ST. BARTHOLOMEW’S CHURCH BETHESDA, MD MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK OF May 4, 2015 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 8.00 a.m.(E) 8.00 a.m.(E) 8.00 a.m.(K) 8.00 a.m.(E) 8.00 a.m.(TD) 8.00 a.m.(TD) 5.00 p.m.(K) 7.00 a.m.(TD) 8.30 a.m.(C) 10.00 a.m.(BB) 12 Noon (TD) 6.00 p.m.(D) 8.00 p.m.(E) + deceased MAY 3, 2015 SOCIAL CONCERNS Amy & Dave Kovacs (L) Santiago Vesperoni + Teresa Tyszkiewicz + Carolyn Connor + Fr. John Kinter + Peace Anne Donnally (L) The Poor Box for the month of May is for the McKenna Center, in Washington, DC. This social service agency began in 1983, under the initial urging of Fr. Horace McKenna, SJ, and with the encouragement of Cardinal Hickey. The McKenna Center serves homeless men and provides shelter, training, drug and alcohol counseling, emergency food, rental, and utility assistance, and most importantly, a place where men can regain their self respect. Mass for the People Carmine Palermo + Julio Serafini + Bishop Herbert Bavard, D.D., of the Diocese of St. Thomas in the Virgin Islands, suffragen see of the Archdiocese of Washington, is coming to St. Bartholomew Church next week, May 9/10, to conduct a Mission Appeal for his diocese. The diocese has very little resources and the bishop travels to DC annually to perform Confirmations for the archdiocese and to visit several parishes seeking financial assistance. Please be as generous as you can. Paddy Clemente + (L) living Scripture Readings for Week Of May 3, 2015 Sunday Fifth Sunday of Easter Acts 9:26-31;; Ps 22;; 1 Jn 3:18-24;; Jn 15:1-8 Monday Acts 14:5-18;; Ps 115;; Jn 14:21-26 Tuesday Acts 14:19-28;; Ps 145;; Jn 14:27-31a Wednesday Acts 15:1-6;; Ps 122;; Jn 15:1-8 Thursday Acts 15:7-21;; Ps 96;; Jn 15:9-11 Friday Acts 15:22-31;; Ps 57;; Jn 15:12-17 Saturday Acts 16:1-10;; Ps 100;; Jn 15:18-21 Sunday Sixth Sunday of Easter Acts 10:25-26, 34-35, 44-48;; Ps 98;; 1 Jn 4:7-10;; Jn 15:9-17 St. Bartholomew School is accepting applications for the 2015-16 school year for Pre-K to 8th grade. Please call the school office at 301-229-5586 for more information. Save this date! Run for Funds – Saturday, May 16 – see flyer in this week’‛s bulletin for more information and to register. SAVE THE DATE! STEPHEN MINISTRY Listening, Comforting, Caring Under direct supervision of Fr. Mark Knestout, this is an ongoing pastoral care ministry. St. Stephen Ministers are members of the parish, intensely trained to care for people who are experiencing a loss, or going through difficult times or life transitions. Please contact: Deacon Julio Blanco-Eccleston for assistance as a care receiver or to get involved in the ministry. Tel: 703-821-1654;; [email protected]. ST. BART’‛S DAY SUNDAY, MAY 17 CELEBRATE OUR PARISH COMMUNITY! Family Mass at 12 noon, with the Junior Rock Band, followed by food and fun activities in the courtyard. Singers and musicians of any age interested in participating in the Mass, please contact Amy Boccella Smith at [email protected]. Tickets $10 adult, $5 child (11 and under) minimum suggested donation Many of you will have received a post card this past week suggesting that you consider donating to St. Bartholomew Parish through egiving via Faith Direct, a cost-effective, efficient, consistent and secure way to donate to the parish. Faith Direct enables St. Bart’‛s to more ably shepherd and steward its finances. You can sign up online at using MD44 as the code for St. Bart’‛s. There are also forms for both weekly/ monthly offertory and the Development Campaign in the vestibule, which can be mailed in to Faith Direct. Please contact the Rectory if you are interested in signing up and need assistance. FIFTH SUNDAY OF EASTER If you would like to sponsor flowers on the altar in memory of loved ones, living or deceased, please print your name, phone number, and the occasion or loved one you wish to remember on a purple Flower Contribution envelope, which you will find in the church vestibule. Minimum contribution for two vases on the main altar is $75. Please drop off your envelope in the collection basket, or call the parish office, 301-2297933, and your request will be posted in the weekly bulletin. We can only honor one individual request per weekend, so please bear in mind that, sometimes, the date you require may already be taken. Also, for your information, we will not be able to accept requests for the sponsoring of flowers on specific liturgical dates. St. Bart's Youth Group: we are a group devoted to learning that our Faith is not about rules but about experiencing true happiness and growing into the best version of ourselves by simply doing and loving the good things of life! Youth between 5th grade and 10th grade are always welcome! If you would like to learn more please email: Maria Kaufmann, [email protected]. Thought of the week: Don’‛t get down on yourself if you’‛re not perfect in your walk. That’‛s why God gives us confession. Ask God for the grace to improve and then set your mind to it. Conversion is an ongoing process. from Tweet Inspiration Looking ahead...5/3 Kickball & Adoration 5:45- 7:45pmThe group will meet outside the gym. Dinner will be provided! 5/10 National's Game! 12:30- 4:00pm. Cost: $10. More details to follow soon! The Faith and Fiction Book Group will meet this Sunday, May 3, at 1:30 in the parish meeting room to discuss Lila by Marilynne Robinson. This book won the 2014 National Book Critics Circle Award and was a finalist for the 2014 National Book Prize Award. This book is a prequel to her Pulitzer Prize winning novel Gilead. All are welcome. Please join us next Saturday, May 9, at 8.00 a.m., at our Mass for Peace as we come together to pray for peace among nations and in our homes and hearts. Thursday, May 14, join your fellow parishioners at 9:30 a.m. in the Church when the Women's Prayer Group will sponsor a special presentation on the topic of Science, Faith and Vatican II by renowned Georgetown Professor Dr. John Haught, PhD. Dr. Haught writes extensively on scientific and religious issues and teaches at Georgetown’‛s Department of Theology. FOR YOUR INFORMATION 2015 Catholic High School Fair - what better way to be prepared and informed? Especially designed for rising 7th and 8th grade students, the Archdiocese of Washington hosts Catholic High School Fairs each year to help families plan for the future. The events feature exhibits from all of the Catholic high schools in the archdiocese, together with an opportunity to visit with high school admission directors and students. Come and learn more about Catholic high schools and how they prepare students to achieve academically and in life. This year's Catholic High School Fair will be held on Thursday, May 7 from 6-8pm at the Greenbelt Marriott Hotel (6400 Ivy Lane in College Park). Registration is free, and to reserve your space, simply email the following information to Wendi Williams at [email protected]: student’‛s name, current school, current grade level. The Catholic Business Network of Montgomery County would like to invite you to their May Networking Breakfast. The May speaker is Ike Leggett, Montgomery County's County Executive. The cost is $20 for pre-registered guests and $30 on the day of the event. Register at Join them for networking at Timpano's Italian Chophouse, 12021 Rockville Pike on Friday, May 8, from 7:30 a.m-9:00 a.m. Join the Knights of Columbus - the Rock Creek Council of the Knights of Columbus will hold a First Degree ceremony on Thursday, May 14, at 7:30 p.m., at 5417 West Cedar Lane in Bethesda. This will be a good opportunity to join a great Catholic organization. Sunday, May 17 - enjoy a dramatic performance by the Washington Chorus of Handel’‛s Israel in Egypt, with Julian Wachner, conductor and New York Baroque Incorporated. Time 5.00 p.m., at National Presbyterian Church (4101 Nebraska Ave., NW). Free Parking, Metro accessible. Tickets $35, $40, and $50. Online at May 22-24, Retreat for People Facing Serious Illness – this retreat offers an opportunity to come away for a weekend of spiritual renewal and refreshment. If you are interested in attending please call and we will talk about your needs and help plan your retreat. Time: Friday 1.30 p.m. – Sunday 3.00 p.m. For further information and reservations, call Dominican Retreat at 703-356-4243 or go to their website at St. Michael the Archangel Parish invites you to a wonderful one-day retreat or day of recollection focused on the Blessed Mother in scripture, tradition and devotion at the Washington Retreat House. 4000 Harewood Rd., NE, Washington, DC 20017, on Saturday, May 23, 9 a.m. -3 p.m. This retreat is open to both men and women, and Brother Leonard Konopka, MIC, is the spiritual director. Donation $30. A Continental Breakfast and Dinner will be served. For registration and information, contact Barbara Rigsby at 301-565-0494 or [email protected] by May 15. Church of the Little Flower Concert Series - join Lorna Myers (Metropolitan Opera), 5-time Grammy awardee John Aler (Royal Opera at Covent Garden), Virginia Lum (International Hawai’‛ian Pianist) and other Juilliard Alumni as they come together for their annual musical reunion on Sunday, May 24, at 4.00 p.m. (5607 Massachusetts Ave., Bethesda). ST. BARTHOLOMEW’S CHURCH BETHESDA, MD QUINTO DOMINGO DE PASCUA 03 DE MAYO DE 2015 Cristo nos propone la alegoría de la vid y los sarmientos. Como los sarmientos están unidos a la vid, así nosotros tenemos que permanecer unidos a Cristo: Yo soy la vid, vosotros los sarmientos. Permanecer unidos a Cristo es la manera de vivir en la verdad. Necesitamos permanecer unidos a Cristo para tener vida sobrenatural. Cristo es la vid que causa la vida sobrenatural en nosotros. Es necesario que nosotros, los sarmientos, estemos unidos vitalmente a Cristo. Estamos vitalmente unidos a Cristo cuando usamos los medios que el mismo Cristo nos ofrece en la Iglesia, principalmente los sacramentos. Necesitamos permanecer unidos a Cristo para dar frutos de gracia y santidad. Como el sarmiento no puede dar fruto si no está unido a la vid, así nosotros no podemos realizar obras sobrenaturales si no estamos unidos a Cristo. Necesitamos estar unidos a Cristo para pedir y que se realice lo que pedimos porque lo hacemos en el nombre de Cristo, identificados con su voluntad. PAGINA WEB DE SAN BARTOLOME – Ver Comunidad Hispana MISA DIARIA Y EXPOSICIÓN DEL SANTISIMO Lunes-sábado Exposición del Santísimo a las 7:30 y Misa 8:00 a.m. La adoración es entrar con la profundidad de nuestro corazón en comunión con el Señor que se hace presente corporalmente en la Eucaristía. Vengamos a adorarle. CONFESIONES Domingos: 5:15 - 5:45 p.m. en español El Señor los espera siempre, en especial todos los domingos. MAY 3, 2015 MAYO MES DE MARIA La presencia salvífica de María en sus diferentes advocaciones nos indica la preocupación vehemente del Padre y del Hijo por todos nosotros. Usando a María como Su interlocutor, Dios se comunica con el hombre, anunciando Su próxima venida. La Virgen ruega a todos “que nos mantengamos en oración”, especialmente con el rezo del Santo Rosario. En esa plegaria repetimos muchas veces las palabras que la Virgen oyó del Arcángel y de su prima Isabel; en el trasfondo de las Avemarías, pasan ante los ojos del alma los episodios principales de la vida de Jesucristo”. Respondamos a la invitación de María, rezando el Santo Rosario, sea en privado, en familia o comunitariamente en la iglesia. NOVENA A LA VIRGEN DE LA MEDALLA MILAGROSA Un camino hacia Dios de la mano de María. Todos los Martes a las 7:30 PM en la Iglesia de San Bartolomé. Rezada en español, con exposición del Santísimo Sacramento. Nueve martes terminando en Mayo. Información con María Lelia Orozco: 301-469-0103. GRUPO DE JUVENTUD DE SAN BARTOLOME El Domingo 10 de Mayo, el grupo de juventud de San Bartolomé asistirá al partido de los Nationals, esto será de 12:30 a 4:00 p.m. El costo es de $10.00. Informes con María Kaufmann. [email protected] LITURGIA DE LA PALABRA DE LOS NIÑOS Para niños en Escuela Elemental, 5-10 años, Valeria Conde, Coordinadora de la Liturgia. Está diseñada para que los niños experimenten la Palaba de Dios durante la Eucaristía en la misa dominical, de modo que puedan entender las enseñanzas de Jesús, con una pedagogía acorde a sus edades. DIA DE SAN BARTOLOME Lo celebraremos el Domingo 17 de Mayo, Misa familiar a mediodía, seguida de comida y otras actividades. Mayores detalles se darán a conocer próximamente. EL SACRAMENTO DEL BAUTISMO Para mayor información, favor llamar al Diácono Julio al teléfono 703-821-1654. [email protected] PROYECTO RAQUEL ¿Sufre y tiene sentimientos no resueltos después de un aborto provocado? ¿Siente que Dios nunca podrá perdonarla? … ¿No puede usted perdonarse a si misma? El Ministerio del Proyecto Raquel de la Arquidiócesis de Washington quiere ayudarle! Para mayor información por favor comunicarse con Luz Menjivar al 301-853-4565 ó puede escribirnos a [email protected] PREPARACION PARA EL MATRIMONIO El programa de preparación para este Sacramento comienza con seis meses de anticipación a la fecha de la boda. El Diácono Julio ofrece preparación matrimonial en español y en inglés. Información: [email protected] Tel: 703-821-1654 MONAGUILLOS Necesitamos jóvenes y adultos que deseen ser monaguillos. Para detalles de preparación e informes comunicarse con Jesús Manuel Berard. [email protected] INFORMACION PARA EL BOLETIN La fecha límite es el día domingo anterior a la publicación del mismo. Contactar a Rafael Espinosa. [email protected] GRUPO DE ORACIÓN RIOS DE AGUA VIVA El grupo de oración “Ríos de Agua Viva” le invita a compartir un momento con el Señor, los lunes de 10:00 a.m. a 12:30 pm. en la oficina hispana, al lado de la Sacristía. En la primera media hora se rezará el Rosario. Dirigido por Sonia Ruiz, informes: [email protected] REZO DEL SANTO ROSARIO Domingos a las 5:30PM, antes de la Misa de las 6:00PM. FIFTH SUNDAY OF EASTER St. Bartholomew Parish Office 6902 River Road, Bethesda, Md. 20817 Tel: 301-229-7933 ♦ Fax: 301-229-7998 ♦ ♦ Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 9:00 a.m.—4:30 p.m. [email protected] Baptisms—3rd Sunday of the month, appointment only. Parents are obliged to take a brief class related to the Sacrament prior to the Baptism. Class is held 1st Wednesday of the month. Registration is required. Call the Parish Office for more information. Weddings—Please contact one of the priests at least 6 months prior to anticipated wedding date. Pre-Cana and instruction are required. Sacrament of Reconciliation—Saturday, following 8.00 a.m. Mass, and 3:30-4:30 p.m.;; Sunday, 5:15-5:45 p.m. (Español), or by appointment. RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) - The process of becoming a Catholic Christian. Call the Parish Office for information. Adult Choir—Weekly rehearsals on Wednesday, 8:00-10:00 p.m. Choir sings every Sunday at 10:00 a.m. Mass. Pastoral Care of the Sick and Homebound—Please notify the Rectory Office if you know of any parishioner who is sick or homebound and who would like to receive Holy Eucharist or the Sacrament of the Sick so that we can arrange to take him/her the Eucharist or the Sacrament of the Sick. Note to New Parishioners—We extend to you a warm welcome from our Parish Community and encourage you to become active, involved members of the parish. Please obtain a registration form from the parish office, or from the Church vestibule. Please Note: Bulletin notices must be received no later than 12 Noon on the Monday prior to the desired weekend of publishing. ST. BARTHOLOMEW ORGANIZATIONS/MINISTRIES Pastoral Council Finance Committee Altar Servers Monaguillos/Hisp. Coord. Bartholomew House Busy Men at Work Group CYO Children’s Liturgy Choir Church Guild Eucharistic Ministers Ministros Eucarísticos Gabriel Network Home and School Assn. Hospitality & New In the Pew Ignatian Volunteer Corps Knights of Columbus Lectors/Liturgy Committee Lectores Hispanic Liturgy Prayer Chain Respect for Life Sick and Homebound Social Concerns Sodality Stephen Ministry Ushers Ujieres Wedding Coordinator Youth Minister Judy Arcidiacono (Chair) ................... 301-461-1893 Hernan Oyarzabal (Hisp. Rep.) .......... 202-714-7622 Valeria Conde (Hisp. Rep.) ................ 301-340-8227 Paul Johnson (Chair) .......................... 301-320-4632 Roberto Garcia-Lopez (Hisp. Rep.).... 301-469-8482 Richard Elliott .................................... 202-686-0263 Jesus Manuel Berard, Ph.D. ............... 631-793-2005 Joe Hanle, Dir .................................... 301-320-6151 Jesus Manuel Berard, Ph.D. ............... 631-793-2005 Tom Serena ........................................ 301-320-0578 Diana Carter ....................................... 301-229-5117 Valeria Conde (Hisp.Coord.) ............. 301-340-8227 Carole Wysocki (Director) ................. 301-717-8850 Maria El-Khouri ................................. 301-897-9005 Ann Kennedy ..................................... 301-229-7614 Selma deLeon .................................... 301-229-6591 Jennifer Bautista ................................ 301-793-1899 Bonnie Perkins ................................... 301-299-8091 Nancy Brouillard McKenzie .............. 301-229-1071 John Vivian ........................................ 301-461-3597 AnneMarie Economopoulos............... 301-365-1233 Hernan Oyarzabal .............................. 202-714-7622 Susan Schill ....................................... 301-469-4973 Katie Soto .......................................... 301-767-1705 Contact Rectory ................................. 301-229-7933 Tom Carty .......................................... 301-587-8860 Sally Aitken ....................................... 301-365-4719 Deacon Julio Blanco-Eccleston .......... 703-821-1654 Theresa Kowal ................................... 301-320-8876 Mary Ann Chalfant ............................ 301-299-3739 Maria Kaufmann ................................ 240-468-9896
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