecadores En ese día las profundidades de Mi tierna misericordia están abiertas.". Este es el mayor regalo del Señor resucitado para toda la eternidad. Let us praise God for His loving mercy and compassion. And through the prayers of our Blessed Mother, Saint Faustina and Saint John Paul II - the great apostle of the Divine Mercy in the modern time - may we all come to the fountain of mercy and be filled with the grace of God. Alabemos a Dios por su misericordia amorosa y su compasión. Y a través de las oraciones de la Santísima Virgen, Santa Faustina y San Juan Pablo II - el gran apóstol de la Divina Misericordia de los tiempos modernos - que todos podamos llegar a la fuente de la misericordia y seamos llenados de la gracia de Dios. Annual Asian Marian Pilgrimage to the Basilica in Washington, DC On May 2, 2015. All are invited, busses are available for a fee. Please contact Myrna Nario at 650-7771 LADIES AUXILIARY SCHOLARSHIP St. Luke Church High School Seniors please contact the office for applications Recipient(s) will be recognized on Mother's Day in May. 6 Easter Flowers Offering 2015 In Memory of Requested by Andrew & Alice Havre Art & Hazel Fritz Arthur & Margaret Fritz Art & Hazel Fritz Sharon Ann McDonough Florence Guerin Gertrude M. Guerin Florence Guerin Fatima Socorro R. Mateo Angel Q. Mateo, Jr. Patrick & Martha Griffin Sally Griffin Santiago & Alejandra Bugarin Romulo & Lydia Bugarin Mauro & Paciencia Frias Romulo & Lydia Bugarin Eulogio,Nora, Martin & Rubio Taniangco Milagros Oliver & family Wendell, Jose, Felisa, Rey & Rogel Oliver Milagros Oliver & family Deaceased loved ones of Farrales & Fontimayoe Adora & Gil Fontimayor Arthur, Odcar, Germilina & Priciliano Ostonal Lolita O. Ostonal Mr. & Mrs. Clemente Perez Alex & Minnie Sanico Mr. & Mrs.Angel Sanico Alex & Minnie Sanico Stenich Family Jeanne Hurrell Joe, Johnny & Margaret Nevin Nevin & Trail Families The Jagerski Family Nevin & Trail Families The Nevin Family Nevin & Trail Families The Trail Family Nevin & Trail Families The Clynes Family Nevin & Trail Families The Cramer Family Nevin & Trail Families Mary and Carl Trail Nevin & Trail Families Corazon & Jose Anonuevo Nevin & Trail Families Teofula Fulay Nevin & Trail Families Julio & Adrian Rivera RM Rivera Margarita Vasquez & Olga Alvear RM Rivera Jose Felix Leiva Maria & Lorraine Leiva Priscillano Urbano Leonora C. Urbano Esteban Villaros, Sr. Leonora C. Urbano Alex & Emelia Gonshorowski Marilyn Russell Teresa & Michael Foster Burke Family Mr. & Mrs. John & Florence Burke Burke Family Stewart Family David & June Cave Bartolome & Socorro Valencia Lito & Lina Valencia Luis & Salud Valencia Lito & Lina Valencia For all the Souls in Purgatory April 12, 2015 Divine Mercy Sunday 8 12 de abril , 2015 Domingo de la Divina Misericordia Contactos del Ministerio Hispano [email protected] http://stlukevabeach.org/hispanic-ministry.html Pastor: Diáconos Coordinador: Vice-Coordinador: Lectores: Ministros de Eucaristía: Visita a los Enfermos: Coro: RICA: Ujieres: Bautizos: Ministerio de Arte y medioambiente: Ministerio de los jardines: Servidores del Altar MatrimoniosJóvenes: Grupos de Oración: Ministerio Social: Rev. Rodrigo Mingollo Larry Illy y LitoMagsombol Rosaura Archila ANUNCIOS Los Caballeros de Colón están aceptando nuevos miembros. Si tienen alguna pregunta favor de hablar con Edwin Burgos o Wellinthon Muñoz. Ángel Rivera Alejandro Gómez Ángel y Marta Rivera Marta Rivera Regina Gómez Edwin, Ruben, Billy, Miguel y Elias Diego &MaríaNaranjo Julia Alcázar Marcial Meza Salvador Guardado Alex y Jiuliana Meza-Alcázar Carmen Baxley y Regina Gómez Alicia Guardado, MirnaArevalo e Irene Gonzalez Bautizos para infantes: Los requisitospara bautizar niñosmenores de 7 años son; que los padres estén inscritos en la Iglesia, asistan a la misa dominical, completen la solicitud de bautismo y que asistan a la clase requerida. También es necesario que los padrinos sean católicos. Para más información comuníquese con la oficina. Clases de preparación bautismal: La clase de preparaciónbautismales el Segundo domingo del mes después de la misa. Para másinformación ver a los señoresNaranjo. Unción de los enfermos: Si usted o un miembro de su familia está enfermo o va a tener una operación quirúrgica y desea ser ungido, por favor contáctese con la oficina. Si no es una emergencia, por favor hágalo antes de ir al hospital. El sacerdote hará la unción en la capilla, después de la misa. Matrimonios: Se require que las parejasque planean contraer matrimonio notifiquen al párroco por lo menos 6 meses antes de la celebración del sacramento y antes de haber decidido la fecha de la celebración. Horario de clases de formación religiosa: Grados de Kinder a 8vo, lunes de 6:30 pm a 7:30 pm. Grados de 9 al 12, domingos de 6:30 pm a 8:30 pm. Confesiones: Se puede confesar el primer vienes de cada mes después de la misa de la 7:00 p.m. Inscribase en nuestra parroquia: Si asiste a misa en San Lucas es muyi mportante que se haga miembro oficial de nuestra iglesia Los formularios están disponibles en la entrada de la iglesia. El grupo de oración se reúne todos los lunes y viernes a la 7:00 p.m. Para más información hable con Carmen Baxley. El servicio de sanaciónes el primer sábado del mesdespués de la misa de las 5:00 p.m. ***************************************************** El sábado 11 de abril nos toca limpiar la iglesia. Les pedimos su ayuda. Se necesitan personas para que ayuden en lo siguiente. Si puede ayudar, por favor hable con la persona mencionada Liturgia dominical para niños: Angel Rivera Monaguillos (Niños/as y adultos): Salvador Guardado Limpieza de la iglesia: Salvador Guardado Músicos/Cantantes: Marta Rivera Se necesitan guitarristas. Lectores: Angel Rivera NO SE OLVIDE…..CENA BAILABLE 9 MAYO, 2015 EN SAN LORENZO 6PM-12AM AUSPICIADO POR EL MINISTERIO HISPANO BUENA COMIDA Y MUSICA LATINA DE TODO TIPO!!! OBTENGA SUS BOLETOS CON ANTICIPACION. YA ESTAN A LA VENTA. Contctarse con Rosaura Archila, Regina Gomez
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