PRAIRIE SCHOOL SPIRIT DIVISION H^AJE ELEAAENTARY SCHOOL - KNOWINoAND 6ROWIN6- CARINoAND SHARINo- lffrs. lracey f-oung - Pnhcriraf fl 6. 6ox t(6 - {tt €as(afc6ewanAvenue Mrs. Joyce Bowers - Vice-principal Hague,Saskatchewan SOK1X0 (306) (306) 225-2196 225-2104 FA(: PH: www.spiritsd.calhaqueelem May 8th,2014 E-mail:[email protected] Website: ADilTNTSTPATOPSfiI ESSA6E ondf just wontto comploin oboutthe weother! But I om olso HoppyMoy! f am o true Saskatchewonion of sunshine ondwormth- trock seosonis on optimistso here'shopingfor sunshine ondwormth. Speoking here ond we ore oskingfor somehelp from porent volunteerson ond before trock doy - pleoserefer to the form ot the endof the newsletter.ff youcqnhelpout it wouldbe greatlyopprecioted.Thonkyou in qdvoncefor your support. A smollgroupof HESstoff will be presenting our "leorningforlife" to boordmembers ondsomedivision offtce stoff on Moy 26th.This is o greot opportunityto celebroteoll the work we have been doing, especiolfyin reoding. We will olsoget feedbackon howwe cqn improveour efforts next yeor. Pleqse read lhe "naktng conneclrcns"porlbn of lhis monlh'snewsbfler so you canheQ your child at home. Thonksto qll the staff who hoveworkedtirelesslyot extrocurriculorthis yeor. Stoff membersspent schoolsports os well os intro murol gamesof lunch. These mony hours plonningond implementing opportunitieshelp studentsconnectto our schooland mokecominghere moreenjoyobleevery day. fn Educotionwe are offen oskedto "do more with less"ond thot reguestoften folls on the shouldersof schoolstoff qndf wouldliketo thonkthem all for the extro workthey do everydoy. CouncilAnnuolGeneralMeetingon Mondoy,Moy 12thot 5:30 in Pleosecomeout to our SchoolCommunity the schoollibrory. HoppyMother'sDoyto oll of our moms. "Beingo motheris leorning oboutstrengthsyoudidn't knowyouhod... onddeolingwith feorsyoudidn't knowexisted." - LindoWooten ilAKTNa CONNECTTONS We resd to understqnd.We reade-moilsfrom friends,jokes,ond directionson howto f ix something, informotionqboutfoscinctingthings,novelsthot mokeus loughond thqt mokeus weep. This is the reql purposeof readtng.Otherwise,whot is the pointZ Peoplewho lovereadingtendbethose whoreolly"get into it"...theymokedeep connections to whot they are reading. Sometimesthe connections (history sre to things they olreody knowond love buffs thqt can'tget enoughof reodingobout the post). Somereadersore connecting with o goodstory ond stoy up lote of night becousethey wont to reod just onemorechopter.Beginningresders needhelpondguidonce in mokingtheseconnections. Here ore somewqysyouconhelpyour childmokeconnections to whothe/shereads. ' Help them see the purposefor reoding. ff you are readingdirections on how to fix the youneedto understandeverydetoil,lookbockof the drowing,mokeconnections lownmower to the octuol lawnmower.ff you are reodingon e-moilfrom grondmoyou wont to mqkeconnections to grondmo(oh con't you just smellthose qpplepiesshe soid she cookedl). Stop whileyou qre readingond showyour childhowyouore mokingtheseconnections. ' Studentstend to f ind it guiteeosyto seesimiloritiesbetweentheir ownlife ondthe story (I olso hoveo do9just like in the story!). Helpthem pushthot connection further by oskinghowthe similcrity helpsthem connectto the story (I haveo dog ond f lovehim so much...fwouldbe so sqd if he got lost like the one in the story). This moyhelp them connectto the emotionof the story. Evenhqvethem pouseond imcainewhot it wouldbe like, whot wouldthey do, etc. You cqn osk them guestionsto help (howwouldyouf eel,whotwouldyoudo, etc.). them mqkeconnections ' There are three moincotegoriesfor mokingconnections. Text to self (I olsohoveo dogondso I knowhow the chorocter feels becouse...), Text to text (this book/character/settingis just like this other book becouse...) (the ond text to world girl in the book is worried thqt her country moy go to wor...Ibet there qre little girls in Ukrqinewhoore feelingthe somewoy). Lookfor wqysyou con help your childmqkeconnections in qll three woys. This is a brief overviewof mokingconnections, if you wouldlike more informotionpleosecontoctyour child'sclossroom teacher.Stoy tuned next weekfor Questioningl PTEN PEGTSTPA KTNDEPaA TTON We sre occeptingregistrotionsfor students who will be ottendingKindergarfen in the 2OL4-20t5schoolyear. Childrenborn in ?009 are eltgibleto begin Kindergortenin the foll. Pleasecoll Mrs. Wagnerat 306-225-2t04if you hoveo child whoneadsto be enrolled. ff you prefer to e-moil,pleoseincludechild'sfirst, middleond lost nqme,birthdayond heofthcord number,parent's nome,homephonenumber/cellnumberond moilingqddress. Our emoilqddressis [email protected] Pleose?emembe? to opplyfor o birth certificote if you hovenot olreodydoneso, we will needa copyof the birth certif icote ond heolthcord whenyou registe? yourchild. 2013 - 2014 EVENTSCALENDAR Sundoy,Mondoy11- HoppyMother'sDoy Monday,Moy 19- VictorioDoy- NO SCHOOL Tuesdoy,May?7 - LocolTrock'n Field Meet-THIS I5 A CHANGEFROMMAY29 Mondoy,June 2 andTuesdoy,June3 - Grade5 qnd6 studentsof CompKqdesh Wednesdoy, June4 - Roindote for locolTrock'n Field Meet Sundoy,June 15 - HoppyFother'sDoy Wednesdoy, June 25 - Lost doy of schoolfor students/ / ProgressReportsgo home Thursdoy,June26 - TeacherWork Doy Fridoy,June 27 - TeacherWork Doy HELPIITRACKAND FrELD REQUESTFOR VOLUNTEERSII Trock doy is Tuesdoy, May 27th (Alternote dayis Wednesdoy, June 4th)ond we wouldLOVE (ondneed)to hovesomehelpfrom volunteersin the community.ff you con helpout pleosefill out the form ond return it to the office by Tuesdoy,iioy 13th. f conhelpout by usingmy roto-tilleron the two jumpingpits o weekor so prior to trock doy Nome: Contoctnumber: f conhelpout by timingthe raceevents(this will be qn oll-doycommitment) Nome: ContoctNumber: f conhelpout by workingat the foodboothfor on hour(wewill createa schedule ondlet you knowthe hour...most workersreguiredover lunch) Nome: ContoctNumber: 5PRINGI5 HEREII Studentsenjoyingsome fun on the ploygroundl hrc&Schod CONNECTION' WorkingTogether for Schoo/Success M o y2 0 1 4 Sponsored by yourSchoolCommunity Council Dictionary games Playrng with a diction- ary canteachyour child to enjoy our language.Let him secretlychoosea word from the dicrionaryand give family memberscluesro guessit. He might readits defrnitlonand then is synon)./rns or languageof orign. Whoever figuresit out first picks the nexr word. It's possibleto get sunbumedevenon cloudydays.Help your youngsterput on sunscreen everyday beforeschool,camp,or day care.For evenmore protection, haveher weara hat with a brim. Idea: Cany an extrabottle of sunscreen and a har in your bag for unexpected outdoor adventures. Yard sale Considerhavinga yard salethis summer-and makingyour child your businessparrner.He could practice writing by helpingyou with the newspaperad and creatingsignsto hangin the neighborhood. Then,use math to sort and priceitemstogether Tip: Agee aheadof time on what share of the profitshe getsfor helpingout. Worth quoting "Now and then it's good to pausein our pursuirofhappinessandjust be huppy." Cuillaume Ap ollinaire Q: Which hand is best to write with? A: Neither. It's bestto write with a pencil. O 2014 Fesolrces10fEducatorsa divislon0l CCHIncorporated Summerfield trips The schoolyearis almostover-but the classroomisn't the only placeyour youngstercan learn new things.Here are suggestionsfor family field trips that are fun and educational. &tqr^r*plt'trz-#th*nbVnVtzt{12* -'' --'- . , 4 vtu Ballpark >-3 Barrer up!Atrenda localballgame, andask wn '.e ^.--*.,,-* ,H d$ l l lill eachfamilymemberro choosea batterand calculate his battingaverage for that game. Yourchild will needto trackthe plaver's numberof at-barsand hits.Then,she'll dividethe his by at-bas.Whoseplayer gets the highesr average? could time how long a planerolls down the runway beforetakeoffor how long it takesto sroponceir lands. Airport Explorethe scienceof flighr by visiting a regionalairport (call first to seeif they allow visitors) or going to a viewing point. Beforehand,your youngsrercan readup on airplanesin a library book or online.Then,warchplanestakeoffand land, and haveher point our partsshe recognizes, such as thejet engines, wings,cockpit,and landinggear.She Farm A local farm is a greatplacefor your child to discoverwhereher food comes from. Find one that's open ro the public, and takea tour.Shecould seefarm machinery,leamwharcropsgrowin your area,or watch cowsbeinqmilked. Idea;If possible,purchaseeggi or fa.m, grown vegerables, and haveyour youngsterhelp cook them.V Encourageyour child to tell his reacher,,thanks for a greatyear" with one ofthese creativegifts: o A photo book will makea lovelyreminderof his teacher's year.Suggest thatyour youngsrer arange photos (or draw pictures)in an album. Then,he should wrire a captionfor each.(,,Field Day was fun!") Insidethe cover,he mieht write a thank-younote. a Combineflowerswirh teachingsupplies.Let your child arrangeartificial flowers in a ciearglassvase,fill it wirh colorful magnericlertersand dicJ, and useribbon to attacha thank-youcard.or get a plant, and let him tapedry-erasemarkers or pretty pens around the outsideof the pot.? What does respect look like? as,"l wanI to be healthy. but I lovevideogames." Finally,havehim brarnstorm other situations wherepeoplehave differentopinionsbut still speakto eachother with respect. Yourchild's daily dealingswith adults and kids alikewill be more pleasantif he speaksand actsrespectfully.Try these tips for helpinghim leam respecr. Respectful replies. Think about something that you and your youngsterdisagree sn (sa/,whetherhis video gametime should be limited). Model havinga respectfuldiscussion about it. Youmight saythat his brain and body aregrowing,and he needsto run and play to stayhealthy.Then, suggesra respectfulresponse,such ^\\ _ "\!i Fun with boxes Don't throw awaythat box! Encourageyour youngsterto be creativethis summerby recyclingempryboxes.Here aretwo ideas. YJ Everyday acts. When you mow the lawn or clean up afteryourdog,you can {: teachyour youngsterabout respectfor neighbors.Explain thatkeepingyour neighborhood cleanand neatmakesit nice for everyone.Ask him to think of other respecrfulthingsneighborsshould do. If you sharean apartment laundryroom,he mightpointout thatyourespecr neighbors' timeby removing yoir ciothes*hen tf,ey'redoneso othersgetrouserhewashers anddryers.? A strongfinish Qz lt4ydaughterseemsto hayea caseof spingfever, Anytipsfor finishingtheyear on a high note? l. Playhouse. Have A: It's normal for kids to srarrgettingresdessthis your child rum an time of year,Still, it's imporranrfor your daughter emptyapplito continue a regularhomeworkroutine and go to ancebox schooleveryday.Remindher ro turn in all oiher upsidedown, assignmentson time, sincejust one or rwo zeroes and help her i could reallyhurt her final grade.If she is struggling cut out a door. with any subjects, call her reacheror schedulea conference Then,she could to find out how she can get extrasupport. paint the outsideof rhe box and use It might alsohelp for her ro srarrthinking abournexr year.Maybeshe,sbeenwaitconstructionpaperto add windows and ing until she'sold enoughto be a saferypatrol member,a studeni council officer,or curtains.Perhapsshe'dlike ro decorate a moming news reporter.Encourageher to ask her teacherhow to apply.Having the insidewallswith picturescur from magazines. Vanation:Makea smallerbox somethingto look forwardro may motivateher to finish strong.? into a playhousefor dolls or roy animals. 2. Garage. Youryoungstercan use severalbox lids ro make a multi-level garagefor roy cars.Suggestthar she glue black construcrionpaperinto the lids and draw white lines for lanesand oarking spaces. Then.ler her srackrhe levels,supportingeachone with "posts" (toiletpapertubes).V . To provide busy parenrs wirh practical ideas that promote schoolsuccess,parent involvement, and more effcctivcparenting. Resourcesfor Educators, a dlvtslonot CCH Incorporated I28 N. Royal Avenue . Front noyal, VA 22630 540-636-4280 . rfecustomer@wolterskluwercom wvrfeonline,com lssN 1540_562I O 2014Besources 10rEducalors, a division oi CCHIncoeoraled Share the load Between work and takingmy son to child care,swim reampracrice,and taekwon do lessons,our summerdays areanythingbut lazy.This year,wlrh ihe help of someother families,I think it will be easieron us. My next-door neighbor has agreed to pick up my son at child careand take him ro swim practicealongwith her daughter,who is also on the team.In exchange, I will watch her daughteron Tuesdayevenings when she runs errandsor has an evening out wirhherhusband. Then, I found anorherneighborwhose child is in my son'staekwon do class. So we're going to take tums driving the boys to lessons.I feel like this summerwill be lesshectic.And I've discovered it's nice to havelocal families who help eachotherV
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