St. Philip the Apostle, Finchley Church End Priests House, Gravel Hill, London N3 3RJ Tel: (020) 8346 2459 E-mail: [email protected] @StPhilFinchley Service Times this week Sunday Masses: Saturday: 6:30pm Sunday: 8:30am 10:00am (Sung) 12 noon (Family) Mass in Polish: 6:30pm (Sunday). Weekday Masses: 10:00am (Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri & Sat) Evening Mass: No weekday evening Masses this week Confessions: Saturday 10:30-10:55am; 5:45-6:15pm. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament: Sat. 10:30-11am. Christmas Collection: envelopes £1340.30; Loose: £2055.06; total: £3395.96. Last Sunday’s Collection: envelopes: £918.95; loose: £475.98; total: £1394.93. Thank you. [WRCDT Reg. Charity no. 233699] Epiphany of the Lord – Page 49 Dear Parishioners, Today’s Solemnity of the Epiphany celebrates the revelation of our Saviour to the nations. The wise men used their particular gifts to recognise a sign that prompted them to search for the new-born King. The effort that they made led them to their reward. God provides each of us with the means to recognise the signs of his presence. It is up to each one of us to find our own particular ‘star’ and to follow it in the direction where God leads us and for which he offers us his grace. May I take this opportunity of thanking you for all of your Christmas cards, gifts and good wishes, which have been very much appreciated. May God bless you, and all those who are dear to you, in the coming year, Fr John Dermody. Crib Offerings – Offerings placed in the candle stand next to the crib will be donated to the Catholic Children’s Society (Westminster) which provides services for children and families from underprivileged backgrounds in the diocese. For more information about their work, visit Please place money for candles in one of the boxes elsewhere in the church. Funeral, Catherine Sebastian R.I.P. – The 10 a.m. Mass this Monday (5th January) is the Funeral Mass for Catherine Sebastian. May she rest in peace. Synod on the Family – In his Pastoral Letter last week, Cardinal Vincent introduced a period of ‘spiritual discernment’ in preparation for the Synod in October. You can access the reflection document issued by the Bishops, find out how to respond to it, and read the Cardinal’s letter online, using the following link: Divine Mercy devotion at St Philip’s takes place on the first Sunday of every month at 3pm. White Flower Appeal – Next Sunday (11th January) we have the annual collection for the Society for the Protection of Unborn Children. Night Shelter – Many thanks to all those who have helped with the Night Shelter project. The guests asked for a particular word of thanks for the Confirmation candidates who provided gifts for them before Christmas which they found both thoughtful and useful. This coming Friday will be our last session before a new group of venues takes over. If you have prepared meals, or had any other expenses in relation to the Shelter, please let us have the details so that you can be reimbursed. Confirmation 2015 – The Confirmation group have their next session on Saturday (10th January) at 4:45pm. This year’s Confirmation Mass will be on Sunday 26th April at 3pm. The Sacrament is to be administered by Canon Colin Davies who has been appointed Episcopal Vicar for this part of London. First Holy Communion 2015 – There is a meeting on Thursday (8th January) at 7:30pm in the Parish Centre for the parents of children preparing for First Holy Communion. The children have another workshop on Saturday at 11 a.m. Thanksgiving Mass for the Sacrament of Matrimony, Saturday 23rd May, 3pm, at Westminster Cathedral. Cardinal Vincent will be inviting to this celebration couples who are celebrating during 2015 the 10th, 25th, 30th, 40th or 50th anniversary of their marriage, and any couples married 60 years or more. If you would like to attend, please let us have your names, the date of your wedding, your full postal address and email address or phone number. Planned Giving envelopes – The purpose of Planned Giving envelopes is that you should give a regular amount to the parish each week. Each envelope is dated for that purpose. If you find that you are using out-of-date envelopes, please see if there is a fresh supply waiting for you on the table in the main porch. If you would like to start using envelopes for your weekly offering, please complete one of the pledge cards. If you are a tax-payer and have not yet made a Gift Aid declaration, please complete one of the forms on the table. Baptism Preparation – The next session for parents will be on Thursday 22nd January at 8pm. Ecumenical Pilgrim Prayer this month at the Quakers in Alexandra Grove, N12, on Wednesday 7th January at 8pm. Everyone is welcome. Helpers of God’s Precious Infants – Processional Prayer Vigil, Saturday 10th January, Our Lady of the Rosary Church, 6 Knowle Close, Brixton Road, SW9. Mass at 9am, followed by procession to Marie Stopes Brixton Centre, returning for shared lunch. See poster or If you are admitted to hospital, and you would like to see a Catholic Chaplain, data protection rules require you to tell the hospital staff, firstly, that you wish your details to be passed to the RC Chaplain and, secondly, that you would like the RC Chaplain to visit you. Polish Services – Information is available on the Polishlanguage website, or e-mail [email protected] or phone (020) 8371 0189. There is a Lost Property Box under the table in the main porch. Have you checked it recently? Altar Servers – We are in need of altar servers, especially for the 8:30 Sunday Mass. Any boy or girl who has made their First Holy Communion can join the team. Fill in the details on one of the white forms in the rack in the main porch. The SVP are distributing 10,000 Vinnie Packs containing cold weather essentials to the homeless this winter. They would be grateful if you could sponsor packs at a suggested donation of £3 per pack. Donations can be sent to Vinnie Packs, PO Box 72264, London SW1P 9EZ with cheques made out to SVP or go to and type "Vinnie Packs" into the sponsor a friend box. If you have a query, please email [email protected]. Thank you for your support. If you have a Missio Red Box that needs emptying, please bring it to the Priests House. Emptied boxes are available in the repository. Please ensure your box is marked with your name and contact details. St Philip’s has been designated a Fair Trade parish. Where possible, all tea and coffee should carry the Fair Trade logo. Catholic Singles is an organisation which helps single adult Catholics of all ages meet, either one to one or through social events. Tel. 0161 941 3498, visit or email [email protected] Homeless Action in Barnet (HAB) – The monthly collection of food, clothes and toiletries for the homeless takes place on the last weekend of every month. Please place your offerings in one of the boxes provided as you enter the church. Currently, HAB need men’s socks/underpants, coffee, fruit, veg, soap, razors/shave foam. Follow Me – Have you missed the opportunity of receiving Sacraments at the time your contemporaries were receiving them? Do you know of others who have come to regret not keeping up with Sacraments? Our Follow Me course may be what you need. For more information, speak to Fr John or Ify (07950 099735) or Sylvia ((020) 8346 0472). Irish dancing lessons for children at St Mary’s RC Hall, East Finchley. Adult ceili classes also available. Call Fiona 07985 415 421 or email [email protected]. Volunteering for overseas work? Need more cash for expenses? The Catenian Associations Bursary Fund offers grants to Catholics aged 16-24 for projects that have a clear benefit for others as well as widening life experience. Visit (click on Bursary) for more information, or contact Bill Lethorn – (020) 8349 9691 or [email protected]. Gift Aid – If you are a tax-payer and make regular contributions to the parish, by numbered envelope or bank standing order, we can reclaim the tax you have paid. All you have to do is complete a Gift Aid Declaration which you will find on the table in the main porch. The general rule is that you can currently make payments to charities under Gift Aid up to a total of four times the amount of tax you pay each year, and that can include Income Tax paid on earnings, pensions or savings income, as well as Capital Gains Tax. Gift Aid declarations remain valid indefinitely, until they are cancelled. Parish Registration – Have you registered with the Parish? Have you changed your address since you registered? It is helpful, if you need any kind of reference, if you are already on our parish database. If you need to register, or update your details, or are not sure, please complete a pink registration form available in the main porch. (Make a note on the top of the form if you are updating details.)
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