192 PARISH ANNOUNCEMENTS HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL OUR PARISHIONERS! We take this opportunity to thank all those who support our Parish throughout the year with their donations, prayers, time and work. We wish you peace, happiness and a spiritually Prosperous New Year! HOLY HOUR ON DECEMBER 31st at 6:00pm Join us for adoration to the Blessed Sacrament, thanking God for a year about to end and a new one about to begin. A Bilingual Mass of Thanksgiving will follow at 7:00pm. SOLEMNITY OF MARY, MOTHER OF GOD On January 1st the Masses for the Feast of the Mother of God will be as follow: 9:30am – Italian 11:00am, 1:00pm & 4:00pm English. CHANGE FOR OUR SCHEDULE OF MASSES Starting from Sunday, January 4th the new schedule of Masses in English will be at 8:00 & 11:00am, 1:00 and 4:00pm. On the first Sunday only, the 4:00pm Mass is in the Tagalog language. MONTHLY HOLY HOUR OF ADORATION on Friday, January 2nd at 7:30pm. All our parishioners are invited to attend. CENACLE - Fr. Francis will conduct a Cenacle on January 3rd after the 8:00am Mass. All are welcome! PILGRIMAGE to the HOLY LAND from February 22nd to March 5th 2015, with Fr. Vincenzo. For information, a flyer is available at the Parish Office and for travel arrangements call Mina Tours at: 905/475-5388. SUNDAY ENVELOPES for 2015 are available for pickup in the Parish Hall. Please, do not use them until January 1, 2015. Parishioners who wish to start using envelopes in 2015 please visit the Parish Office during regular office hours and you will be provided with a box of envelopes. THANK YOU! Fr. Jerome would like to express his gratitude to all the parishioners who attended the celebration of the Eucharist and the farewell party afterwards. Your prayers and donations are truly appreciated and will help him begin his new missionary work in Ghana, Africa. God bless you! MASS INTENTIONS December 29th – January 4th 2015 Monday, December 29th 8:00am Bartolome & Ana Tuason 7:00pm Int. Paolo Cappelli & Family Tuesday, December 30th 8:00am Tony Marando 7:00pm Int. Olyver & Olympio Yap Wednesday, December 31st 8:00am In Thank Tam Fam. 6:00pm HOLY HOUR 7:00pm In Thanksgiving Thursday, January 1st 9:30am Angelo & Chiara Di Vecchia, Francesco & Giuseppe Roberto Bozzo, Sabatino & Costanza Palozzi, Patty Loschiavo, Raffaele Di Mambro 11:00am INTENTIONS OF OUR PARISHIONERS 1:00pm Int. Peter J. Yoo Fam. 4:00pm Chita Lontoc Friday, January 2nd 8:00am Int. of the Fathers 7:00pm Lars E. Troide 7:30pm HOLY HOUR rd Saturday, January 3 8:00am Danding Rosing, Edgardo Del Rosario 5:00pm Special Intentions Sunday, January 4th 8:00am Anna Maria Roberto 9:30am Def. Fam. Dell’Osso & Carnovale, Maria Valerie Paoletti, Sandra Smith, Antonio & Esmeralda Lombardi, Ersilia Bambina Lombardi, Lucia & Gabriele Ranieri, Franco & Domenica Carone, Def. Fam. Filippo Di Mambro, Emilio Carinci, Isidoro & Anna Palozzi, Maria Angelina Ricciuti 11:00am INTENTIONS OF OUR PARISHIONERS 1:00pm Joey & James 4:00pm Filipino Mass: In Thank. Mr. & Mrs. Belinda Reyes, + Marites Catacutan, Dec. Mem. Empleo, Arce & Amorin Fam., Souls in Purgatory, Luisa Cordova ANNUNCI PARROCCHIALI UN FELICE ANNO NUOVO A TUTTI I NOSTRI PARROCCHIANI! Vi ringraziamo per l’aiuto, le preghiere, le offerte ed il lavoro che offrite alla Parrocchia. Il Signore vi accompagni con la Sua costante benedizione e le Sue grazie, durante il 2015. 31 Dicembre – ORA DI ADORAZIONE alle 6:00pm seguita dalla Messa bilingue alle 7:00pm. SOLENNITÀ DELLA MADRE DI DIO L’1 Gennaio, Solennità della Madre di Dio, la Messa in italiano sarà alle 9:30am. ADORAZIONE DEL SS. SACRAMENTO - Come ogni primo Venerdì del mese, il 2 Gennaio ci sarà l’esposizione del SS. Sacramento in Chiesa dalle 7:30pm alle 8:30pm. Tutti siete invitati a partecipare, per adorare il Signore. CENACOLO P. Francesco guiderà il Cenacolo Sabato 3 Gennaio subito dopo la Messa delle 8:00pm. Tutti siete invitati a partecipare. PELLEGRINAGGIO IN TERRA SANTA dal 22 febbraio al 5 Marzo, 2015 con P. Vincenzo. Per informazioni, rivolgetevi all’ufficio parrocchiale oppure a Mina Tours (905/475-5388). BUSTE PER L’ANNO 2015 Le buste per le offerte per il 2015 possono essere ritirate nella sala parrocchiale. Coloro che desiderano cominciare ad usare le buste, sono pregati di recarsi presso l’ufficio parrocchiale durante l’orario d’ufficio. Usando le buste riceverete una ricevuta per le tasse alla fine dell’anno. GRAZIE! P. Jerome ringrazia le persone che hanno partecipato alla Messa e al rinfresco. Le vostre preghiere e offerte sono state molto apprezzate, per accompagnare P. Jerome nel suo viaggio di ritorno a casa e nella sua missione in Ghana, Africa. Dio vi benedica! 192 PARISH ANNOUNCEMENTS MASS INTENTIONS ANNUNCI PARROCCHIALI
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