Our Mother of Good Counsel Catholic Community SERVED BY THE AUGUSTINIANS: Fr. James Mott, OSA Fr. Wm. Tom Davis, OSA In Residence: Fr. James Retzner, OSA Parish : 2060 North Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90027 ~ (323) 664-2111 ~ www.omogc.org School : 4622 Ambrose Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90027 ~ (323) 664-2131 ~ www.omgcschool.org PRINCIPAL: Mrs. Tammy Hynes-Brown WEEKEND MASSES SCHEDULE: SATURDAY VIGIL: 5:30 pm SUNDAY: 7:30 am, 9 am, 11 am 12:30 pm (Spanish), and 6 pm LITURGY OF THE WORD: SUNDAY: During 9 am Mass All children in grades 1 - 3 WEEKDAY MASSES: MON.-SAT: 8:00 am WED: 5:30 pm followed by a Novena at 6:00 pm FIRST FRIDAY: Adoration 8:30 am & 7:45 pm S.O.C.C. Mass 8:00 pm CONFESSIONS: SATURDAY: 4:30 - 5:15 pm (or by appointment) WEDDINGS: Registration in parish required Call for appointment 6 mos. Prior RCIA: (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) September to Pentecost BAPTISMS: Must be registered parishioners Preparation classes required See parish website for details QUINCEAÑERS: 6 months preparation required See parish website for details RELIGIOUS EDUCATION CLASSES: September thru May SUNDAY: 9 -10 am: ages 3 to 5 SATURDAY: 8:30 -10 am: grades K-8 CONFIRMATION CLASSES: 2-3 year program for high school students—September thru May SAFEGUARD THE CHILDREN: Mrs. Maria Villanueva, ext. 132 The mission of Our Mother of Good Counsel is to be a caring, united, Catholic community of faith. We welcome all cultures and walks of life. We invoke the power of the Holy Spirit working in our youth, community outreach, and evangelization. Page 1 Our Mother of Good Counsel Catholic Community April 5, 2015 ¿Dónde está el Cristo Resucitado hoy? ¿Has pensado en el momento de cuando usted se encontró con Cristo Resucitado? ¿No son estos unos de aquellos encuentros? • • Where is the Risen Christ today? • Have you thought about when you have encountered the Risen Christ? Would not these be such encounters? • • • • • Every time your spouse tries to do something gratuitous for you; whenever something turns out well against the odds; every time you were forgiven your sins; when receiving Holy Communion the Risen Christ is present; when you forgave from your heart, the risen Christ was empowering you. The Risen Christ is constantly at work within you through the Holy Spirit, and around you through others. Christ is alive in you and others who are His disciples. Let us be aware that the Risen Christ is working through you to bring his message to your world, your friends and your neighbors. The weekly questions we publish here in the bulletin, as an insert with my notes, help us to reflect on how we are being Christ - the Risen Christ - in our world each week. Please reflect on these questions during your week. You will have a better opportunity to have a very Happy and Blessed Easter, as you think of how He is at work within you, in your spiritual life. REJOICE! —FR. JIM Cada vez que su cónyuge intenta hacer algo gratuito para usted; Cada vez que algo sale bien contra todos los pronósticos, cada vez que fueron perdonados sus pecados; Al recibir la sagrada Comunión Cristo Resucitado está presente; Cuando usted perdona con su corazón, Cristo resucitado está enpoderando a usted. Cristo Resucitado está constantemente trabajando en usted a través del Espíritu Santo, y a su alrededor, a través de los otros. Cristo vive en usted y en otras personas que son sus discípulos. Seamos conscientes de que el Cristo Resucitado esta trabajando a través de vosotros a llevar su mensaje a su mundo, sus amigos, sus vecinos. Las preguntas que publicamos cada semana aquí en el boletín, como parte de mis notas, nos ayuda a reflexionar sobre cómo estamos siendo Cristo, el Cristo Resucitado, en el mundo cada semana. Por favor, reflexione sobre estas preguntas durante la semana. Usted tendrá una mejor oportunidad de tener un muy feliz y santa Pascua de Resurrección, cuando se piensa en la forma en El esta trabajo adentro de ustedes, en su vida espiritual. ALEGRARSE! —PADRE JIM Happy 90th birthday OMGC! Wow! You don't look that old! Please come to a parish birthday liturgy and reception on April 26, 2015 at 2:00 pm. A bilingual Mass will be followed by photo displays, storytelling, and food. Bring family photos and other memorabilia featuring OMGC to (Continúa en la página 3) be scanned for future displays, and please do Invite past parishioners to celebrate with us. Easter Sunday Page 2 Discount Cards: Youth Ministry is kicking off our Spring Fundraiser. We will be selling them on April 12 after each Sunday mass. Discount Cards are offered at $10 a card. These "discount cards" are cards that offer special discounts to 15 local businesses and vendors. They are valid and reusable for an entire 12 month period. For every card that we sell, our group receives $5. Our goal this year is to raise $1,500 for tuition and retreat scholarships for our group. We will accomplish our goal by selling 300 discount cards. OMGC HIGH SCHOOL CONFIRMATION Are you in high school? Do you want to learn and grow in your faith? Do you want to have fun while doing so? If so, we invite you to consider joining the confirmation process at OMGC. Confirmation is a two-year process for teens, which includes their parents and sponsors, that prepare them to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. Teens typically begin the Confirmation process at OMGC during their freshman year in high school and receive the Sacrament during the Easter Season of their sophomore year; however, any teen in high school may participate in the process during their high school years. Our catechetical sessions (classes) take place 2-3 times a month on Sundays from 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. in the St. Augustine Center (parish hall). We are accepting applications August-October 2015. Please visit our website for more information: http://omgcyouth.wix.com/omgcym — MELANIE MENDOZA JOHN PAUL RAMIREZ DID YOU KNOW? Tips to help protect children from sexting Before buying your child a cell phone, set rules for its use, including what sort of information and images are appropriate to share via text. Know what safeguards are available on your child’s phone, such as turning off and/or blocking texting and picture features. Talk to your child about the possible social, academic, and legal consequences of sexting. They could face humiliation, lose educational opportunities, and get in trouble with the law. Encourage your child to not be a bystander or an instigator. If he or she receives a “sext,” discuss why it is important that he or she not forward the image to anyone else. Remind your child that they can talk to you if they receive a nude picture on their cell phone. Report any nude or semi-nude images that your child receives to law enforcement or contact www.cybertipline.com. OMGC Safeguard the Children representative: 323--664Mrs. Maria Villanueva, 323 664-2111, ext. 132 EASTER BLESSINGS Easter is the central celebration of the Catholic church. Through our Lenten fasting and alms giving we prepare ourselves for a "spiritual death" with Christ on Good Friday and our Resurrection to new life on Easter Sunday. Many of us accomplish this through giving up things we enjoy during Lent. As we celebrate the resurrection of Our Lord let us not forget that we are also beginning our new spiritual life for the remainder of the Church year. We should strive to continue to challenge ourselves to be better, do better and keep Christ's sacrifice for us close in our hearts. May God continue to bless each of you today and always. Our school continues to accept late applications for grades TK- 8. There are still spaces available in some classes, please contact the school office for more information. —Mrs. Tammy Hynes-Brown Principal [email protected] There are several ways in which you can help our Catholic youth. We have many families in the parish who find it impossible to send their children to our parish elementary school. “TAKING THE MUNDANE OUT OF MONDAYS” 5:30pm - 9:00 pm Eat here or take it to go! 10% of sales goes to OMGC School! Make all of your OMGC donations automatically through the parish website: www.omogc.org Page 3 Our Mother of Good Counsel Catholic Community April 5, 2015 NOTICIAS EN ESPAÒOL Consejos para proteger a sus hijos de “texteo sexual” Esperanza de Salvación Lectura I De los Actos 10:34, 37--43 37 Lectura II Colosenses 3:1 -4 Evangelio Juan 20:1 -9 Pasaje clave: Cuando Cristo, quien es su vida es revelada, entonces también se revelará con él en la gloria. (Colosenses 3:4 ) Pregunta de adulto: ¿Por qué cree usted que se va a vivir con Cristo por toda la eternidad? Pregunta de niño: ¿Quién te ha ayudado creo que usted va a vivir con Jesús para siempre? Antes de comprarle un teléfono celular a su hija(o), establezca reglas para su uso, incluyendo qué tipo de información e imágenes son apropiadas para compartir vía texto. Aprenda qué tipo de seguridad hay disponibles para el teléfono de su hijo(a), como apagar y/o bloquear el textear y las imágenes. Dialogue con su hijo(a) sobre las posibles consecuencias sociales, académicas y legales del “texteo sexual”. Ellos podrían ser humillados, perder oportunidades educativas y enfrentar problemas con la ley. Fomente en sus hijos a no ser un espectador ni un incitador del “texteo sexual”. Si él o ella reciben un texto sexual, hágale saber por qué es importante que no envíen la imagen a alguien más. Recuérdele a su hijo(a) que puede hablar con usted si recibe una fotografía de desnudo en su celular. Informe cualquier imagen de desnudo o semidesnudo que su hijo (a) reciba a las autoridades policiales o contacte: www.cybertipline.com. Representante de la parroquia Nuestra Madre de Buen Consejo para la Protección de los Niños: Sra. María Villanueva 323 664664-2111, ext. 132 Quinceaňera (15 aňos) www.omogc.org/services.html Susana Rivas: 323-664-2111, ext.133 y [email protected] EASTER ENVIRONMENT DEDICATIONS “IN LOVING MEMORY/ HONOR” PLEASE PRAY FOR THE FOLLOWING: Maria Perez Florence B. Douglas Roger Sax Chris Hall Jeanette Cannon John & Leha Kalbas Tessa Capistrano Teresita & Sebastian Bathan Rosario & Leon Santos Carolina & Raul Droz Eustoquia & Gabriel Parcero Luis Leon Dololes Leon Gloria Francisca Enlinda Margaret Villa Ronnie Martinez Floyd Bonino Cecilia Dato Maclang Moises Maclang Avelino Tayag Connie Tayag Aurea Tayag Mary O. Gill Ignacio Corbe Sixta Corbe Cheryl Corbe Clarita Corbe Castor Corbe Crispin & Enriqueta Mendoza Hermie & Herminia Padama Mary & Rocco DiFonso John & Ysabel Torres John Jr. & Lupe Torres William & Rose Torres Carlotta Estrada Ramon & Petra Charles Mr. & Mrs. Philip Hopkins Joe Felix Bertha Larkin Don Larkin Sam Larkin Michael Burke Mercedes & Honesto Cabrera Aracili & Bernardo Tiongco Victor & Noel Cabrera Habershaw/Belus Families Mr. & Mrs. Jesse Estrada Ceferino Arias Eputerio Arias Eutiquia Mendoza Pilar Yrag Angeles Mendoza Ceferino Malicse Michael & Vida Minovich Myra & Paul Tarnack Virginia Coupe Teodoorico & Vitoriana Tabayoyong Fausto & Julita Salva Juvi Manuel Salva Juji Justus Salva Mrynavida Tabayoyong Ruben & Antonia C. Baca Salud Apeles Maria Agaloos Rosario Lardizabal Esperanza Lardizabal Norma L. Pe Asuncion Bernardo Mariel Lizan Familia Milanes Alba A. Bell Socorro Bell Ana Torrez & Daniel Bell Enor Juarez & Isabel Juarez Leal Family Deceased Olmos Family Deceased Antonio E. Donor, Sr. Rebecca Jimenez Petra Breen Carmen Terrazas Oscar/Wena Capul Deata Augelli Josie Mercado Audrey Britsch Hernando Planells, Sr. Josefa Waga Samson Pangon Eric Pangon Fermina Pangon Easter Sunday Page 4 Women's Retreat April 17-18 26 hours that will transform, enhance, revive your spirit and your soul. $50 donation. Last day to register is tomorrow! If you are interested, email: [email protected] with “cornerstone” in the subject line. Our Mother of Good Counsel Catholic Community Hope of Salvation Reading I Acts 10:34, 37 37––43 Reading II Colossians 3:1 3:1––4 Gospel 20:1––9 John 20:1 Key Passage: When Christ who is your life is revealed, then you also will be revealedwith him in glory. (Colossians 3:4) Adult: Why do you believe that you will live with Christ for all eternity? Child: Who has helped you believe that you will live with Jesus forever? CELEBRATION MASS & RECEPTION (See page 1) SUNDAY, APRIL 26th at 2:00PM Tickets available now: omogc.org/auction.html 5:30PM, THURSDAY, MAY 21st Virtus certification is good for four years, so if you were certified in “Safeguard the Children” or “Keeping the Promise” any time in 2011, you will need this 1.5 hour session. SAVE THE DATE: SUNDAY, MAY 17th Boy Scout Troop 20 Annual Pancake Breakfast & Farmer’s Market Pre-registration is required. Contact Beth Maldonado 11-818818-219219-1715. READ THE BULLETINS ONLINE www.omogc.org/news.html Page 5 Our Mother of Good Counsel Catholic Community April 5, 2015 THANK YOU FOR YOUR WEEKLY CONTRIBUTIONS IN SUPPORT OF OUR PARISH WEEKEND OF March 21/22, 2015 Envelopes EFT Loose $ 5,623.00 $ 847.50 $ 1,148.00 Total $ 7,618.50 On Palm Sunday, the Fil-Am committee presented Fr. Jim with a check for $4,800.00 which they raised from various events, mainly Simbang Gabi and 'fun trips." They ear-marked their gift to be applied toward the improved lighting in the Church. Let us all express our gratitude to the members of our Fil-Am community. On behalf of the parish - THANK YOU. Consider naming OMGC in your Will or Trust: (800) 431-1175 or [email protected] FREE TAX HELP — The IRS oversees free clinics run by volunteers that prepare free income tax returns, federal and California, for low-income individuals. You can find these clinics here: http://irs.treasury.gov/freetaxprep/ Florence Pineda Carolyn Salle Robert Salle Elvia Cuellar Paul Vogel Fr. Michael Walter Goad NAMES OF THE SICK ARE PUBLISHED 2 WEEKS AT A TIME UPON REQUEST Requests may be either phone in or emailed: [email protected] ALL RECENTLY DECEASED WEEKLY MASS INTENTIONS April 6th thru April 12th Mon 4/6 8:00 - Erotida Meris (d) Tues 4/7 8:00 - Souls in Purgatory Wed 4/8 8:00 - Pricilla Conception (d) 5:30 - Charlotte Harmon (d) Thur 4/9 8:00 - Benjamin Mavretich (d) Fri 4/10 8:00 - John, Marie, Minnie, George, Olga, Albert, & Rosemary Fadell (d) Sat 4/11 8:00 - Leonardo Agbada (d) ADULT BIBLE STUDY 7:00 p.m.—Meets 1st and 3rd Wednesday from mid September thru mid June, in the Plaza Community Room R.C.I.A. (Adults wishing to become Catholic) Meet Thursdays at 7:00 p.m. (mid September thru May) in the Plaza Community Room. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Meet the second Friday of the month at 7 p.m. in the St. Augustine Center. OMGC FIL-AM COMMUNITY 10:15 a.m.—Meets on the fourth Sunday of each month following the 9:00 a.m. Mass in the parish office building.. SERVANTS OF CHRIST COMMUNITY 8:00 p.m.—Meets every Friday in the Plaza Community Room (Benediction and Mass at 7:45 p.m. on First Fridays). OMGC WOMEN’S GROUP “Women of Heart” 7:30 p.m.—Meets on the second Monday of each month in the Plaza Community Room FAITH SHARING GROUP 1st Sundays at 10:30 a.m. (Meets weekly during Advent and Lent) in the room off of the vestibule. MEDITATION GROUP 10:20 a.m.—3rd Sunday of the month in the room off of the vestibule. Contact: [email protected] ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY & MONTHLY HOMELESS LUNCH Meets twice monthly on Tuesday @7PM. Many services for the less fortunate in our community. Meet us at the Hot Lunch on the last Saturday of each month: volunteer at either 9:30AM or 12PM in the St. Augustine Center. OMGC BEREAVEMENT MINISTRY 7:00 p.m.—Gathers on the First Thursday of each month in the Parish Office. All who have lost a loved one are invited. OMGC HISPANIC COMMUNITY 7:00 p.m.—Meets on the third Monday of each month in the Plaza Community Room. HISPANIC ROSARY GROUP 7:30 p.m. each Friday in the Children’s Chapel (enter from Ambrose Ave.) BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA TROOP 20 Meet every Sunday (except outing weekends) at 6:00 p.m. in the St. Augustine Center. Thank you for supporting our sponsors. Please mention that you saw their ad in Our Mother of Good Counsel’s bulletin. Have a blessed week!
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