“Following God through Jesus in work and word.” *********************************************** IMMANUEL MESSENGER January – February Volume 15, Issue 1 IMMANUEL UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST (EVANGELICAL & REFORMED) W3694 County Road FF, Plymouth, WI 53073 Phone: 920-565-3554 Email: [email protected] Website: www.immanuelchurch.org ********************************************** “Sweet little Jesus boy, they made you be born in a manger. Sweet little holy child, we didn't know who you were….Long time ago, you were born – born in a manger Lord, sweet little Jesus boy. The world treats you mean, Lord….we don't know who you are. You have told us how. We are trying. Master, you have shown us how even when you were dying. Just seems like we can't do right. Look how we treated you. But please, Sir, forgive us, Lord. We didn't know it was you. Sweet little Jesus boy, born a long time ago. Sweet little holy child, we didn't know who you were.” Do we know who the child born in the manger is? Robert McGimsey, author of “Sweet Little Jesus Boy,” wasn’t so sure when he penned the words to his song late on Christmas Eve 1932. He was walking home on the streets of New York City after attending a Christmas Eve service at church. On his way, he passed by homeless people shivering and huddled in the meager shelter of dark doorways. He heard fighting coming from the windows of the apartment buildings that lined the streets, and he wondered what pain and longing was hiding behind the brick walls. The words to the song came to him as he walked home, thinking of the Depression-era bread lines that had formed in recent days as the poor made their scanty preparations for Christmas. He thought of his native home in Louisiana and how the Depression was intensifying racial hatred all throughout the segregated south on Christmas Eve 1932. The mournful lyrics of “Sweet Little Jesus Boy” flooded into McGimsey’s soul as he thought that Christmas Eve about the Nazi regime in power in Germany, civil war in Western Europe, and plots for imperial invasions hatching all across the globe. 1 It seemed to McGimsey a hollow thing to celebrate the birth narrative of Jesus and then go about acting as if the rest of the story made no difference, ignoring the trajectory that the “sweet little Jesus boy’s” life would take. McGimsey reasoned that things would not be the way they were if we really took seriously the “sweet little Jesus boy” and all he taught about 1 Jelks, Randall Maurice. “The Friday Comment: Sweet Little Jesus Boy.” The Black Bottom: An African American Blog of Politics, Culture, and Social Activism. 2007 God’s reign of compassion and justice. We must not know the “sweet little Jesus boy,” whose way of love and kindness is not simply a figment of the past, but a present reality. “Sweet little Jesus boy, the world treats you mean…we don’t know who you are.” Do we know who the child born in the manger is today? “In our world there are so many children who are born under duress in mangers, shantytowns, back alleys, and squalid conditions and then sent to the gallows just like Jesus. Like the ‘sweet little Jesus boy’ was ‘treat[ed] mean,’ we treat God’s children badly.”2 The story of the “sweet little Jesus boy,” the story of a baby born into poverty in a homeland oppressed by imperial domination is played out all over the world still today. The “sweet little Jesus boy” (who grew to proclaim that the first are last, the lowly are lifted up, the unclean are clean, the outcasts are friends, that the poor and meek and peaceful are blessed) is treated badly every time God’s children anywhere are abused, exploited, oppressed, forgotten, bullied, discriminated against, and deprived. Robert McGimsey’s “Sweet Little Jesus Boy” song echoes the words of Matthew 25: “I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you gave me clothing, I was sick and you took care of me, I was in prison and you visited me….just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me” (Matt. 25: 35-36, 40). We encounter the “sweet little Jesus boy” in others everyday, and we often “treat” him “mean,” as the song goes. 2 Ibid. This Christmastide and into the New Year, may we recognize the “sweet little Jesus boy” when we see him. And may we let his life and death make a difference to the way we live our lives so that Christ’s presence is always known to us in the “least of these” around the world today, each “sweet little holy child[ren]” of God. Rev. Laura Thank you! To our Immanuel UCC family: We are truly grateful for the spectacular show of support and friendship you offered at our open house on December 14. It was a joy to celebrate with you and to have the parsonage enlivened by our shared fellowship. We are tremendously thankful for the thoughtful and generous gifts we received from the congregation, namely, the lovely porch swing, the beautiful poinsettia, and the gift cards to various favorite local spots. We feel deeply honored to have been showered with such kindness, and we look forward to happy hours of companionship and enjoyment relaxing on the back deck in the swing you gave us. We want you to know how glad and grateful we are to be among you and how thrilled we are to be surrounded by this community of support and care, kindness and welcome. With happy and thankful hearts, Rev. Laura Yurs and Rev. Chris Ross A CAMPAIGN TO FUND THE REINHARD ULRICH ENDOWED CHAIR IN PHILOSOPHY, ETHICS, AND CHRISTIAN THOUGHT AT LAKELAND COLLEGE Immanuel UCC and its members are invited to take part in an exciting new endeavor at Lakeland College honoring the Rev. Dr. Reinhard Ulrich (whom some of you may remember personally). Lakeland is working on raising funds to create a new full-time faculty position in the Religion and Philosophy Department that will allow for the offering of courses in ethics, historical theology, and systematic theology, all areas of study about which Reinhard Ulrich was passionate. The funds raised will also support an annual “Distinguished Lecture in Ethics” at Lakeland. With the creation of this endowed chair, Lakeland College is seeking to preserve and further its heritage as a college of the church, rooted in the values of the United Church of Christ. Immanuel UCC is uniquely poised to celebrate and support this endeavor given its historic connection to Lakeland College when it was known as Mission House. What’s more, this is an ideal opportunity to renew and strengthen Immanuel’s relationship with Lakeland College while advancing our shared mission and shared commitments to faith, learning and discovery, integrity and responsibility, diversity and respect, service and stewardship. As Lakeland takes this step to live out its calling as a college of the church and to honor the legacy of Reinhard Ulrich, let us at Immanuel thoughtfully consider lending our support. If you are interested in giving to this project or in learning more about this exciting opportunity, please speak with Rev. Laura at your convenience. ++++++++++++++++ From the Consistory - We want to thank David and Marge Breisch for stepping forward and assuming the position of church custodians. Their position takes effect on January 1, 2015. Thank you. ++++++++++++++++ IMMANUEL UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST CONSISTORY MEETING OF 10/13/2014 Meeting Minutes 1. Call to Order by President Tom Bell and opening prayer by Pastor Yurs at 7:05 p.m. in the church basement. 2. Prior to the beginning of the meeting, Charlotte Herwig, the church janitor, personally submitted a letter of resignation, effective at the end of December. The position will be advertised in the upcoming church bulletins. 3. Minutes of the 9/8/2014 Consistory meeting were reviewed and accepted, with one correction. 4. Treasurer’s Report was distributed, read and accepted. During the last month, no investments needed to be liquidated to meet expenses for the month. 5. Membership List – There were no changes in membership for this past month. 6. Pastor’s Report – Pastor Yurs handed out the syllabus for the Confirmation program this year. November 7th – 8th will be a lock-in for the class. Confirmation Sunday will be March 22, 2015. • There will need to be a relief minister to handle service on the Sunday following Pastor Yurs’s nuptials. Rev. Weiland will be asked. • The Thanksgiving Eve (November 26th) service will be held at Immanuel, and an invitation will be extended to St. John’s, Schwarzwald UCC. • The installation Service for Pastor Yurs has been scheduled for February 8th, 2015. 7. Elder’s Report • The remaining Communion date for this year will be 11/30/14 (First Sunday of Advent). • A prospective Elder for 2015 has been found; we still need a prospective Deacon for 2015. 8. Deacon’s Report – The following maintenance projects were discussed: • The Parsonage doorbell does not work. Ken will fix or replace. • The Sanctuary Lighting project has been completed. The invoice has now been received. • The beekeeper has not looked into removing the beehive in the church yet. Ken will call him again. Mike Schroeder has offered to assist the beekeeper, if needed. • The brick exterior of the church, especially on the north side of the church, needs mortar repair. DuWayne will get estimates to do the repair next spring. • The church basement will be remodeled, hopefully next spring. DuWayne will work with Laurie Lorenz to plan and estimate the project. • The gutters on the roof also need to be cleaned out. Ed Pahl will try to get the Howards Grove Fire Dept. to help with that, probably after leaf fall is completed for this year. 9. Personnel Committee – The committee met with the church Treasurer. That was the last of church employee meetings for the year. 10. Other Pending or New Business • The wedding of Erica Marten and Peter Joel Jarvis at our church has been scheduled for 10/10/15, at 1:00 p.m. • The Neighbors in Need envelopes will be put in the pews shortly for contributions. • Our Church’s Wider Mission (OCWM) goal from the Wisconsin Conference for the coming year was discussed. • A church member has offered to donate 2 Christmas trees to the church if we want them. Carolyn will check with Elverta Reinemann to see if the church needs one. 11. The meeting was adjourned at 9:15 p.m. IMMANUEL UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST CONSISTORY MEETING OF 11/10/2014 Meeting Minutes 1. Call to Order by President Tom Bell and opening prayer by Pastor Yurs at 7:00 p.m. in the church basement. 2. Minutes of the 10/13/2014 Consistory meeting were reviewed and accepted. 3. Treasurer’s Report was distributed, read and accepted. During the last month, no investments needed to be liquidated to meet expenses for the month. 4. Membership List – There were no changes in membership for this past month. 5. Pastor’s Report – Pastor Yurs discussed her activities for the last month. • The confirmation class had the planned lock-in on November 7th – 8th. Confirmation Sunday is March 22, 2015. • Arrangements have been made with Rev. Wernecke to substitute for her the weekend of her wedding (November 15-16). Rev. Kesting will be available for emergencies. • The Thanksgiving Eve (7:00 p.m., November 26th) service will be held at Immanuel, and an invitation has been extended to St. John’s, Schwarzwald UCC. Consistory to usher. • The installation Service for Pastor Yurs has been scheduled for February 8th, 2015 (still needs to be confirmed by Rev. Becky Johnson. 6. Elder’s Report • The remaining Communion date for this year will be 11/30/14 (First Sunday of Advent). • A prospective Elder for 2015 has been found. A prospective Deacon is still needed. Three names were suggested. Discussions will be held with one or more of them by members of the Personnel Committee. 7. Deacon’s Report – The following maintenance projects were discussed: • The Sanctuary Lighting project invoice has now been paid. Some funds had to be taken from the Improvement fund to pay for the amount over the original estimate. Tom Bell asked the Memorial Committee chairman if they could cover some of that additional amount. • The beekeeper has not looked into removing the beehive in the church yet. Ken will try calling Rev. Weiland (beekeeper) for advice. • The brick exterior of the church, especially on the north side of the building, needs mortar repair. DuWayne will get estimates to do the repair next spring. • The church basement will be remodeled, hopefully next spring. DuWayne will work with Laurie Lorenz to plan and estimate the project. The cost will need to be put into the proposed budget for 2015. • The gutters on the roof also need to be cleaned out. Ed Pahl will try to get the Franklin Fire Dept. to help with that, now that leaf fall is completed for this year. 8. Personnel Committee • Dave and Marge Breisch have volunteered to take the janitorial position being vacated at the end of the year. • The Youth Ministry leadership was discussed. 9. Other Pending or New Business • The wedding of Erica Marten and Peter Joel Jarvis at our church has been scheduled for 10/10/15, at 1:00 p.m. • A church member has donated an extra Christmas tree to the church to add to the display during the Christmas season. • The larger tree, stage, and outside display for Christmas will be set up by the Consistory on Saturday, 11/29/14. Deck the Halls will take place the following day (11/30/14). • The Chili Supper is scheduled for February 11, 2015. ++++++++ Women’s Fellowship Thank you to everyone for contributing to the Thanksgiving Food Collection. The items were gratefully accepted by the Salvation Army. Our annual Advent Event was successful. Welcome to Rev. Laura, Rev. Chris, and Christian who were officially initiated as members to the Advent Event. We enjoyed a light lunch followed by cookie decorating, card making, paper chain construction and the decorating of Immanuel for Christmas. Thank you to all who volunteered their time and service. The next official meeting of the Women's Fellowship will be Feb 1, 2015. We would like to plan our program for Women's Sunday which will be Mar 1, 2015. We encourage any interested women of Immanuel to join us. Respectfully submitted, Chris Thieleke What’s Going On With Our Wednesday night and Sunday morning Small Groups? Starting January 7th, at 6:30 p.m. we will be watching an Andy Stanley DVD-series called Twisting the Truth. The following is what is written on the back of the participant guide to give you a feel of what we will be discussing: The most dangerous lies are the ones you never notice. Common but deadly deceptions impact you every day. They can twist your thinking in ways you’d never expect and leave you with a life you never imagined. Your ability to recognize them can spell the difference between happiness and the loss of all you hold dear. Do you see them? In this six-session small group video experience, Andy Stanley exposes some common ways God’s truth gets twisted. Each one has the potential to destroy your relationships, cloud your decisions, and distort your perception of him. This study helps us discover the ways the truth gets twisted in our lives and culture and, more importantly, how we can recognize and overcome them. Our group sessions are held at Jerry Karsteadt’s home in Howards Grove most of the time. Please check each week to verify the location by calling Gail Gottsacker at 565-2672 in case you miss a session. If you need to miss a session don’t worry, Andy Stanley usually reviews the previous week before starting the new session. We’ve done some Andy Stanley material before and he is a great speaker/teacher. Mark January 7th down, it’s a perfect time to join us. After this series, we will do a book study using Jim Cymbala’s book called STORM Hearing Jesus for The Times We Live In. I just finished this book and it’s very good. The following is what’s written on the back: • Is the light of Jesus that we shine before people, growing dark? • Has a storm cut us off from our power source? • Is the church of Christ disappearing into a dark night? STORM is a book that will both disturb and enlighten you. It will help you to recognize what is happening and why. Most of all, it will sound a clarion call to all who believe, reminding us that no matter how fierce the storm, God isn’t asking us to take shelter under a table while the light and power go out of his church. No, God has given us the gospel of Christ and the Holy Spirit’s resources so that we can bring his light to the world. We are called to join Jesus, the one who calmed the winds and invited Peter to walk with him on water, to let his light shine strong in the blackest night. Using our every changing world of technology, we have found a way to read the book as a group without everyone needing to buy a copy. Therefore, that should not hold you back from coming to our group and enjoy the learning, teaching, fellowship, and discipleship that Small Groups bring to each of us. The Sunday morning Small Group led by Peter Warner is enjoying some lively discussion as they ready Paul’s letters to the different churches. Right now they are reading Romans. 8:45 a.m. each Sunday morning is the time to come and join this group. They meet in the Sunday school room right next to the office at church downstairs. If you have any questions, you can call Gail Gottsacker (5652672) or Peter Warner (565-2269). Submitted by Gail Gottsacker ++++++++ CROP WALK TOTALS: Bethel 170.00 Bethlehem 485.00 Our Shepherd 501.00 St. Mark’s 664.67 St. John 914.00 Immanuel 1635.00 St. James 1725.00 Grand total 6094.67 Thank you to everyone for all of your help to make this another successful year. Remember, we walk because they walk. (And let’s earn the trophy back next year!) 2015 January-February Library News A new addition to the Children’s section is a book titled Treasury of Christmas Tales written by Carolyn Quattrocki, Susan Spellman, and Elliott Delman. An excellent collection of timeless stories related to Christmas that can be read over and over again. This book can be located in the Children’s section at 394.26 TRE. This book has colorful and lovely picture for the kids. Stories included in the book are: A Christmas carol -- The wishing star -- The little match girl -The Christmas mouse -- Jingle bells -- The magic toy shop -The littlest angel -- The twelve days of Christmas -- The Christmas bear -- 'Twas the night before Christmas -- The nutcracker -- Santa Claus is coming to town -- The tiny elf – O Christmas tree -- The elves and the shoemaker -- The little drummer boy -- Christmas carols -- The happy snowman -Rudolph's adventure. This book has been recommended for any mother or father, aunt or uncle or just about anyone who wants to create a holiday tradition for all generations to cherish. Have you ever questioned the direction you should take? Have you ever wished there was a manual you could flip through when you just didn't have the answers? God's Little Instruction Book for Teens is filled with inspiring quotes and the timeless wisdom of the Bible, this little treasure offers you guidance, humor, wisdom, and motivation for your journey in life. The book can be found at 242 GOD, PLAY IT SMART! Today your world is spinning faster than ever. You know how tough playing it smart in life can be--but the good news is God does too! This little instruction book gives you simple advice on your relationships, your future career, getting and keeping a right attitude, achieving excellence in all you do, and finding a never-ending source of hope for every situation you face. You'll discover wisdom you can take with you anywhere you go. Ponder it, practice it, and you'll be prepared for a day, a week, a year, and a whole future filled with expectation and success. God's Little Instruction Book for Teens is SMALL enough for your pocket, BIG enough for your life. What If Jesus Had Never Been Born? written by D. James Kennedy and Jerry Newcombe. You can locate this book at 232.904 KEN. We live in a cynical age in which only one prejudice is tolerated--anti-Christian bigotry. Yet despite the attacks against the faith, one powerful truth is undeniable: if Christ had never been born, nearly every facet of human life would be much more miserable than it is today. The authors remind us that the Church is to bear the glory of God in every sphere of life. Arranged topically and presenting compelling, little-known historical facts, What If Jesus Had Never Been Born? clearly demonstrates that an enormous array of benefits to humankind--from economics to art to government, science to civil liberties, morality to health, and beyond--would never have occurred had Jesus Christ not lived. Have you ever wondered how would Jesus handle a situation? What Biblical principles should you apply? George Duncan, the author of Every Day with Jesus will provide you with scriptural references to hundreds of daily issues that will give you strength, understanding and help you stay on the path of righteousness. This daily guidance for daily growth book can be found at 242 DUN. Limping through Life: a Farm Boy’s Polio Memoir by Jerry Apps is worth reading. It is an engaging Midwestern story of pain, striving, and hard work. His descriptions of his parents' reactions to his illness are priceless and heartbreaking. His father's successful attempt to rehabilitate him through hard work and horse liniment captures both the strengths and weaknesses of farm families facing hardship. They made the best they could of what they had but unfortunately missed the damaged soul that needed tending. This story of farm childhood, polio, and making a new life where a weak leg would not matter is bound to intrigue anyone with an interest in the Midwest, agriculture, or childhood. This book is an excellent addition to the list of memoirs detailing farm life at the middle of the twentieth century. This book can be located at 616.835 APP. The Librarian for January - Vanessa Thieleke The Librarian for February – Diane Vanderkin The Librarian for March - Karen Ausloos You are encouraged to use the library, the only request is that you sign the card in the back of the book and place the card in the file box. There is no time limit for returning the book. Thank you for your cooperation. A special thanks to everyone in our congregation for your donation of books to the church Library. Submitted by Vanessa Thieleke Fellowship We had a very successful year of fellowship gatherings, starting with fellowship times after the Lenten services. We moved on to 7th grade confirmation class hosting a fellowship time in honor of the 8th grade confirmation class, the review of the Langenholzhausen trip highlights, the fellowship times that honored Pam Hodgson for her time with us, thanked Pastor Fred Trost for his service to us, welcomed Pastor Laura Yurs, and then trimmed the tree. I would like to thank all who agreed to go green by using the church dishes and silverware. As has been said many times coffee, cream, napkins, and sugar are provided but you are responsible for the clean-up. It was wonderful of Tracy Kracht to let me know that the Sunday School would be using the kitchen for classes as this enabled us to be sure products were available for their use. Anyone who is interested in hosting a fellowship time should please let Diane Vanderkin know so that she can confirm that the date is available and make sure that there are enough supplies on hand. Please call at 920-467-0574. Thank You Submitted by Diane Vanderkin Church Cancellation Information – In the event of bad weather, Sunday School and Church closing information will be submitted to WISN TV-12 for posting on Channel 12 or their website at www.wisn.com. A message will also be recorded on the church answering machine if I am notified of the cancellation. (920-565-3554) Sunday School will be cancelled by 7 a.m. Church will be cancelled by 8 a.m. A Note from our Treasurer, Tracy Kracht: Are you wanting to give, but are not at church every week? Here are a couple of options: • Mail – You can always mail your offering to: Immanuel UCC ATTN: Tracy Kracht W3694 CTH FF Plymouth, WI 53073 • Online Banking – If you have Bill Pay with your online banking, you can make a payment whenever you want. If you don’t want to forget, you can set it up as an Auto Pay and it will automatically send a check for whenever you indicate. You should be able to note in the memo of the payment how you would like to divide your giving (current, benevolent, organ, initial, etc.) When setting up your payment, send to: Immanuel UCC ATTN: Tracy Kracht W3694 CTH FF Plymouth, WI 53073 And, *When writing checks, it is very important to use only black or dark blue pens. When using other types of pens, it can cause extra issues at the bank with them being able to capture a clear image of those checks for processing. *Please write all checks to Immanuel UCC especially when giving for any special offerings. Some of these offerings include OGHS and Ronald McDonald House/White Gift. If checks are made to anything other than Immanuel UCC they can’t be deposited into the church account and may not be recognized as part of the church’s giving to the special organizations. Thanks for your understanding. Tracy Kracht Please remember: • to let the church office know if ANY of your contact information changes. • if you would like to receive the Immanuel Messenger by email instead of a printed copy, please let the Church Secretary know, • that the latest edition of our newsletter can also be found on our website: immanuelchurch.org. We thank Kari Bramstedt for maintaining our website. The 2014 ANNUAL Meeting will take place on Sunday, January 25th after shortened Sunday School and Bible Study Group classes. Worship will begin at 9:30 a.m. The Annual Meeting will follow shortly after our Worship service. (Scrip will be available but we will not be setting it up at the table so that the meeting can start on a timely basis.) Save the Date – Back by popular demand - on February 11, 2015 – Immanuel’s Second Annual Chili Supper will be held!! We will be serving from 4-7 p.m. January 2015 Sun Mon 4 8:45 a.m. Sunday School/Adult Study Group 10 a.m. Worship Scrip Sales CEC Meeting 11 8:45 a.m. Sunday School/Adult Study Group 10 a.m. Worship Scrip Sales 18 Tue 5 7 p.m. – 4H Meeting 8:45 a.m. Sunday School/Adult Study Group 9:30 a.m. Worship Scrip available Annual Meeting after Worship th Thu 7 Fri Sat 1 2 3 8 9 10 15 7 p.m. Senior Choir 16 17 22 7 p.m. Senior Choir 23 24 29 7 p.m. Senior Choir 30 31 6-7 p.m. – 7 Grade 7 p.m. Confirmation Senior th 7:15-8:15 p.m. – 8 Choir Grade Confirmation 6:30 p.m. Small Study Group 12 7 p.m. – CONSISTORY Meeting 19 8:45 a.m. Sunday School/Adult Study Group 10 a.m. Worship Scrip Sales 25 6 Wed 26 13 th 14 6-7 p.m. – 7 Grade Confirmation 7:15-8:15 p.m. – 8th Grade Confirmation 6:30 p.m. Small Study Group 20 21 th 6-7 p.m. – 7 Grade Confirmation 7:15-8:15 p.m. – 8th Grade Confirmation 6:30 p.m. Small Study Group 27 28 th 6-7 p.m. – 7 Grade Confirmation 7:15-8:15 p.m. – 8th Grade Confirmation 6:30 p.m. Small Study Group February 2015 Sun Mon 1 8:45 a.m. Sunday School/Adult Study Group 10 a.m. Worship Scrip Sales CEC Meeting 8 Tue 2 3 6:30 p.m. – Women’s Fellowship Meeting 7 p.m. – 4H Meeting Wed Thu 4 th Fri Sat 5 6 7 12 7 p.m. Senior Choir 13 14 19 7 p.m. Senior Choir 20 21 27 28 6-7 p.m. – 7 Grade 7 p.m. Confirmation Senior th 7:15-8:15 p.m. – 8 Choir Grade Confirmation 6:30 p.m. Small Study Group 9 10 8:45 a.m. Sunday 7 p.m. – School/Adult Study CONSISTORY Group Meeting 10 a.m. Worship Scrip Sales 11 Immanuel’s 2nd Annual Chili Supper (serving from 4-7 p.m.) 15 8:45 a.m. Sunday School/Adult Study Group 10 a.m. Worship Scrip Sales 16 17 22 8:45 a.m. Sunday School/Adult Study Group 10 a.m. Worship Scrip Sales 23 6-7 p.m. – 7 Grade Confirmation 7:15-8:15 p.m. – 8th Grade Confirmation 6:30 p.m. Small Study Group 24 25 26 th 6-7 p.m. – 7 Grade 7 p.m. Confirmation Senior th 7:15-8:15 p.m. – 8 Choir Grade Confirmation 6:30 p.m. Small Study Group th 18
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