The Courier - South Frankfort Presbyterian Church

The Courier
South Frankfort Presbyterian Church
Our Vision: Seeking to be a living testimony
to God’s love, grace, and mercy
December 17, 2014
How blessed we were to have last week Tim Mallard and Debra Goins leading the
children and youth in their Christmas pageant. Since Christ came among us as a child at
Christmas, I believe we should pay special attention to children at Christmas. The children
of SFPC helped make Christmas for me, and I hope their leadership of worship had the same
effect on you as well. This coming Sunday another important Advent tradition awaits the
holiday worshipper at SFPC. The sanctuary choir will transport the hope of the Hebrew
prophets and the good news of Christ on the wings of songs. Christmas music is dearly
beloved by both faithful and occasional Christians and other people of good will. To
illustrate my point, try this simple exercise in the privacy of your home, office or car
(provided you are not presently driving!). Turn on your mental iPod, MP3 player, your
Sirius or Pandora play list and see how many Christmas songs/carols you can sing softly to
yourself…maybe you only know the first verse or part of a verse, or maybe the chorus
rattles around in your head this time of year or whistles off your tongue. Count them. I bet
you can come up with at least ten Christmas carols from church and culture. Music is the
transporter of the good news of the gospel during this season as no other. You don’t know
any Easter carols, or any Pentecost carols, now do you? You get my point. Christmas is
deeply embedded in our hearts, minds, souls and bones by its penetratingly beautiful music.
I would dare say you can quote more fragments of Christmas carols than Bible verses,
including the Ten Commandments and the Sermon on the Mount, catechism questions and
answers or passages from our wonderful PC(USA) Book of Confessions. Why is this the
case? Maybe it’s because music is a great aid in remembering words. I will leave it to
people with advanced degrees in psychology, education and musicology to know the whys,
but I know I’m thankful for the beauty, poetry, content and sounds of the season we share in
worship. See you in church…”there’s a song in the air!”. . . . David
On Christmas Eve at 6 p.m.
we will have our traditional
brief worship service of reading the
Christmas Story, Christmas Carols,
Communion and Candle Lighting. This
is a Christmas Eve tradition offered by
SFPC that it won’t be Christmas without.
Be there or be square. .David
Parent’s Night Out! Saturday, December 20th, from 5:00-8:00 p.m.
We will be hosting a parent’s night out. Drop off your kiddos while you grab a bite to eat or
finish up that last minute Christmas shopping. Kids birth-5th grade are invited. Children will
be provided dinner and have the opportunity to play games, make Christmas crafts, and
more! This is a fundraiser for Montreat Youth Conference. Donations Welcomed. RSVP
(not required but appreciated) to Jason at (502) 319-4298
or email [email protected].
Congratulations to Ryen and Sarah Greer
on the birth of their new baby girl,
Sarah Claire Greer,
born on Monday, December 15, 2014.
Sarah Claire is the granddaughter of Pat and Mike Greer.
South Frankfort Presbyterian Church
224 Steele Street
Frankfort, KY 40601
Return Service Requested
December 17, 2014
Medical transportation need? Please call Dorothy Alexander in advance at 695-0142.
Church Phones: 227-7401/227-7175 – e-mail [email protected] – Website:
Church Office Hours: Monday through Thursday – 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Aaron Cunningham, Choir Director; Roland Herzel, Organist
Cyndy Susan, Office Administrator – e-mail: [email protected];
Jo Ellen Seay, Bookkeeper; Katherine Rash and Sarah Tharpe, Nursery Workers;
Jason Shaw, Coordinator, Youth Education and Programs – e-mail: [email protected];
There will be no newsletter for the weeks of December 22 and December 29, 2014.
The next newsletter will be January 7, 2015. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, Jo Ellen and Cyndy.
Remembrance Trust Fund
In Memory of Eleanor Carroll . . . Glenda Harned
In Memory of Bob Gates . . .
B.J. Helton-Davis
In Memory of Mary Jernigan . . .
Karen Armstrong-Cummings, Rev. Mary Youoman
In Memory of Curt Livingston . . .
Karen Armstrong-Cummings
In Memory of Judge Henry Meigs . . .
Karen Armstrong-Cummings, B.J. Helton-Davis
In Memory of Ann Hall Taylor . . . Glenda Harned
A Big Thank You
On December 14 our congregation
and many visitors participated in a
very special worship service,
"Glory to God", led by our
youth. Many thanks to Tim Mallard and Debra Goins for their
work in planning the program,
coordinating with parents and children, teaching the
music, holding practice sessions,
and many other details that went
into this endeavor. We are very
blessed that they share their talents
with SFPC in this way. We also
want to thank our youth who
took part in this joyful service!
Alice Delambre
Christian Education Commitee
Dear Angels
of SFPC,
Heartfelt thanks to all
who purchased Christmas
gifts and paid for food
cards for children and
families of the Kings
Center through the
deacons' angel project.
Your generous sharing of
Christmas joy is a wonderful expression of love
for our neighbors and a
loving tribute to
Jimmie Haviland
Dates to Remember
Wednesday, December 17:
6:00 – Adult Choir rehearsal (sect. 6:00; full choir 7:00)
Saturday, December 20:
Blessings and joy to you
Parents Night Out
from the Deacons
Sunday, December 21, Fourth Sunday of Advent:
9:00 – Choir Rehearsal in Sanctuary
9:30 – Gospel Hymn Sing, SFPC Sanctuary
Church Matters
10:00 – Youth Sunday School classes/Children’s music
Deacons for the Month of December:
10:00 – Adult Sunday School classes meet.
Roland Herzel and Helen Taulbee
10:55 – Worship; Christmas music by SFPC Choir
Worship Sunday, December 14, 2014
Wednesday, December 24, Christmas Eve:
Operating Budget – $3,199.50
6:00 – Christmas Eve Candlelight Service in SFPC’s
Worship Attendance – 160
sanctuary (Nursery services will be available.)
Worship Sunday, December 21, 2014
11:00 – Christmas Eve Service at First Presbyterian
Liturgist: Jennifer Grisham-Brown
Church (Nursery services will be available.)
Greeters: Dick and Debbie Wilson
Saturday, December 27: No Weavings Group
Lighting of the Advent Wreath: Pastor David
Sunday, December 28:
Worship Sunday, December 28, 2014
9:30 – Gospel Hymn Sing, SFPC Sanctuary
Liturgist: Melissa Raine
10:15 – Choir Rehearsal in Choir Rm. Note changes.
Greeters: Jim and Nancey Belle Smith
10:00 – Youth Sunday School classes/Children’s music
Children’s Time: Margaret Townsley
10:00 – Adult Sunday School classes meet.
Worship Sunday, January 4, 2015
10:55 – Worship; Rev. Jim Garrett, “It Takes Your
Liturgist: Jack Tharpe
Breath Away.” Isaiah 61:10-62:3; Colossians 1:15-20.
Greeters: Tim and Ingeborg Pennington
Saturday, January 3:Weavings Group pgs.16-30
Children’s Time: Rob Moore
Sunday, January 4:
9:30 – Gospel Hymn Sing, SFPC Sanctuary
10:00 – Youth Sunday School classes/Children’s music Monday, January 5:
11:30 – Circle 1 meets at SFPC.
10:00 – Adult Sunday School classes meet.
Tuesday, January 6:
10:55 – Worship; Rev. Dr. David Wadsworth, “New
2:30 – Bible Study Group meets in the Curlin Rm.
Year, New You.” Ephesians 1:3-14;
6:30 – Circle 2 meets.
7:00 – Circle 3 meets at the home of C. Underwood.
12:10 – Christian Ed. Comm. meets, Fowler Room.
There will be no Circle 4 meeting in Jan.
5:00-7:00 – “Resolutions” SFPC Youth
The Church Office will be closed from December 23 through December 25
and from December 30 through January 1, 2015.