Public Forum Agenda Items 22 July 2014

All members of the community who have registered have been
advised that they have a maximum of five minutes to put their case.
Ordinary Meeting of Council on 22 July 2014
Agenda Items – 6.00pm
Patricia Hellier
Damien Rogers
Peter Bernard
Tubby Harrison
Michael Green
Jeff De Jager, EDSS
Andy Mehl, President Moruya Rodeo
David Lambert
Peter Dunn
Steve Morgan
Extraordinary minutes – No submission provided
NOM14/015 Environmental Zones and Overlays
NOM14/015 Environmental Zones and Overlays
NOM14/016 Regional Equine Facility
NOM14/016 Regional Equine Facility
NOM14/016 Regional Equine Facility
NOM14/016 Regional Equine Facility
PSR14/042 Creation of an Environmental Management
PSR14/044 St Peters DA
PSR14/044 St Peters DA
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Councillors,l wish to address some of the main concerns that Broulee residents have about
this 'Planning Report'
l.Parking and Access Code on Pages 81 and 82
It is hard to believe that anyone could take seriously the assertion by ESC that L000 vehicles per day
could be accommodated by Caitlin Crescent. The 'Auspec Criteria' bears no relavence to Caitlin
Crescent and the tortuous approach via the back streets of Broulee.
documents on all stages of the Anglican
Development is by Rob Varga of Project Planning Associates P/L.lts comprehensive 2L page report
dated 6 June 2001 is the reference point for the construction of the College road system. This
The only Traffic Management Report available from
system presents Train St. as the only access to the College.There is no mention anywhere of Caitlin
Crescent. I quote: "The proposed College has good access to the 'higher order' classified RTA
network of State & Regional Roads,and does not require the use of local residential streets to access
the site." Two other statements are worthy of mention : "The servicing/maintenance requirements
of the school are to be accommodated by a perimeter service road which will enable maintenance to
access all areas of the school." & "ln summary,the proposed college will not have any unacceptable
parking or service implications."
2.Advertisement and Notification Code on Page 81.
The recently constructed Language Arts Center was not advertised or notified
residents in Caitlin
Crescent West.Their homes are in very close proximity to the building so they have issues with noise
and night lites.They were denied the right to make a submission. The inappropriate placement of
this building at the northern border of grounds instead of being adjacent to the Train St.entrance has
resulted in the Anglican College needing to to request a change in Condition 12 of DA 325105.
3.Parking and Traffic Management Plan on page 80,E1,E2 and E5.
At this meeting I ask Mr.Usher or his representative to confirm whether the location of 'off-site'
parking areas that the College must submit to ESC for approval are in Train St.E5 discourages
parking in Caitlin Crescent.
Finally, I respectfully ask Councillors that , prior to voting on ' The Report Recommendation',
they drive through the narrow ,winding back streets of beautiful Broulee so that they can
understand the inability of the streets and residents to cope with up to 1000 cars per day. The
streets include Caitlin Crescent,Suzanne Way,Candlagan Drive,and last but not least Zanthus Drive
which always suffers from speeding cars. Please read and understand the many concerning
responses by affected residents,and please abide by ESC rules on 'Conflict of lnterest' when voting.
Thank you for this opportunity to speak at the meeting.
Peter Dunn.
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Eurobodollo Shire Council Meeting
22 July 2Ol4
re: St Peters Anglicon College modificotion proposol to DA325/05
would like to give you my fomily's perspective on the 6 yeor bottle we hove
had in trying to seek onswers from Eurobodollq Shire Council (Council) over the usage of the'controlled
My nome is Steve Morgon ond
occess'gotes in Coitlin Crescent.
the corner of Coitlin Crescent specif icolly becouse it wos o double ended culdo-soc with no through traffic. At that time Council stoff verified thot the gotes would not be accessed by
the College.
Tn ?0O4 we purchosed lond on
We took up residence in Moy ?0O5.In ollour correspondencewith Councilsince 2008, wehavenever
received occurote informotion os to the legol usage of these controlled occess gates.
ft is well documented
the poth Council f orced us to toke in order to obtoin DA3?5/05.
We hove o doughter with on intellectuol disobility ond this guiet cul-do-soc offorded us the opportunity to
provide her with o sof e environment ond the best opportunity for o 'normol' childhood. Tn 2005/06 it wos
perfect, she could rideher bike in thestreet ot ony time, she could shoot bosketboll with her brothers
the drivewoy ond walk safely up and down the footpath.
Both College ond Council were fully owore that the controlled occess wos for teachers only, service and
eme?gency vehicles ond it is this informotion thot Council hid from us. At the time wenaively occepted the
By 2009 the illegol use of the controlled occess by the College thot sow porents, studenis ond the general
public being oble to enter the gates ot ony time 24 hours o
continuing to provide a'normol' childhood
She wos no longer ollowed anywhere near the
front of the
for our doughter.
,7 doys
o week STOLE ony chance we hod
house without close supervision.
The disobility school taxi thof picks her up eoch morning to go to school is unoble to use our drivewayas
too dongerous to reverse with vehicles trovelling of speed oround the corner. There wereseve?al occosions
when the toxi was olmost rear endedby College troffic. As o result, the toxi hos to pork further down the
street to collectond drop her off , so herobilityto do thistosk independently hosolso beendenied.
Jack Nimmo who hos Down's syndrome moved with his fomily into this guiet cul-do-soc for exoctly the some
reosons os ours. They hove suffered a similor fote ond evenhadto erect o high fence oround their house.
not until Januory 2014 at the time we received the DA through 6IPA thot werealised for 6 ye.ors
Council FAILED to toke effective oction on our beholf to ensure condrtions of use of the 'controlled occess'
gates were odhered to.
The Council's summory
of the resident's objections DID NOT
include our objection to heodlights, which does
hoveomojorimpoctonourfomily.Ourdoughtersuffers Epilepic seizuresotnightondolsohosPolycystic
Ovorion syndrome with one symptom being sleep opneo. As o result of which our night's sleep is regulorly
disturbed ond with the College being granted night access it will be on odditionol disruption.
of our doughter's disobility weare fully awore of the volue of Community support ond we know it
would be unreosonoble for us to object to these 6 'speciol events'.It is odmiroble thot Council is striving to
support the College through its current finoncial stress but ollowing our streets to become the College's
internol rood in the long term is simply NOT FAIR to the residents.
We f ear thot there remoins the opportunify for the College to extend the gotes usoge in the fufure becouse
Council hos chosen to remove the two conditions thot were mutuolly agreed upon by Mr Bobboge ond the
residents which would prevent this from hoppening. During the consultotion period Mr Bobboge suggested
and agreed to these conditions becouse theresidents hod consented
to everythingtheCollege
wos seeking.
thot Council offords
the some considerotion os the College ond the two conditions ore
reinstoted. These being:
1. This Confrolled Access restriction (condition 12) is to be o permanent arrangement without any
olterotion or modificotion os the College grows, to ensure troffic through these entronces is kept of o
The cor pork occessible from the eostern entronce is to be no more thon 15 cor park spoces in size.
Life with our doughter is diff icult enough without the odditional f ear of lhese gotes becoming the College's
olternotive entrance hanging over our heods. Our reguest is not unreasonobleos we areseeking long term
security for oll concerned.
for providing me the opportunity to speok ond f hope you hove goined a deeper insight into why
thiswossuchonimportontissueforusosourlife's plontonurtureourdoughter'sindependenceisandwill
continue to be our priority.
Thonk you
Yours sincerely
ond Jonelle Morgan
L? Caitlin Crescent
Broulee NSW 2537
M: 04076048?3
Developlng Excellenee
Re: ltem PSR14/044 for discussion on Tuesday 22nd July.
Dear Eurobodalla Shire Council and Councillors,
would like to commend the recommendation to council.
This process has not been as simple as a submission to council. Upon my arrival as
principal in January 2OL4, I discovered that there had been an application for
complete removal of the original condition LZ by my predecessor, and that lack of
community consultation was causing considerable angst and genuine concern.
I put the submission on hold, consulted with members of the community to arrive at
what I believe has been a mutually agreed amendment to the condition in M325/05.
This agreement has been between St. Peter's Anglican College and representatives
of residents in Caitlin Crescent, Zanthus Drive, Suzanne Way and Candlagan Drive,
I note that additional requirements of an operations management plan and traffic
management plan have been added to the submission put to council. I agree that
these are beneficial and worthwhile, so agree to their addition. These documents
may take some time to finalise (and subsequently implement) to ensure their
robustness and appropriateness.
I have already made significant changes to school related access to the College
through the gates in Caitlin Crescent, and undertake for this work to continue. I look
forward to ongoing discussions with the community about how the College can be
an advantage and not a hindrance to the local community.
Finally, I apologise for not being in attendance personally for this meeting of council I am required in Sydney for immovable College related work.
Yours sincerely,
Stephen Babbage
18 July 2014
Top ranked HSC Eurobodalla School 2013, Highest ATAR 2012 & 2013
51 Train Street Broulee NSW
Phone: 447t