April 19, 2015 - St. Bartholomew Catholic Church

St. Bartholomew
3601 Altamesa Fort Worth, Texas 76133
Parish office is located in the building
on east side of church.
“He is expiation
for our sins,
and not for our
sins only but for
those of the whole
Third Sunday of Easter (B)
April 19, 2015
Parish Mission:
Mass Schedule
Daily Schedule for April 13-17 Monday : Mass at 8:30a.m.
Tuesday: Liturgy of the Word, 8:30a.m.
Wednesday : Liturgy of the Word, 8:30a.m. ; Mass at 6:30p.m.
Thursday: Mass at 12:10p.m.
Friday: Mass at 8:30a.m.: Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament following
Mass until 2 p.m.
Weekend Masses: Saturday: 4:30 p.m. Mass—English
Sunday: 9 a.m. - English; 11 a.m. - English; 1 p.m. - Spanish ; 3p.m. - Spanish
A nursery is provided at the following Masses: 4:30 p.m. Saturday; 9 a.m., 11 a.m. & 1p.m. Sunday.
Weekly Calendar/Calendario Semanal
Sunday: 19th Third Sunday of Easter~3 Domingo de Pascua
Youth RCIA at 10:30a.m. in the Youth Room.
 RCIA , at 10:30a.m. in the office library. Topic: Mystagogy Session 1
Coffee and Donuts
Spanish Choir Practice
CCD classes (K-4th grade) . Session 1 –10:30a.m., Session 2 -11:45a.m. in the parish life center
Adult Scripture Study,
Spanish Scripture Study,
ACTS Core Meeting, 2:30p.m. in the Parish Life Center , room 15&17
ACTS English Men’s Team, 2p.m. in the Parish Life Center, rooms 1-4
YSN this Sunday. This class resumes next Sunday at 7p.m. in the Youth Room
Sunday Night Bible Study at 7p.m. in the church. Joe Winterling is leading this Bible study. All are welcome
Monday: 20th
Folklore Dance Class, 5:55p.m. in the Great Hall
Hispanic Prayer Choir Practice, , 6p.m. in the Parish Life Center, room 15&17
Catechism-Bible Study, 7p.m. in the Parish life Center , room 1. John Tharp leads this class. All are welcome
Spanish Ultreya , 7p.m. in the church building, room 14
Talleres de Oracion y Vida, 7p.m. in the parish life center , room 4
.Tuesday: 21st
ESL Daytime Classes , 9-12a.m.in the parish life center. Nursery provided.
ESL Night time Classes , 6-9p.m. in the parish life center
Sew Blessed, 11a.m. in the church building, room 14
Spanish 3p.m. Mass Choir practice , 6 p.m. in the church
Spanish RCIA, 7p.m. in the church building, room 23
Estudio Biblica en Espanol , 7p.m. in the church building, room 14. This Bible study is led by John Contreras.
Wednesday: 22nd
Men’s Morning Prayer Group. All men are welcome to join us at 6:00 a.m. in the church. Doors open at 5:30 a.m.
Wednesday Women’s Bible Study, 9:30a.m. in the Church building, room 14
Prayer Group, 9:30a.m. in the chapel
ESL Daytime Classes, 9a.m.-12p.m. in the parish life center. Nursery provided.
CCD Classes (5th&6th Grade) 7p.m. in th Parish Life Center
Discovery (7th&8th Grade) , 7p.m. in the Youth Room
Spanish Scripture Study, 7p.m. in the Church Hall
Music Rehearsal, 7p.m. in the Church
Hispanic Prayer Choir Practice, 7p.m. in the church building, room 23
Thursday: 23rd
ESL Daytime Classes , 9-12a.m.in the parish life center. Nursery provided.
ESL Night time Classes , 6-9p.m. in the parish life center
Spanish Choir Rehearsal, 7:00p.m. in the church
Young Adult Ministry , 7p.m. in the Parish Life Center, room 11
Friday: 24th
 Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, 9:15a.m-2:00p.m. in the church chapel
Hispanic Prayer Group, 7p.m. in the church building , room 14
Children’s RCIA Class, 7p.m. in the Parish Life Center
Saturday: 25th
St. Augustine Group, email [email protected]
Couples for Christ, 1p.m. in the Church building, room 14
Cursillo Ultreya, after 4:30p.m. Mass in the Church Building, room 14
Confessions/ Confesiones, 3p.m. in the chapel
Next Sunday:26th Fourth Sunday of Easter~4 Domingo de Pascua
 Youth RCIA
Spanish Scripture Study,
Coffee and Donuts
ACTS English Men’s Team Retreat
Spanish Choir Practice
Marriage Enrichment
CCD classes (K-4th grade)
 Adult Scripture Study,
Sunday Night Bible Study
Magnanimous Musings of Fr. John Robert Skeldon
There is a thread running through the three readings for this third
Sunday of Easter: that of sin, or rather, the forgiveness of sin.
Acts of the Apostles: “Repent, therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be
wiped away.”
1st Letter of John: “…I am writing this to you so that you may not commit sin.
But if anyone does sin, we have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous
one. He is expiation for our sins, and not for our sins only but for those of the whole
Gospel of Luke: “Thus it is written that the Christ would suffer and rise from the
dead on the third day and that repentance, for the forgiveness of sins, would be preached
in his name to all the nations….”
The Easter message is about the triumph of life over death, light over darkness,
truth over falsehood, relationship over loneliness, grace over sin.
Sin is that which separates us from relationship with God and others. With Easter,
that separation is forever bridged.
May we continually approach the mercy of God which is Jesus Christ—the expiation for our sins. Christ is risen, alleluia! He is truly risen, alleluia!
Reflexión Magnánima de Padre John Robert Skeldon
Hay un hilo que une las tres lecturas de este tercer domingo de Pascua: el del pecado, o
más bien, el perdón de los pecados.
Hechos de los Apóstoles: "Arrepentíos, pues, y convertíos, para que vuestros pecados
sean borrados."
Primera carta de san Juan: "... Estoy escribiendo esto a ustedes para que no pequen. Pero
si alguno peca, tenemos un abogado para con el Padre, a Jesucristo el justo. Él es víctima
por el perdón de nuestros pecados, y no sólo nuestros pecados, sino por los de todo el
Evangelio de Lucas: "Así está escrito que el Cristo padeciese, y resucitase de entre los
muertos al tercer día y que el arrepentimiento y el perdón de los pecados, se predicara en
su nombre a todas las naciones...".
El mensaje de Pascua es el triunfo de la vida sobre la muerte, la luz sobre las tinieblas, la
verdad sobre la mentira, la relación sobre la soledad, la gracia sobre el pecado.
El pecado es lo que nos separa de la relación con Dios y los demás. La Pascua, es un
puente que une esa separación para siempre.
Podemos acercarnos continuamente a la misericordia de Dios que es Jesucristo, el perdón de nuestros pecados.
¡Cristo ha resucitado, aleluya!
¡Él verdaderamente ha resucitado, aleluya
During this Easter Season let us remember those who have experienced the fullness of Christ’s Resurrection:
Spanish Women’s Cursillo, May 14-17, 2015
Patricia Russo May 2014
Sammy Galindo July 2014
Enrique Garcia July 2014
Arturo Siller
Aug 2014
Angelina Leone Oct 2014
John Puhger
Nov 2014
Thesesa Zimmerman Dec 2014
Jose Cortes
Jan 2015
Maria de Jesus Juarez Feb 2015
Eduardo Hernandez Feb 2015
Malachy Harvey Mar 2015
Socorro Garcia
Mar 2015
Joe Sullivan
April 2015
Men's Spring Cursillo: Thursday, April 30, 2015- Sunday May 3, 2015
Margaret McVay June 2014
Marisol Victor
July 2014
John Sherlock
July 2014
Stephanie Albers
Aug 2014
Kevin Farley
Oct 2014
Zelda Burden
Dec 2014
Ruth Galvan
Dec 2014
Betty Donahue
Jan 2015
Rupert Potter
Feb 2015
Suzan Cogswell
Feb 2015
Reyes Loya
Mar 2015
Fr. James Pemberton April 2015
St. Joseph Catholic Church Will host a Mass for Africa at 3:30
PM on Sunday, April 19, 2015
All are invited to join us as we pray for those who have lost their
lives, and for those who are still suffering from war, disease, and
famine. We will also offer prayers of thanksgiving for those who
were spared. St. Joseph Catholic Church Bakhita Choir will provide
music for this special liturgy. Father PHILIP BOATENG will be
our celebrant. St Joseph Catholic Church, 1927 SW Green Oaks
Blvd Arlington, TX 76017.Phone (817) 472-5181 or after hour calls,
questions or to volunteer please call: Michelle (817)542-6425
Save the Date: John Michael Talbot Mission
Tuesday, June 2, 2015 , 7p.m. her e at St. Bar t’s. To find out
more about his ministry see the following links:
www.JohnMichaelTalbot.com - This is his official website.
www.facebook.com/JohnMichaelTalbot - This is his official
Facebook page where he posts daily Gospel Reflections
and interacts with his fans!
Couples for Christ invites all adults both
Married and Single to the Christian Life Program (CLP). This will be every Saturday 1-5pm
starting on April 11 at St. Bartholomew Catholic Church, Four Evangelists room.
The CLP runs for a total of 13 consecutive
weekly sessions divided into an orientation session and then
three modules of four sessions each. * No Registration Fee
* For more information about Couples for Christ please contact.
- Mike and Shay Serapio (CFC Full Time Workers): (516) 301
0979 - Tito Racho (CFC DFW Unit H ead): (214) 797-3956
Knights of Columbus Council #2813
Monday, April 27th— Mass for the Unborn at 7:30p.m.
at St. Francis Village. The Rosary will be beforehand at
Tuesday, April 28th- Presbyterian Night Shelter Sandwich Making Evening at 7p.m. at St. Francis Village
Contact Rafael Cuevas (Spanish Rep), 817-291-4713 or John Guzman (English Rep), 817-228-4637 for more information
Open House at Holy Trinity Seminary
The World Day of Prayer for Vocations, Sunday, April 26th,
2:00-5:00p.m. at Holy Trinity Seminary, 3131 Vince Hagan
Dr, Irving, TX 75062. Come mingle with your future priests,
learn more about seminary life and tour the facilities. Call 972438-2212 or visit www. holytrinityseminary.org for more information.
Regina Caeli Academy is currently accepting
applications for the 2015-16 academic year
for our potential resource center in Ft. Worth.
Please visit our website at
www.rcahybrid.org and choose the Apply
link to begin your family application. Our
program serves Prek-3 - 12th grade students. For more
information please contact Nikki Hand at 470-239-0259.
All Saints Catholic School is currently registering for the 2015-2016 school year. The school
is located 5 minutes north of downtown and is
a Boston College two way immersion study school that
also features a PK3 Montessori program. Grades
served are PK3-8th. Scholarships and financial assistance is available. For more info, or to tour our school,
please contact us at 817-624-2670. You can also visit
us online at www.ascsfw.org.
Todos los Santos está registrando para el año escolar
2015-2016. La escuela está a 5 minutos al norte del centro. Estamos estudiando para convertirse en una escuela
de inmersión con Boston College y también tienen un
programa Montessori PK3. Grados ofrecidos son PK38th. Becas y ayuda financiera está disponible. Para obtener más información, por favor llame al 817-6242670 , o visítenos en línea en www.ascsfw.org.
St . Augustine’s Men’s Purity Group
TEMPTATION? If the answer to any of these is YES
Saint Augistine's Men's Purity Group is here to help you.
Visit catholicmenspurity.com or email us at
[email protected]
Healing Mass in English, Saturday, May 2nd
April 25-26, 2015
On April 25-26, 2015, the Diocese of Fort Worth will celebrate
Good Shepherd Sunday in support our seminarians. There are
currently 30 seminarians from 18 parishes of the diocese studying in seven seminaries throughout the United States and in
Rome. The Diocese of Fort Worth provides education and formation for each seminarian at an annual average cost of
$52,709. The Good Shepherd Sunday Special Collection assists
with funding this annual cost. In addition to the Sunday collection, donations are being accepted online at www.fwdioc.org.
Please give generously.
25-26 de abril, 2015
La Diócesis de Fort Worth celebrará el Domingo del Buen
Pastor el fin de semana del 25-26 de abril del 2015 en
apoyo de nuestros seminaristas. En la actualidad hay 30
seminaristas provenientes de 18 parroquias distintas de la
Diócesis que están estudiando en siete seminarios en los
Estados Unidos y Roma. La Diócesis de Fort Worth
proporciona la educación y formación para cada
seminarista a un costo promedio anual de $52,709. La
colecta especial del Domingo del Buen Pastor contribuye
fondos para ayudar a sufragar este costo anual. Además de
la colecta dominical, se aceptan donaciones en línea en
www.fwdioc.org. Por favor, sea generoso.
The St. Bart's YAM (Young Adult Ministry)
All 18-35 year olds are invited to join us on Thursdays at 7p.m. in the Parish Life Center. Check us
out on the St. Bart’s Website.
Fr. Hector will have Anointing of the Sick and
there will be Prayer groups after the 4:30p.m. Mass
on Saturday, May 2nd. All are welcome.
WALK for LIFE 2015, April 25th
This walk is benefiting the Burleson
Pregnancy Aid Center. The center
provides free pregnancy tests, sonograms,
spiritual encouragement, pregnancy
assistance and adoption support. They also have a
resale shop, Rachel’s Hope Resale. They are needing volunteers for all of their services. You can register/donate/sponsor for the walk at
www.PregancyAid.org/WFL or contact Linda Niedbalski at 817-253-5115, email
[email protected] to sponsor Linda.
St. Bart’s Cookbooks Now $10
There are still a few cookbooks left for sale in the
parish office for the reduced price of $10. Don’t miss
out, when they are gone they are gone forever. Only
2 left!
Audio Homilies
On our Website there is a link to audio homilies
and special services since November 2014.
Hear Fr. John Robert, Fr. Hector, Deacons John
and Gary . All of the Triduum Services and
Sacrament of Baptism (newborns - age 6): Parents requesting the Sacrament of Baptism should be either living within parish boundaries or be registered in the parish. Parents and godparents are expected to attend a baptism class for an infant to be baptized. Parents are required to bring a signed photocopy of the child’s state-registered birth certificate to the baptism class. Godparents who are not registered at St. Bartholomew must provide a letter from their parish which verifies that they meet the godparent
requirements. All paperwork must be turned into the office before scheduling your child’s baptism date. The next class will be 7 p.m.
on Thursday, May 14th in the church hall. Call the office to sign up for this class. Parents also need to call the office if you need to
use the nursery while attending this class. For more information, call Sandy Yokeley, 817-715-6586. The next English Baptism ceremony will be Saturday, May 2nd at 10 a.m. in the church for those who have attended the class.
Sacramento del Bautismo (Recién nacidos hasta 6 años): Los padres que soliciten el bautismo deben vivir dentro de los
límites de la parroquia o ser miembros registrados. Los papas y los padrinos deben asistir a una clase pre-bautismales. Por favor
pase a la oficina parroquial para obtener el paquete con la información y formas necesarias antes de asistir a la clase pre-bautismal.
Los padrinos que no estén registrados en San Bartolomé deben proporcionar una carta de su parroquia en donde verifique que están registrados y que cumplen con los requisitos para ser padrinos. Necesita entregar una fotocopia del certificado de nacimiento del
bebe emitido por el estado. La próxima clase de bautismo en español será en el edificio de la iglesia, el jueves 16 de abril a las 7
p.m. Si no trae todos los documentos necesarios no podrá tomar la clase. Habrá cuidado de niños disponible. Los bautismos en
español se realizan el primer sábado de cada mes a las 11 a.m. La próxima fecha para bautismo en español será sábado, mayo 2,
11 a.m., en la iglesia.
Sacrament of Confirmation: Students wishing to prepare for this Sacrament must be in 11th grade and are expected to be
in religious education (i.e. YSN, bible study or religion class at school) for one year before registering for Confirmation. Anew class
will be starting in August. Para la Confirmación el próximo año, se va a requerir un año de educación religiosa (YSN)
antes de inscribirse para la Confirmación. Un adolescente que necesita recibir la Confirmación y las clases posteriores
debe inscribirse y asistir regularmente al programa YSN un año previo a las clases de Confirmación.
Sacrament of Matrimony: Please call Deacon Gary Brooks at least six months before you wish to marry.
Sacrament of Reconciliation/Confesiones: Saturday: 3-4 p.m. in the chapel.
Habitat for Humanity
The next build date for our parish is Saturday, May 16th.
St. Bartholomew supports this worthy ministry through
volunteers and through our parish tithe. If you would like
to volunteer call Jeff Rigdon at 817-516-0137
Coffee and Donuts
Coffee and Donuts after the 9a.m. and 11a.m. Masses. Come join with your fellow parishioners for fellowship. If you would like to volunteer call Shane
Chubbs at 214-914-5636
Don’t forget to Register your Kroger Plus Card.
Get a Kroger Plus Card at the store. Then go to
www.KrogerCommunityRewards.com, sign into
your account or create one. Go to Community Rewards, SVPD organization # 94395, then SVPD–
St. Bart’s Conference and save.
Special Blessed Sacrament Adoration This Friday
St. Bartholomew is honored to host the Travelling
St. John Paul II monstrance for exposition and
Eucharistic adoration on Friday, April 24 after the
8:30am Mass to 2:00p.m. This monstrance was
commissioned and personally blessed by the Holy Father, St.
John Paul II, for the specific purpose of praying for vocations.
Please join us in this special pilgrimage of prayer for an increase in vocations to ordained ministry and consecrated life.
Our founder, Frederic Ozanam, was born on
April 23, 1813 in Milan, Italy. On April 23,
1833 Frederic and six companions founded
the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. Also, St. Vincent de Paul was born on April 24, 1581. To commemorate these events the Society in the United States celebrates the last Sunday of April as OZANAM SUNDAY. The St. Bart's Conference will mark these events
with attendance at Mass on Sunday, April 26, at the 9
A.M. Mass.
The Montserrat Jesuit Retreat Center weekends this year
Men (in English): Thursday May 21 – Sunday May 24
For information and registration go to
English Men: April 30-May 3rd.
Where: Camp Crucis in Granbury. Send-off
will be Thursday evening in the Parish Life
Center at 5:30 p.m. and the men will return on Sunday
for 11:00 mass. Following mass will be a potluck lunch
in which all parish members are invited for fellowship.
Cost: $190, all-inclusive (meals and lodging). Scholarships are available. All are welcome and encouraged to
attend. Registration will continue until all spots are filled.
Contact the director, Mark Gannaway, for further information at 817-832-8339 or [email protected].
A.C.T.S. Retiro para hombres de la Iglesia Católica San
Bartolomé, Hombres (español): Del 7 al 10 de mayo
El Retiro A.C.T.S. es una experiencia que usted se debe a
sí mismo y a su familia. Es un programa único que ofrece
oportunidades para que cada participante para formar relaciones más profundas con sus familias y nuestro Señor
a través de la adoración y la oración diaria; a través de la
Comunidad con otras personas de nuestra parroquia; a
través de la teología y el estudio de nuestra fe cristiana; y
a través de servicio a nuestra familia, nuestra iglesia, y
entre ellos mismos. A.C.T.S. es sobre todo un retiro centrado en la parroquia de la Iglesia Católica de San Bartolomé. Participaran más de 40 hombres en el retiro, y si
bien la mayoría será católica, definitivamente no es un
requisito ser católico para asistir. Todos son bienvenidos
y los animamos a asistir. Dónde: Camp Crucis en Granbury. Los hombres con reúnen en la noche del jueves en
el Centro de Vida Parroquial a las 5:30 pm para partir y
regresarán el domingo a misa 1: 00-Español. Después de
misa habrá un almuerzo informal en el que se invita a
todos los miembros de la parroquia para la convivir.
Costo: $ 190, todo incluido (comidas y alojamiento). A
nadie se le niega la participación debido a restricciones
financieras. Las becas están disponibles.
La inscripción será después de las misas al o puede comunicarse con los director Oscar Arroyos para más información al 817-690-1204 u [email protected]
Daily Readings
First Reading
Second Reading
1Jn 2:1-5a
Third Sunday of Easter
Acts 3:13-15,17-19
Ps 4:2,4,7-9
Acts 6:8-15
Acts 7:51-8:1a
Acts 8:1b-8
Acts 8:26-40
Acts 9:1-20
1Pt 5:5b-14
Ps 119:23-24,26-27,29-30
Ps 31:3cd-4,6,7b,8a,17,21ab
Ps 66:1-3a,4-7a
Ps 66:8-9,16-17,20
Ps 117:1bc,2
Ps 89:2-3,6-7,16-17
Next Sunday Fourth Sunday of Easter Acts 4:8-12
Ps 118:1,8-9,21-23,26,28,29
Lk 24:35-48
Jn 6:22-29
Jn 6:30-35
Jn 6:35-40
Jn 6:44-51
Jn 6:52-59
Mk 16:15-20
1Jn 3:1-2
Jn 10:11-18
Welcome Newcomers
Irma Alvarado
Jonathan Jackson
Matthew & Sarah Maben
Trinidad & LuzMaria Rodriguez
Allison Whitehead
Jaime & Maria Guerra
Ana Johnson
Francisco & Ruth Puente
Maria Uribe
Sergio & Maria Zamudio
Fr. John Robert Skeldon, Pastor
Fr. Hector Medina, Parochial Vicar
Gary Brooks, Deacon
Pastoral Associate, [email protected]
Reyes Tello Jr, Deacon
John Coe, Deacon
Sister Yolanda Pineda, MCSH
Coordinator of Hispanic Ministry
Parish Office: 817-292-7703
FAX Number: 817-292-2568
Youth RCIA today, Sunday, April 19th at 10:30 a.m. in the Youth
YSN (Youth Sharing Night- Grades 9-12) today, Sunday, April 19th
at 7p.m. in the youth room. Sunday Night YSN Reminder: Today
is our annual Called to Protect class. If the parent wishes for their
youth not to participate then they are excused from coming to class
but Eric must have a written statement from the parent stating that
the youth will not participate.
Discovery Class (Grades 7&8) this Wednesday, April 22nd at
7p.m. in the Youth Room. Doors open at 6:30. All are welcome.
It’s that time of year for our annual Canoe Trip on
the San Marcos River on May 15-17 for 9th-12th
grade. Cost $65. See Eric for more details and
Pictures for Website
If anyone has any pictures they took of the Triduum, Easter services or any
other event at the parish , feel free to share them by emailing them to
[email protected]. Be aware that those pictures that have individuals in
them cannot be published without their permission.
Office Hours:
Monday-Thursday: 9 a.m.-8:00p.m.
Friday: 9a.m.-2p.m.
Sunday: 9a.m.-3p.m.
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: http://www.stbartsfw.org
Deacon Brooks’ Residence:
Office Staff: 817-292-7703
Linda Dinsmore, Office Manager
Olivia DeLeon, Bookkeeper (Bilingual)
Karen Amaya , Secretary (Bilingual)
Bertha Olmos, Secretary (Bilingual)
Maria Keña Rivera, Secretary (Bilingual)
Marie Tamulevicz, Secretary
Lenora Thompson, Secretary/Data Entry
Communications Director &
Facilities Coordinator:
Cheryl Brooks: 817-292-7703
e-mail: [email protected]
Director of Religious Education
Charlie Gappa: 817-966-2378
CCD Office: 817-288-4005
CCD E-mail: [email protected]
Dan Patterson: 817-361-8720
Minister of Music
Michael Sawey: 817-292-7703
e-mail: [email protected]
Nursery Director
Teri Kolodechik: 817-292-8748
Youth Minister
Eric Hernandez: 817-480-5471
e-mail: [email protected]
Deacon Gary Brooks
Ministry to the Sick
Pat Ward: 817-294-0954
Call Pat or the parish office for hospital
or home visits. On Sundays the Eucharist
will be brought to those who desire it.
Prison Ministry
Ed Brady: 817-309-3302
Service Committee:
Call Cheryl Brooks at the Office
Spanish Marriage Enrichment:
Abel & Bertha Olmos: 817-201-6336
St. Vincent de Paul Society
Food Pantry: 817-361-8420
Hours: MWF, 1-4 p.m.; Th,6:00-8:00p.m.
Sat, 9-11 a.m.; Tues & Sun--closed
Thank you to all who are making electronic contributions through Faith Dire
your banking institution. Please be advised that you will no longer be receivi
envelopes through the mail from Cathedral Corporation after May. Be assur
that you are still an active registered member of the parish.