our lady of perpetual help church

111-50 115th Street, South Ozone Park, NY 11420
Wheelchair Accessible
Office Hours: Monday - Friday: 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Tel: (718) 843-1212 / 1213
Fax: (718) 843-3554
Parish Email: [email protected]
Religious Education: [email protected]
March 22nd, 2015
Fifth Sunday of Lent
Monday - Friday / Lunes - Viernes: 8:30 a.m.
Saturday / Sábado: 8:30 a.m. & 5:00 p.m.
Sunday / Domingo: 8:30 a.m., 10:30 a.m. (Choir Mass),
& 12:00 p.m. (Español)
Saturday / Sábado: 4:00 p.m. - 4:45 p.m.
Chaplet of Divine Mercy - 2nd Sunday at 10:00 a.m.
El Santo Rosario: Lunes - Viernes a las 8:00 a.m.
Holy Hour: First Friday’s at 9:00 a.m. in the Church
Hora Santa: Primer Viernes a las 8:00 p.m. en la Iglesia
Miraculous Medal Novena: Thursday’s at 9:00 a.m.
Perpetual Help Novena: Saturday’s at 9:00 a.m.
111-10 115th Street, South Ozone Park, NY 11420
Principal: Mrs. Frances Deluca
Tel: (718) 843-4184
Fax: (718) 843-6838
Web: olphcatholicacademy.org
Rev. Vincent M. Daly, Pastor
Rev. Donald M. Berran, Pastor Emeritus, In Residence
Rev. John J. Garkowski, In Residence
Rev. Lewis Maynard, In Residence
Mr. Jorge Alvarado, Deacon
S. Margaret Sweeney, C.S.J., Pastoral Associate
Mr. Luis Rivera, O.F.S., Director of Faith Formation
Mr. Ivan Guevara, Music Director & Organist
Ms. Martha Lascano, Parish Secretary
Call the Rectory to make an appointment with the pastor.
The child’s birth certificate must be provided. Attendance at
the baptismal class is required for parents and godparents.
Si desea el bautizo en Inglés, por favor llamar a la casa parroquial para hacer una cita con el párroco. Para los bautizos
Arrangements for marriage should be made with a priest en Español, por favor hablar con el Diácono Jorge Alvarado
at least six months prior to the wedding date and
los días domingo al final de la Misa de las 12:00 p.m. Se
reception. Call the Rectory to reserve the date.
requiere el acta de nacimiento de su niño/a y la asistencia de
Arreglos para matrimonios se deben hacer con el sacerdo- los padres y padrinos para las charlas pre-bautismales.
te por lo menos seis meses antes de la fecha fijada. Llame RELIGIOUS EDUCATION - EDUCACIÓN RELIGIOSAS
a la casa parroquial para reservar el día.
Sunday School begins with the 10:30 a.m. Mass, followed by
religious instruction until 1:00 p.m.. Regular attendance is
required during the first eight years of elementary school if a
We will respond to emergency calls at any time. Any
child is to be admitted to the Sacraments of First Eucharist,
parishioner unable to attend Mass due to illness or old First Penance, and Confirmation. You may come to the Recage, should contact the Rectory and arrange for a priest or tory during office hours to complete the registration form.
extraordinary minister to bring them Holy Communion.
La Escuela Dominical comienza los días domingos con la
Responderemos a llamadas de emergencia a cualquier
Misa de las 10:30 a.m. hasta las 1:00 p.m. La asistencia rehora. Personas que no pueden asistir a la Misa por enfer- gular es requerida en los primeros ocho años de la escuela
medad u otro impedimento, pueden llamar a la casa parro- primaria, en preparación para los Sacramentos. Para inscriquial para que el sacerdote o un ministro de la Sagrada bir sus niños puede acercarse a la oficina de la casa parroEucaristía le lleve la comunión.
quial en horas de oficina.
We Are A Tithing Parish - Practicamos Co-Responsabilidad
Saturday, March 21
5:00 Thomas (Timmy) Donnelly (D) 20th Anniversary
Req by: The Donnelly Family
Sunday, March 22
Fifth Sunday of Lent
People of Parish
10:30 In Thanksgiving for the Health
of Tricia Sinanan (L)
Req by: Cecilia Baboolal
Jose Cardona (D)
Req by: Martha Lascano
Ernesto Punto (D)
Req by: Holy Spirit Prayer Group
Manuel Batista (D)
Req by: Juana Batista
Josue Lopez Calderon (L) 3rd Birthday
Monday, March 23
S. Turibius of Mogrovejo, Bishop
Helen Karras (D)
Req by: Michael & Grace McLellan
Tuesday, March 24
8:30 Gabriela Garcia (D) 1st Birthday in Heaven
Req by: The Tretter Family
Wednesday, March 25
The Annunciation of the Lord
Theresa Cervantes (L) Birthday
Req by: Cecilia Cervantes
Thursday, March 26
8:30 Dulce Maria Frias (D)
Req by: Maria Sanchez
Friday, March 27
8:30 Carlo & Concetta Sibilla (D)
Req by: Enzo Rossi
Saturday, March 28
8:30 Margaret & Jeremiah Linehan (D)
Req by: The Linehan Family
Angel Luciano (D) 2nd Anniversary
Req by: The Luciano Family
Consecrated Religious Life Vocations Fair
Ave Maria Catholic Academy
158-20 101 St, Howard Beach, NY 11414
Tel: 917-836-4985
Sunday, March 22 - 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
A unique opportunity to learn more about Religious
Communities serving in the Catholic Church, and an
opportunity for you or someone you know to consider
exploring these communities.
Saturday, March 21
Confessions - 4:00 - 4:45 p.m. in the Rectory
Lenten Reflection - 4:30 p.m. in the church
Join us in sharing a simple meal of
bread and soup, identifying with
the less fortunate. Eight varieties
of soups from different cultures
will be offered.
6:00 p.m. in the school hall
Come and bring your family to our Lenten supper. There
will only be a “free” offering to help people in need in
Sunday, March 22
Come and learn about the various
ministries in our Parish!
9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. - in the
church basement
Coffee Social - after all the Masses in the church
Lenten Reflection - after 8:30 a.m. Mass
RCIA Third Scrutiny - during 10:30 a.m. Mass
Vive la Eucaristía - después de la Misa Hispana en la
Secular Franciscan Meeting - 1:30 p.m. in the lower
Alcoholics Anonymous - 3:00 p.m. in the lower church
Monday, March 23
Living the Eucharist - 9:00 a.m. in the Rectory
Círculo de Oración - Comenzando con el Vía Crucis a las
7:00 p.m. en la Capilla del sótano.
Tuesday, March 24
Gamblers Anonymous - 7:30 p.m. in the Rectory
English Choir Rehearsal - 7:30 p.m. in the church
Wednesday, March 25
Stations of the Cross (School) - 1:00 p.m. in the church
Living the Eucharist (Teens) - 6:30 p.m. in the Rectory
Thursday, March 26
Holy Spirit Prayer Group - 7:00 p.m. in the Rectory
Living the Eucharist - 7:00 p.m. in the Convent
Friday, March 27
Boy Scouts / Cub Scouts - 7:30 p.m. in the school hall
Saturday, March 28
Al-Anon - 1:30 p.m. in the Rectory basement
Vigil of Palm Sunday - 5:00 p.m. in the church
Devoción a la Divina Misericordia - 7:00 p.m. en la
Capilla del sótano.
412 OLPH Page 1
The Lenten Season
Lent is a penitential season of
prayer, fasting, and almsgiving.
Do you need to be more prayerful,
more generous or more forgiving;
can you reconcile with someone? The point is to grow
spiritually. So, if you don't pray enough, don't just give
up dessert - set aside time for prayer each day.
La Cuaresma
La Cuaresma es un tiempo especial de purificación,
donde oramos, ayunamos, y nos arrepentimos de nuestros
pecados. ¿Necesitas orar más? ¿Ser más generoso/a?
¿Necesitas perdonar y reconciliarte con alguien? El
propósito de la Cuaresma es crecer espiritualmente.
Dedique tiempo diario para la oración.
Lenten Reflections
Every week during Lent, we will have prayers and meditations on the Sunday Mass readings to enrich your
Lenten journey. Join us:
Saturday’s at 4:30 p.m.
Sunday’s after the 8:30 a.m. Mass
Volunteers Needed
Holy Thursday, April 2 at 7:30 p.m.
We are requesting volunteers for
the washing of the feet ceremony
on Holy Thursday. If you would
like to participate, please call
Sister Margaret in the Rectory.
Lenten Regulations
Abstinence: All Catholics who have reached their 14th
year are bound to abstain totally from meat on all Fridays
during Lent.
Fasting: All Catholics between the ages of 18 and 59
inclusive, are also bound to observe the law of fasting on
Good Friday. This practice involves limiting oneself to a
single full meal and avoiding food between meals. Light
sustenance may be taken on two other occasions in the
course of the day.
Easter Duty: After they have been initiated into the
Most Holy Eucharist, all the faithful are bound by the
obligation of receiving Communion at least once a year.
This precept must be fulfilled during the Easter season unless for a good reason - it is fulfilled at another time
during the year.
Parish Planning Council
During our last PPC meeting, on February 24th, we
discussed: the upcoming Bread and Soup Supper and our
annual Ministry Fair. If you have anything that you wish
to be brought up at an upcoming meeting, please drop a
note off at the Rectory.
Reconciliation Monday
Lunes de Reconciliación
This is the day to confess our sins in preparation for
Easter. Confessions will be heard in English and Spanish.
Este es el día para confesar nuestros pecados en preparación para la Pascua. Confesiones serán escuchadas en
Inglés y en Español.
Hours - Horas: 9:00 a.m., 4:00 p.m., 7:00 p.m.
Holy Week Schedule
Horario de la Semana Santa
Vigil of Palm Sunday, March 28
Vigilia del Domingo de Ramos, 28 de marzo
5:00 p.m. - Vigil Mass & Blessing of
the Palms
Vigilia y bendición de las
Palm Sunday, March 29
Domingo de Ramos, 29 de marzo
Masses - Misas: 8:30 a.m., 10:30 a.m. (Choir), &
12:00 p.m. (Español)
Holy Thursday, April 2
Jueves Santo, 2 de abril
9:00 a.m. - Prayer Service
Servicio de Oración
7:30 p.m. - Bilingual Mass of the
Last Supper
Misa bilingüe de la Santa Cena
Good Friday, April 18
Viernes Santo, 18 de abril
9:00 a.m. - Prayer Service
Servicio de Oración
11:00 a.m. - Stations of the Cross in
the street, beginning in
the church.
Vía Crucis en la calle, comenzando en la
4:00 p.m. - Liturgy of the Passion of the Lord
7:30 p.m. - Liturgia de la Pasión del Señor
Holy Saturday, April 19
Sábado Santo, 19 de abril
9:00 a.m. - Prayer Service
Servicio de Oración
8:30 p.m. - Easter Vigil (Bilingual)
Vigilia Pascual (bilingüe)
Easter Sunday, April 20
Domingo de Pascua, 20 de abril
Masses - Misas: 8:30 a.m., 10:30 a.m. (Choir), &
12:00 p.m. (Español)
412 OLPH Page 2
Prayer Intentions of Pope Francis - March 2015
Mr. Luis Rivera, Director of Faith Formation
Office Hours: Monday - Thursday: 10:00 AM. - 6:00 PM
Children’s Liturgy: Every 1st and 3rd Sunday, during
the 10:30 a.m. Mass. All elementary school age children
are encouraged to participate.
RCIA: RCIA meets Sundays at 1:00 p.m.; Young Adults
meet Wednesday’s at 3:30 p.m. For more information,
contact Luis Rivera in the Rectory.
RICA: Todavía estamos aceptando candidatos para el
grupo de Rito de Iniciación Cristiana, para Adultos que
necesitan algunos de los sacramentos. Para mas información, contacte el Señor Rivera en la Casa Parroquial.
Universal: Scientists. That those involved in scientific
research may serve the well-being of the whole human
Contribution of Women. That the
unique contribution of women to the life of the church
may be recognized always.
Boy Scouts Troop 105 & Cub Scouts Pack 105
Meetings every Friday at 7:30 p.m. in the school hall and
lower church. Contact Donald Bailey (646) 378-8445.
Coffee Social
In celebration of our Ministry Fair, our monthly coffee
social will be held on Sunday, March 22 after all the
Masses, in the church basement.
—————————————————————Divine Mercy Devotion
Anne Farrell, Johanna Alagna, Herbert Atwell, Anthony
Avello, Donna Como, Jean DeStefano, Eva D’Addona, Douglas Farrell, Homira Farrell, Claude Germain Sr., Valentino Guzman, Charles Halloran, Eric Kartezer, Marie Loughlin, Angelina Macchia, Robin McAdam, Dylan Patrick, Linda Pocher,
Sean Thacher, Mauricio Morales, Denis Gomes, Rose Taddonio, Florence Gibbs, Winston Gibbs, Terry Costa, Bartolo
Manzella, Gloria De LaRosa, Michele Rufrano, Claudia
Kwaak, Raymond Siuchock, Mary Healy, Lillian Simon, Cindy
Rains, James Doody, Joseph Rampino, Anthony Gomes, Maria
Vega, Serge Germain, Anthony Martiney, Marciano Jacela,
Valentino Guzman, Bing Suarez, Conrad Felix, Fatima Coporan, Baby Ben Mauretich, Tricia Sinanan, Ben Mutrich, Sylvia
Quevedo, Dorothy Eosefow, Marino Rosales, Teresa Costa.
Pray for Our Service Men and Women
Gilberto Colón-Berrios, U.S. Army, Iraq
David Colón-Berrios, U.S. Army, Africa
Joshua Thomas Cisneros, U.S. Navy, Spain
Sgt. Álvaro De Los Salas, U.S. Army
SK-3 Devin Valentín, U.S. Coast Guard
Capt. Kevin Groom, U.S. Air Force
A1C Tara Kernahan, U.S. Air Force, South Korea
William Marc Cahil, U.S. Army
Capt. Marcus P. Wong, U.S. Army, Iraq
Cpl. Joel Adam Basile, U.S. Marines, Afghanistan
Sgt. Lionel Semón, U.S. Army, Iraq
Jonathyn Polanco, P.F.C. USMC
Lt. Robinson Arana, Army Reserve, Afghanistan
PFC Ron Evans, U.S. Army
Melissa Melendez, U.S. Navy
Yovanny Rodriguez, U.S. Navy
Sgt. Daniel, London, U.S. Army, Afghanistan
Lt. Agustus Harillal, USAF, Afghanistan
Joshuany Lopez, Air Force, Texas
Join us in praying the Chaplet of Divine Mercy every 2nd
Sunday at 10:15 a.m. in the Church. Next prayer gathering, Sunday, April 12.
Holy Spirit Prayer Group (English)
Meetings held every Thursday at 7:00 pm, in the lower
Secular Franciscan Order
Meetings every 4th Sunday from 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. in
the lower Sacristy. Next meeting, March 22.
The Golden Agers
Meetings every 1 & 3rd Wednesday from 11:30 a.m. to
2:30 p.m. in the Rectory. Next meeting, April 1.
English Choir
Contact our Organist and Music Director, Ivan Guevara,
after Mass. Rehearsals held every Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. in
the Church.
The Holy Name Society
HNS Mass is every 2nd Sunday at 10:30 a.m. Next HNS
Mass, April 12. Meetings held every 2nd Monday at 7:30
p.m. in the Rectory. Next meeting, April 13.
AA Meetings
Every Sunday at 3:00 p.m. in the lower Church.
Al-Anon for Family & Friends of Alcoholics
Meetings every Saturday at 1:30 p.m. in the Rectory basement. Entrance: stairway on the south side of the Rectory
Gamblers Anonymous
Meetings every Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. in the lower Church.
Use the side entrance near the Sacristy.
Winning Ticket: Red# 423544 Prize = $101
Weekend of March 15th, 2015
Envelopes: 299
Collection: $7,816
Please call the Rectory to claim your prize.
412 OLPH Page 3
Circulo de Oración Carismático Getsemaní
Te invita a participar en la oración y alabanza en
comunidad. Nos reunimos todos los lunes en la Capilla
del sótano comenzando a las 7:00 p.m. con el Santo
Rosario. ¡No te lo pierdas!
Devoción a la Divina Misericordia
Te invitamos a participar en la devoción a la “Divina
Misericordia” que celebramos el ultimo sábado del mes a
las 7:00 p.m. en la Capilla del sótano. La próxima reunión
será el sábado, 28 de marzo. ¡Acompáñenos!
Si usted desea compartir la Palabra de Dios, o que se
le lleve la oración de la Divina Misericordia a su hogar o
a un enfermo, favor de contactar a:
Martha Lascano al (718) 843-1212 /1213
María Sánchez (718) 641-2479.
Cofradía del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús
Invitamos a todos los feligreses a participar en la devoción al Sagrado Corazón de Jesús. Celebramos la Hora
Santa el primer viernes de cada mes a las 8:00 p.m., y la
Santa Misa el primer domingo del mes a las 12:00 p.m..
Al finalizar la Santa Eucaristía, nos reunimos en el sótano
de la Iglesia. ¡Acompáñenos!
Annual Pilgrimage to the Divine Mercy Shrine
Stockbridge, Massachusetts
Peregrinación Anual al Santuario de la Divina
Misericordia en Stockbridge, Massachussetts
Sunday, April 12 / domingo, 12 de abril
Departure / Salida: 7:00 a.m.
Leaving from our parish - Salida de Nuestra Parroquia
Tickets / Boletos: $50 pp
(includes breakfast / incluye desayuno)
For more information, call / Para mas información, llame:
María Díaz at 646-436-2675
Carmen Gómez at 347-636-6962
Pray for Vocations
¡Oren por las Vocaciones!
That God, who is rich in mercy, will
bless those called by Jesus to serve
Him and His Church as priests,
deacons, and in the consecrated life.
- We pray to the Lord.
Para que Dios, que es rico en misericordia, bendiga a
quienes son llamados por Jesús a servirlo en Su Iglesia
como sacerdotes, diáconos, y en la vida consagrada.
- ¡Roguemos al Señor!
Call the Vocation Office / Llama la Oficina Vocacional:
(718) 827-2454
email: [email protected]
Quinto Domingo de Cuaresma
Jesús, nuestro Salvador,
decidió morir en la cruz para
que los humanos recibiéramos
la salvación. Esta es la esencia
misma del Evangelio. Él es la
“semilla” que cayó en la tierra y murió y produjo abundante fruto. Ahora, los que hemos sido bautizados en su
muerte y su resurrección estamos igualmente llamados a
entregarle nuestra vida —es decir, morir a la vida de pecado— para que también demos mucho fruto.
La idea de morir como un grano de trigo es algo que a
veces nos atemoriza, porque el costo del discipulado nos
parece excesivo. Incluso Jesús, el Hijo de Dios, se sintió
intimidado: “Ahora… tengo miedo” (Juan 12, 27), cuando
pensó en la agonía que tendría que soportar en Getsemaní;
pero él sabía que por su muerte y su resurrección mucha
gente llegaría al Reino de su Padre.
El autor de la Carta a los Hebreos, refiriéndose a esta
lucha de Cristo, explicó que el Señor “ofreció oraciones y
súplicas, con fuertes voces y lágrimas”, pero que “A pesar
de que era el Hijo, aprendió a obedecer padeciendo, y llegado a su perfección, se convirtió en la causa de la salvación eterna para todos los que lo obedecen” (Heb 5, 7-9).
Este es el fruto de la crucifixión de Cristo, la “hora”
para la cual vino al mundo. Por su muerte, Jesús canceló
la deuda de pecado que nosotros debíamos pagar y ganó
para nosotros la vida eterna. Dios Padre demostró la inmensidad de su amor estableciendo una nueva alianza con
su pueblo, un pacto escrito en el corazón de los fieles
(Jeremías 31, 33). A diferencia de la antigua alianza, que
fue quebrantada una y otra vez por el pueblo de Israel, el
nuevo pacto es inviolable porque no depende de la imperfección y la flaqueza del corazón humano, sino de la presencia del Espíritu Santo, que concede la gracia a todos
los que se acercan a Dios con humildad y confianza.
“Señor mío Jesucristo, concédenos tu fortaleza para superar el
miedo a la muerte y morir a nosotros mismos como un grano de
trigo, para que demos mucho fruto al trabajar por la construcción de tu Reino en la tierra.”
The cardboard “rice bowls”, available at
the entrances of the church, are the
“vessels” we can use to put in our spare
change or whatever monies you can live
without and someone in poverty needs to live.
Won’t you please take a “rice bowl” and put it in a
visible place in your home or office during Lent? No
matter the amount, at the end of Lent, it will be collected
and given to those in need. Take one home today!
412 OLPH Page 4
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