St. Bartholomew 3601 Altamesa Fort Worth, Texas 76133 Parish office is located in the building on east side of church. CATHOLIC CHURCH The Ascension of the Lord (B) May 17, 2015 “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you… When he had said this, as they were looking on, he was lifted up.” Parish Mission: Mass Schedule Daily Schedule for May 18-22: Monday : Mass at 8:30a.m. Tuesday: Liturgy of the Word, 8:30a.m. Wednesday : Liturgy of the Word, 8:30a.m. ; Mass at 6:30p.m. Thursday: Mass at 12:10p.m. Friday: Mass at 8:30a.m.: Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament following Mass until 2 p.m. Weekend Masses: Saturday: 4:30 p.m. Mass—English Sunday: 9 a.m. - English; 11 a.m. - English; 1 p.m. - Spanish ; 3p.m. - Spanish A nursery is provided at the following Masses: 4:30 p.m. Saturday; 9 a.m., 11 a.m. & 1p.m. Sunday. Weekly Calendar/Calendario Semanal Sunday: May 17th The Ascension of the Lord– Ascension del Señor Special Collection: Catholic Communications Campaign RCIA , at 10:30a.m. in the office library. Topic: Mystagogy Session 5 Pancake Breakfast, 10a.m.-2p.m. in the Great Hall Blood Drive, 9:00a.m.-3:30p.m. in the church building, room 14 Spanish Choir Practice Spanish Women’s ACTS Meeting, 3p.m. in the Great Hall ACTS Reunion, 2:30p.m. in the Parish Life Center, room 1&3 Marriage Enrichment, 6:15p.m. in the church building, room 14 Sunday Night Bible Study, 7p.m. in the church. This Bible study is led by Joe Winterling. All are welcome. Monday: 18th Folklore Dance Class, 5:55p.m. in the Great Hall Hispanic Prayer Choir Practice, , 6p.m. in the Parish Life Center, room 15&17 Catechism-Bible Study, 7p.m. in the Parish life Center , room 1. John Tharp leads this class. All are welcome Spanish Ultreya , 7p.m. in the church building, room 14 .Tuesday: 19th ESL Daytime Classes , the parish life center. Nursery provided. ESL Night time Classes , 6-9p.m. in the parish life center Sew Blessed Ministry, 11:00a.m. in the church building, room 14 Spanish 3p.m. Mass Choir practice , 6 p.m. in the church Spanish RCIA, 7p.m. in the church building, room 23 Estudio Biblica en Espanol , 7p.m. in the church building, room 14. This Bible study is led by John Contreras. Wednesday: 20th Men’s Morning Prayer Group. All men are welcome to join us at 6:00 a.m. in the church. Doors open at 5:30 a.m. Wednesday Women’s Bible Study, 9:30a.m. in the Church building, room 14 Prayer Group, 9:30a.m. in the chapel ESL Daytime Classes, 9a.m.-12p.m. in the parish life center. Nursery provided. Music Rehearsal, 7p.m. in the Church Hispanic Prayer Choir Practice, 7p.m. in the church building, room 23 Thursday: 21st Spanish Choir Rehearsal, 7:00p.m. in the church Spanish Baptism Class, 7p.m. in the church building, room 14 Young Adult Ministry , 7p.m. at the Parish Life center, room 11 Friday: 22nd Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, 9:15a.m-2:00p.m. in the church chapel Hispanic Prayer Group, 7 p.m. in the church building , room 14 Saturday: 23rd St. Augustine Group, email [email protected] Spanish Women’s ACTS , 9:00a.m. in the parish life center , room 15&17 Saturday Morning Bible Study, 9a.m. in the church building, room 14. This Bible study is led by Jerry Brannon Spanish First Communion Mass, 9:30a.m. in the church Couples for Christ, 1p.m. in the Church building, room 14 Cursillo Ultreya , after 4:30p.m. Mass in the church building, room 14 ACTS Reunion , 4p.m. in the Great Hall Confessions/ Confesiones, 3p.m. in the chapel Spanish Pentecost Vigil, 8p.m. in the church Next Sunday: 24th Pentecost Sunday~ Domingo de Pentecostes Coffee and Donuts Spanish Choir Practice ACTS Spanish Men’s Sunday Night Bible Study Reflexión Magnánima de Padre John Robert Skeldon La Biblia tiene una forma de comunicar la verdad de nuestra comprensión sobre Dios y de su "plan" puede ser limitada. Justo cuando pensamos que tenemos confianza en Dios, hay una ascensión. Dios asciende y nos quedamos mirando hacia el cielo tratando de averiguar qué hacer y dónde ir. Los apóstoles de Jesús no fueron los primeros en experimentar esto a lo largo de las Escrituras. Tal vez no le llamaban la Ascensión, que es un tema predominante. Con Abraham, le llamaban el Aqedah-el sacrificio de Isaac o el sacrificio de Abraham. Abraham tuvo que reconocer que este Dios sólo podría exigir algo de él que su comprensión inicialmente no podría captar. Tenía que sacrificar lo que era más precioso, que fuere de él, con el fin de llegar a una postura de confiar en la apertura ante el misterio de Dios. Su manera primordial estaba ligada de relacionarse con Dios, por lo tanto Enlazada-para que él verdaderamente pudiera ver. Con el exilio, el pueblo de Dios debe dejar de lado la idea de que Dios habita en una tierra y en un solo lugar. Despojados de su lugar natal, debería parecer en contra de la posibilidad de que Dios es más grande de lo que habían imaginado. La idea de un Dios nacionalista o tribal remonta al contorno del recorrido y el dolor del exilio. Junto con esta idea de que Dios cómodamente ascendía muchas teologías con que los pueblos ordenaban su vida: ¿tal vez, la tierra y la riqueza y la descendencia no son los únicos signos de la bendición de Dios? Tal vez, Dios está también presente en el sufrimiento de la vida. Con la cruz, nos encontramos cara a cara con la realidad que contradice la ley de la no contradicción. (Básicamente, este es un principio filosófico que dice algo que a la vez puede y no puede ser al mismo tiempo.) En la cruz, vemos el Dios sufrimiento. ¿Cómo puede sufrir la divinidad? ¿Cómo puede el Creador morir como una criatura? El concepto de Dios debe ascender para dar un nuevo paso: En Jesucristo, Dios se ha hecho uno con la humanidad-el Creador con la creación-- de modo que incluso lo que parece más no-divino-sufrimiento y muerte-en realidad están a cargo de la grandeza de Dios. ! Hablemos de reorientar nuestras categorías de pensamiento! Entonces, ¿y qué acerca de esta fiesta de la Ascensión? No podemos tener a Jesucristo como nos gustaría, ya que estaríamos muy cómodos con él. Recuerda sus palabras a la Magdalena en el jardín de la tumba vacía después de su resurrección: "No se aferren a mí...; no te aferres a mí.... "Cristo es siempre más grande que lo que usted o yo individualmente nos gustaría que fuera. Él no estará presente en su forma física, corporal, pero ahora estará presente a través de la venida del Espíritu Santo en la vida del pueblo de Dios... en la iglesia. Tú y yo en nuestra conexión con la iglesia, el Cuerpo de Cristo-continúa haciendo presente a Cristo en nuestro mundo y en nuestro día. Esta es una reorientación del concepto radical para ponerlo en nuestra mente, pero es verdad. Cristo elige trabajar a través de ti y de mí y con el poder del Espíritu Santo. Santa Teresa de Ávila lo dice de una mejor manera: "Cristo no tiene manos en la tierra, sino las tuyas...". El autor de la carta a los Efesios dice de esta manera: "Y [Cristo] dio sus dones, unos como apóstoles, a otros como profetas, a otros como evangelistas, otros como pastores y maestros, para preparar a los santos para las obras del ministerio, para la edificación del cuerpo de Cristo, hasta que todos alcancemos la unidad en la fe y del conocimiento del Hijo de Dios.. ". La ascensión de Jesús corporalmente al cielo no nos deja sin su presencia. Ahora se manifiesta de una nueva manera. Nuestro antiguo entendimiento de la Ascensión de Dios; ahora hay otro camino. El Padre Robert Barron relata una historia del escritor William Faulkner. Llamada El Oso, se trata de un joven cazador que su objetivo es obtener lo mejor de un viejo oso que vive en el bosque. Él está bajo la tutela de un cazador mucho más viejo. Él nunca parece incluso divisar al oso, y mucho menos de buscarlo. Un día, después de muchos, muchos intentos para encontrar al oso, que casi pierde la esperanza. Entonces el oso aparece de repente dentro de la espesura de los árboles y arbustos. Por un breve instante Ellos se miran uno al otro, y luego el oso desaparece de nuevo en la misteriosa soberanía del bosque. La vida del joven cambia radicalmente con este encuentro, y él llega a comprender al oso en los términos del oso, no en sus propios términos. Faulkner cuenta esta historia para decir algo acerca de Dios. Dios es más grande, más misterioso y muy diferente de lo que nosotros a veces queremos pensarlo o imaginarlo. Justo cuando pensamos que ya tenemos a Dios, algo sucede, y el oso vuelve a entrar en el bosque. Justo cuando pensamos que tenemos a Dios en nuestras manos, nos damos cuenta de que es Dios quien nos tiene en sus manos. Accede a esta unión de Isaac, deja ir a las personas al exilio, dejemos que nuestra mente y corazón sean crucificados, dejemos las anteriores maneras de ver las cosas y modo de pensar para que Dios ascienda de manera que podamos ser transformados "al hombre perfecto, a la plena y medida estatura de Cristo. " Magnanimous Musings of Fr. John Robert Skeldon The Bible has a way of communicating the truth that our understanding of God and his “plan” may be limited. Just when we think that we have a hold on God, there is an ascension. God ascends and we are left looking into the skies trying to figure out what to do and where to go next. Jesus’ apostles were not the first to experience this in the course of the Scriptures. Perhaps not called A scension, it is a prevalent theme. With Abraham, it was called the A qedah—the Binding of Isaac or the Sacrifice of Abraham. Abraham had to come to acknowledge that this God just might be demanding something from him that his understanding might not just grasp initially. He had to sacrifice that which was most precious, that which was of him, in order to come to a posture of trusting openness before the mystery of God. His previous way of relating to God was bound—hence Binding—so that he could truly see. With the Exile, the people of God must let go of the idea that God dwells in one land and in one place. Thrust from their native place, they must come up against the possibility that God is bigger than they had previously imagined. The idea of a nationalistic or tribal God ascends in the face of the trail and pain of the Exile. Along with this idea of God ascends many comfortable theologies with which the people ordered their life: perhaps, land and wealth and offspring are not the only signs of God’s blessing? Maybe, God is present in the suffering of life as well. With the cross, we come face to face with the reality of contradicting the law of non-contradiction. (Basically, this is a philosophical principle which says something cannot both be and not be at the same time.) In the cross, we see the suffering God. How can divinity suffer? How can the Creator die like a creature? One’s conception of God must ascend to make way for a new one: In Jesus Christ, God has become one with humankind—the Creator with creation—so that even that which seems most un-Godlike—suffering and death—are actually charged with the grandeur of God. Talk about re-orienting our thought categories!!! So what about this feast of the Ascension? We can’t have Jesus Christ as we would like him, as we would be comfortable with him. Remember his words to the Magdalene in the garden of the empty tomb after his Resurrection: “Do not hold onto me…; do not cling to me….” Christ is always bigger than what you or I individually would like him to be. He won’t be present in his physical, bodily form, but will now be present through the coming of the Holy Spirit in the life of God’s people…in the church. You and I—in our connection to the church, Christ’s body—continue to make Christ present in our world and in our day. This is a radical, reorienting concept to get our minds around, but it is true. Christ chooses to work through you and me in the power of the Holy Spirit. St. Theresa of Avila says it best: “Christ has no hands on earth but yours….” The writer of the letter to the Ephesians says it this way: “And [Christ] gave some as apostles, others as prophets, others as evangelists, others as pastors and teachers, to equip the holy ones for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ, until we all attain to the unity of faith and knowledge of the Son of God….” The ascension of the bodily Jesus into heaven does not leave us without his presence. It is now manifested in a new way. Our previous way of understanding God has ascended; now there is another way. Fr. Robert Barron relates a story by the writer William Faulkner. Called The Bear, it is about a young hunter who aims to get the best of this ancient bear who lives in the woods. He is under the tutelage of a much older hunter. He never seems to even catch sight of the bear, let alone get him. One day, after many, many attempts to see the bear, he has just about given up hope. The bear then suddenly appears from the thicket of trees and shrubs. They stare at each other but for a brief instant, and then the bear disappears again into the wooded sovereignty of mystery. The young man’s life is radically changed by this encounter, and he comes to understand the bear on the bear’s terms, not his own terms. Faulkner tells this story to say something about God. God is bigger, more mysterious and more unlike us than we sometimes want to think or imagine. Just when we think that we’ve nailed God down, something happens, and the bear goes back into the woods. Just when we think that we’ve got God in our hands, we realize that it is God who has us in his hands. Let the Isaacs be bound, let the people go into exile, let our minds and hearts be crucified, let our previous views and mind sets of God ascend so that we can be changed “to mature manhood, to the extent and full stature of Christ.” John Michael Talbot Mission Tuesday, June 2, 2015 , 7p.m. Mark Your Calendar for the Connect to Christ Ministry Fair After the Masses on Saturday, June 6th in the Narthex and Sunday, June 7th in the Great Hall During this Season of Easter we are being called to Evangelize—to go out and spread the Good News through ministry to the church and outside the church. After the Masses on Saturday and Sunday, June 6th and 7th, you will have the opportunity to see what ministries we have at St. Bart’s and connect with people in those ministries. Pray that the Holy Spirit will guide you in spreading “The Joy of the Gospel”. Marque su Calendario para la Connect to Christ Feria de Ministerios Después de las misas del Sábado, 6 de Junio en el narthex y el Domingo, 7 de Junio en el gran salón Durante este tiempo de Pascua estamos llamados a evangelizar, a salir y a difundir la Buena Nueva a través del ministerio de la iglesia y fuera de la iglesia. Después de las misas del sábado 6 y el domingo 7, de junio, usted tendrá la oportunidad de ver los ministerios que tenemos en San Bartolomé y relacionarse con la gente ayudando en estos ministerios. Ore para que el Espíritu Santo lo guie a propagar "La Alegría del Evangelio". The Offices of Marriage and Family Life and Hispanic Ministry will be having a Bilingual Family Life Conference on Saturday, June 20, 2015 at Nolan Catholic High School in Fort Worth from 9 AM to 5 PM. The theme of the conference will be Love is Our Mission: The Family Fully Alive. This family-friendly event will offer faith sharing opportunities for the whole family, a series of short talks for children and adults, plenty of break time, lunch, a magic show, and Mass. Tickets are $25 per person or $40 per family, and may be purchased at the door or online. More information coming soon! First Reading No Reservations. No tickets sold. First come seating. To find out more about his ministry see the following links: - This is his official website. - This is his official Facebook page where he posts daily Gospel Reflections and interacts with his fans! Responsorial Second Reading Eph 1:17-23 Sunday Ascension of the Lord Acts 1:1-11 Ps 47:2-3,6-9 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 18th 19th 20th 21st 22nd 23rd Acts 19:1-8 Acts 20:17-27 Acts 20:28-38 Acts 22:30;23:6-11 Acts 25:13b-21 Acts 28:16-20,30-31 Ps 68:2-5d,6-7b Ps 68:10-11,20-21 Ps 68:29-30,33-36b Ps 16:1-2a,5,7-11 Ps 103:1-2,11-12,19-20b Ps 11:4-5,7 Acts 2:1-11 Ps 104:1,24,29-30,31,34 Next Sunday Pentecost Sunday Daily Readings Gospel Mk 16:15-20 Jn 16:29-33 Jn 17:1-11a Jn 17:11b-19 Jn 17:20-26 Jn 21:15-19 Jn 21:20-25 1 Cor12:3b-7,12-13 Jn 20:19-23 Come Celebrate Fr. John Robert is celebrating his 15th Anniversary of Ordination on Wednesday, May 27th. All are invited to come celebrate at the 6:30p.m. Mass and then continue the celebration at a wonderful Bar-B-Q dinner in the Great Hall. Baptisms for May 2, 2015 Elias Andres Acosta, son of Eugene & Carla Acosta Cristian Alexander Andrade, son of Alain & Lilia Andrade Samantha Beltran, daughter of Adam & Noelia Beltran Zachary Franco-Andres Camarena, son of Salvador Camarena & Mercedes Rodriguez Yaretzi Selene Chavarria, daughter of David Chavarria & Rocio Banuelos-Abarca Santiago Duran, son of Sergio & Leticia Duran Lily Jazlynn Esquivel, daughter of Julian & Liliana Esquivel Cataleya Grace & Ricky Garcia, children of Ricky & Melanie Ann Garcia Sofia Emma Garcia, daughter of Jose & Judith Garcia Larry Gonzalez, son of Jose Antonio & Lucia Gonzalez Ivan Alex Martinez, son of Juan & Patricia Martinez Juan Carlos Montero, son of Felipe Montero & Adela Frias Celeste Olmos Saldivar, daughter of Eduardo Olmos & Maria de Jesus Saldivar Adrienne Raeven Perez, daughter of Arnold & Mary Mylee Perez Cristobal & Neftaly Perez, children of Mauricio & Paula Perez Harold Humberto & Aaron Alberto Ramirez, children of Luis Ramirez & Brenda Rivera Sebastian Ramirez, son of Genaro & Melissa Ramirez Annalise Taylor & Kylie Elise Rangel, children of Josue & Vanessa Rangel Jazlynn Vanely Rivera, daughter of Jaime Rivera & Adriana Rodriguez Cristian Antonio Rosas, son of Christopher & Jessica Rosas Brianna Stephanie Sandoval, Angel Sandoval & Tomasa Martinez Natasha Tello Narez, daughter of Gerardo Tello & Patricia Narez Darwin Alexandros Ulloa, son of Darwin Ulloa & Abigail Hernandez Emanuel Vazquez, son of Alberto Vazquez & Herlinda Martinez Bryan Velez Ceballos, son of Agustin Velez & Maria del Carmen Ceballos Angel & Arely Villegas, children of Arturo & Teresa Villegas Ashley Zavala, daughter of Jose Hugo Zavala & Aurora Morado Pentecost Vigil Service Next Saturday, May 23rd We will have a special extended Mass next Saturday at the 4:30p.m. Mass in celebration of Pentecost . There will be extra readings, a Baptism and Confirmation. Mass will last until about 6:30p.m. Servicio de vigilia de Pentecostés, el próximo sábado en español El 23 de mayo, habrá una vigilia con el Santísimo Expuesto a las 8p.m.-12am celebrando Espiritu Santo. Vengan a celebrarlo. Parish Blood Drive, This Sunday , May 17th The blood drive will be this Sunday, May 17th in the parish hall from 9a.m.-3:30p.m. Please consider giving a small amount of time to save a life. There is always a critical shortage of blood. For more information call Colleen Schumacher, 817-249-5944. Men’s Pancake Breakfast This Weekend, Sunday, May 17th Support our men as they cook breakfast from 10a.m.-2 p.m. in the Great Hall this Sunday, May 17th. They will be cooking pancakes, eggs, meat, breakfast tacos, and beverages. Vocation Awareness Program on June 26-28, 2015 at the University of Dallas. This weekend is completely free for participants (ages 18 to 40) with no pressure or obligation to pursue any particular vocation or follow-up activity. A wonderful opportunity for questions and discernment! Special Collection This Weekend for the Catholic Communication Campaign Your contributions help the Catholic Communication Campaign to share our experience of faith, worship, and witness with the world. Half of your donations stays in the diocese to support local communications projects. TE INVITAMOS AL PROXIMO CURSO DE NUEVA VIDA AQUI EN NUESTRA PARROQUIA DE ST BART’S, LOS DIA VIERNES 29 DE MAYO DE 7.PM---9.PM, SABADO 30 DE MAYO DE 8.AM---9:30.PM Y DOMINGO 31 DE MAYO DE 8.AM---4.PM PARA MAS INFORMACION DE LLAMAR A NENA PARRA AL 682-472-7129 O MARTHA HDNZ AL 817-938-9590 Las Oficinas de Matrimonio y Vida Familiar y el Ministerio Hispano tendrán una Conferencia Bilingüe Vida Familiar el Sábado, 20 de junio 2015 en la Nolan Catholic High School en Fort Worth de 9 am. a 5 pm. El tema de la conferencia será “El amor es Nuestra Misión: La Familia Plenamente Viva”. Este evento familiar ofrecerá oportunidades para compartir la fe con toda la familia, una serie de charlas cortas para niños y adultos, tiempos de descanso, la comida, un espectáculo de magia, y la Misa. Los boletos cuestan $ 25 por persona o $ 40 por familia, y se pueden comprar en la Coffee and Donuts next weekend after the 9a.m. and 11a.m. Masses. Support the Men’s Pancake Breakfast this weekend. If you would like to volunteer to help with Coffee and Donuts call Shane Chubbs at 214-914-5636 BULLETIN DEADLINE THIS WEEK: WEDNESDAY, 10a.m. Sacrament of Baptism (newborns - age 6): Parents requesting the Sacrament of Baptism should be either living within parish boundaries or be registered in the parish. Parents and godparents are expected to attend a baptism class for an infant to be baptized. Parents are required to bring a signed photocopy of the child’s state-registered birth certificate to the baptism class. Godparents who are not registered at St. Bartholomew must provide a letter from their parish which verifies that they meet the godparent requirements. All paperwork must be turned into the office before scheduling your child’s baptism date. The next class will be 7 p.m. on Thursday, June 11th in the church hall. Call the office to sign up for this class. Parents also need to call the office if you need to use the nursery while attending this class. For more information, call Art and Cecilia Villa 817-292-3897. The next English Baptism ceremony will be Saturday, June 6th at 10 a.m. in the church for those who have attended the class. Sacramento del Bautismo (Recién nacidos hasta 6 años): Los padres que soliciten el bautismo deben vivir dentro de los límites de la parroquia o ser miembros registrados. Los papas y los padrinos deben asistir a una clase pre-bautismales. Por favor pase a la oficina parroquial para obtener el paquete con la información y formas necesarias antes de asistir a la clase pre-bautismal. Los padrinos que no estén registrados en San Bartolomé deben proporcionar una carta de su parroquia en donde verifique que están registrados y que cumplen con los requisitos para ser padrinos. Necesita entregar una fotocopia del certificado de nacimiento del bebe emitido por el estado. La próxima clase de bautismo en español será en el edificio de la iglesia, el jueves 21 de mayo a las 7 p.m. Si no trae todos los documentos necesarios no podrá tomar la clase. Habrá cuidado de niños disponible. Los bautismos en español se realizan el primer sábado de cada mes a las 11 a.m. La próxima fecha para bautismo en español será sábado, junio 6 a 11 a.m., en la iglesia. Sacrament of Confirmation: Students wishing to prepare for this Sacrament must be in 11th grade and are expected to be in religious education (i.e. YSN, bible study or religion class at school) for one year before registering for Confirmation. Anew class will be starting in August. Para la Confirmación el próximo año, se va a requerir un año de educación religiosa (YSN) antes de inscribirse para la Confirmación. Un adolescente que necesita recibir la Confirmación y las clases posteriores debe inscribirse y asistir regularmente al programa YSN un año previo a las clases de Confirmación. Sacrament of Matrimony: Please call Deacon Gary Brooks at least six months before you wish to marry. Sacrament of Reconciliation/Confesiones: Saturday: 3-4 p.m. in the chapel. YOUNG ADULT MINISTRY (YAM) NEWS We will continue our study of six underlying principles found in the Magi Story (Matthew 2:1-12) that serve as the foundation of prayer and service in our lives. May 21- How to give from our treasures and blessings May 28 Our monthly social event with be a group trip the Texas Rangers-Boston Red Sox baseball game, 7:05. We will meet at Sherlock's Baker St. Pub and Grill, 254 Lincoln Square, Arlington at 5:45, eat, and ride the shuttle to the game or you can get your tickets ahead of time and meet us at the stadium. Please RVSP by our YAM meeting Thursday, May 21 or contact Blanca 682-241-4043, Jimmy 817-307-5415 or John 817-791-4630 . All 18-35 year olds are invited to join us on Thursdays at 7p.m. in the Parish Life Center. Check us out on the St. Bart’s Website. It’s a great way to Young Catholic Professionals Fort Worth Chapter Executive Speaker Series: Featuring Flip Howard, CEO of Meridian Business Centers St. Patrick Cathedral Pastoral Center Tuesday, May 19th, 7:00pm-9:00pm All young professionals in their 20s and 30s are Welcome. FREE wine, beer, & appetizers For more information visit: Knights of Columbus Council #2813 Monday, May 25th— Memorial Day Annual Patriotic Rosary at 7:00p.m. at St. Francis Village. . Tuesday, May 26th - Presbyterian Night Shelter Sandwich Making Evening at 7p.m. at St. Francis Village OPEN YOUR HEART AND HOME to a Christian exchange student from Germany & Spain for the coming 2015-2016 school year Volunteer host families (with or without children) as well as single people are needed to provide food, a bed and a loving home for the coming school year, one or two semesters, starting in August. EMF students have medical insurance, spending money for their personal expenses and expect to share their host family’s daily life including household responsibilities. They speak English, are well-screened and eager to experience life in America. Their stay here is sponsored and supervised by EMF (Educational Merit Foundation), a nonprofit, educational exchange program. It is not too late to apply. For more information on EMF students, please call Marie -Claude Dijoud now at 1-800-467-8363 or visit our web site at Don’t forget to Register your Kroger Plus Card. Get a Kroger Plus Card at the store. Then go to, sign into your account or create one. Go to Community Rewards, SVPD organization # 94395, then SVPD– St. Bart’s Conference and save. NO olviden de registrar su tarjeta de Kroger Plus Card. Obtén una tarjeta de Kroger Plus Card en la tienda. Después ve al, entra a tu cuenta o crea una. Vete a Go to Community Rewards, SVPD organization # 94395, then SVPD- St. Bart’s Conference y salvalo. COUNSELING SERVICES AT ST. BARTHOLOMEW’S CHURCH Pamela Stuntz Ph.D., LMFT-Associate is partnering with St. Bartholomew’s church to provide affordable counseling to children, adolescents, adults, couples and families through sliding scale counseling based on family household and income. Pamela Stuntz has been a member of the parish since 1986, earning her Ph.D. from TCU in Behavioral Neuroscience where she taught for 12 years before earning her counseling credentials from Texas Wesleyan. St. Bartholomew’s church is generously providing office space in room 19 of the Church Building for Pamela Stuntz Counseling LLC, which is a private practice, and she is not in the employ of the church or the diocese. Pamela Stuntz Counseling LLC will open May 20th for appointments. For more information, please call (817) 253-2013 or email at [email protected] The Catholic Campus Ministry at UT Arlington is having a Garage Sale June 5-6. All proceeds go to support our Awakening Retre at program. The more funds we raise the more affordable this life changing retreat is for the students of UTA and TCC. We are accepting donations now. For more information please call Jeff Hedglen at 817-320-2014. Pick up of donations can be arranged. Donations may be dropped off at the campus center at 1010 Benge 76013 Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 1:00-5:00. Activities of the Hispanic Prayer Group May 22: Este Viernes 22 de mayo en el Grupo de Oracion San Miguel Arcangel se compartiran los evangelios.Si te gustaria escuchar mas de la Palabra de Dios, No faltes! QUIET TIME AT MONTSERRAT! The Montserrat Jesuit Retreat Center weekends this year are: Men (in English): Thursday May 21 – Sunday May 24 For information and registration go to Staff Welcome Newcomers Joel & Melisa Jones Elly Myers Fr. John Robert Skeldon, Pastor Byron & Melissa Lopez Fr. Hector Medina, Parochial Vicar Gary Brooks, Deacon Pastoral Associate, [email protected] Reyes Tello Jr, Deacon John Coe, Deacon Sister Yolanda Pineda, MCSH Coordinator of Hispanic Ministry Camp Fort Worth We only have 8 slots for each camp. They are filling up fast. Sign Up Soon! Two Camps: June 21-26 at St. Mary in Gainesville and July 19-24 at St. Vincent de Paul in Arlington. This is a time for incoming 10th graders thru graduated seniors to encounter the Father’s love as never before through service work, Mass, friendship, prayer, praise and worship, and contact with the poor of our diocese. The cost is $101 and as always don’t let cost keep you from coming, scholarship money is available. See Eric for more info and forms. DCYC July 10-12 for High School Youth only. The Annual Diocesan Catholic Youth Conference is a dynamic weekend for youth that offers a variety of exciting opportunities such as: keynote presentations from nationally known speakers, workshops to deepen faith and build life skills, a music ministry pre-conference, hands on activities, service experiences, games, dancing, karaoke, and Sunday Mass with a thousand other Catholic youth. Cost is $110, assistance is available to help with the cost. Registration Deadline: May 22 for Early Bird Rate! Weekly Collection Summary: Week Ended : 5/10/2015 On-Site Donations Faith Direct Budgeted Over (Under) Year To Date: 45wks 24,883 8,203 23,673 1,210 Expenses week of 5/03/2015-5/09/2015: $21,007 Month of April: Actual: $165,208 Budgeted: $114,249 Attendance: 2,651 1,116,975 73,853 1,090,285 100,543 Parish Office: 817-292-7703 FAX Number: 817-292-2568 Office Hours: Monday-Thursday: 9 a.m.-8:00p.m. Friday: 9a.m.-2p.m. Sunday: 9a.m.-3p.m. E-mail: [email protected] Website: Deacon Brooks’ Residence: 817-238-1869 Office Staff: 817-292-7703 Linda Dinsmore, Office Manager Olivia DeLeon, Bookkeeper (Bilingual) Karen Amaya , Secretary (Bilingual) Bertha Olmos, Secretary (Bilingual) Maria Keña Rivera, Secretary (Bilingual) Marie Tamulevicz, Secretary Lenora Thompson, Secretary/Data Entry Communications Director & Facilities Coordinator: Cheryl Brooks: 817-292-7703 e-mail: [email protected] Director of Religious Education Charlie Gappa: 817-966-2378 CCD Office: 817-288-4005 CCD E-mail: [email protected] Maintenance Dan Patterson: 817-361-8720 Minister of Music Michael Sawey: 817-292-7703 e-mail: [email protected] Nursery Director Teri Kolodechik: 817-292-8748 Youth Minister Eric Hernandez: 817-480-5471 e-mail: [email protected] Annulments Deacon Gary Brooks Ministry to the Sick Pat Ward: 817-294-0954 Call Pat or the parish office for hospital or home visits. On Sundays the Eucharist will be brought to those who desire it. Prison Ministry Ed Brady: 817-309-3302 Service Committee: Call Cheryl Brooks at the Office Spanish Marriage Enrichment: Abel & Bertha Olmos: 817-201-6336 St. Vincent de Paul Society Food Pantry: 817-361-8420 Hours: MWF, 1-4 p.m.; Th,6:00-8:00p.m. Sat, 9-11 a.m.; Tues & Sun--closed Thank you to all who are making electronic contributions through Faith Dire your banking institution. Please be advised that you will no longer be receivi envelopes through the mail from Cathedral Corporation after May. Be assur that you are still an active registered member of the parish.
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