FOR YOUR PRAYERS: On the anniversary of their death, we remember with thanksgiving: DECEMBER: Freda Osgood (21); Iris Brooker (24); Marian Bailey (24); Rosa Jarman (27); Sylvia Cross (31); JANUARY: Gladys Hawthorn (2); Mary Postlethwaite (3); Those who are ill or in need: Joshua French; Maisy; Margaret Jack; Lottie Moss; Those who have died: Denis Stacey Those who have longer term need – Keith Barker; Graham Barker; Yvonne Collette; Valerie Hadley; Geoff Fletcher; Hazel Collier; King Charles the Martyr Church Christmas and New Year 2014/15 NOTICES: Sunday 21 December - Sunday 4 January 2015 The Prayer Chapel is always available for quiet and prayer. If you want anything prayed for in the coming week(s) please write details in the diary and there is also opportunity to light a candle for someone . . . . The Quiet Room is always available for youngsters and their parents Sunday 21 December Advent 4 9.15am Sung Eucharist Celebrant and Preacher: Canon Michael Burns Prayers: Canon Michael Burns Readings: 2 Samuel 7/1-11, 16 + Romans 16/25-end read by Penny Thomson; Luke 1/26-38 read by Trevor Alexander Introit Tell out my soul NEH 186 Gradual The Magnificat – all stand at the Gloria Offertory O come, O come Emmanuel NEH 11 Communion Blessed Jesu, Mary’s Son NEH 275 Anthem Ave Maria – Elgar Final Love divine all love’s excelling NEH 408 11.00am Morning Worship Nativity Play Welcome, Notices, Lighting of the 4th Candle and Opening Prayer Our Nativity Play with Carols Final Prayer and Blessing 4.30pm Our Service of Carols and Lessons followed by refreshments in the Hall. Retiring Collection: The Peace Hospice Monday 22 December 5.30pm Evening Prayer 6.00pm Wedding Rehearsal A VERY HAPPY CHRISTMAS and NEW YEAR to you all Tuesday 23 December 10.00am Holy Communion 10.30am Christingle construction in choir vestry 12.45pm Funeral Service for Denis Stacey Wednesday 24 December – Christmas Eve 4.00pm Crib Service 6.00pm Christingle Service 11.30pm Midnight Mass (Carols sung from 11pm) Thursday 25 December – Christmas Day 10.30am Christmas Day Communion (Children are encouraged to bring an opened present to show us) Saturday 27 December 12 noon Wedding of Martin Osborne and Hannah Schmitz Sunday 28 December 2014 – Christmas 1/Holy Innocents 10.30am United Service of Holy Communion President and Preacher: Canon Michael Burns Prayers: Jean Burt Readings: 1 Corinthians 1/26-29 (Robert Burt) + Matthew 2/13-end Introit: While Shepherds watched NEH 42 Gradual: Psalm 98 NEH 535 Offertory: The first Nowell NEH 36 Communion: Away in a Manger NEH 22 What child is this? NEH 40 Final: Joy to the world, the Lord has come! Let earth receive her king, Let every heart prepare him room And heaven and nature sing… Joy to the earth, the Saviour reigns! Let all their songs employ; While fields and flocks, rocks, hills and plains Repeat the sounding joy… He rules the world with truth and grace, And makes the nations prove The glories of his righteousness The wonders of his love… Tuesday 30 December 10am – 12 noon Working Party to begin to clear the Church No Services will be held during this coming week until Sunday 4 January 2015, when our normal 9.15am Sung Eucharist and 11am Morning Worship Services will take place HELP IS NEEDED, as listed on the purple sheet issued last week, as we prepare to move out of the Church after the services on Sunday 4 January. We would welcome help both on Tuesday 30 December at 10am as well as help after the final service on Sunday 4 January at 12 noon. Please sign the lists on the table at the back of the Church today. HELP IS NEEDED to set up the Main Hall each Saturday afternoon/early evening for our Sunday morning worship. Please sign the list today. FLOWERS have been donated by Dorothy Flude with thanks to the Flower Ladies for helping to make Hannah and Martin’s wedding so special. MANY THANKS to everyone who has been helping with all the work and organization that goes into our Christmas celebrations at KCM. Your work and support is appreciated by many people – and not least by Michael. CHRISTMAS CARDS – please do place your cards to other members of the Church in the usual place at the back of the Church and we invite you to leave a donation in lieu of postage for Crisis at Christmas. 2015 STEWARDSHIP GIVING ENVELOPES: If you would like to have a set of these 52 free envelopes, in which to place your weekly Collection, please sign the list on the table or speak to Jean Emmans (855396). CHILDREN’S SOCIETY BOXES - £527.07 has been collected this year. A big thank you is due to Anne Throup and those who helped her to count and bank this wonderful donation for the work of the Children’s Society. FOR THE NEW YEAR 2015: John Wesley’s Rule of Conduct: Do all the good you can, by all the means you can In all the ways you can, in all the places you can, At all the times you can, to all the people you can, As long as ever you can.
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