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To gain access when the parish office is closed please call during office hours to arrange entry.
Welcome to Grace Episcopal Church
Our vision: to provide a community for all in the service of Jesus Christ.
Our Mission: Grace Church of Plainfield is a welcoming and affirming Christian community characterized by diversity,
worshiping and praising God in the Anglican tradition and proclaiming the Gospel in word and deed in active discipleship.
We extend a warm welcome to you this morning! If you are a guest, please fill out a pew card and put it in the offering plate so we
can be in touch with you. Please join us for refreshments after the service.
Please also check the website, display tables, and bulletin board for more information about
other activities in which you might want to participate.
Regularly Scheduled Monthly Events
Vestry – 3rd Wednesday, January 21, 7:30pm
Finance – Friday before Vestry, February 13, 7:00pm
Stewardship – 1st Monday, February 2, 7:30 pm
Grace’s Kitchen – Last five days of month, January 27-31
ESL Class – Mondays, 7:00pm; Wednesdays, 7:00pm
PCO Board – 1st Thursday, February 5, 7:00 pm
Grace Church Choir – Wednesdays, 7:30pm – 9:00 pm
WOG Craft Group – 1st Sunday, February 1, 12:00pm
Worship Commission – 1st Sunday, February 1, 12:00pm
Health Ministries – 2nd Sunday, February 8, 12:00pm
Men’s Guild – 3rd Sunday, January 18, 12:00 pm
Women of Grace – 4th Sunday, February 22, 12:00pm
Sunday, January 18 – 2nd Sunday after Epiphany – Laying on of Hands for Healing
7:45 am
9:00 am – 9:30 am
9:00 am – 9:45 am
9:45 am
9:45 am – 10:15 am
9:30 am – 10:15 am
10:30 am
10:30 am
12:00 pm
2:00 pm
4:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Monday, January 19
7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
7:30 pm – 9:00 pm
Holy Eucharist, All Saints’ Chapel
Family & Children’s Eucharist, Church
Grace Choristers, Church
Sunday School, “Jesus’ Teachings,” Classroom 7
Grace Choir Rehearsal, Chancel
Adult Forum, “Spiritual Progress: Essays of the 17th Century,” Lounge
Sunday School 2nd Session, Classroom 7
Choral Holy Eucharist, Church
Men’s Guild, Lounge
La Misa en espanol, la iglesia
Friendship World Outreach Church, All Saints’ Chapel
Parish Office Hours 9:00am to 12:00pm; 1:00pm to 3:00pm
ESL Class, ESL Classrooms
A.A., Parish Hall
Grace Church Parking
Parking for Sunday worship and events is
available in Public Parking Lot #7 across
7th St. from the church and in the YMCA lot
at corner of 6th St. & Cleveland Ave.
Parking is not permitted in the lawyer’s lot.
2015 Stewardship Campaign
Warden – 2-year term
Trevor King
Vestry – 3-year term
Jason Algeo, Timothy Mann,
Carol Taitt
Vestry – 1-year unexpired term
Winsley Rudder
Deputies - Diocesan Convention
Tuesday, January 20
Parish Office Hours 9:00am to 12:00pm; 1:00pm to 3:00pm
Wednesday, January 21
12:00 pm
7:00 pm
7:30 pm
7:30 pm – 9:00 pm
Parish Office Hours 9:00am to 12:00pm; 1:00pm to 3:00pm
Adoration & Healing Eucharist, Chapel
ESL Class, ESL Classrooms
Vestry, Lounge
Grace Choir Rehearsal, Choir Room
 La Misa en español, 2:00pm
Thursday, January 22
Parish Office Hours 9:00am to 12:00pm; 1:00pm to 3:00pm
 Growing in Grace Bible Study &
Friday, January 23
7:30 pm
7:30 pm – 9:00 pm
Parish Office Closed
Growing in Grace Bible Study & Prayer, Lounge
Principles Before Personalities: 12-Step, Parish Hall
Saturday, January 24
5:30 pm – 7:00 pm
Steppin’ to Serenity: 12-Step, Parish Hall
Sunday, January 25 – 3rd Sunday after Epiphany – Youth & Family Sunday
7:45 am
9:00 am – 9:30 am
9:00 am – 9:45 am
9:45 am
9:45 am – 10:15 am
9:30 am – 10:15 am
10:30 am
10:30 am
12:00 pm
2:00 pm
4:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Holy Eucharist, All Saints’ Chapel
NO Family & Children’s Eucharist, Church
NO Grace Choristers, Church
NO Sunday School, Classroom 7
Grace Choir Rehearsal, Chancel
Adult Forum, “Spiritual Progress: Essays of the 17th Century,” Lounge
Sunday School 2nd Session, Classroom 7
Choral Holy Eucharist, Church
Annual Meeting of the Congregation, Parish Hall
La Misa en espanol, la iglesia
Friendship World Outreach Church, All Saints’ Chapel
Gloria King, Trevor King,
David Magee
Alternates – Diocesan Convention
Holly Algeo, Jason Algeo,
Frank Walcott
This Week
Prayer, Friday, 7:30pm, Lounge
Upcoming Events
 Annual Meeting, 12:00pm, Sunday,
January 25, Parish Hall
 Pictorial Directory – Final Sitting
on Thursday, February 5
 Black History Month Gala Dinner,
12:00pm, Sunday, February 8, Parish Hall
 Ash Wednesday, February 18
8:00am: Ashes-to-Go, Corner of
7th Street and Park Avenue
12:00pm: Imposition of Ashes,
Healing & Eucharist, Chapel
7:30pm: Imposition of Ashes &
Choral Eucharist, Church
Next Sunday’s Readings
3rd Sunday after Epiphany
1st Reading:
Jonah 3:1-5, 10
Psalm 62:6-14
Names appear the first Sunday of the month
when prayers are offered.
Names appear the first Sunday of the month
when prayers are offered.
2nd Reading:
1 Corinthians 7:29-31
Mark 1:14-20
Sunday Collect and lessons on separate leaflet
(A) Processional Hymn
(B) Gradual Hymn
Offertory Anthem
(C) Offertory Hymn
(D) Communion Hymns
(E) Processional Hymn
Blessed Jesus, at Thy Word
“As with gladness men of old”
“I have decided to follow Jesus”
O God, You Search Me
“Come, we that love the Lord”
“Be thou my vision”
“When we walk with the Lord”
Blessed Jesus, at Thy Word
Johann Sebastian Bach
Bernadette Farrell
trust and obey
Johann Sebastian Bach
136 (levas)
Grace Choir
205 (levas)
Service Music for Choral Holy Eucharist (in the front of the Hymnal 1982, music numbers preceded with “S”)
Glory to God (Gloria in excelsis)
S 280
Great Amen
S 146
Lift up your hearts (Sursum corda)
S 120
Fraction Anthem: Christ our Passover
S 154
Holy, holy, holy Lord (Sanctus)
S 129
Psalm 139:1-5, 12-17
Each section of the congregation shall pray
the corresponding names out loud at once.
Prayer List
Sick, shut-in, distress:
Chancel: Joyce Bazzey, Charles Sevola, Muriel Lewis, Danny Tusa,
Yvonne Hemmings, Edgerton Williams, Cynthia Fields, Natalie
Moore, Gloria Fraser, Marie McKenzie, Sarah Hoskins, Oliver Gibbs,
Denise Bellamy, Margaret Shilay, Robert Hart, Jr., Anthony Hoyte,
Jehovah Copeland, Kenn Gallimore, Sandy Gallimore, Kiva Brophy,
William Brophy, Jr., Regina Brophy, Travis Brophy, Joyce Russell,
Cheryl Ishmael, Carla Williams, Angela Young, Denise Simmons
Pulpit Side: Amelie Rechenbach, Oscar Edwards, Kim Prime, Rev.
Frank Rose, Barbara Blix, Dave Malik, Rebeca Harper, Brian Smith,
Joelynn Valentine, Josh Stoffregen, Renate Baumgaertner, Wendy
Shibla, Ricky Scott, Gwen Scott, Ursaline Weston, Sam Boghdan,
David Howell, Sylvia McKenzie, Agnes Intsiful, Iris Ceres, Sonia
Leow, Gabriel Ejiochi, Antonio Tyson, Randy Johnson, Kohl Becker,
Richard Oliver, Janice Cornell, Sylvia Ott, Andre Rose, Myles Headly
Lectern Side: Catherine Mercurio, Jennifer Harvey, Cyril Mooloo,
Nadia Mooloo, Genny Benjamin, Ruby Gunthet, Ruby Prescod, Leon
Mirander, Sharon Epperson, Joyce Lewin, Helen Estremera, Woody
Boniakowski, Carolyn Sempepos, Annette Ciacca, Blossom Green,
Damany Loncke, Pearline Blackwood, Cephas Bowles, Leighton
Coley, Tricia Goddard, Nancy Gaskill, Donald Apgar, Erskine Oshea,
Grandma Regan, Megan Ramsey, Althea McKenzie, Errol Leow
Those who have died:
Peace and those in harm’s way: United States Military Personel:
Kurt Adams, Casey Alleman, Carlton George Clay, Anthony Gill,
Jake Lawrence, Pedro Leon, Michael Rasak, A.J. Rooney, Jason Rose
We pray for those to be baptized:
Ministers of the Celebration
Crucifer: Andre Coley
Acolytes: Dacia Loncke, Timothy Mann
Altar Guild: Cheryl Adams, Joyce Bazzey
Carillonneur: Jeff Spelman
Celebrant: The Venerable Gideon A. Uzomechina
Preacher: The Venerable Gideon A. Uzomechina
Deacon: The Reverend Theodore E. Moore
Organist & Choirmaster: Robert H. Gangewere, Jr.
M/C Subdeacon: David Magee
Lectors: 7:45 am – Kathy Balenson
10:30 am – Kiva Brophy, Frank Walcott
Prayers: 7:45am – Anita Griffith
10:30am – Michael Simmons, Jr.
Chalice Bearers: 7:45 am – Colin Baptiste
10:30 am – Timothy Mann, Karen Moore
Head Usher: Frank Walcott
Ushers: Brenda Loncke
Greeters: Bernadette Harris, Prince Hinds
Coffee Hosts: 7:45am – Angelina Adusei
10:30am – Barbara Nichols
Counters: John Taitt, Noel Taitt
 Names on our Prayer List will be removed after a month unless you specify otherwise to the parish office.
 The Sanctuary Candle Chart is on the wall by the Parish Office. If you would like to give a Sanctuary Candle, please write your name and
the name of the one to be memorialized in the appropriate space. The candle will burn for the week in memory of your loved one.
The cost of a sanctuary candle is $10.00.
 The 2015 Flower Chart is on the wall by the Parish Office. If you would like to dedicate flowers, pick an open date and write your name
and the name of the one to be memorialized in the appropriate space. The office will confirm with you the week before.
The cost of altar flowers is $50.00.
Please use the votive stand for prayers of thanksgiving, memorial, penitence, petition, or any other sacred use.
It is replenished with candles weekly. We welcome your contributions!