FUI xerox €3 DocuCentre s2420 DocuCentre 52420 Digitol 31ock & White h/uttifunction Device G;I'se\ #: L Colour Sconning e, Fost process:ng cnd .i Colour sconning feoture, f 0cilitOting poperless work 9 second worm-ui:; Eosy Operotion ConL,ol poneI with'orge bulto'r> .,* #r t:t:zrz.-+@tl: , ", t: ffi ffi W ffi -,q , tt:1 :l ' .: . :la' ,e ? n* ^& w wrxwxx 1& -, l. Zq ppn't , :. t @e )uper .rA n ;r < *ta \/r, eonrpntibk pp:'n : : The heiqht Lisefu& $;emtures Colour sconning con be performed Mrltipt" PCr.on ,hor" th" deuic". G@E@ DocuCentre S2420 comes equipped with on outo-switching, 1OOBASE-IXIlOBASE T network interfoce thot delivers moximum perfcrrnonce. It supports o voriety cf LAN envlronrnents. Colour sconning ccn be used not only with Network Scon but olso with Locol Scon vic L".lSB connect;on. Also, there ore mony choices hcw to f his wil[ occelerote diqitcllzotion of offi ce works send the sconned fi les. Nole: Opticnci for the CP5 model. Push Scon" ="'-1, l.:,-.,1,, r-L=- tfrell:l Cp:icrcl for @l "ory-to-ur". con be loid side-by-side cn one side Bolh frcnt ond bock sides of 1D t +,- ,,, i- ""i 'i -- ID Cord Copy ir r"ry Cc.ird of lhe copied output. 6uidonce screen showing how to plcce iD Cord The Rctoting Cclicte functicn con L:e r:sed to assenrbie printed output by locding lhe scrne size poper into twc tiered trcys (Portrcit ond LonCscape) cr into elther Portroit or Londsccpe ttoy cnd Byposs Troy. - lFrontl Tc use the Rolot;nct Collole funcllon, the sorne lze pcper rnust be Looded in both ?otrail ond londscope trays. lBockl 5 cop;es Both sides of cord con be copied 3 cop:es 1 copies D;ruCerlre 5?n:0 Adopt&ng Quiek-*Suttoms Offers €slsle'" ermd Simprer Operotions. lmmedicte occess to 1D Cord Copy t A quick grosp of informolion on ?A quick monitoring ond I confi gurotion chunge I Quick-Buttons I i I Service I I lAddr"rt Button I quick-Button Altows you to quickly select f requently-used copy/scon functions Book Button Altows you to switch eyen from the "Copy"/"lD Cord Copy" screen to Scon Service where destinotions ore lisled a The indicotor t;ght turns on when the mochine gets reody to stort the operotion trr' trnvtronmentql Perfcrrnance itreuising tnn*r Scr,irr* *il*f'C\i Woste loner is coltecled fcr recyclinE. A woste toner bcttie is now no rnore ne eCed becouse lhe colLected toner ts reused by meons ol ihis 'v:': c+si DccuCentre 52420 hos rectrzed ihe pcwer consumption (TIC vctue.) cf 1.16kwh. DocuCentre Sl42C clsc complies with strict stcndcrds of lnternotionot ENFRGY STAR Frog:-o;-n. The desiqr of the mochine olfers c: obitity not onty to core for ihe envircnrnent but oLso ecofriendly system, moking no woste. ffi1 *::ii -* sove user cost. Wasle toner New tcner I TEC volue comporlson (lwhl Method to cctculi:te power 2.0 consumption bosed on lhe ossumption cf octuo[ usoge deli ned t.s by lnternotionoL ENERGY STAR Progrom ., o (power consumption per week) 0.5 0.0 Centre Duplex Automotic Docurnent Feeder Provides fost copying, sconning ond foxing of two sided rnulti-pcge jobs Stondord Configurotion #prti*r:*l #"il{*$s*ii*s S .4utomcrtii ilor:-iir;e nt F**i*r {Sic i-,1r:piex s:.;:.j:. *.:ii;rll :i.] -Jr= -'-r.a@46. Mochire comes eqJipped wirn DADF/Duptex/Network kit. ffi ffi I N Ncte: Pcdlcck nusl bre prrchosed sepcrclery. I I i Specificotions of DocuCentre S2420 Bosic Function Ccpy 9peed' / Print Function rA1 :43 '19 !g: s99qr9;12r 7.2 seconds or less 600 r 500dpi Reroluti on P.inllng Resclutcn 256N,4B illll:e Cclcra liqritonelPri Up c two-si ded pri nt, austom poge ji ze, lore. sove mode, wotermcrk, fit to poqe, reCucelerlc Arlcmati lc 999 shee:s Autcm3lic 2 slded .opy,Redrce/enlorge, Bqckground suppres!ion, electrcnlcsod,ccLLat,o!{rotote) iDcardcopy,N up(2up/4up). Booklei crecticr, bcoklet creqlion. book copy, clone copy(ploten oniy), poster .!pylilq!"n otlyl i9ryt lnput Peper '1850 Poper C0pqcity'2 lroy Modlle {2 x 530s1-reets) {Al) 250 sLcets 'rci,tr,;rj...'.1 t6-' ' .rz -.,,,:.1,-.: ze ncge l::s 5.5 Tn rcx 6.0 Po per Wei ght :gtseq 0C shects -l + Trqy 2 + troy 3&4 + BJposs Troy) s heets (Troy Troy 2: One Troy Module (500sheets) Troy 3+4 : Two Sl 1:!:rcI9?y(ggl9 1 Trcy Copocity Crtput :q!I41 t.iIit (tcp. t.ert, Righa) 60 Ito chi ne I !ty cycle (max per month) 216 Scsn Function arlor Sconner Type Resolulion Sconninq SpeeC Connectlvity Sconning destinolic: Eqliuqq!"1 Scan fo.not fype ,_ __ poperrize _ -- --- --'When using 80!sm poper !"!i Lopt.crdiicr! Mutipage TIFF, I _, Duplex^ulcmotic / Emci! PDF,JPEG - Documen{ee99(Q4ry)_ Moximum A3, f i x 17", lvlinimum A5 :8-'l26gsm (duplex 5C-128g:m) i---- 10 sheers ?1119s1r!"Il*t9:- \lix Tlme* . - - - 3 s-^conds Supe r G3 / G3 ECIV / G3 (111J'T) l Sconning Resol uti on 6x 15 x Coding lMelhod speed rrcnsmission Lines Fcx Memory rqrFeo'u,"s Applicobie A3 V^x A:, ,viin A4 lronsmission Mode ;;il;;*;J;; thenornunitofthedevice. (Sl\"4ts) Fax Function (Optionol) -lronsmission pop:r sir€, onC iicbrhzotror. Netwo* try4rl!144 l Send Document Size Rc-o,d..g l-ope, ,r!-e '1 !p.r.d oroy doc,eo5e due lo lociori iu.l os por. lyDe. '2 :he Jr..l.e rlf f arii: lentcrir ly io !erlorn lmcle -3 When Lsir! 8J!s:n pnpei Scqn to aCl 1 rssl|!-s-slssl q ts&W:18ppn, Cols::4ppm USB 2.0, -thernet 130Bcse TX/10Bose-T ] .,,,,.:. aopol1v ,9 !{p: toflsSf:.qE.2.1{ Up to 6C0 x 600dpi -__ ,l: csn Nlcchine wel i I ! : i Scon Origlnol Up to 34.3( p(qes t 'ithespeeCmnybe.edu.ed.iuetolmagequolltyodjustmeni.Prinlsirpedmcyxl50Cropdependlngonthedo.umenl. 2 ltase eierlo ;Lli X.{orwebsiief.r ihelolestsrppo(ed oDerotiogsysteni. Duplex Automotic Document Feeder (Built in) nm nox (bottom) 60 - g0gs m Trcy 1 gypcs5 trayl ir*: /.2 sr:r.o;rir ur {llD not ovol loble) 256 shodes cf groyscole lvlemory ;.7 l; r.s /nm. 200 x 200dp i 1 5.4 lires/mm, 400 x 400dpi MH,MR, 1\4MR, i :i :__ I JBIG _ t','.tul'lrtoilluolf.f;i.i,2;?1,it;|Jrlr!,' PSIN / PBX,l Pori {MB 140C pcges) _,_ *,'.,fea-loire..ire.forlo.wcrr:, cx,P(Lr-se^d q.,tr."cj,,l ! j : lost number redioi, pcuse,..lcurncl,:cnfrrnaticn repoit, outo diol l;st,junk fox borie,, up to 5 g.oup dial focqtion, b.ocdcost fox, memory receive, speed diol up to 99 loccticis OFtiont / A.cersori$ 1201057 Two Trcy L4sdrle (2 x 5C0 sheets t oyr - Sro!q!oq,n31.,"ryI9!!!f!y!91{L Fox rct Network Kt (PCl) .]-,_, l frylqc?T9tr.on!!ry!!l:l:a ,i.ld i n o.!ord.... wilh 1:C/l ""Pleose..lL sery c.. orovldef (1 r csa a! 201055 Et_201054 c1201 91 1 !11 lqluEe {l![naoe:| I@_ "')e.ldied iJo )__-__.t200737 Ccnsumcbles Toner Coftridge (9K poges).Enqt!q9l Ea102C50 ] I n35ioo7 126(31552 yi:ld w ;: vrl 5.teC cn i nrge,3'e. ..veroq,. ond prinl mocie. !lolotion ond lnsioLlotlon. Ea I 97:2. 800-88-1063) fo. DeJc.tlcij ir lhls mctcricl, pioa]ln spcailaotlor9 cnC/larp:rec crc?s c:€ j!5jei:o.ircaga wiilou:prior:rtaL Cre lc imrroveileits. ll.r5e lct.lld:ha prol.ai..i.L:rppeafsdiiaerenni/itum tne oairo coLcur oj o reauli ofpropetier af pcpe. Llo.rrlosh.\4.cOSordLtherlolkor.lrodcmoris orlrinlinti!k.Wlfdows s.eglsteredtrodenrqrkotlVicrosoflCorpoiollon oiAppie aonpule:, ln.. Cti,er ccnpcny aomesor !rcd!( rcrrescre rerJilte.eC |rcd:ncr(s c. vJSf, s a ic!ls:€r:C lcl.noikcf M:c..!c!ta.{iordllci. ,s' :':*"-l:* L. J , t lj.J 1 .. rcCarc'k! c'coai: acr?cay. \o'o Usethe produ.lwrth on oDpropriote o.leqLal-. nower50!r.eonCvdloge dspLcyeC. &e srre lc e!|.-bllsl ! :LUrC. h ile.use ofoforllrre orshod. rcuit.on eLeclricshoc'( movresulr For more m Reprod.d:on Prohibitions Pledse notelharreproducl]on ofthe follcw ng i3 prohlbi:eC l,y lcw. Doinesticond oveGeos bonk nolesondcons.government'issLedse.urities.notiorrolbondsondlo.albond.€dif.otes.UnnsedF.o:tLq: tor2.orlFo_t co.ds. Ce{licoteslrnps5t prloteC Sylcw Thereprcduclon ofworG for.opyright purposes (lileroryworks, flluslcalworis, polnLingr, engrovings, mops, clneilotogrophicworks, photoqraphi.woil' eir.) ir prohibitedex.eptwhentheyoie teproduced personolly, othome orwithln limited ronge oc.o.d n! loihe obove. This produ.tisequippedw$ or onticountefeilfectLre. Thisf€ctu.e;s nct intendedlo p:event:llegol reprudud:c..9€€xtrcnely.creful oborlthe mcnogenentol equipment used. ;nforilotion or dettriied product speciilcclions, pleose coll or emoii or visit our website at }:uji Xercx Asie Peeifrc Pte.Ltd. lss:nz;.r; (Fr-rji Xetox Printeli) Wismc lujl Xercx, 'ist liccr, Nc. 10, Jelan 8*;-sctu 1314, 46200 Petcling joyo, Selongor, Moloysio. East Mnloysio Oflice: 1 99A-2C1, Lc: 30r:9 & 3050, Eastr.ccre Cent.e, 2/z Mile, Jalrrn Rock, 932CC Kuching, 5crawok, Mclcysic. Tel:082-428 558 Fax:082-418 733 Servlee Flllll!ne : 1$00 lilt 1063 www.f uj ire rorprinte rs.e orn. my O2C'1 2 Fuli Xe.ox Printers. All rights reseryed. Fuji Xerox, Xerox ond Sphere of Connectivity qrc reEisteied trsdemcrk/trqd-"morks. FUJ!xerox ;i
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