WHAT’S NEW IN THE KINGDOM OF CHRIST Sunday, January 18 10:00 AM - Little People’s Church CCD/PREP following 10 AM Mass Monday, January 19 School and Rectory Office Closed 8:00 PM - Jackpot Tuesday, January 20 5:00 PM - Exposition of Blessed Sacrament 6:45 PM - Rosary & Miraculous Medal Novena 7:00 PM - Boy/Cub Scouts (Hall) 7:30 PM - Basket Extravaganza Meeting (Parish Conference Room) Wednesday, January 21 6:15 PM - Junior Girl Scouts 7:00 PM - Choir 7:00 PM - Public Service Area PSA #2 ( Library) Thursday, January 22 6:00 PM - Daisy Scouts (Art Room) 1:00 PM - CTK Senior Citizen Club (Hall) 7:00 PM - Finance Council Meeting (Parish Conference Room) Friday, January 23 6 PM – 10 PM Coach Bingo (Sold Out) Doors Open 6 PM – First game begins at 7 Sunday, January 25 Catholic Relief Services Collection “Catholic Schools Week” begins School Open House 9AM – 1PM NO Little People’s Church NO CCD/PREP SAVE THE DATE! BASKET EXTRAVAGANZA Our 7th Annual Basket Extravaganza is February 21, 2015. More details to follow. SCHOOL & RECTORY CLOSED In Honor of Dr. Martin Luther King our school and rectory offices will be closed Monday, January 19th. We will have Monday night Jackpot. Be sure to have your tickets in the hall by 7:30 PM. Please DO NOT put your jackpot tickets in the church collection this weekend!! Thank you! DEATHS – Sympathy and prayers to the families and friends of Betty Insana and Louis Kosman Sr. (husband to Genevieve). May they rest in peace. SERIOUSLY ILL- Please pray for Karen Agneta, William Allen, Charles Ameylick, Bryan Anderson, Betty Anslick, Michele Assenza, Monnie Betz, Joan Binni, Jean Bottomley, Gertrude Brown, Jean Marie Byles, Teodora Campbell, Bridget Carey, Austin Caucci, Kathleen Ciletta, Kathy Cilingin, Christopher Conner, Jimmy & Kathleen Cook, Kevin Cook, Lisa Costello, John & Josephine Cramutola, Betsy Creskoff, Demaurio Cruz, Drew Deal, Michele Dehel, Abby Drozd, Dot Dzikowski, Kathy Eccleston, Karen Engineer, Paul Fenn, 3rd, Joan Fitzhenry, Kathleen Foley, Jim Galen, Lennon Marie Galloway, Jean Gilroy, Linda Glenn, Jacqueline Gregory, Pat Griffith, Len Hackimer, Bryan Hoch, Chrissy Hildebrand, Ray Kashow, Shawn Johnson, Lisa Keezer, Bob Ketler, Gil Ketler, Anne Leonard, Angela Lerro, Rob Loftus, Gertrude Lory, Patti Lucas, Carol Malone, Walter Marchowsky, Isabella McClintock, Laraine McKee, Jim McMahon, Jim McMahon, Jr., Ronald Muffett, John Nicklous, Marlene Nucero, Lynn O’Brien, Dolly Olewnik, Jackie Olinger, David Naylor, Sharon O’Neill, Mary Ruth Palmer, Jr, Brendan Parsons, Pat Patkus, Alec Perusich, Antoniette Picklo, Kathleen Pisacano, Dominick Pietrafesa, Angelique Preimus, Genevieve Querin, Joan Recigno, Kathy Reed, Norbet Rix, Amy Rudnitskas, Jerry S., Matthew Scannapieco, Jacqueline Seybert, Tom and Patti Sickel, Margaret Smack, Raymond Smith, Rosalie Smith, Colleen Stewart, Jeannette Swierz, Patrick Trombetta, Mike Unger, Ursula Unger, Mary Kay Valley, Marie Vendetti, Jack Walsh, Mary D.Walsh, Stephanie Yost. CASINO TRIP Christ the King Seniors is hosting a Casino trip to the Resorts Casino. Trip is Monday, January 26th. The cost is $18 get back $25. Call Peg Kashow now @215-612-0253 to reserve your seat. Seats fill up quickly. 150-ctk-page1 SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME JANUARY 18, 2015 Dear Friends, The Ordinary Time of the Church Year has begun. Besides the times of the year that have their own distinctive character----Advent, Christmas, Lent and Easter---there remains in the yearly cycle thirty three or thirty four weeks in which no particular aspect of the mystery of Christ is celebrated. In this period known as Ordinary Time, the mystery of Christ itself is celebrated, especially on Sundays. Throughout most of the Ordinary Time this year, our Sunday gospels readings will be from the Gospel of Mark. Forty parishioners attended our Annual Parish Retreat Day at the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament Motherhouse this Saturday. Our retreat director was a veteran Mission Preacher, Redemptorist priest, John McGowan. He’s a regularly scheduled preacher who is based in the Redemptorist retreat House at the Jersey Shore in Long Branch, NJ. If you ever have the opportunity to go to Long Branch for a retreat or day of recollection, don’t miss it. Thanks to Rich Green and the Adult Faith Formation team for coordinating the effort. We haven’t had a Parish Mission for a couple of years. You may remember that in our Anniversary year, Msgr Daniel Sullivan was scheduled to return for a mission. He had been extremely popular and effective with his stories that he was proud to say would make us laugh and cry. Six weeks before he was to return here, he died of a sudden heart attack. We were able to get the Archdiocesan priest and former Malvern retreat director, Father Dennis O’Donnell, to fill in for him. I’m happy to report that we have a Mission scheduled for next February during Lent. Another Redemptorist, Father Maurice Nutt, has agreed to be with us. He is well known nationally as a preacher and retreat director. Presently he is the Director of the Institute for Black Catholics at Xavier University in New Orleans. He’s had a couple of priests retreats that I was able to attend. I’m thrilled he’ll be able to bring his “spirit led and bible fed” presentation style to us next year. In the past few months, we’ve converted an unused first floor school classroom into a Parish Conference Room. For years, we’ve used the first floor of one of the rectory houses for parish meetings. Generally it was acceptable but at times it was not. The empty classroom gave us the opportunity to make the adaptation. Besides the large conference table with comfortable chairs, we were able to install a whiteboard that enables us to make audio-video presentations. We’ve also hung the parish mission statement, liturgical banners, a beautiful Last Supper mosaic and collages of many parishioners and parish activities. A number of parish groups have met in there already. At this past week’s Pastoral Council meeting, we were able to show a video promoting the World Meeting of Families and a slide presentaion on a survey by an American diocese of active and inactive Catholics. Special thanks to Dan Kearns, an Archdiocesan Media consultant our parishioner John Semon and Pat Salera, our Parish Business Manager, for making it possible. I’m a week into an online course on American Church History. The first chat room is the night after this writing. I’ll let you know how I did. The first week’ readings center on Catholic beginings in the Colonies and right after the Revolutionary War. Establishments of the Diocese of Boston, New York, Philadelphia and Bardstown Kentucky come next in 1808 followed by the wave of immigrants from Europe in the early 19th Century. Baltimore was the first American diocese founded in 1789. Monday is the National Holiday in honor of Dr Martin Luther King Jr. It might be a good day to see the current movie “Selma”. May the New Year of 2015 be a blessing for us all! 150-ctk-page-2 MASSES FOR THE WEEK OF January 18, 2015 NO 6:30 Masses 10:00 AM Margaret Callahan 12:00 PM Steven J. Shaw SUNDAY MONDAY 8:00 AM Rev. James Bradley (9th Anniv.) TUESDAY 8:00 AM George Rotzal WEDNESDAY 8:00 AM THURSDAY 8:00 AM Communion Service 8:00 AM George Horn SATURDAY 8:00 AM 5:00 PM James Griffin Susan Fisher 8:00 AM Donald Aglira 10:00 PM Susan Meehan Fisher MASS BOOK 2016 The Mass Book for 2016 will open on Wednesday, February 11th. You may come to the rectory 8:3011:30 AM or 12:30-2:30 PM to request announced Masses for 2016. GOD’S PLAN FOR GIVING 2 nd The Meaning of Human Sexuality The tangible, earthly, corporeal world is more than inert matter or modeling clay for the human will. Creation is sacred. It has sacramental meaning. It reflects God's glory. That includes our bodies. Our sexuality has the power to procreate, and shares in the dignity of being created in the image of God. We need to live accordingly. Theresa Jackson FRIDAY SUNDAY JANUARY January 11, 2015 365 Envelopes Sunday, January 2014 $9,759 The next Book Club meeting is Wednesday, January 28, 2015 to discuss Orphan Train by Christine Baker Kline. Orphan Train is this year’s One Philadelphia, One Book selection. You can find background information and a list of activities planned citywide through the Free Library’s website at www.freelibrary.org Please feel free to call Fran Williams (215) 632-1144 or Shannon Clark (215) 281-1156 if you have any questions. CHRIST THE KING WEEKLY JACKPOT Monday, January 12, 2015 WINNING NUMBERS 5 8 11 16 30 NO JACKPOT WINNER $11,469 Consolation Prize Winners 2 Winners - $250 each Add’l Christmas 2014 556 Total Envelopes Christmas Total to date $195 $43,380 Winners Sellers Paul W. Bob Bonner, Jr. Cathy G. Carl Malitsky NEXT DRAWING IS How shall I make a return to the Lord For all the Good He has done for me Monday, January 19, 2015 $32,000 150-ctk-page-3 PAUSE FOR PRAYER CATHOLIC SCHOOLS WEEK JANUARY 25 – 31, 2015 Next week begins Catholic Schools Week. Our theme this year is “Communities of Faith, Knowledge and Service”. We will have Open house from 9 AM to 1 PM on Sunday, January 25th. Please join our open house after all Masses next week and experience the many things happening at Christ the King School. SCHOOL REGISTRATION INFORMATION Re-Registration for current students of CTK School will be from Thursday, February 5, 2015 to Friday, April 24, 2015. Registration for new students begins on Thursday, March 5, 2015. Registration for Kindergarten and Pre- School students of registered parish families and current school families begins on Thursday, February 5th. (A) Please note that a non-refundable $50 registration fee per child will be required at the time of registration. A $100 non-refundable tuition down payment per family is also due at registration. The tuition down payment will be deducted from next years tuition. (B) In order to re-register all tuition must be current to the end of January. CHILDRENS SCHOLARSHIP FUND OF PHILADELPHIA RELIC OF ST. JOHN PAUL II St. Adalbert Church (2645 East Allegheny Avenue Phila. 19134) On February 1, 2015 at the 10:30 AM Mass will present the Relic of St. John Paul II for public adoration. Their church will be the permanent home for his relic. The main celebrant will be Archbishop Charles Chaput,OFM, Cap The applications may be completed and/or downloaded on our website at www.csfphiladelphia.org Apply now!! To be eligible, families must: meet income requirements, be residents of Philadelphia, have a child entering grades K-8th and complete the required essay. (These essays are not judged). The applications may be copied and the submission deadline is March 1, 2015. Please note they we will process and enter your scholarship into a lottery with the first 10,000 applications received. Families who are awarded scholarship opportunities will be notified by mail in mid-March. 150-ctk-page-4 Engaged couples planning a church wedding at CTK or another parish church in 2015 are reminded that the parish PreCana program is scheduled for Friday evening, 1/30/15, and Saturday, 1/31/15, at CTK Convent. Please contact Rich Green for information or registration at [email protected] THANK YOU! Special thanks to CYO for helping take down the Christmas decorations in church. They did a stupendous job. PUBLIC SERVICE AREA (PSA #2) Join us to discuss concerns & implement joint training & problem solving strategies for a safer neighborhood. Next meeting is Wednesday, January 21, 2015 at 7 PM in the school library. CAREGIVERS MEETING St. Katherine of Siena – 9700 Frankford Ave. The Center, McBride Hall, Large Meeting Room from 7 PM – 9PM weather permitting on Thursday, January 29, 2015. The purpose of this group is to provide support, information and fellowship for those providing support of any kind for their dependent family member. For information call Kathy J. 215-632-4015 or 215-512-2210. MARRIED COUPLES MASS Annual Married Couples Mass and Social is Saturday, February 7, at the 5 PM Saturday Vigil Mass. Celebrate Mass with your spouse and receive a special blessing! Father Callahan will be the celebrant. Immediately following Mass, there will be a light social in the parish hall. Families are welcome! Registration is required. Married Couples Mass and Social Please return registration form to Rectory or send email to [email protected] by February 1, 2015 First & Last Names of Couple: __________________________________________ Number of Years Married: _________ Phone Number: ______________________ Check one of the following: _____ We will ONLY be attending the Mass. _____ We will attend the Mass and Social (Number of Adults: _____ Number of Children: _____) CRAFT FAIR Christ the King Craft Fair is being sponsored by the Ladies Auxiliary in CTK church hall on Sunday, March 22, 2015 from 8:00 AM – 2:00 PM. Vendors are needed. Cost is $20. For information or to reserve a table call Dolly 215-632-1772. FUEL ASSISTANCE PROGRAM The Pennsylvania Home Heating Fuel Assistance Rebate Program (LIHEAP) is now in progress. This Fuel Assistance Program is available to people of all ages within the income guidelines. Call United Social Services at (215) 923-1900 Monday through Friday between 9AM - 4PM. A staff worker will explain the eligibility requirements, answer your questions and assistyou in completing an application. This grant is provided to all who qualify and does not have to be repaid. All inquiries are strictly confidential. SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month at 1:00 PM. Please call the Rectory to begin preparation. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Confessions every Saturday 3:30 to 4:30 PM SACRAMENT OF SICK Please keep us informed that we might minister to those who are ill at home, in the hospital or nursing home. DEVOTIONS Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament every Tuesday 5:00 PM. Rosary devotions and Miraculous Medal Novena with Benediction at 6:45 PM. Charismatic Prayer Group every Thursday at 8:15 PM 150-ctk-page-5
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