Chanakya Accounts Academy

CfianaEya Accounts
Deqr Sir
nlq cf : I 92 I 35 I I 84 / 9 82229 0424 / 020 -25 44 587
/ Mqdom,
As you qre qwqre, perfect qccounts writing is qn orl; very difficull
lo moster. The
exqcl clqssificqtion, posling of enlries qnd mqinloining proper records cqn
come only with experience. We, wilh our 3l yeors of rich experience of
occounts wriling, con mosl definitely fulfill qllyour occounfing requiremenls in
totolity. In porficulor, for you, we con:well os for business entilies.
Profit & loss
Accounl ond Debtors / Credilors Accounls.
Advqnce Tox (lncome Tox) & Professionql Tox before the due doles.
& inveslmenl needs
Audil, MVAT Audit or Compony Audil qs olso get lhem oudited if you desire.
monlh on o given dqle, if you desire.
qlso conducl lrqining for non
- commerce
sludents ond for fresh employees.
wilhin Legol Bounds. " Thus, we qre committed to keep obsolute secrecy.
From vour side vou will be required fo mointoin onlv fhree files:--
Bonk Slqtemenls, Poy-in Slips ond Cheque Books.
Purchqse & Sqle Bills (Both Cosh & Credit)
Expenses Bills & Vouchers
Service Chorges:
A. we sholl rqise muluolly decided Service Chorges on Quqrlerly
B. You moy deducl oppropriote Income Tox from the poymenfs.