St. William Catholic Church 929 Gunter Avenue Guntersville, AL

St. William Catholic Church
929 Gunter Avenue
Guntersville, AL 35976
Capilla de la Santa Cruz
1534 Whitesville Road
Albertville, AL 35950
St. William Catholic Church,
929 Gunter Avenue, Guntersville, AL 35976
Pastor—Rev. Tim Pfander
256-582-4245 ext. 102
Mass Schedule
Monday—Friday 8:30 am
Vigil Mass—Saturday 5:00 pm
Sunday—8:30 & 11:00 am
Confession - Saturday
3:45-4:30 pm
Church Office
Monday-Friday 9:00 am - 1:00 pm
Office Manager—Laura Hodge
[email protected]
Deacon Ken Hall
Music coordinator
Kevin McGarrahan
St. Vincent de Paul
Tim Higgins
*for Assistance
256-582-4245 ext. 201
Mary Fritts
Ladies Sodality
Janet Bright
Knights of Columbus
Council 12618
Kevin Young
Assembly 3328
Sean Landry
Marshall County Homeless Ministry
Janice Slaughter
Respect Life
Judith Hyatt
Alice Beck
Young at Heart
Jeanette Seppamaki
Parish School of Religion
Coordinator— Debbie Klan
256-582-4245 ext. 104
[email protected]
Pre-K through 8th Grade
Children age 4 through 15. Catholic Youth Formation meets on
Sundays in Mary’s House from 9:30 am to 10:45 am. Please see
the calendar for the full schedule.
Senior Youth Catechism
High School Catechism is held each Sunday in Angel House from
9:30 am to 10:45 am. Please see the calendar for the full schedule.
Adult Formation
Interested in learning about the Catholic Faith? Classes meet on
Wednesdays at 6:30 pm in Craven Hall. Please see the calendar
for the full schedule.
Couples must contact Fr. Tim at least 6 months prior to setting a
wedding date at the parish.
Please contact Fr. Tim for schedules and preparation information.
Bulletin Deadline
Monday 12:00 pm
Capilla de la Santa Cruz
1534 Whitesville Road, Albertville, AL 35950
Padre Guillermo Aristizabal
Diacono Edwin Santos
Oficina de Iglesia
Directora—Yolanda Nieto
Horario de Oficina
lunes - cerrado
martes - viernes 9:00 am - 1:00 pm & 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Horario de Misas:
Miércoles, jueves, & viernes 6:00 pm
sábado Misa de Vigilia 6:00 pm
domingo en Español 8:30 am,11:00 am & 6:00 pm
Confesiones: Miércoles 5-5:45 pm, Sábado 4:30-5:30 pm, o por cita
Coro Santa Cruz: Ensayo los viernes a las 6 pm en la Capilla.
*Coordinador: Raúl Garduño, 256-558-5286
Coro Alabanza y Gloria: Ensayo los jueves a las 6 pm en el centro.
*Coordinador: Tomás Ackerman, 251-402-3626
Coro Fuego Divino: Ensayo los viernes a las 6 pm en el centro.
*Coordinador: Gustavo Pérez Macario 256-572-0498
Preparación para la recepción de los sacramentos y para el crecimiento en la fe. Clases los viernes, sábados y domingos en el centro. Se
requiere dos años de clase para la recepción de la Primera Comunión
y para Confirmación. Para la recepción de Comunión el/la estudiante
necesita tener 7 años de edad antes del primero de octubre. Para empezar la clase del primer año de Confirmación, necesita tener 12 años
antes del primero de octubre. Y para la recepción de Confirmación,
necesita tener 13 años antes del primero de octubre.
*Contacte: María López o Yolanda Nieto, 256-891-0550
Clases de Crecimiento. Para los jóvenes y adultos que quieren
aprender más de su fe. “Cuando era niño, hablaba como niño, pensaba
y razonaba como niño. Pero cuando me hice hombre, dejé de lado las
cosas del niño” (1 Corintios 13:11).
*Coordinador: Santiago Vásquez, 256-960-7095
Cursos Pre-Matrimoniales. Dichoso quien ama de corazón los Mandatos del Señor. Anímate a recibir la bendición de Dios en tu matrimonio. Te esperamos.
*Contacte: Diácono Edwin y Paola Santos, 256-738-6153
Clases Pre-Bautismal. Cada segundo sábado del mes a las 1:00 pm.
*Para más información contacte:
María López 256-891-0550
Preparación Quinceañeras. Son solamente tres veces al año.
*Para más información contacte: Ramona Solís, 256-202-9164.
Grupo Juvenil Reuniones Miércoles 10:00 am a 12:00 pm, y Domingos 5:00 pm a 7:00 pm
*Contacte: Maricela Nieto, 256-572-6613
Caballeros de Colón
*Contacte: Joe Castillo, 256-744-0232
Luis Rivera, 256-630-4395
Grupos de Oración. “Eran asiduos a la enseñanza de los Apóstoles, a
la Convivencia fraterna a la fracción del pan y a las oraciones” (Hechos 2:42). Domingos desde las 2 p.m. hasta las 5 p.m. en la
*Coordinador 1: Baltazar Zamarripa, 256-293-2599
*Coordinador 2: Pedro González, 256-486-7890
Comité Organizador de los Eventos de la Iglesia
*Contacte: Rosalinda Vega, 256-572-1642
Respect Life
Judy Hyatt
“I pray that at every level a general commitment to support the
family will reappear and be strengthened, so that today too—
even amid so many difficulties and serious threats—the family will
always remain, in accordance with God’s plan, the ‘sanctuary of life’.”
Pope Saint John Paul II, The Gospel of Life
(Evangelium Vitae, no. 6) © 1995 Libreria Editrice Vaticana. Used with permission.
Please join Pro-Life and the Knights of Columbus next Sunday, April 19th
as they pray the rosary for an end to abortion. The Rosary Rally begins at
10:15 am at the Monument to the Unborn.
Knights of Columbus Fundraiser
Saturday, April 25th
Craven Hall
Please join the Knights of Columbus for a Chicken Dinner
followed by Bingo on Saturday, April 25th. The cost is
$20.00 for dinner and bingo or $8.00 for just the chicken
dinner. Please be sure to get your tickets following all
Masses this weekend and the weekend of April 18th and
19th in the vestibule. If you have any questions, please
contact Paul McKinney at 256-878-2376.
Easter flower donations
have been made In memory/honor of:
Leo Meinert
Sandy Fisher Hughes
Eugene Burman
R.C. & Janet Brantley
Justin Ehman
Nolen & Irene Snead
Bev Sorcic “mom”
Mark Brothers
George Stewart
Sean Witsoe
Teresa Stewart
Mrs. Shirley Holt
Mrs. Rose Woolston
Gerald Preston
Victor Hawkins
Gladys & Harold Slaughter
Gary Tillman
Janet Doyle
Anna Rains
Lee Johnson
Paula Butler
Edward & Irene Voss
Cooper Ray Dowdy
Segui/Slatsky Family
Charlotte Friend
Ginas Family
Baker Family
Donald Borrow
Lucille & Harold LeDuc
Dorothy Arbir
George Smith
Alan Smith
Jack & Hazel Whitaker
Betty McKinney
James & Annette Rands
Eugene & Ann Comisky
Arthur & Ida Galina
Ramon Cruz
Al & Zita Huebel
Tomasa Cruz
Jim Brown
We trust that all had a blessed and glorious Easter celebration for the Lord has risen! During the last 90 days, the St.
Vincent de Paul Society has been very active in the community. We, as members of SVDP, have distributed food to 556
families in Marshall County consisting of 1,061 adults along with
752 children for a total of 1,813 people! In addition, financial assistance in
excess of $2,600 to 25 families for either utilities, rent or doctor/medication
bills was also rendered. The members of St. Vincent de Paul at St. William
and the Chapel of the Holy Cross want to thank you, the parishioners and the
many church organizations, for your continued support of food and cash donations. You will be blessed for as stated in Matthew 25:40, “I assure you, as
often as you did it for one of my least brothers, you did it for Me.”
When we imagine the disciples cowering behind locked
doors on the first Easter, it is
a matter of the greatest urgency that the doors get
opened. They are not locked
in as if in prison; rather, they
have chosen to marinate in
fear. Both the lock and the
key stand on their side of the
door, in their control. Christ
breaks through this significant barrier with a message
of “Peace.” The risen Lord’s
word propels them through
the door and along the path
leading to the consoling image of the community living
in harmony in the first reading today. What do we pray
for in our tradition?
More than anything else, we
pray for peace. Every Mass is
an earnest prayer for peace
with God, with self, with
neighbor, and for peace in the
world. Yet, curiously, the
peace Christ offers is deeper
than the mere absence of
conflict. Our tradition treasures the memories of saints
who were remarkably open to
Christ’s gift of peace even in
the maelstroms of history. St.
Edith Stein and St. Maximillian Kolbe, martyrs of the
Holocaust, are but two examples. At the eye of a fearful
storm, they stand as witnesses to the power of
Christ’s rising in our lives.
—Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
The Benedictine Sisters of Cullman invite you to join us on
Saturday, April 18, 2015, as we celebrate the completion
of the final phase of our Reflect Renew Rejoice renovation
and construction project for the Monastery and Retreat
Center. The celebration will begin at 1:00 PM with the
Blessing by Most Rev. Robert Baker, Bishop. Immediately following
the Blessing, an Open House of the new Mary and St. Joseph Guest
Houses, Subiaco (Private Retreat area), as well as the Retreat Center
meeting and dining areas will occur until 4:00 PM. The event will be
held on the grounds of Sacred Heart Monastery at 916 Convent Rd. in
Cullman. For more information, please visit or website
or call (256) 734-4622.
Married Couples: How about some time
just for the two of you?
How about a weekend that will focus on love, caring and relationship? It will be the best gift you’ll
give each other this year. Plan to go on a Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekend and come back
with a marriage that is refreshed and full of passion. The next weekend in the Diocese is scheduled in Cullman, June 19-21 at St. Bernard’s Abbey. You can
register online today at website or by calling Bob & Joy Hernandez at 678-985-0125.
Segunda Domingo de Pascua
Al leer sobre la fe de las primeras comunidades de creyentes puede ser fuente de gran inspiración para los que
han sido cristianos por largo tiempo, como también para
los que acaban de ser bautizados. ¿Te puedes imaginar a
gente de hoy que “tiene un solo corazón y una sola alma”
igual que la primera comunidad de creyentes? La primera
carta de san Juan que leemos hoy es la clave que nos dice
cómo podemos lograrlo. Si guardamos los mandamientos
de Dios y si amamos a todos los hijos de Dios parece ser la
base de poder tener un “un solo corazón y una sola alma”.
Vivimos en un mundo que recalca las diferencias –ya sean
entre religiones, razas, géneros y clases. Hoy se nos pide
que nos enfoquemos en lo que tenemos en común en este
frágil planeta que ocupamos.
Solo el amor que se hace don puede transformar nuestro
~Papa San Juan XXIII
“La posición pro vida a menudo se malinterpreta, pensando que no muestra compasión hacia las madres ni
se preocupa por los niños después de nacer. Esto es
lamentable. … Quienes ven falta de compasión de parte de los defensores pro vida quizás no sean conscientes de los muchos recursos y cuidados compasivos disponibles para las mujeres que enfrentan embarazos no
planeados. … [Los centros para crisis de embarazo]
existen para ofrecer entornos comprensivos y útiles
para las madres y familias que enfrentan un embarazo
Colectas de la Capilla
Primera colecta: Fondos de operación para los servicios públicos,
empleados, programas suministros, mantenimiento, etc.
Cantidad necesaria cada semana
Colección la semana pasada
$ 5,600
Segunda colecta: Fondo de construcción (Para pagar la deuda)
Cantidad total de la deuda
Pago mensual de la deuda
Colectado este mes
Mas venta de comida este mes
Colecta total en abril
$ 12,294
$ 3,770
$ 6,792
$ 10,562
En tiempos pasados, cuando
la misa era en latín, no teníamos la oportunidad de
escuchar en nuestro propio
idioma las bellas palabras
que Cristo pronunció durante la Última Cena y que el
sacerdote repite durante la
Consagración: “Esto es mi
cuerpo”… “Esta es mi sangre”. Por tal razón los monaguillos sonaban unas
campanitas indicando que
algo importante estaba pasando. En ese momento los
fieles levantábamos la cabeza para ver el pan convertido en cuerpo y el vino convertido en sangre. Lamentablemente el sacerdote nos
daba la espalda y no podíamos ver lo que ocurría sobre el altar. Sin embargo,
respondíamos con las
palabras del apóstol Tomás:
“Señor mío y Dios mío”.
Estas palabras reconocen y
adoran la presencia de Jesús
en el pan y el vino. A este
momento se le consideraba
el más importante de la misa. No obstante, el Concilio
Vaticano II vino a enseñarnos que este es el momento
cumbre, junto con toda la
Plegaria Eucarística, pues
toda la misa es igualmente
importante, excepto que durante la Plegaria Eucarística
alcanzamos el punto más
alto de la celebración. Por
esa razón ya no hay campanita, pues ahora escuchamos
todo en nuestro propio idioma, así como los discípulos
las escucharon de Cristo, en
su propio idioma.
—Fray Gilberto Cavazos-Glz, OFM, Copyright ©
J. S. Paluch Co.
— Foro Asuntos de Vida: Carrera hacia una cultura de la vida
( Mary Prentis, USCCB Secretariat of Pro-Life
Kelley's Rainbow (El Arco Iris de Kelley) La Coalición
Contra Violencia de Marshall County
Kelley's Rainbow ofrece muchos servicios para las víctimas de
violencia doméstica y para sus familias. Si usted es víctima o conoce a alguien que es víctima, por favor, póngase en contacto con
nosotros y permítanos ayudarle.
Oficina: (256) 891-9864
Hotline (Linea directa): (256) 891-0019
o al número gratuito: (888) 582-6883
¡24 horas al día, 7 días a la semana!
Primera lectura — La comunidad de los creyentes compartía todo con el mismo amor (Hechos 4:32-35).
Salmo — La misericordia del Señor es eterna. Aleluya
(Salmo 118 [117]).
Segunda lectura — Si alguien cree que Jesús es el Enviado, ése ha nacido de Dios (1 Juan 5:1-6).
Evangelio — Felices los que creen sin haber visto
(Juan 20:19-31).
Minister’s Schedule (schedule available online at
April 18-19
8:00 pm
Ministers of Communion
Robert Crowell
Kevin McGarrahan
John Summers
Norb Patla
Tony Sorcic
Al Summers
Erin Summers
Sean Landry
Dewon Simpson
William Busic
Jackie Todd
Kevin Young
Jimmy Chavez
Mark Etu
Rickey Hammond
8:30 am
Mary Cattadoris
Joan Whitfield
Jack Hahn
Paul McKinney
William McLaughlin
Frank McLaughlin
11:00 am
Tina Hoang
Mary Traynor
Cindy Hammond
Melinda Mitchell
Matthew Skaziak
Maggie Skaziak
April 25-26
Ministers of Communion
Linda Hodge
Norb Patla
Billie Simpson
Kevin McGarrahan
John Bannan
Zack Summers
Gene Doyle
Sean Landry
8:00 pm
Harold Davis
Dale Lee
Kevin Young
John Eason
Patrick Hammond
Jimmy Lester
8:30 am
Lupe Kirby
Paul McKinney
Chris Andreae
Jeff McLaughlin
Breanna Laski
Matthew Laski
11:00 am
Jim Curtin
Gayle Eason
Kristen Skaziak
Chris Wallace
Peyton Uchaker
George Uchaker
May 2-3
Ministers of Communion
Robert Crowell
Kevin McGarrahan
Billie Simpson
Tony Sorcic
John Summers
Al Summers
Norb Patla
Dewon Simpson
5:00 pm
8:30 am
Ed Cattadoris
Mary Cattadoris
Finie Higgins
Shawn O’Harra
William McLaughlin
Frank McLaughlin
William Busic
Jackie Todd
Kevin Young
11:00 am
Lien Thu Hoang
Kay Nolan
Nancy Curtin
Melinda Mitchell
Matthew Skaziak
Maggie Skaziak
John Eason
Vinnie Riggs
Joseph Snead
Kelley’s Rainbow Marshall County
Coalition Against Domestic Violence
Kelley’s Rainbow offers many services for victims of domestic violence and their families. If you are a victim or know
someone who is, please contact us and let us help you.
To St. William Catholic Church
Office: (256) 891-9864
Hotline (256) 891-0019
or toll free: (888) 582-6883
24 hrs. 7 days a week!!
Catholic Family Services and Project Rachel
Gadsden (256) 546-4883
Huntsville (256) 536-0073
Crisis Pregnancy Center
an t
Albertville (256) 878-1300
l p?
National Hotline (800) 395-HELP (4357)
To become a member of St. William Catholic Church, please complete one of our registration forms located:
At the entrances of the church, in the parish office, on our website at or you may complete
the form below and we will mail you one. Welcome to the parish!
Place this form in the offering basket or mail to the church office at:
St. William Catholic Church, 929 Gunter Avenue, Guntersville, AL 35976
I would like to join St. William Catholic Church. Please send me a registration form.
I would like more information about becoming Catholic.
St. William Calendar of Events
Capilla de la Santa Cruz Calendario de Eventos
Sun, Apr 12, 2015
domingo 12 de abril
Religious Articles Sale
Ticket Sales/Chingo
Following All Masses
Music Rehearsal
9:30 AM
St. William
Coffee & Doughnut Social
9:30 AM
Craven Hall
PSR Class
9:30 AM
Mary's House
Vietnamese Mass
3:30 PM
St. William
Mon, Apr 13, 2015
Tue, Apr 14, 2015
1:00 PM
Angel House
Building Committee Meeting
6:00 PM
Craven Hall
Wed, Apr 15, 2015
Scripture Study
9:15 AM
Craven Hall
Adult Religious Ed (RCIA)
6:30 PM
Craven Hall
Thu, Apr 16, 2015
Fri, Apr 17, 2015
Sat, Apr 18, 2015
First Communion
9:00 AM
St. William
4:30 PM
St. William
Ticket Sales/Chingo
Following 5:00 pm Mass
Sun, Apr 19, 2015
Music Rehearsal
9:30 AM
St. William
Coffee & Doughnut Social
9:30 AM
Craven Hall
PSR Class
9:30 AM
Mary's House
Pro-Life Rosary Rally
10:15 AM
St. William
Ticket Sales/Chingo
Following All Masses
Mon, Apr 20, 2015
Society of St. Vincent de Paul
7:00 PM
Mary's House
Tue, Apr 21, 2015
1:00 PM
Angel House
Wed, Apr 22, 2015
Scripture Study
9:15 AM
Craven Hall
Adult Religious Ed (RCIA)
6:30 PM
Craven Hall
Thu, Apr 23, 2015
Fri, Apr 24, 2015
Centro sala grande, mediana, y chica
12:30 PM
Centro sala grande, mediana y chica
Clases de Crecimiento
2:00 PM
Sala Grande, mediana, y chica
Grupo de Oración
2:00 PM
Junta de Ministros
4:30 PM
Niños de Jesús
5:00 PM
Centro - Sala Mediana
Jóvenes Pastoral
5:30 PM
Sala Grande
7:00 PM Reunión de Lectores
lunes 13 de abril
Oficina Cerrada
7:00 PM Confirmaciones
martes 14 de abril
St. Vincent de Paul
5:00 PM
Coro: Fuego Divino
6:00 PM
Centro Sala Mediana
San Juan 23
6:00 PM
Centro (Sala Chica)
7:00 PM Confirmaciones
miércoles 15 de abril
Grupo (Jóvenes)
10:00 AM
4:30 PM Confesiones
5:30 PM Rosario
6:00 PM Misa
jueves 16 de abril
4:30 PM Exposición del Santísimo
5:30 PM Rosario
Ensayo del coro: Tomas
6:00 PM
Centro - Sala Grande
6:00 PM Misa
viernes 17 de abril
5:00 PM
Centro Sala Grande, mediana y chica
5:30 PM Rosario
6:00 PM Misa
Coro: Santa Cruz
7:00 PM
sábado 18 de abril
9:00 AM
Centro Sala grande, mediana, y chica
11:00 AM
Centro sala grande, mediana, y chica
12:00 PM XV Años: Juarez-Ramirez
Boda: Francisco y Pascual
2:00 PM
4:00 PM
Centro sala grande, mediana y chica
4:30 PM Confesiones
5:30 PM Rosario
6:00 PM Misa
7:00 PM Adoración
Following All Masses
9:30 AM
Weekly Collection St. William
Offertory Last Weekend (Includes Easter)
Mortgage Payment per Month
Building Fund Collections Current Month
Parish Debt
Poor Box
Matthew 25: “I was sick and you visited me.”
If you or a loved one is sick or hospitalized and would like a
visit from a priest, please contact the office at (256) 5824245 or via e-mail. They will be happy to arrange a visit.
Please pray for…...
Our Parishioners
Mary Tillman
Becky Atwell
Flo Powers
Phillip Worley
Billie Kim Smith
Anna Caliguire
Our homebound parishioners
Paul Bartinikatis
Glenda Carboni
Dottie Browne-Peck
Donna Mitchell
Sally Goerss
Stuart Howell
Carmen Collazo
Saturday, April 11th
5:00 pm St. William—Poor Souls in Purgatory
Sunday, April 12th
8:30 am St. William—Tomasa Cruz, RIP
11:00 am St. William—St. William Parishioners
8:30 am Chapel—Tasha & Pete Parrish
Monday, April 13th
8:30 am St. William—Deborah St. John, RIP
Tuesday, April 14th
8:30 am St. William—Pedro Yu Tiamco, RIP
Wednesday, April 15th
8:30 am St. William—Leo Meinert, RIP
Thursday, April 16th
Our Friends and Family
Mary Hinchee
Bill Franey
Ian Fernandez
Casey Roberson
Cameron & Cheyenne House
Louise Cowart
Aaron Spurlin
Paula Butler
Thomas Traynor
Venice & Katie Brassell
Jim Wainwright
Isabella Montgomery
Davey Joe Roberson
Sam Gibson
Enoch & Zenaida Yii
Brooks Family
Eva Shahan
Tony Williams
Jimmy Trammell
Bill McManamy
Helen Edmonds
Those Recovering from Surgery
Julius J. Befort
Friday, April 17th
Chrysanthe Bamman
Mark Meatte
Mary Hart Caputo
Bob Cavannah
Cecilia McClure
Claud Pendergrass
Dave Johnson
Gloria & Rodolfo Rabin
Julia Draps
Virginia Culver
Janet Mata
Marcus Gross
Kimberly Browder
Nancy Noble
Sharon Cheshire
Amber Sabala
Joy Hildebrandt
Nancy Sewell
Sherry Johnston
Byron Fricks
Margaret Keegan
Jan Payne
Our Soldiers Stationed Overseas
Do you have a graduating senior?
We would like to know.
Saturday, April 18th
5:00 pm St. William—Sr. Mary Leo Arnold, RIP
Please contact the church office if
you have a child or grandchild that
attends St. William who will be
graduating from high school or
college this year.
Sunday, April 19th
8:30 am St. William—Special Intention
11:00 am Chapel—St. William Parishioners
Wednesdays 9:15 am in Craven Hall
t. William Note cards: Beginning
the weekend of April 11th and
12th, the Sodality will have blank note
cards for sale in the religious articles
cabinets featuring the beautiful stained
glass window behind the tabernacle.
The cards will sell for $10/package of
10. The cards are also available for the
same price at Fine Things in Arab.
The Acts of the Apostles
The Acts of the Apostles
The Acts of the Apostles
Wednesdays 6:30 pm in Mary’s House
Conversion & Call
Your Family & Stewardship
Prayer & Discernment
Assisted and Independent Living
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