IN@ERT @ INPUT APPROVAT INDOCERT hereby opproves the operotion AP/r/r000 of M/s. PRATHISTA INDUSTRIES LIMITED vAtsHNAVl BHAWAN,#I -5- I 0l 5/80&81 MANJEERA COLONY, FATHER BATAIAH NAGAR OLD ALWAL, SECUNDRABAD-sOO OIO, AP. on the bosis of inspections done in the input monufociuring unit ond the decision of the opprovol committee thereofter ond hoving found them in complionce with the slondords mentioned below: "Notionol Stondords for Orgonic Production qnd lhe INDOCERT Direciives on ihe inlerpretolion End implemenlolion of the Nolionol Slondords for Orgonic Produclion" The product(s) covered in this of this document. This opprovolore listed in onnexure, which is on integrol port opprovol is volid unlit 3011212014 opprovol empowers the beorer to disploy or refer to the INDOCERT logo qccording to the indicoted stotus meniioned in the onnexure. This document This is the property of INDOCERT ond INDOCERT reserves the right to withdrow/modify the some os ond when deemed necessory by the opprovolcommittee. ;-vd;!Braq1'b \r,) / Yf Aluvo DoleCertiflcolelssued:28|o1|2o14/4]--*.--*'{,3' XXIXXIY,X Dcrle of revislon: XXIYJ'/XX Dcrte (ln cose d revlslon d cedffcote only) t$i-ii'E',}GU;! \u r r3 3;\ ,il Jf\,--A:z roseroLTful;1ff INDOCERT Thottumugham PO., Aluva, Ernalatlam Dist., Kerala e-mail : [email protected], website : - frfw" erliftcolion Coordinolor 683 105, Phone / Fax : 0484 - 2630908, 2620943 ,q IN@ERT @ Annexure Operolor No. AP/l/l000 The products listed below hod been found suiloble for the use inorgonic ogriiutture occording to the Nolionot Stondords for Orgonic Produclion ond INbOCERT DIRECTIVES on orgonic ogriculture. Sl. No. Nome of the Produci Slolus BIOPOTASH {UAUID)/ MAHADHAN NATURAL POTASH/ MANGALA POTASH APPROVED SUPER ACTION POTASH/ 2 BIOPOTASH(GRANULE)/ MAHADHAN NATURAL POTASH/ SUPER ACTION POTASHI APPROVED MANGALA POTASH 3 BIO ZINC (LIQUID)/ MAHADHAN NATURAL ZINC/ SHRIRAM ZINC/ MANGALA ZINC APPROVED 4 Bro zrNc (GRANULE)/ MAHADHAN NATURAL ZINC/ SHRIRAM ZINC/ MANGALA ZINC APPROVED 5 Bro MAGNESIUM (LnUlDll MAHADHAN NATURAL Mg/ MANGALA MAGNESIUM APPROVED 5 BIO MAGNESIUM (GRANULE)/ MAHADHAN NATURAL lutg/ MANGALA MAGNESIUM APPROVED 7 Bro coPPER (LlOUlD) APPROVED B Bro coPPER {GRANULE) APPROVED I Bro FERROUS {LlQUlD) APPROVED l0 Bro FERROUS {GRANULE) APPROVED Aluvo Dote Certificqie 5)> lssue d: 281O1 4 /^drw Dole of revision: XXIXXIXX (ln cose d revision d cerlfficote only) Coordlnolor ,::/ Eri] IND7CERT Thottumugham p.o., Aluva, Ernahtlam Dist., Kerala e-mail : [email protected], website : www.indocert'org - 683 105, Phone / Fax : 0484 - 2630908, 2620943 IN@ERT @ ll Bro MANGANESE {UAUID) APPROVED 12 Bro MANGANESE {GRANULE) APPROVED l3 MEGACAL (LraUlD) /MAHADHAN NATURAL MEGACAL/ SHRIRAM MEGACAL/ MANGALA MEGACAL/ TATA PARAS FARM GRO 14 MEGACAL (GRANULE) /MAHADHAN NATURAL MEGACAL/ MANGALA MEGACAL APPROVED I5 Bro PHOS {LrOUrD) / MAHADHAN NATURAL PHOSPHOROUS/ SUPER ACTION PHOS APPROVED l6 BIO PHOS {GRANULE} / MAHADHAN NATURAL PHOSPHOROUS/ SUPER ACTION PHOS APPROVED t7 NEW SURYAMIN (LIQUID)/ MAHADHAN NATURAL JOSH/ SHRIRAM SURYAMIN/ DAYAL ANMOL SHAKN MANGALA ALL CROPS LIQUID l8 NEW SURYAMIN {GRANULE} /MAHADHAN NATURAL JOSH/ SHRIRAM SURYA G/ DAYAL ANMOL SHAKTI / MANGALA ALL CROPS GRANULE l9 zMB {LrQUrD) APPROVED 20 zMB (GRANULE) APPROVED 21 RHrZO {LrOUlD} APPROVED 22 RHrZO {GRANULE} APPROVED 23 PSB {LraUrD) APPROVED 24 PSB {GRANULE} APPROVED 25 AZOTO {LraUlD} APPROVED / APPROVED APPROVED APPROVED Aluvq Coordlnolor INDOCERT Thottumugham PO' Aluva, Ernalailam Dist., Keralq e-mail : [email protected], website : - 683 105, Phone / Fax : 0484 - 2630908, 2620943 $f' I @ IND@CERT 26 AZOTO (GRANULE) 27 AZOSP (LIQUTD) 28 AZOSP {GRANULE) 29 ACFrO (LlaUTD) 30 ACETO (GRANULE) 3l KMB (LrOUrD) 32 KMB {GRANULE) 33 PUSH (L|QUrD) u NEEM POWDER/ MAHADHAN NATURAL MAHA NEEM POWDER 35 APPROVED APPROVED APPROVED APPROVED APPROVED APPROVED APPROVED APPROVED AISHWARYA.ORGANIC MANURE/ MAHADHAN NATURAL HEERA APPROVED APPROVED : '41;',,*;,il Aluvo .:"'' .,,.,,"..-., -.,-, -: '.' ".. ,i:i;t Dole Cedificsle lssued: -.'.':'''*4f;tii,ai.*-_Drfe ,!i{!:-li:,,." t"l ",'r l I, ; .i_ :':-.---- i:il.L*"jilF; - Cerllfi colion Coordinolor of revlslon: XX/XX/XX ""lrt$lrgqte rr,",, 4k 2Bl0llml4 d revklon of certlflcole only) ':. Poge 4 of 5 - "; --li'- ' "1. #:i:r* f't,:.?,:*._- r ' +111; ,:t_j!!:a.j,r, .:i. rt L .tli :l,jJ :. "r.l : ': 1'., i 9!,,. $ :::. t1i '€**r -.,.' !: 'i ,i. ! :. .. l.- .!, ':i :r:,1,.-,.--11€r t :! ,-:? '1jr':.i,. -,"*;!! -,,-:1J. -.:'..-. ' : :: q_?i'F ' " INDOCERT, Thottumugham PO., Aluva, Emalarlam Dist., Kerala - 683 105, Phone / Fa$,: 0484 - 2630908, 2620943 e-mail : [email protected], website : .d,- Y INDOCERT Thottumugham P.O, Aluva-5 Ernakularn Dt., Kerala, lndia Phone/Fax: 0484 - 2630908,2620943 E-mail :- [email protected] IND@CERf 28/0112014 To M/s. PRATHISTA INDUSTRIES II'IAITED vAtsHNAVt BHAWAN, #t -5-l 0l 5/80&81 MANJEERA COIONY, FATHER BALAIAH NAGAR OLD AIWAI, SECUNDRABAD- 5OO OIO. AP. Deor Sir, Subject INDOCERT No. AP/l/1000 lnpul Approvol Decision 2013 With reference to the INDOCERT inspection of your input monufqcturing unil on 2l /l2l13 qnd the opprovol committee meeting thereofter, we would like to bring to your notice thot the listed producfs complies with the INDOCERT inspection ond opprovol system for form inputs, ond therefore lhe products mcy be lobelled or morketed occording to the stotus indicoted in the ottoched letter provided thot you meet the following conditions qnd ogree with fhe imposed sonctions. Condilions, oddilionql requirements on recording or reporling: r. Nit. Bosed on lhe obove-menlioned non-complionces lhe cpprovol commitlee imposed lhe following sonclions: 2. Nit. Recommendolions/remqrks: 3. The operotor must inform INDOCERT if he is plonning to odd new producis for opprovol or to chonge the ingredients / processing steps of olreody opproved products. 4. Operotor should record qll octivities in the input unit from purchose of row moteriol to reioil soles point with supporting evidences (bills, issue notes etc.) from the dote of inspection. INDOCERT logo for lobelling of 5. The operotor must opply lo I opproved producis. (\ Youp5 foithfully ."-,-.];i'i: dqtua -?:l :< sojilht n.n L I lz' rii d -. ..r''*^;-*r,'-r . --7r /Fj (Certificotion Coordinotor) P.S: .. ...-,-.'r!i ,.- .q?-la'ir / !r ) Pleqse note thot NSOP 6/ tipns of your unit must be stotus, The nexi inspection of your conducted onnuolly for renewing your unit lros to be done before the certificotion expiry doie. Operotor should be owore thot the required registrotion procedure hos to be completed three monlh b-efore the certificoiion expiry dote. ln cose of non-fulfillment of the onnuol inspection, the certificote will be concelled 2) Agoinst this decision, the operotor con file on oppeol in writing within 30 doys of receipt'of this letter. 3) This Ceriificqte connot be used os o guorontee certificote for delivered goods. @m-,"",".","@m ts ffi ere*F,rue,^l" @ ffi.**]"-== M
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