896 MAIN STREET MANCHESTER, CONNECTICUT TELEPHONE: (860) 643·4129 WWW.STJAMESMANCHESTER.ORG OFFICE HOURS: MONDAY – FRIDAY, 8:30AM – 3:00PM FATHER KEVIN P. CAVANAUGH, PASTOR FATHER MICHAEL T. CASEY, PAROCHIAL VICAR FATHER WILLIAM L. BURNS, IN RESIDENCE DEACON ALAN GERMAIN RELIGIOUS EDUCATION OFFICE & CONFIRMATION PROGRAM (860) 643·9605 Macy Jordan, Coordinator SAINT JAMES SCHOOL FOUNDATION, INC. www.stjamesschoolfoundation.com P.O. Box 254, Manchester, CT 06040-0254 SAINT JAMES SCHOOL 73 Park Street, Manchester (860) 643·5088 www.SaintJamesSchool.net Mrs. Patricia Kanute, Principal Pre-Kindergarten 85 Park Street, Manchester (860) 643-5088 SAINT VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY (860) 643·8445 MUSIC DIRECTOR Mrs. Kathryn Tabachnick (860) 646·8198 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Joe Congdon (860) 647-8927 www.kofc.org SACRAMENTS Baptism: contact the Parish Office for information Penance: (Confession): Saturdays 2– 3 p.m. , Thursday Mornings 7:15 a.m.-7:45 a.m. & Thursday Evenings before First Fridays 7p.m. – 8 p.m. Communion: (for parishioners who are homebound or hospitalized) contact the Parish Office Marriage: contact the Parish Office at least six months prior to possible date Priesthood: speak with one of our priests or visit www.vocationshartford.org Anointing of the Sick: contact the Rectory as soon as possible MASS SCHEDULE VIGIL FOR SUNDAY (SATURDAY EVENING) 4:00 PM SUNDAY 7:30 AM, 9:00 AM & 11:00 AM MONDAY 12:05 PM, TUESDAY—FRIDAY 8:00 AM SAINT JAMES Saturday, January 3 VIGIL MASS –THE EPIPHANY OF THE LORD 4:00 PM C. Donald Briggs III by Kevin Kenzenkovic & Noreen Shrugue Sunday, January 4– THE EPIPHANY OF THE LORD 7:30 AM Ann & Phil Sullivan St. & Phil Jr. 9:00 AM All past & present Donors to the Saint James School Foundation 11:00 AM Russell Wilson by the Kowalski & Dower families Monday, January 5 ST. JOHN NEUMANN, BISHOP 12:05 PM Leonid Gagnon by Angie D’Amato Tuesday, January 6 ST. ANDRÉ BESSETTE, RELIGIOUS 8:00 AM A Special Intention requested by Willy De Wednesday, January 7 ST. RAYMOND OF PENYAFORT 8:00 AM Phyllis Marion-Landais by Jim & Joanne Carlson Thursday, January 8 8:00 AM Lou Halpryn by his family Friday, January 9 8:00 AM—For the Parishioners of the Parish Saturday, January 10 2:00-3:00 PM - THE SACRAMENT OF CONFESSION VIGIL MASS –THE BAPTISM OF THE LORD 4:00 PM Evelyn & Peter Peila & Lucy & Tony Agostinelli by Mary Ann & Gerry Sunday, January 11– THE BAPTISM OF THE LORD 7:30 AM Mary Congdon by Pat & Joe Congdon 9:00 AM Mary Connolly by her family 11:00 AM the Schmitt, Franek & Merkle families by the family Readings for the Week of January 4, 2015 Sunday: Is 60:1-6/Eph 3:2-3a, 5-6/Mt 2:1-12 Monday: 1 Jn 3:22--4:6/Mt 4:12-17, 23-25 Tuesday: 1 Jn 4:7-10/Mk 6:34-44 Wednesday: 1 Jn 4:11-18/Mk 6:45-52 Thursday: 1 Jn 4:19--5:4/Lk 4:14-22a Friday: 1 Jn 5:5-13/Lk 5:12-16 Saturday: 1 Jn 5:14-21/Jn 3:22-30 MANCHESTER burns this week for the greater honor and glory of God and in memory of Frank Mikulski Religious Education Classes will meet on Sunday Morning from 10:00am to 10:50am. STORM CLOSING ANNOUNCEMENT if necessary will be posted on WFSB-TV Chanel 3. Please watch for the announcement, do not call the school or Church. CONFIRMATION 2016 (9TH GRADE) CLASS: will meet on Sunday, January 11th from 7:00-9:00pm in the Church Hall. The JANUARY MACC Food Collection will be held the weekend of January 10/11. There is a need for cereal, powdered milk, macaroni & cheese, baked beans, corn and canned meats (chili, ravioli, hash & spam). If you would like to make a monetary donation, please put money/check (payable to MACC Food Pantry) in an envelope marked “food collection” and drop it in the collection basket. Please leave food in church hall. COFFEE AND... in the church hall after all Sunday Masses this Sunday Please join us! You can also stop by the Crafters Boutique and help support our dedicated Crafters’ time and talent. The Saint James School Foundation Board Members will be hosting this month’s Coffee Hour. Would you or your organization like to host a Coffee Sunday? If so call Peg 646-1543. The Weekly total for December 21st totaled $9,571.50. The Christmas collection totaled $19,574. The collection total for December 28th & January 4th will be in next week’s bulletin due to the bulletin deadline. The 2nd collection next weekend is for the support or Saint James School. Thank you for your generosity. Saint James Church offers Online Giving. For additional information, or to sign up, visit our website at www.stjamesmanchester.org or call our Business Manager, Marisa at 860-643-4129. Please consider remembering Saint James Church or Saint James School in your Will. THE EPIPHANY OF THE LORD Christmas Thanks! Christmas at Saint James was beautiful – and I am deeply grateful to all who helped to make it so! Have you ever thought about the Priesthood? Do you know someone who would be a good Priest? For more information about priestly vocations speak with Fr. Cavanaugh, Fr. Casey or visit www.vocationshartford.org Saint James Circle of Love Prayer Line For more information or to add a prayer intention to the Saint James Circle of Love Prayer Line please call Jane Rossitto (649-6784) or Marcia Giglio (432-2527). Alpha Is Coming! Saint James Church will be offering the Alpha Course in January 2015. Did you participate in the last course? If so we need you! We are in need of many volunteers. There is something for everyone: kitchen help, group leaders and helpers, set up and clean up! The course will be offered on Wednesday nights and run for 10-weeks. If you are interested in helping or want more information, please email [email protected] or phone 860-627-8830. Watch the bulletin for our next meeting. Saint James Catholic Men’s Group: Saint James has started a Catholic Men’s group. This group aims at being a no strings attached way to learn more about the faith, meet the other men of the parish, and spend a little time in prayer. All men 18+ are welcome. We will meet every Saturday, starting January 17, 2015 from 7:00 am – 8:30 am. Feel free to attend weekly or only as often as you like. Doors open, with coffee and bagels ready to go at 6:45. Please contact Fr. Casey at the parish office with any questions. We look forward to seeing you there. The Knights of Columbus will be hosting a Basketball Free Throw Contest for boys and girls ages 10 -14 at St. James School Gym, 73 Park St. in Manchester on Saturday, January 10, 2015 from 1:30 - 3:30 p.m. Contestants will have 25 free throw attempts from the foul line to see who can make the most. Winners will move on to compete at District, Regional and State Championships. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Proof of age is required. For advanced registration and more information, please call Kevin McGuire at 860-432-8617 or E-mail:[email protected]. This event is FREE. To all who participated in our liturgies as Eucharistic ministers, readers, or altar servers; to our wonderful choir and musicians; to our sacristans, our ushers, our decorators, and our collection counters – my profound thanks! It’s easy to take for granted the tremendous effort that goes into preparing for and celebrating this beautiful holy day, and it’s important that we pause to acknowledge the dedication and devotion of so many who worked hard to make our celebration of Christ’s birth the glorious event it was. I am grateful to every person, parishioner and guest, who celebrated Mass here with us. Thank you for demonstrating your strong belief that gift exchanges, family dinners, parties, so many wonderful traditions, and even the visit from Santa – wonderful as all those celebrations of Christmas are – are don’t come close to taking the place of Christmas Mass. I particularly enjoyed seeing so many young people, home from college or from their jobs in other parts of the country, at Christmas Mass. It’s always a great pleasure to catch up with them and to learn what’s going on in their lives. I tell them that no matter where they are, they are always part of the Saint James family, and that we continue to pray for them and are always happy to welcome them home. Father Casey, Father Burns, Deacon Germain and I are grateful for your many expressions of caring, for your beautiful cards and family pictures, for so many generous gifts, and for your many kindnesses to us – not just at Christmas, but all through the year. Your support and your active participation in your parish means a great deal to us, and we thank you for all you do. May our Newborn King bless you and your family as we continue our Christmas celebration and start another new year! Service for Seniors Recently an exciting new ministry was introduced to our most senior parishioners. Service for Seniors is a free service intended to provide miscellaneous light home maintenance to parishioners who are either at least 80 years old or who are disabled and not physically or safely able to perform these tasks on their own. Eligible parishioners should have recently received a letter from Father explaining the program and encouraging them to take advantage of it. The program is being staffed and administered by our local Knights of Columbus Council 1155. If you are eligible and did not receive a letter, or you have a question about the program, please contact Gary Dahms at 860-647-8556, Joe Congdon at 860-6478927 or email us at [email protected]. JANUARY 4, 2015 Flower Donations were made by Jesuraj Joseph Samuvel for the health of all people and in loving memory of: —Mary Buckland & Sophie Bush by Ann Werkhoven —Paul Snyder by the Blackwell family —Leon & Rena Enderlin by their children —Howard & Marjorie Holmes, Ernest & Anne Manning by Richard & Susan Holmes —John F. Tierney —Frank & Marion Ronca by Josephine Ferlazo —Frank Ferlazo, Frank & Maria Ronca by Lori Dusza —Gille, Tootsie, Gary & Tom Asselin, Paul, Frances & —Josephine Baldi, Bea Sciacca & Jack & —Georgiana Garrett by Ed & Georgia Asselin —United States Servicemen by Robert & Margaret Mirante —Karolyn Hagearty by R. Hagearty —Sheila Tuller, James Peruccio, Mary Hastings, —Daniel Pandiscia by the Peruccio family —Francis Madden by Catherine Madden & family —Irene M. Mistretta, Joseph T. Mistretta by Michael Mistretta —Vera Migatz by Susan Hrubala —Ludwik & Mary Zapasnik, Anthony & Joanne Mikulski by Helen Mikulski —Zaremba, Panas, Kusmierski & Lane families —John & Julia Carter by Mary Jane Carter —Kevin Patrick Pelletier by Lew & Mary Ann Pelletier —Connors & Pelletier family by Lew & Mary Ann Pelletier —Roma King by Earl Parent —Family, Relatives & Friends by Jack S. Migliore —James Toner by M/M Delmas Nolin —M/M Emile St.Pierre by Robert St. Pierre —Francis Madden by Robert & Elizabeth March & family —Arlene St. Pierre by Robert St. Pierre —Rose L. Mendes by Margaret R. Stecko —Joseph Lawler by Mrs. Mary A. Lawler —Robert Williamee & Anne Williamee Fisher by Susan Boggini —Salvatore Fiorentino by Maria Fiorentino —Joseph & Mary Schauster by Richard & Marie Schauster —Lorraine Hall, Laura Larciprete, Mary Hussey, Earle & —Marie Biassey by Laura Hall —Frank Savino & son Johnny by their family —Deceased members of the Pelligrinelli family by Peg DeForge —Francis Madden by M/M Lawrence Oates —Burton & Gloria Hilton, Julia Carter by Paul & Melissa Sullivan and family —Stepanski, Joyce, Laliberte families by P. Stepanski —Burton & Gloria Hilton, Julia Carter by the Rang family —Sarah Lupacchino by John & Delia Skrainski —John Rivosa by Myrna Rivosa —Arthur J. Flynn Sr. by Ann Flynn (This concludes the flower donation list)
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